(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

hahaha! you and me were thinking the same thing re bcube's eventful evening, but only you dare say these things
Ems JUST went to sleep - argh. my routine has been wonky this week as there was no JG and she's been unwell. please please please let us go back to normal next week! bcube bought Phoon Huat brand cream cheese from their Jurong branch as Phillys is in short supply all over the island

Wow Renee can cruise! Well done Renee! The topping looks yummmmmmmy
Ask your hb to save a cupcake for me.

thanks for the info re sale timing and yoghurt respectively!

potty training update
It's been going surprisingly well. I'd say we catch about 90% of her poos in the potty, and she also gets a fair bit of pee in as well. My short-term aim for now is to have her fairly dry in the daytime. I don't want to start thinking about how to achieve dryness at night. Seems soooo impossible right now from where I'm standing!! Found some time a few nights ago to read the potty training chapter in the Baby Whisperer Q&A book, and she recommends starting at 9 months, so I guess Ems is in the right zone. Only thing is she recommends that we skip the potty and go straight to a training seat on an ordinary loo, as this is one less transition for our bbs to make, as they will eventually use the loo. Makes sense to me. When Ems is feeling better - maybe next week? - I'll stick a training seat on and see how she does. We bought a Safety 1st potty/trainingseat/stepstool at the Taka fair for abt $36 - will use that.

tangs sale is from 1 mar to 23 mar leh. up to 70% off.

wah today is your wedding anniversay? wahaa, it's mine too!!
oooh lurveeee crabs!!! happy anniversary ya! wow lovely cupcakes u've got there!
Bcube and Nana

Happy anniversary!!

I'm such a "good" wife, made instant noodles for poor hb's dinner! Been stuck at home the whole day cos of the weather and never made it to the supermarket to stock up on food.

Yolk: Well done on the potty training! Let us know how the training seat works. I can't even imagine potty training Ally, she doesn't care if her diaper is wet, if she has pooped.... NOTHING! I swear, she can wear the same diaper for the whole day and not complain if I let her.

Amber: Gina?! Now I want to jump into bed with a cup of Milo and watch Nip/tuck season 5! I would have never guessed that it would be her.

Susu: I think you're right, it seems that Ally senses something is different. She is super manja to everyone at home, always laying her head on our chest whenever we carry her. I find myself picking her up a lot more and just cuddling her as well so I guess the root of the problem is myself!
Forgot to say that I agree with Susu on this - babies/kids can sense these things! Good that you're making her feel especially snug and secure in the run-up to the op. It's gonna go well, babe, I have a good feeling abt it (for what that's worth)!

potty training
You gals have to check this out - too funny! Whatever will they think of next.
Bcube: Happy Anniversary!

Yolksac: We did try to change the batteries and then we thought it was working fine as the sound was loud and clear. However, when Matt tried to play with it today, the sound just doesn't come out. My MIL even dismantled the whole thing to see if there was a loose wire but everything seems fine. So we have to get another one now

Leapfrog learn around table: Wanted to get this for Matt today and called up many places like Robinson centrepoint, paragon metro, orchard point OG, kiddy palace lot 1 and even great world mother works and the funny thing is they all don't have it. I thought I saw it around a few weeks ago. Mmmm... can somebody tell me where I can get it. My MIL needs this to entertain Matt to retain her sanity, Hahha so you can imagine how active Matt is.
hey all.. been in a lurking mood cos like Amber, i too have been handling a teething baby.. oh she cried and cried and cried.. never happens so i nearly lose it! suddenly last night she bite my finger and i felt TEETH! i ask her to say "ah" but she gave me a sian face and press her lips together.. some princess attitude there!

<font color="ff6000">Amber</font>

<font color="ffff00">celeb</font>
heheh official nick change oreadi!

<font color="aa00aa">bcube</font> and <font color="119911">nana</font>
Happy Anniversary!

Lovely cupcakes you have there <font color="aa00aa">bcube</font>
i know you won't read this till tmr... heheh.. we understand.. enjoy! let us know how it went.. (the dinner lah, not the "dessert"!)

<font color="0000ff">jillian</font>
its the thoughts that matters more babe, at least you cook something for him. you take care babe, our prayers for your family

ok i'll be lurking till i have the mood and energy to write something..
Oh no, not Wairah too! Ack, no fun
somebody kill the tooth monster already. Haha, Wairah so cute - can make sian face already. That gal's got attitude. Hey babe, can share how you potty trained Lis? Interested to hear some real-life experiences.

