(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

jillian!! babe, im bad at comforting words. But you know, you're really an amazing mom as you are-breastfeeding or not. I've seen Ally during the outing and i can tell this girl is one happy, tough & secure kid- and all that credit goes to you my friend!
So whether you succeed in breastfeeding does not matter, it wont make you a lesser mom. come, i give you my special <font color="ff0000">cheokcolate</font> hugs.

Huh? you can graduate from the club already ah? BLEH!!!

kth thank you thank you thank you!!!

jules yay yay, i like you. But ya la, i know what you mean. Nursing to sleep is like a quick fix and it comes in real handy when you are tired! But i got no excuse lei, im a sahm hehehheh...i go and think of one and let you know. muahahhaa

sippy cup any particular brand that comes highly recommended? Im looking for one that comes with straw

Food jar - again!

Ok.. wait. Confused, confused!

There's the Tiger sort that has many tiers/compartments, which I gather is for main course (eg porridge) and a dry snack?
This might be more suitable for a One meal prep, correct? ie out for lunch or dinner only.

Then there's also the other Tiger that's just one thermos flask type, which <font color="0000ff">Livvie</font> uses.
I gather this one will be good to cook food for 2 main meals a day? Correct, <font color="0000ff">Livvie</font>?

Then there are the regular ones which does the same thing, ie cook porridge as <font color="0000ff">Jules</font> said. So, <font color="0000ff">Jules</font>, technically I too could use my own thermos at home to cook the food?

Alamak... I'm not good with culinary choices man! SOS!!

This is not a confession, this is a freaking statement. I'm completely hopeless in the kitchen!

Oh, and another thing, can the thermos cook brown rice or only regular white rice?

Please educate me! Remember, <font color="ff0000">sharing is caring!</font>
ok... LObang Queen to the rescue!!!

those that havent get the leapfroglearn around playground!! there is one set at isetan Lido!!! and best thing... its 30%%%% !!!!!!!!! so afterdisc should be ard 100plus... hehe erm.. i notice the 30% sign for leapfrog items.. but i am not 100% sure if this apply for the playground too... if it is... WORTH THE BUY!!

and isetan sale : GET YOUR PIGEON WET WIPES!!!they having the 6 in 1 box.... WHICH is very rare nowadays!!! its 18.85... normally 3 in 1 pack is 10.10... hehe
didnt get any toys...GRRRR thats the downside when hb follows along to the sale!!! cant even budge!!!

i think i am the official Auntie now in this thread hahaha...

Cheok : sippy Cup.. i think nuby or Pigeon isgood... never try nuby... but the design very chio ahhahha....

Susu : i think i need to look back and see if is it me that start the MY Bad saga hahahahha....
<font color="0000ff">LObang Queen</font>
You crack me up lah!!!!!! You should tell your Hb to let you buy some toys cause you're very good at savings!!

Eh... sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit!
(for the Malay-challenged that means a bit of savings add up eventually!)
heelllppp... i am so tired.. spent one hr putting xy to sleep cos i just refused to nurse her. she just rolled and rolled on her bed and plucked at the bumpers/cot rails/my thigh/hair and other body parts and just refused to sleep!! so happy i won tonight instead!! and now its time for her dream feed.. sigh.. back i go again..
susu, u just need a good thermos which can retain heat well. i did a trial run at home to see how mushy the porridge can become and was surprised it works too. gonna try putting meat and veg in next and be the guinea pig. better i LS than my dear darling LS hahaha..

sippy cup - xy doesnt like the pigeon mag mag!! waste my money!! weirdly enough she likes the green cheapo sippy cup from ikea.. got this plus a froggy plastic bib + frog bowl + spoon for only 4 +!!! (yolk, see.. told u my bugger is a sucker for cheap things.. tried and tested!)

now really hve to go and be a cow.. brb..
susu : hahaha he complain that i have tons n tons of toys for K already!!! which is kinda true!! BUTTTT there is NEVER ENUFF rite!!! hahaha talking of savings... i save him a lot of dough already!!! by getting all my stuff from USA hauahauhauhau.... be it clothings/books/toys etc hahahaha...

i realise something.. i start to look at price... EVER since i got K!!! last time was... Buy la.. worry later... now is Worry Now.. Buy...think about it first hahahaha

Jules: seem like XY is more auntie than me hahahaha.... K love her Mag mag....
susu ibu

i agree with jules - just need a good thermos that can retain heat will do.

recently i joined the spree to get a thermos. i tried putting a few RAW white rice in it. it cooked after a while! don't know how long it cooked though cos i forgot to check the duration.
<font color="ff6000">Thermos</font>
eh now I also confused by susu lah!! The thermos we r talking ant is those that r supposed to retain the heat &amp; cook right? Shaped like a pot. Not the ones that look like containers yeah?!?! Aiyo so many varieties!! Siao lah!

