(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

Confessions of a lurker's past:
It just came back to me last night, when I was talking about Jack's birth to friends. I think the reason why I got "sucked in" initially to the very interesting and engaging July thread was because of the hypnobirths here.

A couple of you (Yolk and Bcube was it?) were part of my inspirations to work towards our own Hypnobirth a month later. Your births were so inspiring.. I told Big Man, now we've done the Hypnorbirth, we're going for a HB + water birth for the next one!

good sunday morning my lovely frens!!

first things first, warm welcome to <font color="ff0000">susu!</font>

<font color="119911">nana</font>, i also have my feckles since young, thats why i was skeptical at first on whether they can be removed or not.. but you gotta try to know.. so here i am being my own guinea pig. i thought if can remove, fine.. if not than ok lor..

<font color="0077aa">yolk sac</font>
i think everyone who doesn't have freckles will somewhat think like you lah.. its cuteif its a bit, but when its darker and spreading like mine, your skin tone looks uneven, you know where i'm coming from?

<font color="0000ff">jillian</font>
i think i saw that at Toys r Us.. oh ya, got my pack &amp; play yesterday. so funny, i was asking the salesperson if they have it in other color other than that on display. he checked and said there's another color but its so much cheaper ($89.90!) compared to the one on display ($149.90). i asked if there's a mistake but he chk stock and said no mistake so i only paid $89.90! yay!!

<font color="aa00aa">irene</font>
whoa! you're good man! ok next time i shall tap on your knowledge on where to get the best buys in town

<font color="ffff00">amber</font>
babe, am not sure of where to go.. perhaps you gals can suggest? zoo is good but need to walk around and everyone's schedule is different so am not sure how feasable that would be. any commemts? oh the Naan bread at the zoo is so yummy!! must have that next trip to the zoo..

here's Wairah so-called schedule
6.30am - milk (6oz)
9.00am - porridge with steamed fish/spinach
11.00am - milk (6oz)
2.00pm - snack of cereal/ biscuit
4.00pm - milk (5oz)
6.00pm - porridge with sweet treats (pumpkin/sweet potato/fruits)
7.00pm - milk (5oz)
10.00pm - milk (6oz)
10-ish pm - sleep thru til 6am

sometimes she CAN drag her sleep time to 11+pm (Aarghh!!)

Wairah drinks lots of water throughout the day, sometime she also hijacks lis cup..
Nor: Well done! $89.90 is a very good buy.

Irene: Thanks so much, that is exactly what I was looking for! You're my shopping guru man. Will make the trip down to Taka either today or tomorrow.

Kat: Ally started crawling when she was about 6 -6.5 months. She really prefers cruising to crawling now so I always have to think of ways to make her crawl.

Yolk: Ally woke up at 3.30am wanting to play! She was quite adamant that it was play time and refused to sleep no matter what I did. I was so exhausted cos HB is sick so I've been looking after them both. Tried PU/PD and she just thought it Finally she settled to sleep an hour later. By 6.30am, little monkey was up and ready for action.
Yolk: Sorry, just realised that I missed out some words in my last post. Ally thought PU/PD was a game and the minute I put her down she would stand up and smile!
Thanks for the drill down.. detail leh.. so now much clearer. In Indonesia, The important basic is kindegarden, coz without join kindegarden, you can not go to primary.. and all this playgroup ussualy parents choice, if u want to then u can send your kids there 2 play, n nussery means like day care sort of thing. That's how in indonesia.. tats why i nid 2 know how its works in sgp..

Yolk, Amber,
Since both of u already explain 2 me, then i'll do my research, prefer near my place of coz so no nid 2 travel v far away. Amber, woddland is far away leh, in singapore, i stay in central.. but montesori is one of my choice =). I'll search or check some recomendation from all of you. But if hubby have to move again, then i just leave it to the faith.. hahaha
He already mentioned to me yesterday tht comp thinking of transfer him back to Ausie again, and i feel like: Uh? think about pack an unpacking again? *sigh* no wonder my last maid resign.. hee

u quit your job oso ah? me too... sometimes i miss that world leh.. prob later after i get my new maid, then i'll try to make myself become a kitchen queen like u hee..

