(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

Isetan Question

Ok. this might sound silly, but don't laugh!

Is there a public Isetan sale, or just this one-day off thing for private members? if there's a continuing public sale, when to when?

I'm no shopping queen, so need to know!

cheok: poor you ***hug hug***....hmmm, not sure if the jar could cook uncooked ingredients or not. But I can try it out & let u know the verdict. What uncooked ingredients u intend to put? I will try to follow your ingredients & see if it works. Let me know ya

Katgrrl: thks for the link!

yolk: oh, I don't know there is a smaller jar but I think yours is a gd size. I found mine a little quite big especially now Kaizer doesn't eat that much. Have a gd lunch!
Hi Yolk,

Thanks for the help with the swimming lesson, i will be joining them next month. A seperate issue: Do u know where i can get babylegs for my girl? I need it by sunday cos going to take her to HK. She will be in the ergo carrier most of the time and i only thought of maybe her legs will be cold. Any idea which shop? Can't find it at morhtercare.
Hi Isetan mummies, I so envy you for being able to wrestle with the crowd! Here I am stuck in my boring office having lunch and dreaming about what I could have gotten if I were at the sale. Anyway, managed to buy the Tiger food jar and Endo Thermal lunch box through another mummy who offers her service for a small fee. So I'm a happy girl!

Yolk, quick share with us your loot from the sale!

Cheok, its worth signing up for the Isetan membership. You get a straight 5% off your purchase unlike the Tangs one where the rebates are accumulated in the card. Ouch! Engorged boobs, I can just imagine how painful that is. Try the hot towel. Worked for me during my breastfeeding days.

BB, you can try Mums and Babes. I saw the Babylegs displayed at their cashier.
Hi BB (aa71), not Yolk but I chance upon this website selling babylegs. This co. in Singapore is started by my friend's friend. You may want to take a look there http://www.babylegs.com.sg/

Jules, my Zachy also boh gey leh. Drooling alot, bitting alot but still no teeth...

Cheok, I can totally understand about the engorged breasts. That happened to me when zachy started sleeping through. Saw Shayne's picture in your previous post - You are doing such a great job looking after him.

Need to confess - I am a bad mummy. Zachy fell from the bed ... not once, not twice but thrice! I can't believe that it happened to him (or rather to me for that matter!). Thankfully God made his skull quite hard and zachy cried for a short while only. But I need to be more vigilant. Sigh... He is moving too fast for me.

Bcube, you still nursing R to sleep arh? Guess what? Me too! Especially on the days when he is cranky like now! He has been having the runny nose so what to do, just nurse him to sleep lor..

you are not alone!

my bb also fell down and more than 3 times ;-( now his head still has 2 blue blacks. but mine fell from chair not bed..

i'm also still nursing him to sleep knowing its not good ;-(
mattsmummy, thanks! Mum & babe is at united square right?

Lilac, yes i wanted to or4der from this website but i need not order online cos i need it ASAP and their delivery is within 5 days. I left them a phone message this monring to call me back but so far no news. I am not sure if they are still in operation.
mummies, babylegs is free size right? Can fit Fat baby? Believe it or not, my girl is 6mths and 10.2kg before starting solid. Yesterday started on baby rice and she finish all and still want to lick the bowl. I faint!
kth awwww, you sooo sweeet. <font color="ff0000">*MUAKS*</font> Er, i do not know what ingredients i should put lei. Easier the better. Aiyah, i dont want to trouble u to buy the ingredients if u dont have. WHy dont you just use any of your stock? Thank you soooo much for offering!