<font color="0000ff">Jules</font>
way u also a 123 couple! Hiak hiak! I chose that date coz its easy to remember! When was ur wedding? Mine in '06.
eh ur description of XY pinching body parts has me chuckling and almost woke R! Farnee!
<font color="aa00aa">Bcube</font>
Waahahaha!!!! Well spotted, even at 1am!!!!!
Yeah, agree will be kinda tough for <font color="ff6000">any adult</font> to fit in a Baby Bjorn!

<font size="+2">#$&amp;%&amp;@!&amp;*!!!</font>
<font color="ff0000">ARGH</font>!! LM kept us awake for 2 hours last night between 2.30-4.30am!!!

I gave him a dream feed at midnight, he went back to sleep without a fuss then got up screaming like a banshee at 2.30!!!!

Did PU/PD and he went back to sleep easily ONLY to get up every half an hour!! *CRY CRY!!*

In the end, resorted to Boobie Medicine BUT he didn't really want it!!!!

Big Man pleaded with me to just bring him into bed with us as he has a long day today and needed to sleep. I didn't agree initially, cause it's just adding on another level of transission issue I'LL have to deal with!

I just gave in and the monster eventually fell asleep between us. *PULLING MY HAIR OUT!!*

What a <font color="ff0000">f**king horrible night!!!!!!!!!!!</font>

I hope the rest of you had your SPG membership terminated.. because it would seem mine has just been made bloody platinum! #$(*&amp;#$@$!!!!
good morning!!
i really have a good laugh before i start my day in office....

ya jules, how Amber squeeze in that bbjorn.. haha!!

re tiger food jar,
i got mine last dec, same model as yolk, so far i just used for cook porridge for outing... it really can keep maintain heat, i do try as long as 6 hours and its still hot, yet to cook in it.
initially wanna get for my oversea trip.. well!! no need now..
ok this have to be super fast cos i'm hacking my col's pc..

today managed to book a slot for photo session for the girls. am on half day.. will update later on how it went so you gals can decide to take up the special for this month. visit tomato.sg for details.

Amber in a baby bjorn? Hahah! I nearly woke Ally up cos I was laughing too hard.

Susu : sorry to hear about your #$#$%#$ bad night. I thankfully have given up my SPG membership for now. All that might change next week! I've been warned that post op recovery screws up their sleep cos they're in pain and discomfort. Who knows, I might be the one holding the platinum membership next week!

Does anyone own the Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Home? We are thinking that might be Ally's next toy, she was playing with the demo set at the taka baby fair and seemed to like it. I'm still doing my research cos its a pretty expensive purchase and there are lots of bits that look like she could easily break in 2 days. They need to make monkey-proof toys!
I'm beginning to fear this is turning out to be a life long membership!

<font color="0000ff">Nor</font>
Hope you have a great shoot! Good weather this morning!

Good to know that you got booted out though!

<font color="119911">Celeb!</font>
Hey, how's the 8-sided playpen working out for you guys?
Big Man is getting all excited about LM's crawling and thinking of renting it to try! (we have to drop by there tomorrow to rent a car seat anyway).

The only thing I'm worried about this playpen is what do you do for padding? The mat that comes with it is soooo thin! Barely offers any form of protection, don't you think?

Your views please! ta!!
<font color="0000ff">nor</font>
the booted out comment was meant for Jillian...

See what happens when you're sleep deprived. Nothing goes right man, nothing. shucks.
<font color="0000ff">Susu</font>,
Welcome to the <font size="+2"><font color="ff6000">SPG PLATINUM CLUB!</font></font>. Membership has its privileges. We offer you free PERMANENT eyeshadow <font color="ff0000">UNDER</font> your eyes so that the world knows of your special status with us. We also offer you free <font color="aa00aa">DROPPY BOOBS</font> in order to commend you on your loyalty to Boobie Medicine. All in all, we are pleased that you will be a our esteemed member for the next hundred years.