Act i wanted to ask u if ur doctor is gud n can see the results oredi or not, but then read : "my second session" hee..
Act i already sign laser treatment session package oso since last year, but till now onli did it 3 times.. so prob can not see any progress yet huh?
And the outing.. really want to go, but March i wont drive back sgp since early tis months just vacinated my gal, n doctor says next vacination would be in 3 months.. (means may) n PIL straight away said : "then we will drive to KL if you're not coming back" *oh my*
Please make plan on May oso.. (still far away hor?) hahaha but i do love to meet all of u and let all of our little terror play 2gether.. =)

I oso a SAHM, new one.. heee

Susu Ibu
You means you're from Malaka?
nana, i'm sooooo sorry, was it you who asked me abt rejoice maid agency? was i supposed to give you the nummber?

the person who helped me is Pauling and number is 64686877
sooo sorryy!
<font color="aa00aa">gugi</font>
hey, would love to meet up with you.. lets see if we can plan something in May.

"my second session" actually was done because i really have plenty of freckles to start with and i done want my face to be "over-swollen" so i opt to have it done in 2 stages as i don't wish to be away from work. the first stage successfully remove my freckles and now the 2nd batch is healing.
harlooo mummies!

ooh nooo..i think it's claire!

know what happened to my filipino maid, she began promoting herself to this caucasian who went to the agency to shortlist a maid! when a chinese lady came, she acted so listless.

u are a peranakan too? me too, a tiny bit..haa, as our origin got abit lost somewhere along the family tree..and i dunno why!:p

kekek i dun abit of tiny freckles too.
nor, ooh great buy!

that chair looks nice!
but wow, u've got lotsa time to shop ard as a SAHM! :p
PU/PD: Aiyoh gals, it really works, you know! I'm really surprised but it does. It's helped lengthen her night sleep - Ems used to catnap between 6:30pm-11pm (ie nap for abt 30 mins somewhere during that period and be wide awake the rest of the time), but these days she's asleep by 7/7:30pm - and I find that it's lengthening her day sleep as well. Previously, she'd sleep a max of 30-45 mins but today, I can hear her on the baby monitor. She stirred when she entered light sleep and then self-settled. Her day time naps are getting longer because she can sleep past a single sleep cycle. Woohoo.

Nor: Wow, that's a really good buy! Which pack and play did you get? Is it the big Bugs one that Amber has? Can understand the freckle thing lah - grass is always greener and that sorta thing!

tabbiesus: thank you! thank you! that'd be great!

gugi: oh are you indonesian? hb is singaporean?

susu: keep plugging away at the PU/PD - I think I'm starting to see results and Jack is younger than Ems and presumably has less ingrained bad habits than my little rascal! sippy cups - Ems has been using the Nuby one and seems to like it, but nor/amber had problems with it leaking. Or you can try the Bfree one (avail at MothersWork - make sure you check that the one you're getting has the soft spout). Baby Whisperer says that ultimately, whichever cup you settle on, it's impt to stick to it for some time to give the bb a chance to learn how to use it. If Jack can't raise it fully to his mouth, I think it's ok to help him hold the cup in the right position - most impt is to get him to drink from the spout, I think. Gina Ford keeps using the word "beaker" - is that a sippy cup, you reckon, or just an open cup?
jillian: sorry, just saw your post! Ally thought it was a game!? Oh dear! I suppose that's better than her being upset abt it. Ems can get quite worked up when she realises that we're trying to get her to sleep.

i thoughti'd miss my job, but ssomehow really dont think abt it at all!

abt cooking and baaking, the truth is, im pretty new at this.. i just felt tht i wanted to do something frm scratch this time.. instead of my usual instant Betty Crocker stuff!

i've a got a question for you guys... any bubs dropped last nap? like the 4pm ish nap?
so basically on two naps a day?

yolk, yippey!! good job mama and Emliy!! Eureka!!!
sounds like PU/PD method is working.. and increasing day naps as well? thts GOOD!
err... beaker to me is an open cup.. i cld be wrong.
it's one of those cookie or biscuit thingie?

susu, chicken rice balls yummmmmm
there was this ayam recipe tht i love there.. they kinda bbq it.. ayam panggang thingie.... sooo good.

Claire!!!! sorry i forgot who needed the Rejoice number.. sorry sorry.. hope this gets to you in time!

sippy cup:my Nuby sippy cup wasnt leaking.. just found tht it's really wide and somehow got in the way of her nose! hee
realised best time to intro cup is i the morning cos shes most hungry. sometimes in the afternoon if shes tired she wont take anything but her NUK. i'm ok with anything. wont force it lah

jillian, sorry hb is sick.. and Ally decided it was play time at 3aam!! so how? do u just ignore her? is she in the ame room? can she see you?