Oh dear, looks like something must have really gone wonky. Is it still under warranty? Maybe you could get it fixed. As for the playground, I have never seen it anywhere except for when I bought the last piece at Kiddy Palace Marina Sq - but the gals always mention Metro. Maybe Irene - our shopping guru - can advise where to find it! But she's not been here all day. Hmmm...
i thot i want to be in a lurker's mood tonight.. but i'm happy to share

Lis wears pull-ups and she only says she wants to "shee-shee" when she already did! haha! took me quite a while to make her understand that she have to tell be BEFORE she do it.. and not report to me AFTER the deed is done! took months and she still doing the same thing. difficult part was that i am working and can only monitor at night and during weekends; at one point i gave up and start again in a week's time.

Poo job was easier as she will tell me she got tummy ache and we'll rush to the toilet and she do it there with help of the mini seat which you place on top of the toilet seat.. dunno if you know what i'm talking about.. nvm i see if can find pic i post.

when she finally attends school and realise some of her class mates aren't wearing diapers/ pull-ups, she somewhat feel paiseh and requested for me to only let her wear panty.. i was reluctant at first cos i was afraid she might wet herself in class. but guess i had to start somewhere so as they always say it, the rest is history.
Yolksac: Mmm.. does it come with a warranty card? I just threw away the box the other day and didn't check for the warranty card. I thought I saw it at Isetan. But can't remember. Is anyone going there tomorrow? Can you check out for me? ; )
<font color="aa00aa">Bcube, Nana</font>
Happy Together-getherness!

<font color="0000ff">Cheok</font>
Lame, but cute!

<font color="aa00aa">Bcube</font>
* Why don't you quit your job and open a bakery?!

* I don't freaking understand this "my bad" either.. blame the Lobang Queen, Irene! (hey! that rhymes! hahaha!)

* Say hello to the lil'cruiser from the CHEENA baby!

* I hope you didn't stuff yourself too much to deliver "desert" to your HB! Hiak hiak! (oohh... too early for these conversations, should be saving them for <font color="ff0000">Confession Sundays</font>!)

<font color="0000ff">Jillian,<font color="ff6000">Amber</font></font>
Wah!!! I used to see Nip/Tuck during preggers days, but now, can't even catch up on ADVERTISEMENTS!!. Height of pathetic-ness! WAAA!!

The SPGs Prayer

Lord, I deliver you this night,
For a peaceful sleep for all,
I promise to give up - insert your sacrifice here - Isetan sale (even though <font color="ff6000">Amber</font> asked a few times!),
I promise - insert - no more Nip &amp; Tuck
yolk disclaimer: me not an expert on this tiger jar thing. But me thinks there's no advantage or disadvantage if you cook rice in the jar or not. If im not wrong, the primary objective of the jar is to retain heat, the cooking things is just an added feature? It would be convenient for travelling i guess.

POTTY TRAINING: wah biang, u are one on mama! Im still tackling the sleep issue...

nana THANKS for the TANGS tip! hehhee, am going to troop down this weekend to get that jar. I hope it's 70%discounted! yeah right! Oh happy anniversary dear!

bcube CRABS!!!! I LOVE IT! Im sure you're enjoying yourself while im waiting for Shayne to wake up....You are so domesticated man! i cant whip up the cupcakes like u did!
Haha, I always know how to draw a lurker out from the shadows, just ask Ms Susu. That's such a great story - thanks for sharing it with us! looks like there is nothing like a little peer pressure to get a kid to learn/do something new huh?
how old was she when she was completely trained? it just happened overnight once she started school?

I did not keep my Learning Table documents either! Oops. But I've been trying to be better organised since then. I just checked my Ems file and yes, there was a warranty card for the Playground in my box. Presumably the same warranty terms apply for the Playground and Learning Table? Assuming that's true, I have good news for you - you don't need to have sent off the warranty card for your warranty to be effective. I think you need some form of proof of purchase tho (ie. the receipt). There's a 12 month warranty period and some complicated info abt needing to 'return' the idea with your receipt. Basically, you shld contact the shop that sold it to you and ask for info as to who to send the broken toy to etc. Leapfrog probably has a local rep here that can fix toys.
There you go! We're a good team, you and me - I think of an issue which lends itself to a question (is there a local rep here?) and without even reading my post, you post the answer! We should go into business together, haha.