BOOBIES yipppeee...no more engorgement! mY baby Shayne saved the day. Hooray for Shayne! But i still feel bruised from all the vigorous massage..

lilac HELLO!! Long time no hear! Eh, dont feel bad about the fall, babies are hardy beings! You're not a bad mummy and you're doing a great job yourself!

poppy, lilac eh, why now than confessed about nursing to sleep ah? Where have you guys been ah?!! I thought i was alone in this!! CHHEEEEEEY i feel lonesome no more
BB, there are 2 Mums and Babes shops - 1 at United Square and the other at AMK Hub. You may want to call them to check before you go down. http://www.mumsandbabes.com.sg/contact_us.htm

Lilac and Poppy, lately Mattthew had been getting quite a few bumps on the head too. The first few times we were quite worried but after that we just gave up la, take it as part and parcel of growing up.
<font color="ff0000">LM's Farny Crawl!</font>

I don't know if I should cry or laugh, or both, but Little Man did his first few "real" crawls today.

Point A to Point B, Point B = object of desire.

His butt is up in the air, his legs are looking good on the propelling motion, but his arms are not quite co-ordinated in pushing... and the funniest is watching him face plant all the way!!!

Waaahaaahahaaa!! So funny to watch! His face is buried during his short crawls.

Crap. Now have to watch him even closer, no more leaving him on the bed and time to think of ways to confine him safely when I can't keep an eye on him!

Must he grow up so fast? What's his hurry man.. life will never get any better than this - someone to feed, bathe and clothe him and clean up after his poop!
hi lilac
hope u hve been well
&amp; weather not too cold! dun worry too much abt bumps - L fell fr bed when we were in Oz for holiday last mth. we all had a terrible scare but nothing major
susu welcome to the crawling club! His crawling style sooo cute! My boy is still crawling the commando way. On the contrary, i prefer shayne to crawl lei. I can leave him on the floor to explore while i surf the net! Unlike the previous time, i had to be his mode of transport-tiring!
mattmummy thanks for the isetan membership info! been wanting to do it since last year, never quite got down to it...i MUST do it before the next sale...in dec hor?
Cheok, lilac.. yeh! we are in the same club - nursing our bb to zzzzzz haha

yeap it sure feels better for me too ;-)

thanks! mattmummy.. now feeling better.. cos the last fall, he literally screams! was quite scary for me and still feeling guilty about it!

susu ibu, you are so funny!
It was really really packed this morning - mayhem! Fisher Price is on 30% off (the sign said, 'today only'), and I bought the Swirlin' Surprise GumBall machine ($39 down from abt $60 I think), the Sit-to-Stand Giraffe (30% off $99), some Hasbro ball-train toy (30% off $40) and a toy handphone for Ems - who is starting to want to hold a "phone" next to her ear. Oh and the Tiger Food Jar of course. That's all. Felt like a lot to carry already.

looks like the Babylegs question has been answered by lilac - I got mine off www.babylegs.com (the US site) - they ship to SG

thanks for getting the stuff for me!
could any kind mummies pls advise what's website for renting toys? remember one website is cheaper than the other...

Feel so much better after our short nap.

Susu: LM is too funny! Its time to bring out the video camera! I agree with you 100% that she knows something is up. Babies are such intuitive creatures.

Cheok: I agree that once they can crawl its a lot easier. I just put Ally down and let her explore as well. Well done Shayne for helping mummy solve her boobie problem!

Just a little something to share with everyone. As you guys know I did think that Ally and I might have the possibility of enjoying a breastfeeding relationship after her op. The advice that I've gotten has not been very positive. Most people that I've spoken to or articles that I've read seem to imply that it is not possible. If she had just the cleft palate, we might be able to work through that but her small jaw which is part of her PRS will make it even harder for her.
I'm discouraged but am still willing to give it a try. Its hard to explain but even though we spend lots of time together and she gets lots of physical contact, I still feel like something is missing. Even if we don't succeed in bf, at least we gave it a try.
Hey Yolk, let me know how Ems finds the Sit to stand giraffe, was going to get one for Ally as well. Ally loves the ball train BUT the music can get annoying after a while and there is no volume control.

Oh Yolk, I think the website add for babylegs is either wrong or it has been bought over by another company. Go check it out, its definitely NOT selling leggings for babies
hi mummies

which is better?