Nor, is your pack aand play a cot also for her to sleep in? mines just a play pen only.
hey nice schedule you got there... eh, Wairaah can eat and drink soo much ah? more thn Ash!
But Ash is sooo cchubby she's got rolls everywhere!
Hm.. so one session then can see the result oredi? one session include how many times laser treatment? so good hor? which doctor is that? i've done 3 or 4 (forgot) times laser treatment, then i was pregnant, so temp stop the trearment, after that hubby located here, so no chance to do the laser anymore... so far can not really see the results.. or is it because i never do it constantly? hee

Yes, i was born in jakarta, holding singaporean PR, n yes my hubby is singaporean. =)

Prob i just feel lonely, far away from frens n family.. thats why miss my job.. hahaha.
opposite of you, i used to cook n bake all e time last time when i still stay in jakarta, helping my untie coz she always get loads of order, esp near hari raya, christmas or CNY; and of coz my grandma always "force" granddoter to help my untie.. she always says : "the way to gets to man's heart is through their stomacth.. hahaha!

Erm, talking bout sgp n indo, now i remember one thing, i can not find avocado in sgp.. neither in KL leh, wondering no one likes avocado juice meh? ;p

Oh, one more, Amber, your gal 8 months holding bottle n drinks herself? since how old?
My gal can hold her own bottle, but dont wan 2 hold it n drinks her self leh.. if u give 2 her she just hold n play wif it.. Finnaly i bought trainning cup last nite n give 2 her to try, but still she didnt drink it herself.. *sigh*
Hi ladies

Has anyone given broccoli to your baby? I'm thinking of giving some to Ems but am worried abt the gas problem. Don't want her to get a tummy upset over this. Has anyone done it without issues or has anyone found that it caused your baby discomfort? Pls let me know.

From Wholesome Baby Foods:
Broccoli is not a good choice for one of Baby's first vegetables as it may cause gas and may be a bit hard for a young infant to digest. Broccoli is best given to an infant between 8-10 months old. If your baby has had any digestive issues, it would be best to introduce broccoli into the diet later rather than sooner! As always, we recommend that you consult with your baby's pediatrician on introducing solid foods as generalities may not apply to your infant.
Nor - thanks for the welcome!

Gugi - yep, you're right. That's my "tanah tumpahnya darahku" (lyrics of the National anthem)!

Yolk - thanks for the Sippy cup tip. I was at Mothers Work, GWC, but they don't have that cup in stock. Will try the one at Tanglin Mall.
Oh, and I am with Amber about the beaker = open cup.

Amber - you're making me drool! The bbq chicken was one of my fav childhood foods! It's called Ayam Percik (sweetish bbq sauce, clipped between 2 sticks to bbq). Dad used to buy them as a treat for us! Slurp &amp; burp!

Jack went down at 8pm, got up again at 9pm, did the PU/PD and he settled down immediately. Fingers crossed, this will pay off eventually.
<font color="119911">yolksie/ amber</font>
i got the pack &amp; play compact, only the play pen but it serves as a nap place for wairah during the day too..

<font color="0000ff">amber</font>
actually wairah eats at lot of times in a day simply because she eats in small portions, just like me. so i guess she gets hungry all the time, also like me

<font color="ff0000">gugi</font>
forget to add that i didn't go to a doctor. its actually done at my beauty centre where i go for monthly facial. its my first time doing this treatment. what i heard is it may work for some ppl, as in the freckles disappear and don return but for some others its just a temp vanishing act, the freckles appear again in a few months.
Well done, Susu! Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Ems went down at 7:30pm and slept until 9pm. I tried to dream feed her but she refused to drink much. She kept squirming towards the cot (interesting huh?) so I put her down and she tried to self settle. I held her down in one position and put my hand on her back (as per the book) but I noticed that she kept squirming as if she was trying to find a more comfortable position. So I let her be and she rolled over to the other side. It looked like she had settled down but I remembered the Baby Whisperer's advice to stay with her - even if I was just peering at her from the side of the cot. Sure enough, she opened her eyes twice to check I was there and then went to sleep. I do think that PU/PD has given her some basic tools to put herself to sleep and self-settle; of course, we've still got a ways to go in this regard...but I'm pleased so far.