Yours Truly,
Membership Enrollment Manager of SPG
Dear <font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Jillian</font></font>
We are Sorry to hear that you have terminated your membership with us. Rest assured that should you decide to rejoin us, we will be most happy to <font color="aa00aa">reinstate</font> your membership status and offer you a FREE UPGRADE TO PLATINUM member. Just contact our friendly customer service offer <font color="ff0000">Ms Tooth Fairy</font> at <font size="+2">1-800-YOU-SUCK</font> for <font color="ff0000">IMMEDIATE</font> re-entry status.

Yours Truly,
Membership Enrollment Manager of SPG
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Bcube</font></font>

Thank goodness for crazy nutters like you who can make me laugh so hard!!!

SOOO NEEDED THAT, girlfriend!

<font color="ff0000">LOVE the 1800-YOU-SUCK!!</font>
hi mummies,

i need some comments....

basically i am concerned abt the feeding schedule of my son cos some ppl have been telling me that he is skinny and i am worried that his 9th month checkup in April the PD will tell me once again my boy's weight gain is miserable....anyway on the whole, he drinks abt 650-750 ml of milk a day and it is hovering nearer to 650ml (he seemed to have lost interest in milk), 2 cereals feed a day (i usually buy healthy times or the nestle ones and he takes abt 4 tbsps), some puree fruit (i am not successful with any kind of veggies, he hates them and makes puking faces whenever he eats them) other than that he seemed pretty happy and active...and also i tried giving him porridge with little bit of fish and spinach...he hated it...maybe i am a bad cook and the fish smell was strong or something....i ended up eating it myself....so how mummies? are your babies' feeding schedule somewhat similar to mine??
oh and my boy has still no teeth, only knows how to leopard crawl and cannot really stand even supported....he is abt 8 months plus now...could it be the food is not enough?????
grrrr...rachel wide eyes &amp; giggling laughter kept me up for 1 hr last night, something which dosnt happen at all b4...after her milk intake at 1.30am, she refused to roll over &amp; sleep. instead, she open her eyes big &amp; wide &amp; insisted that i play with her. INSISTED! god...she will whack, slap &amp; kick me if i close my eyes &amp; ignore her. (she's sleeping between me &amp; hb).
i gave hb a kick &amp; told him to take over (after abt haf hr). hb pick her up &amp; sat her on his tummy. I fell alseep within secs. then suddenly i jerk up,wide awake, remembered rachel &amp; turn over. guess wat, she was fast alseep on hb's tummy. i make a face &amp; fold my arms...so much for motherly play.
<font color="ff6000">bcube</font> you brought tears to my eyes! hilarious!

btw i also gonna shelf my SPG membership. veve slept till 6am...almost like the good old times

abt thermos flask cooking. this morning i tried. placed 1/8 cup of rice that's soaked for abt 7h overnight in my foogo thermos flask. added abt 200ml 100 degrees hot water from my flask. this was at 8am. at 1135am, the porridge was done
the rice was puffed up and melted easily and there was sufficient "soup". like jules mentioned, it's not the canton congee type of consistency. this is still grainy but i feel it's fine for babies consumption esp if you mash it up more during feeding.

yeah yeah yeah...can finally ditch the crockpot- too much electricity for such a small volume and so much to wash up :p

for porridge i usu pre-cook other ingredients then add it to cook with porridge prior to serving. so i think the flask is is a great way to cook the porridge base.

i think we shud try to pre-cook the meat etc first else the cold meat will lower the overall temp in the flask and slow down cooking time.

hee let's share our flask cooking stories
hello all, TGIF

havnt had much time to post but hope i am on the right track on the 'issue' below..keke

Thermos or Tiger or...:

The sales staff i spoke to at Tangs was telling me that for the jar whereby the food comes into direct contact with the stainless steel, the jar can 'further cook' porridge if kept inside for another 2hrs more, not that we can cook porridge in it from its raw form

but i bought the other type instead whereby the food is placed in a plastic sort of container then placed in the stainless steel jar so no direct contact with stainless material. For this one the porridge must be fully cooked already and it will only kp warm for abt 4hrs

btw, does anyone knows the start age of salmon as babyfood?
bcube you're so funny!!!