Foldable Activity Center
Mega Exersaucer

or Foldable Activity Center
Ultra Exersaucer

or Mega Active Learning Center

which of the above would u give your bb to play?

oh, someone is doing a BP on babylegs now, she has ready stocks.
so shouldn't be a prob to get it by sunday.

those going to HK able to get a flu vaccine for babies since they are having the flu thingy now?
<font color="0000ff">Jillian</font>

I was sharing with Big Man about your situation last night and I told him I truly hope Ally and you will be able to enjoy breastfeeding together.

Focus on getting the op over with, then the healing and when you're both ready, breastfeeding. It's good that you're doing all your reading up now and learning about the possibilities, or not. At least you're managing your expectations.

I believe Ally's bond with you much stronger than you allow yourself to believe. I guess it's innate in most mothers to want to naturally bf their child, but considering all circumstances, you have done tremendously well to foster such a strong bond with Ally. It shows in your posts and the pictures of Ally - there's no escaping the special spark in her eyes! It serves as a testament of the great Mum that you are!!

Ally's op is circled BIG and <font color="ff0000">RED</font> on our calendar here, so we'll be sure to keep you all in our prayers!
wowowwww.. i havent had time ro really read.. im skimming..

cheok-o-late!!!, im so glad boobies are better now.. ouch! those who had bad engorgement/mastitis know how bloody painful it is!

bcube! Renee is 8kgs!! yay!!

and Susu!
Jack is crawliiiing!!! which means GYMBOREEEEEE!

Jillian, go ahead and give it a shot with bf!
but dont put pressure on yourself or her!
theres way more to your relationship with her thn tht.
bf.. i didnt enjoy it whn started.. didnt take it all too seriously and whn i was losing it.. i wanted t back sooooo much.
took 8 capsules of fenugreek at a time till i smelled of the stuff from FAR away.. i think i know how you feel.
but it's how YOU feel. not Ally. she loves you no matter wht.
and feels close to you even if she wasnt suckling on you!

my sis is here she came over at lunch time..
im sooo happy to see her. Both Ash and my sis, Cristal are asleep! so i quickly made my apple crumble.. gonna wake thm both up soon

my whole body is aching from having 9.2kg Ash on a bbjorn, my huge nappy bag one shoulder and my Mclaren on the other!
Yolk was very kind to push my stroller along for me at isetan..
nuts man.. was sooo crowded!

a secuirty man/uncle helped us caarry our bags allllll the way to the car at wheelock! every sstep and stair, hed tell me to watch my step cos i was holding Ash.
Bless him!

i bought.. erm, Gingersnap clothes, Tanita scales.. to remind me i'm 36% FAT! and i bought a shape sorter and i bought a thermal swimsuit and i bought a ...a...a... like scooter/chair/something or rather frm fisher price

gotta go wake up Queen Sheba and Princess Leah
<font color="ff0000">SUSU</font>
EH EH! Who say I wayang ah? working hard ok! Hahaha..working hard at online shopping! heehee....

eh i also wanna buy leh..<font color="ff0000">Susu</font> you going ISetan to get it ah (which by the way is open to public i think from Fri!)??? <font color="0000ff">Yolk</font> is the one you bought big? I am seriously running out of space in the house and any appliance bigger than a cup is too big!! Can so a test run and report?? <font color="ff0000">kth</font> waiting for your feedback too!!!

<font color="119911">lilac</font>
dun blame yourself lah...as long as Zachy is fine dun think about the WHAT-IFs! Yes I still nurse R to sleep in the middle of the night and sometimes for naps (when I am desperate!). Today I nursed her for her nap and she slept a good 2 hours! Was worried that she may feel lousy after her vaccination &amp; dun want her to be over-tired so just give her boobies and she was happy! I was happy too...great excuse to <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">SKIVE</font></font> FROM WORK! Hahaha!

<font color="0000ff">SuSU</font>
hey u must take a pic of LM in his funnee crawl lah! I missed R's phase of doing that and am kicking myself now for being a procrastinator!!! Now she is happily bouncing on her cot/playpen..shall video down how she managed to climb up!

