(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs


any mummies staying near sembawang could help me buy eq diapers pls? and bai foong pills from eu ren sheng?


Jenn, there are only 2 types of Huggies diapers on sale:

Huggies Ultra (purple packaging)44pcs - $12.90
Huggies pull-up pants 42pcs - $15.90
Mattsmummy, any other good buys there? I dont have any baby stuff i want to buy lei but yet want to kpo. What other things do they have there besides diapers?
Hmm, besides diapers I also bought a few bottles of the Woods Gripe Water @ $3.60 each (normal price $4+). Gerber fruit puffs @ $10 for 2 bottles. Heinz Organic baby food @ $2.50 each. Pureen bottle detergent at $10 for 2 bottles. Did not see anything else I wanted to buy. Many banks, insurance and beauty saloons there too and I was trying to avoid walking their direction. Suggest you either go tonight or ealy tomorrow afternoon cos' from past year's experience, the place will be extremly crowded!!
Huh..Woods Gripe water is selling $3.65 in NTUC lei......

Hmm, seem that nothing much to buy lei.... do you see any DELROSA ROS syrup store ? Cos last year they were there..... as usualy those insurance/bank ppl are very "fan" there. Me will also avoid walking towards their direction...
EQ is good, it even have wet indicator to tell you the diaper is wet. I am going to get a few packet of EQ from the fair. Sealer is good for night use. YOu all can try.
dorami, i got mine from mums n babes in amk hub and i saw some in the shopping alley in tanjong pagar mrt station...not sure if these places are convenient for you though...
U also want to buy knee protector... me too.. My J finally learn how to crawl...he is indeed a late crawler... kee kee
had the shock of my life...

i recently bought baby yoplait which expire in 22nd June 08... WHICH is soooo LONG before it expires!!! i just opened one this afternoon.. i saw some greenish stuff in it!!! like algae?? ermmm what u call those when the bread spoils... anyway... YES THATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.... i just fed Kaelyn half a bottle the other day.. i tot it was something i scooped that causes the green color thing... NOW I KNOW ITS SPOILT!!!!!!!!!!!! pengzzzzzzzzz
half the bottle is inside her tummy!!

the one i open today is BN... not opened before tub..

anybody know where i can let the matter be heard or their supplier no.??? now come to think.. kinda disgusting!!! hope K doesnt get sick!!!
mypreciouskeagan.. thks for ur suggestion.. i'm gettin my sis to help me look for it.. hopefully i caan get a pair soon
u paged?

pmed u already

gosh!! i saw fr foto-U site ash can stand?? its ash right? good god! she looks grown up
Delrosa from ntuc is very expensive lah.. i always get mine from sinseh last time during Lis baby yeats. ermm.. wairah don't need any booster in appetite so i did not give her yet.

about adding Delrosa to milk - i'm not sure if this is a good cos i noticed that once the bubs are used to sweeter milk, they may refuse the original milk taste, you know what i mean?

ladies, i'd like to collate contact numbers so that its easier to communicate on that day. pls send me you hp no via my email if you're comfy to put it here. afterall this is a public forum ;)

Date: Monday 16 June
Time : 1pm? convenent to all?
Venue : Fidgets Turf City (level 4)

1. Nor + Lis + Wairah ([email protected])
2. Cheok and her bugger
3. Jillian and her monkey (?)
4. kth & her rascal
5. nana & her loudspeaker
6. Claire + Matt
7. Pita & Gayle
8. OBH & baby


been busy lahh

weekdays after work it's just ash ash ash
weekends for some strange reason have been packed week after week!
lurking also no time man.

hows everyone!!

can i boast?!! pls pls

Ash has taken more and more steps everyday... she can walk with only one had supported!
she's oh geee i dont know at least 10.3kgs
she has a apicture album with only 4 pictures in it.. but if you ask her where's papa, where's mama, where nana where's Ashley.. she can pick them all out!!
if you ask her to touch her hair/head she can do it too!
toes and nose she still gets confused....

if she's hungry or thirsty or wants more food.. she'll say mum mum!
i'm so proud of her..

thanks for listening to me brag... heee
AMber!!! u have everything to boast abt!! ash such a clever kid!!
lurve her pics!!! so cute...alrite...ur photos have sold me in....am gonna go for it toooo!!

yeah man!!

you said it!!

ow i know why ppl go back again ad again... it's addictive!
wonderful pics!
ive got some bad ones tht didnt work.. and he took some with me tht look HORRRRIBLE

i'm going back perhaps whn she's 18mths/24mths or something..
decided i shldnt be so gaga and take more again so soon!