No lah, just doing slowly lah. Haven't been consistent at all. Thank you for the info abt the Tiger. Are you gonna dream feed? Ems has been asleep since 8pm. It's almost 11pm now - will do my dream feed and hope she doesn't wake up too much.

Hahah, the SPG Prayer - brilliant!! BTW, any chance your hb celebrated his bday this year at Graze? I saw some random stuff, wasn't sure if I had the right guy.
york and susu ibu

thanks for your advice on the 'sucker for phelgm'. will look out for it ;-)

mummies, is the leapfrog good? still thinking whether i should rent the exersaucer. what do your think? my boy is trying to stand now ;-0
Hmmm, how long did I take? Abt 15-20 mins. I picked her up, she was so sleepy! I didn't change her diaper (we normally do but she wears Pampers - I think she'll be ok) and fed her one side. She didn't want more and settled back to sleep afterwards. Fingers crossed that she doesn't suddenly wake up and fuss.
<font color="119911">celeb</font>

Yes, Big Man's birthday brunch was at Graze!

WHY? HOW DID YOU KNOW? ARE YOU WATCHING US (very Born-esque, don't you think?! Haha!)
Yolk: Telepathy man!

You guys will not believe it but ALLY IS AWAKE! She slept at 7.45pm ( knew it was too gd to be true) and woke up about 15 mins ago. She's wide awake, smiling , laughing and wanting to play..... Susu , I think I need you SPG prayer tonight!! Make that a double dose, she just gave me this huge cheeky smile....
poppy pop
I like the Leapfrog Learning Table and the Learn Around Playground - posted a review a few weeks ago. Hope that's helpful.

Haha, I like scaring you lah. Nah, not stalking, I swear! It's just a small small world, and I don't mean bumper playmats. I'll email you.

Oh no babe! Gd luck! Dunno what else to say
cheok: mayb it was $69, I can't really remembered liao cos I bought it a few mths ago. Thks for the link. It's gd to know that the jar can really cook porridge. Agreed with u that the jar would be convenient for travelling (that's why I bought it)

Nana &amp; Bcube: Happy Anniversary!!

This thread is getting more &amp; more funny with so many humorous mummies ard. It really brightens up my day every time I read the post.
bcube: oh, it's amazing to know that yoghurt can be made so easily using the easiyo maker!!! Looks really interesting, so tempted to make leh. May I know how much is the easiyo maker and the mix? And u said it tasted good, right?
hi gals,

MIA for more than a week but I guess it's like an eternity on this thread!

We just moved to China on 1.3 and we'd been just trying to *survive*. Most of the barang are not here yet so we'd just been getting the bare essentials -toilet paper(yes, that bad), drinking water, 2 bowls, 2 plates, wok, oil etc. No time to clean the house even

Read that some of u are celebrating your wedding anniversary, congrats!!! and crabs...ooo, I love Mellben's crab beehoon. Too bad I didn't have time before I left!

Kth, yoghurt is supposedly very easy to make from scratch. If u have the Super Baby Foods book by Ruth Yaron, there's a chapter there.

All u need is milk, a spoonful of yoghurt containing live culture (can be store bought) &amp; a warm place. This site has some pictures... http://biology.clc.uc.edu/fankhauser/Cheese/yogurt_making/YOGURT2000.htm Ruth Yaron used her oven which is an alternative to a cooler box.

I'm also thinking of making my own yoghurt because it's impossible to find plain unsweetened yoghurt here
( In SG, there's some very good quality plain yoghurt in a big box.
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">CLAIRE I JUST SAW THE PLAYGROUND AT OTHER'S WORK TANGLIN MALL ON TUES!</font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">GO! GO! GO! Call em up!</font></font>

hee like amazing race!

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">NANA HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!</font></font>

Hi Katgrrl...
your apple and potato recipe is a hit with Ash. also did them with fresh preaches!
thank you!

Susu, nip/tuck sista!!!!
we get season 5 cos hb downloads thn for me frm the states..

the Sarah Connor Chronicles is pretty darn good too
as with Bionic woman. TV TV TV TV
hehehe ok sorry i went MIA yesterday HB was complaining i surf too much... bla bla bla...

ok first thing first... shall answer all the question at the previous page,, hehehe

amber : i bring along chef outfit / bathtub outfit/ cheong sam outfit/ her party dress outfit / tutu outfit... one thing to take note is they get VERY VERY angry after the first 3 changes... so i kept it all semi naked this time round... so not to get her all angry n cranky...

tip 1 : wear the first outfit for the shoot when u bring her there... save time n less cranky hahahaha... straight away warm up n ZAP!