<font size="+2">cyan{Yolk/AMBER</font>}

<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Jillian</font></font>
hey babe...I feel for you and like what Susu &amp; Amber said, you have been really doing great so far as a mum and Ally is such a cheerful &amp; confident child from the pics you posted. Being mum isnt really just about Breastfeeding and there really isnt a Checklist of things to do in order to be A GOOD MUM! It will be nice for you to breastfeed but if it doesnt work out, dont kick yourslef yeah! Am sure Ally loves you either way! Bo BUTS about it! Stay strong these few days leading up to the surgery. Am sure all the mums here agree that we are ALL SPIRITUALLY SUPPORTING ALLY &amp; YOU! Cheer up babe! Rub off some happy spirit to Ally and she will breeze through the surgery!
Oh man, what a busy day! Had my lunch appt in town and went to the Isetan Private Sale at both Isetan Scotts and Isetan Parkway Parade! I'm crazy.

Isetan Sale
Yup, it's open to the public from tomorrow. The kind gentleman that helped Amber and me this morning works at Isetan and he said that they do sale seasons every three months. So we can hit the shops again when our babies turn one! Haha.

Tiger Food Jar
Mine is the MCW-P071 (0.7l). I don't think they had the 0.9l version at Isetan Scotts, though I later saw a whole bunch of 0.9l ones at the Parkway Parade outlet. Mine is already rather large, bcube - not exactly what I'd call compact. It comes with its own navy blue cooler bag case (which has a handy inner loop to pack along the stainless steel spoon - which is included in the price). The jar itself is divided into two sections - one is the insulated section where you can keep hot/cool food; the second (smaller) section is a non-insulated "food container" which is meant to be used for "dry food" such as crackers, salt/pepper, etc. Dimensions - all in all, it's abt 20cm tall and 10cm in diameter. Original price on the price tag was $109; the discounted price was $65, with an additional 10% off for Isetan cardholders - so I paid $58.50. If I have time tomorrow, I'll try cooking the porridge in it and see how that goes. Watch this space!

Great pic! Good one for the July 07 Thread's Samseng Archives

Ash was so well-behaved in the midst of the mayhem today! I so love her! Thanks for letting me use your McClaren as my shopping trolley. Haha. Are you going to let Ash use the stride-to-ride toy now or keep it until later?

babylegs - jillian and bb
Major whoops! It's www.babylegs.net. Jill - thanks for alerting me to that mistake. I didn't let the .com site load up (scared! haha!) but I see that it had something to do with "babylegs entertainment" - argh!!

Woohoo! Well done LM!! Crawling!
Don't worry about his unique crawling style. When Ems first started, she was a bit awkward and we used to laugh at her. Sometimes she even went backwards when she was clearly trying to go forwards to retrieve a toy. Too funny. These days, she's a cross-crawling pro - effortless. The dogs are afraid. Very afraid.
Jillian: No harm trying but don't forget that Motherhood is not just about breastfeeding. You have already given Ally the most precious gift you can which is time. You are one great mother. No give yourself or Ally to much pressure about breastfeeding. Let nature takes its course and you'll feel happier