susu well, all i can say it that i didnt need to pump. ENUFF SAID! But on nights like this, im just glad im a sahm! eH, u are confusing me with the tiger jar la...how many types are there out there?!!

thermos, tiger and whatever...heh it rhymes SO any type of themos flask can la? No need to be a Tiger brand? I agree with you bedebe, think food like meat shouldn't dump into the jar, and its better to cook the ingredients seperately from the porridge. arrrg, im cracking my head la, i dont want to give the boy plain rice everyday lei...so poor thing
Hi babes, I'm ill and feeling sorry for myself! Really bad sore throat (AGAIN), I feel like it has been the same ol' story for the last 2 weeks - why can't I recover? Finally legged it to the GP this morning and grudgingly accepted antibiotics (worried abt Ems getting thrush, but GP assures me that this is very rare). Also Ems is still coughing, really disturbs her napping! Although she seems happy enough when she is awake, it's messing up the routine! Sigh.

And last night, she slept from 6:45pm to about 8pm. I fed her and settled her back to sleep (took abt 20 mins) then dream fed her at 10:30pm, she went back to sleep. But she woke up at 1am, and it took my poor hb 1.5hrs to get her to go back to bed. Then she slept thru until 7am.

Ok just getting a bit frustrated that we can't kick this bug in its sorry rear-end!

Will reply to the posts later when I'm feeling a bit more well. My throat is killing me right now.

bcube: babe, you made me laugh really hard - and believe me, that ain't an easy thing right now.
keagan's mummy Er, sorry i conveniently changed your nick! im going to say something familiar- is Keagan possibly teething? Lost of appetite is one of the signs. Did the PD say he is grossly under-weight or just not putting on alot of weight? If its the latter, i wouldn't worry much if Keagan is behaving fine.
Yolk, sorry to hear that you're not well, hope you'll feel better soon. Lots of nasty bugs going around so I'm pretty glad for the self imposed quarantine this week. Drink lots of fluids and try to get some rest

Susu: I use to be against co-sleeping but after reading up on the subject, I'm beginning to relent and let Ally sleep with us when she has bad nights. I figured this is the only way any of us is going to get some sleep. She sleeps way better when she's with us and I notice her sleep apnea isn't as bad either. I'm not sure if I'm creating trouble for myself in the long run, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
jillian you echoed my thoughts babe! Same here, i let shayne co-sleep with us. This way, all 3 of us get sound sleep! Recently, i removed one of his cot side railings and joined it to my bed. So, he sleeps in his cot next to me while my hubs and i still get our space! LUUUURVE this arrangment!
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Susu</font></font>
Hey Sista! Nutters recognize each other!

<font size="+2">{<font color="ff6000">Yolk</font></font>
rest well babe! You kena the bug from Ems lah and I suppose your lack of rest also attributed to it! REST REST REST!!

<font color="0000ff">CO-SLEEPING</font>
R also sleeps with us from 1am till morning. I think its her habit already that she wants to sleep in my bed from that time onwards. From 7pm-1am, she will be fine in her cot! Yes I do sleep much much better with her in my bed where I can just whip out the milk dispensing machine and let her help herself! Its a buffet system in my house...err...HB not entitled lah! muahahaha.....
<font color="aa00aa">Jillian</font>
I read somewhere (cannot rememebr where!) that problems arising from Sleep apnea in babies is dramatically reduced when baby is co-sleeping with mum. For some reason, mum is able to detect apnea in baby 9even though mum is half dead asleep!) and studies shown that mum will "wake" baby up sub-conciously to stop them from holding their breath...
ofcause thats what I think I read...dun believe me..coz this brain of mine isnt entirely reliable now.
<font color="119911">celeb</font>
Oh, dear, poor you now! No more shopping, no more private sales for awhile! Rest rest rest!!!!

<font color="aa00aa">Bcube</font>
Pot calling the kettle black, cheh!

<font color="0000ff">cheok</font>
So, how many times you had to get up last night?!
(eh, why no cheok-late hugs for Yolk huh?)(shit stirrer... wahahahah!!!)