Amber : do u have msn??? u want to to do alphabets rite??? erm.... add [email protected]

cheok : i not sure if taka is having sale... but if u have taka DBS card... 6% rebate!!! hehe tangs i know toys are having 20% hehe

Yoghurt : i gave K the normal plain yoghurt.... plus peach puree!!! SHE LOVES it!!!! so does my hb! pengz...

gugi : heheh yeah i know my hotmail kinda funny... was ages ago.. so didnt bother to change etc.. hehehe

Yolk /PEck /JUles : Gals!! that other nite!! i so TOOPID... i went n close the chat room... BEFORE I saved your number@!!!! can sms me again...97404523

will be going to get the letters today hehehe

just to double comfirm :

yolk : E,m,i,l,y,a,b,c
peck : j,o,v,a,n
JUles : x,i,n,g,y,i

am i rite??? hehe
<font color="0000ff">Lobang Queen Irene!</font>

You know why they haven't answered?.... they're all at the Isetan private sales now, elbowing and shoving their way through bargains!
Wow.. I love this forum!

Yolksac, Amber and Jillian: Thank U so much. You're so wonderful!. Will check it out now. Amber will ring them immediately. Hope it's still there.

Susu: Should have stayed on longer to say your SPG. Mmm... didn't do well yesterday. He was coughing so much and the worst thing is he threw up in the middle of the night. It's his first! Hub and I were shocked and helpless. Didn't know what to do. Everything just wet! Yucks! But the poor bb cried and cried and only soothed when we offered him some milk. (grrrrghh... pacifier is over. Perhaps night bottle is another issue to tackle) After that he woke up at 5am , 6am crying. Hiaz... poor bb...

Did you watch the news about the flu outbreak in HK? Just want to remind everyone to keep babies away from crowded places. It's better to play safe.
Wah such a luxury, can go Isetan to push and shove. I wish i could too

Sleep report Shayne's behaviour has been really unpredicatable these few nights. Last night he woke up twice ONLY (compared to the five times previously!), 2am and 6am. Both i think for milk (didnt do the dream feed, Yolk). And i of course ended up with engorged boobies! Damn pain lei! I dont know which is the lesser evil, engorgement or interrupted sleep? Still engorged now lei, did i say its damn painful? Most funny of all, i am very tired despite the lesser wakings. Duh right?

Well, i hope you girls at isetan are happily burning your pockets while this poor mama here attempts to do some housework!
Isetan sale - worth it?

So, Isetan-mums, was the sale worth it to line up at 9am this morning?

<font color="119911">Celeb!</font>
Did you get the Tiger thermos flask? Was it on sale?
Haha! Indeed, which is the lesser of the two evils? When LM used to sleep through the night - a bloody long time ago, might as well have been another life!, I used to get up with engorged breasts too!

The first few nights, I even had to wake up just to pump, and like you, I swore I was more tired! Also, I was waking up on clockwork to feed him, but the lil'bugger still sound asleep! Or, waking up and checking if he was still breathing!!!!
Isetan Private Sale

Just got back - what a mad house! Bought loads of toys and yes, I got the Tiger Food Jar - the same model as the one Cheok told us about, but in a smaller size (0.7l as opposed to 0.9l). Paid $58.50.
susu dont know worth it boh. But my ex colleagues do their yearly pilgrimage there. Im tempted to sign up for the membership lei.

Im shy to say that i didnt bother to pump, then again i only realised it was engorged when i woke up! hahahhaa.

hey u mentioned u are familiar with KL right? Do u know if westin hotel is walking distance to KLCC? KLCC has nursing rooms?

yolk yes do tell! Did u get the tiger jar? discounted??

kth would u know if we can also put uncook ingredients in the jar? Would it cook too? Aiyah, im so helpless la, going KL and dont know what to do with his food! THought if the jar can cook, i can just dump the rice and whatever ingredients. you think can?

susu heh, just for the heck of it, i asked my hubby about the Lubang vs Lobang, he also said its the former! Oh hubster's from msia too, from a small ulu (so ulu that it brings me to tears-LITERALLY!) town in Perak.
<font color="0000ff">Cheok</font>
You have to pump - and gradually decrease it - until your breast regulate the supply.