Amber: Got my leapfrog playground! Thanks for the info

Guess what? I had to travel to and fro by cab just to buy this toy for Matt. I was really glad as hub and I will be travelling up north tmr but not taking Matt along. We don't want him to be exposed to more viruses in crowded places so I have to get this for my MIL. So, when I brought the toy home, I was so happy and started fixing up. Yolksac, remember I told you my MIL put a set of new batteries in the leapfrog learning table but it didn't work. So, I went to take out the batteries to put in the new toy. But to our horror of horrors, it didn't work either. Immediately we knew that something was amiss. It the batteries' fault. They are spoilt despite being new. Then, we put in new batteries for the learning table and lo and behold it works! Hiaz wasted money and time and energy....
susu: Matt has been crawling around for a long time but still like a flying frog. Very unnaturally. A bit of coordination problem.
I had a good, long think about your breastfeeding post just now. I think what the mummies say here is totally spot on. If breastfeeding has to be taken out of the equation for any reason, the babies don't miss it and they certainly don't feel any less close to their mummies. Sometimes I think being a breastfeeding mummy has made me lazy. I think I have all this "time" with Ems thru nursing her that I may sometimes forget to cuddle her at other times, etc. So the most important thing is to do exactly what you've been doing - shower your little monkey with lots of hugs, kisses and love! That said, I think it's great that you're going to give it a shot after the op. Have you contacted some of the lactation consultants in Singapore to see if any of them have special experience in working with babies with similar medical conditions?

Hello!! Long time no chat. How are you doing? Zach sounds like he's a tough guy - no sweat for him right? Ems almost crawled off my bed today, she's so so quick these days that I was almost not able to catch her. Argh. My heart skipped a beat!

How do you find the Endo thermal jar? That's the one with 2 or 3 different compartments for putting different food? Think I saw it at Isetan today.

oh, just saw your post abt experimenting with the jar - thank you! better you than me!
let me know how it goes. my granny says it's definitely possible. I'd get her working on this 'project' tmrrow but she's got to go to the polyclinic for her checkup.
Hahaha! I have to tell you - I think this was all one big ploy by Matt to make sure you got him a Learn-Around Playground as well. You don't know this, but he secretly sat on the "new" batteries while your MIL had her back turned, and then sat by innocently while the poor woman dismantled the whole Learning Table to see if the wire connection was faulty. He knew that you'd only catch on to his game when you'd ALREADY bought the new toy, and by then, it'd be too late to return it. See - clever boy right?
Hey everyone, thanks for all your encouraging posts. I've been a little emotional today and just reading through what you guys said was making me a bit teary. I'm going to have a chat with her doctor and find out if there are any lactation consultants that have experience dealing with cleft affected babies.

Susu: Ally seems to be back on schedule and I hope to get kicked out of the SPG club tonight!

Claire: Glad to know that you managed to get the Learn Around Playground. It is definitely Ally's favourite toy at the moment.
Yolk: There is a Tiger 0.9L food jar going for 49bucks before the members's discount at the Isetan sale. Its those without the 3 compartments. I already have a Thermos 3 compartments type but Veralyn eats so much the capacity is not enough for her porridge for entire day so I decided to get a food jar instead of a lunchbox. I got mine for about 45+ after the member's discount.
hi mummies...

ellen here... very long never come in already...

my uncle bought some wrong milk powder for me..

NAN 2- the GOLD RIM wan... 9 bottles small... think will let go at $15...
any one interested email me k

[email protected]
Hurray! Hope you lose your membership!

Wow, that sounds like a great food jar at a good price. I didn't really have a proper browse through all the offerings today - it was such a mess and I went there armed with the model number of the jar cheok highlighted to us. Saw the 0.7l version and went for it!
Do you cook Veralyn's porridge in the thermos or do you just place precooked items in it?
12 march 12 march!!! so many married on that daY!! its my wedding (ROM) anniversary too!! weelll no celebration except for a short msg to hb wishing him happy anni! ooopppsss hehehe...

amber, did u ask me how much i am feeding xy? very little! she gets 2 meals a day.. like u i am hesitating to start a 3rd cos she's like doing well on the 2! 1 meal of porridge (am using the pigeon bowl with 1 rough base and shaped like a gourd.. she takes nearly 1 whole container of that), and 1 meal of cereal (1 cube of veg/fruit plus 3 tbsp of cereal and 1 cube of fruit for dessert).

bb bjorn - can amber fit in it still?? xy is abt 9+kg and we have to literally push bits of her in b4 we can secure her in the bb bjorn!! and when we put on a sweater for her, its worse!! its like she is wearing a corset or something.. anyone know of a gd carrier which allows bb to face out?