Ash to date has tried vanilla ice cream, bread, cake and different cheese... she LOVES mango but it gave her an upset tummy.
she's still very much on purees and grumbles and wont eat if i add too much porridge or texture to her food.
she likes apples and things she can pick up and feed herself... but not in a meal.. it's either mushed or not for her!

busy busy day.. it's almost 11 and i havent showered yet!!
seeya all tonight!

such pretty pretty gorgeous pics of Ash!! love em.. oh she look so grown up.. i love the hula girl pic best. and now picking up more stuff, yay for you and Ash!
Amber.. alamak! no wonder its raining so heavily here.. someone out there have not showered yet.. hahahah
Ladies, those of you going on the outing to Fidgets, I suggest you do it earlier in the day, cos the place can get really crowded after 2.30pm.. lotsa expat mums come in during those times with their kids and it can get really rowdy!
Hi all...My bb has recently been having wet diaper every 2 hrs. Usually it's at least 3 hrs.
Sometimes if i dont change it in 2 hrs, it would leak and im using Mamy poko. From the start we've been using that and it wasnt a problem. i donno why now it's like that. Should i change the brand of the diaper? Until now she is still using size S. It can still fit her so ive not changed to M size yet. At nite, do u mummies get up to change the diaper? At this rate, i will have to get up twice at nite to change the diaper. Is there any diaper that can last the whole nite?
LOVELY PICS!!! Loved the hula girl shots
Ash is such a beautiful and clever baby. u must be so proud of her...

handsome boy u've got there... think i saw his pic in one of the baby mags? Think it was Mother and Baby or something...

hope all u ladies and bubs have a great time this Mon at Fidgets!
thanks Shymz!

ireneeeeeee your names are getting better and better!

have a great time at fidgets today!!

hope everyone has a good week ahead!!
Hi Mommies.....! All the baby photos are so cuutee

Btw, talking abt baby #2, well I just discovered that I'm pregger again!!! So it's baby #3 for me! Now Russell is 11 months old. When I was first pregnant with Russell, my 1st daughter was also ard 10 mths old. So all of them will have 1.5 years difference. I know.. it's Do Re Mi. Anybody here expecting their #2 or #3?
Gugi, I used to stay in sgp for 18 years! Now I'm back in Jakarta for good. I still miss singapore though... Are you from Jakarta too?
Hi july_baby,

which product do u usually buy from Healthy times ? i bought the oatmeal cereal.
do u feed ur baby with teething biscuits.. which is good ?
Jewel, ok noted.. we're meeting at 1pm. hopefully the bubs play area is not so packed on that day.

Zinta, you should change diaper size according to the weight limits stated on the diaper bags. i know pampers can last thru the night. Wairah is using Huggies day and night, no leakage so far but i guess it depends on how much is the "contributions" ;p

Amber, we're going NEXT monday lah sayang, not today.. can you come?

Congrats Chic Mommy!

sorry for the late reply, been really busy at work and over the weekend. thank you so much for the useful and detailed info! you are getting me so excited abt my trip.

accomodation - i think we're gonna have to stay in a serviced apt (with kitchenette) so we can prepare ems' meals. hb is thinking of something in Shinjuku -http://shinjuku.frasershospitality.com/- any thoughts?

stroller - is it hard to get around with a stroller in Tokyo? wld i do better "training" Ems to do a carrier eg: Beco/Baby Bjorn?

meals - how did you manage Veve's meals while you were there? cook in the morning then carry porridge out with you? jar food?
I have personally witnessed Ash's ability at pointing out the people in the photo album book that Amber has. So smart!
And such a gorgeous gal too! All of you with sons, better queue up ah!

Sadly, my Ems is not a looker (hahaha, sorry, Ems - but mummy loves you anyway!). And she can only say ONE word - "apple".

My turn to boast!
However, Ems understands a good variety of words/commands and responds in a consistent manner to them. Here are the ones I can remember offhand:
1. Mummy
2. Daddy
3. Dog
4. Ball
5. Blue ball
6. Block
7. Elephant
8. Giraffe
9. Crocodile
10. Bear
11. Switch on the aircon
12. Fang4 jin4 lai2 (Mandarin for "put it in")
13. Great-grandma
14. Dog
15. Call the dog
16. What do you do when the dog is naughty?
17. Spin the wheel
18. Press the frog
19. Press the nose
20. Where is your head?
21. Where are your toes?
22. Turn on the music
23. Cup
24. Biscuit
25. Blow kiss
26. Clap your hands
27. Pai1 pai1 shou (Mandarin for "clap your hands")
28. Qiao1 qiao1 (Mandarin for "beat" or "tap")
29. Pyjamas
30. [My sister's name]
31. [My BIL's name]
32. [The name for my Mum which Ems uses]
33. [The name for my MIL which Ems uses]
34. [My helper's name]
34. Blow
35. Grandpa
36. Belly button
37. Milk
38. Give me your hand
39. Butterfly

Flashcards - so far, she can only identify three picture/word cards:
1. Jelly
2. Baby (she knows this card as "Renee" for reasons best explained by my grandmother!)
3. Apple

hahahha.. yeap.. can imagine..

ok what can kaelyn do so far...

1)shake her butt to music!!
2) do "where is thumbprint" movements..
3) chase the dogs!! hahahah
4) wave bye bye
5) wave hello
6) ermmm dance to some baba nursery song.. u know those malay wedding has those dances... yeah! THAT>>>
7) she knows my 3 furkids names!!! whenever i call whoever's name.. she will look it them.. hehe
8) sums up to.. SHE LOVE her music!! i tell u... hilarious when she shake her butt to the songs!!
oh oh.. she knows "shake Shake" hehehe.. then she will start her routine hahahaha.