<font color="ff0000">co-sleeping</font>
I was ok with this during our trips, but when we got home, he cried murder when I tried to put him in is cot to sleep!!!! It took us more than 2 weeks to transistion him back to his cot, with a lot of crying, tears and protests!
Naturally, I'm very careful not to repeat that mistake!

But I do agree, EVERYONE gets a better night sleep with co-sleeping!
Hi gals..
2 days didnt log in i have to read so many pages oredi.. this thread v fast man!
Reason i have no time to log in is i return home.. yes, i decided 2 bring my gal back home, coz she's in a gud condition alreadi n yes, the bills went crazy.. so, i brought my gal back home.

Today is the thrid afternoon at home, she's doing quite well.. bit naggy but manage to make her nap. i'm bit worry act, afraid she'll get those ES again, but i really have to be reasonable with our expenses.. am i doing e rite thing? i know i'm not.
But thanks God, last 2 days went quite well, bloody noisy, but she didnt shake anymore, onli cried alot n asked me 2 hug/carry her, so guess what? yes.. v bad backache.
This last 2 nite manage 2 made her down before 11pm, but funny thing is last nite, ard 2am, my gal suddenly cry out loud, me n hubby ran like as if heard announcement at dept store : "free.. everything free!", anyway, we were tot that our bb got those ES again, turned out her leg was stuck between the crib n she couldnt move (she can turns 180-360 degree when she's sleeps)! dear God! after hubby released her n pat2 her awhile, she went back 2 sleep.. aiah, this samseng hor.. faint.

Hope u get better soon dear, try 2 get some rest n drinks lots of fluids!

yes, chiropractic. I just did 1 session though coz we dun noe where to find one here before. But since i witness the difference in my hubby before n after he see the chiropractor, i think it'd be gud 4 me to see them as well.
last time my hubby went to advance chiropractic.

Aioh, i feel sorry for you about the teething dear.. but it's temporary rite =)
Is the upper teeth hurt more than bottom when they're cut through? *scare*

Bcube n Nana
i know its late, but still : happy anniversay!

There are some pro n con bout this walker issue.. some says that its okay as long as not use all e time.. n its not bad if e bb can stand oredi which means we're not forcing their muscle. I had one myself (a gift from family), havent really use it coz my gal can not stand herself yet..

Ah too bad i'm not in sgp nowdays.. seems lots of sale there hor.. esp that wet wipes thing..
i guess i just have to wait for bb fair here..
<font color="119911">susu/bcube/amber...i must say we have a bunch of nutters here!!!</font> this thread suddenly comes so alive! keep them coming girls...
cheok: tried cooking porridge, raw meat &amp; fish in the Tiger food jar at 12 noon today, filled the jar up till 3/4 with boiling water and the verdict is ******roll drum*******YES, IT CAN BE DONE!!!!! I checked it at 2 pm and all the stuff were cooked! I will try to upload pic of my raw meat &amp; fish so that u guys have an idea of the size.

I was surprised that even the meat can be cooked within 2 hr (as it was quite a big pce). The porridge was like (quoted from bedebe) - "it's not the canton congee type of consistency. this is still grainy but i feel it's fine for babies consumption esp if you mash it up more during feeding".
Above is the pic of the raw meat &amp; fish. Forgot to measure them before cooking it. Just to let u guys have a rough idea of the size.
<font color="ff6000">SPG</font>
KUdoS to you mummies! Still so lively and energetic during the day despite the sleepless nite...
im stil complaining not enough sleep/tired though i hv an undisturbed 8hrs of long sleep each nite since wk9 (pai seh...i know you SPG members will throw rotten eggs at me

<font color="aa00aa">Tiger Food Jar</font>
Sounds like SKII Facial Treatment Essence "miracle water"/"zeng xi sui"! So tempted to get one! <font color="119911">lobang queen irene, where got sales again?</font>

<font color="ff0000">yolk</font>
do have plenty of H20 &amp; REST!