If your breasts are still painful, strip down naked and get in the shower, run hot water down your breast, massage and squeeze the milk out - or until you don't feel any hard lumps.

I had to do all that until my breasts regulated for LM.. and after all that, he's not sleeping through the night now! URGH! Where's the gratitude!

But, seriously, you don't want it to lead to bad engorgement or worse, mastitis. Tonight, if he's sleeping through the night again (fingers crossed), get up at least once to pump, both breasts so when morning rolls in, you're not back in square one with painful breasts!
<font color="ff0000">You say Lobang, I say lubang?</font>

<font color="0000ff">Cheok</font>
* Where's your hubby from? Don't diss Perak ok, I LOVE Perak!!!

* As for KL, I'm familar pre-preggers days! So not too sure if KLCC has nursing room or not.. but should have. Check on online? Or ask Gugi, she's been a shopping zombie, the poor thing!

* I think Westin isn't walking distance from KLCC leh.. quite far.
oh!!! forgot to update

Kaelyn's upper Tooth is Erupting!!! i could feel the sharp2 feeling of a tooth coming out.. but so far so good.. no cranky Bundle in my hand... (touch wood) hahahah

Susu Ibu : since when did i become LObang Queen!!! hahahaha translate it to eng.. it kinda sound ermmmmmmmm...... *HOle Queen* hahahahaha

why why??? whats my fault??? did i start the MY Bad Saga??? hahahaha
Sorry babes - gotta reply to posts later. Came back to check on Ems, feed her her meds and now I have to run off to a long-standing lunch engagement. Catch you all later!
Cheok: your hb from Perak as well, mine is an Ipoh boy.

I'm so exhausted, don't want to be a member of the SPG anymore! Hopefully she'll be back on schedule today. Last night she was up at 11pm, played till 1am and woke up again at 6am. I take my hat off to you guys who have to get up every 2 hours each night, you deserve a big bar of chocolate.
Going to catch some sleep while I can now....
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">GEETING SOME??</font></font>

U gals think my crab dinner was polished off with a nice warm "dessert" right? RAhahaha! Well all I am saying is Baby Number 2 <font size="+2">is not</font> coming anytime soon! Hiak hiak hiak!

Happy Belated Anniversary too!!

<font color="0000ff">ISETAN mamas</font>
ah S***! I missed it this morning lah! I didnt read the emails till now! Arghh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway I was in Orchard too but with at PD. Brought R for her jabs and she yell murer!

R is <font size="+2">8kg &amp; 72cm</font> at 8 months. ;)
<font color="0000ff">aiyo I really cannot reply posts lah..work beckons..my <font color="ff0000">BOSS</font> in town..cannot skive!</font>

later babes!
<font color="0000ff">Cheok</font>
My bad (argh, I still cringe when I type this!)... Westin apparently is walking distance to KLCC.

Sorry, I was thinking of another hotel near Damansara!

* Don't diss Perak ok.. I have MANY fond great memories of the state and its little towns!

<font color="0000ff">Jillian</font>
Was going to ask about your night.. sorry it didn't turn out well. She must be picking up vibes around the house, I truly believe it.

NO ONE wants to be member of SPG! It's a horrible group to belong to!

<font color="119911">Lobang Queen!</font>
The title is yours for you are always on top of the latest sales, offers, best bargains and really truly you've got all sorts of lobangs to buy this and that!

As for the "Hole Queen".. save that for your raunchy weekends with your husband.. esp when he complains that you're online too much! Muahaha!
<font color="aa00aa">Bcube</font>
Well done, R on your growth!

Don't disturb your Mum too much, she has to "wayang" to work hard since the <font color="ff0000">Boss</font> is around!

Tiger Flask for cooking
Can someone give me the exact model or picture of this thing? Sounds like something worthy to buy, esp if you're travelling or going out for the day. Thaaankkk yoouuu!
(sorry.. hate looking through archives on this website!)

susu ya lor, i know. Am desperately trying to relief the engorgement. Will take that hot shower once that boy takes his nap which is not so soon arrrrrgggg.

jillian oh dear! Go get some nap while u can! er, can i be evil and give you my signature cheokolate hugs to welcome you to SPG club heh heh heh

jillian, susu er, hubster is from sitiawan. Eh very boring one lei, only got 2 malls, like our emporium in the older days. Nothing to buy one...but having said that, i dont mind retiring there..very slow pace and quiet.