porridge in a jar... i've tried it with my old thermos at home!! and it works!! i put in raw rice, added BOILING hot water and left it. 2 hrs later, u get teochew porridge. leave it another hr or 2 more and u get very very soft teochew porridge (ie still grainy). but think its fine cos u can always mash up the remaining rice grains a bit while feeding. xy takes her grainy porridge pretty well. hmm.. havent tried adding raw veg/meat yet though.. kinda worried that the germs and stuff wont be thoroughly killed as its not boiled over a fire. anyone tried and survived it yet? :p

lilac, lng time no see! i am a bad mummy.. so far xy has fallen off the bed twice while under my care, and hmm.. what else, oh knocked her head HARD on the kitchen table cos she flung herself backwards while i was carrying her. made her lose 60 iq points so far!! (hb's theory is that each knock on head = drop of 20 iq points )

sale.. went for og private sale yesterday and REGRETTED!! place was a mess.. we got shoved and pushed ard so much that i had to resort to shoving and pushing aunties away myself b4 they squashed xy or whacked her head silly with those whopping big bags they were literally swinging ard!! (#*$&amp;&amp;%%.. swore never to go for these mega private sales ever again!!

cheok, me too!! i do nurse xy to sleep as a last resort now and then.. like last night. i sat and watched her roll ard and whine for an hr trying to sleep b4 i just gave up and nursed her to silence her and get some rest for myself!!

yolksac, xy was previously using a walker since abt 7 mths. she didnt sittoo long in the walker everyday, but now i've stopped it cos i noticed that her left leg is always tip toed nowadays whenever she stands!
Ally has finally outgrown her S size diapers, we have officially graduated to M size!!

Yolk: Regarding walkers, the physiotherapist that I used to work with was very against the use of walkers for babies. She firmly believed that prolonged use of walkers leads them to have abnormal gaits. More often that not these problems are minor and resolve on their own.
cheok: the only uncooked ingredient I have it now is fish. Will try it tml &amp; let u guys know the verdict.

Regarding walker, I am using "Lucky baby" which was passed down from a friend. Initially, I was hesitated to use it as I heard lots of negative comments about it. But I gave in as it really helps when I need to do things (like preparing Kaizer's porridge, his bath &amp; etc..) as he can self-entertain by "walking" ard the house. Anyway, think I will not let him sit in the walker when he knows how to crawl.

<font color="0000ff">Jillian</font>
I hope WE ALL get kicked out of SPG tonight and forever!!!

Chin up, girlfriend! Baby steps, that's what Big Man always steers me back to when I get overwhelmed. Just think of the next couple of goals to get through first so you tackle one thing at a time. Ok? Hugs!

Yay on Ally's diapers!

LM wears Huggies and already on <font size="+2">XL</font>!!! What the heck is he going to wear from hereon?! Aii!!!

<font color="aa00aa">Bcube</font>
Yeah.. must video R cruising. LM refused to give life performance for Big Man this evening! heheh!

I'm quite happy that he takes his time to crawl (in fact, a little sad that he's started! he was crawling backwards for abit. I'm one of those "first time mums" who wants everything happen slowly!)

You farny lah with "Anything bigger than a teacup" statement... I told ya, open your own bakery so that your kitchen at home can breathe!

<font color="ff6000">Amber</font>
How was dinner and desert? The royals enjoyed every morsel?

Yeah.. Gymboree.. we bought some stuff from the pharmacy at Camden the other day, and they gave us a free trial voucher at Gymboree. So we might check it out the last week of March, when Big Man's between jobs! Might try to gate crash your class on Tuesday! hehe!

Tiger Food Jar
KTH - I think everyone is waiting for your verdict! I would get it if it's worth it and truly tried and tested by a reliable source! Haha!

<font color="0000ff">Cheok</font>
Glad to hear your "sisters" don't hurt anymore! Remember, hardworking abit, get up and pump just once tonight if Shayne doesn't wake ok! Otherwise...suffer tomorrow!!