<font color="0000ff">jillian</font>
will keep you in my prayer for Ally's op.
kth YOU ARE SOOO FARNNEEE LA girl! Measure the ingredient!! You tickle me, so cute la you! Hey, i really appreciate you experimenting it for me!! Yeah! It can be done! Im sooo going to get it tomorrow...THANK YOU!!
I gib you <font size="+2">cheokolate</font> hugs.

shit stirrer aka Susu Eh, you not enough sleep issitt?!!! Want me to say a nasty prayer for you tonight issssittt?!!!

yolk well of course you are entitled to my special <font size="+2">cheokolate</font> hugs...don't listen to that SS!
susu and again because of YOU ah, i went to ask my eurasian friend about this 'MY BAD' phrase. Apparantly is an American slang....er, FYI only... (don't know why i keep 'researching' on these stuff...)
Ems just went to bed, so I have a bit of time to post now. Thanks to cheok, renz, gugi, susu, bcube and jillian for all the well-wishes. I had a two-hour nap in the afternoon - while my grandparents watched over Ems - such a luxury, but my sore throat doesn't feel any better. Guess it's gonna take some time.

Haha, thank you gal! I want! I want! I thought I wasn't getting a hug because you didn't want to catch my germs.

"my bad"
All this fuss about this phrase. For some reason, it doesn't really bother me. Had to learn some "new words" recently when I did some work with teenagers. Do you all know what "my stead" and "props" mean?

Susu - I am not sure I'd buy it. Kinda glad I rented it first - thank you so much for alerting me to the fact that renting was an option! Ems will play inside only if someone is sitting in there with her. She's trying to scale the walls of the perimeter. When it first arrived, she'd just pull-to-stand and stand up. But now, after she gets up, she tries to climb up the wall by putting a foot on the mesh and planting her weight on that. Very soon, she's going to fall backwards. But all this could just be her "unique" personality (I'm being polite here - what I mean to say is, "my daughter is a samseng monkey") so maybe LM will be happy to play inside. But you're spot on abt the thickness of the mat - not thick enough. We lay the structure on a large fluffy rug which seems to do the trick, but I should also warn you that the corners of the mat aren't that securely attached to the frame so the corners sometime ride up - very dangerous. I'm not sure if this is due to poor assembly on my part, but my hb's looked at it and he can't figure it out either.

Wow, I haven't been as excited abt a science experiment since school! Thanks for trying it out! How much rice did you put inside?
wahahaaa! farnie mummy! dun anyhow enrol members into SPG huh! hopefully all get terminated lah.

yup! u better duck!! haaahah!

thank goodness that u have grandparents to help out while u rest. have loads of rest! yeah the bug sucks..it's been going ard!
abt the \b(walker}, lucas has been "walking" and now "running" in it..it's a haenim one that we have..keep adjusting its height as and when.
"my stead" is bf or gf rite! "props"??

wah thanks for ur experiment!! got pic somemore!haa!

foogo normal thermos flask can cook ah??

wow 123 bride too!

H! everyone... m usng my old keyboard on my laptop and t doesnt have the letter e f g h j k l m n
can you tell yet?

anyway, bcube! you crack me up soooo bad!
laughed out loud! hlarous..
m not a member of SPG.. Ash s back to normalll

susuuuuuu ayohh anotherbad nght sorry hon. hang n there!
t has to end.. t wll end!

yolk!! what happened babe?? aww m so sorry.. ask hb to gve you extra loveeee n cuddles... better stll, ask hm to take over Ems!
well as much as he can lah!
was just thnkng.. not long to go before you go back to work..
tme passes so quckly.

took a bus ths mornng to meet my sster n town..
whn got on the bus, there were no seats! but... was as f the seas parted!! ppl got up and offered me seats.. guess was carryng so much stuff and Ash n bbjorn.. yes!! ASHLEY not ME!


for all Chrstans out there, just wanted to share somethng my pastor says,..."our sprtual lfe can only grow as much as our prayer lfe"
so true.. we shld pray as much as we can..

Amercan slang... MY BAD! as well as
WHos Your daddy?
what's UHHHHHHP?
eh homeyyyy
my humps!


Haha,all correct on "stead", but props is like praise - eg: "I gotta give you props, you did really well on that test!".

amber: Wow, good to hear that pple on the bus are so considerate. Props for them!! Sadly, hb is having a really busy time at week - been coming home around 1/2am most nights this week. He's just told me he may have to work most of the weekend as well. So it's just me! And helper! And granny (who's also ill now). We're a sorry bunch, aren't we?

Haha how fast can Lucas go? So cute lah! Your walker is like an exersaucer but with wheels yes?