Amber: Sent you an SMS just now, not sure if you got it. How many LJP cubes of puree does Ash eat in a sitting? Am wondering whether to increase the amt Ems is taking because she's been polishing off her food. For breakfast she had three cubes of stuff, for lunch, another 3-4 cubes and for dinner, another 2 cubes + cereal.
I think my verdict is that bcube's Isetan ice cube trays are fantastic for storing solids. Each cube is quite a large size which is great (you don't need as many cubes per feed) and they are easy to dislodge after freezing. I also like the tray lid that comes with the tray. Here are some pics:


Yolk, it comes with the cover? air tight? if its gud then i will buy one or two oso, waiting for this baby cube lid things drives me crazy..

Your gal oso hold her bottle n drinks her self hor?
susu! So thts wht its called!! Yummers!!

Tonight my best friend came over she cooked us ayam buah keluak! I made apple crumble. Tmr am gonna walk my furthest route!!!

Gugi, Ashley just turned 7mths n nah she doesn't usually hold her bottle sometimes she'll use one hand sometimes two but.. Let's put it this way I never let go! She doesn't know how to tilt it up! Ash usually hits her milestones a little later thn some of the bubsies here!

Nite all am feeling stuffed n sleepy!
yolk! Sorry am using my phone now so i didnt see the post till now!

Yeah babe Ems is eating well! Lol did u understand my whole thing abt water n puffing cereal! Aw man I'm so long winded sorry hon

Yeah those cubes u got look big my cheapo ones I just got frm taka are small so maybe 4 cubes Ash finishes her food too but I don't give her more!
abt broccoli its individual babe. Gave Ash spinach at 6mths ish and she loved it did well!
ok I'm outta here!
Hi everyone, just got back from a long and stressful day with the extended family. As most of you know, Ally is a very active baby. She can't sit still for long and wants to crawl and climb everywhere. My relatives associate that with being a "naughty" baby. And then they started on and on about how in their days babies just stayed in their cribs and entertained themselves. Argh!

Amber: I just lay her down, rub her back and try to ignore her cheeky smiles. Then I tell her its time to sleep and just walk back to my bed. She's in our room at the moment cos we've moved back to my parent's place till after her operation. But the minute I reach my bed she would be standing in her cot babbling to me and wanting to play! I just repeated it over and over again for the next hour.

Yolk: Its encouraging to see that the PU/PD method works with Ems. Some days it works for Ally, other days nothing else would do except to be held in mummy's arms...
oh oh forgot to mention did everyone read the papers? Glenn Doman is coming to Singapore oh wait no Glenn Doman another Doman. His son perhaps? Anyway workshop going on in march
jillian u really have an amazing child on ur hands! If Ash was in the same room with me shed prob never sleep! Actually its hard to say! Like yolk said it, just when u think you've got it all down pat they go ahead n change everything!

So far Ash has been really good with her naps n meals.
Jillian whn is Ally's op? I will pray for her n for you.
Hi Amber: No probs - thanks for the info! Wow, sounds like a yummy dinner. It's suddenly beginning to hit HB and I that we may soon have our evenings back and that's a good, good thing - hope we are not speaking too soon and that Ems keeps up the good sleep! The Doman who's going to be in town is Douglas Doman - he's the guy who wrote the Teach Your Baby to Swim Book. He's doing one workshop on brain-injured kids and another on multiplying the intelligence of non-brain-injured kids. Not for me - I'll just read the book.

Hi Irene: We got a Baby Bjorn potty - just bought the one which the guy at MothersWork recommended. It's shaped like a chair so it's relatively more comfy for bb to sit in.

Hi Jillian: Eeks, I hate days like that. Hope you'll be able to get a good rest tonight. Have you read Dr Sears' book on high need babies? Certain relatives used to comment that their babies were never like Ems, weren't so spirited and stubborn, didn't have problems winding down to sleep, etc etc etc, and I would get pretty upset. But then when it hit me that Ems is just different from other babies and she is just what Sears would call "high need", the penny dropped and I think I was better able to cope with the baby that I have. And I really do believe that there are differences. My friend who has two Angel babies said that she realised from the very first week of Ems' life - just from hearing Ems cry - that she was very different. So now, whenever someone makes a comment abt how "in my time, I didn't have to....", I respond by saying, "Yes, but she's a high need baby - they are like that. It's just the way they are".
yolk: heard quite good reviews on the babybjorn potty.... was wondering if i should buy that..

actually was thinking of getting the safety 1st potty with the cushiony seat... but i read amazon reviews that its not really useful...
Yolk: Yes I think I realised from day 1 that Ally is a very high needs baby. I haven't read the book yet but will get my hands on it. Its hard to make people understand, most of the time I think they feel that I'm making excuses for her behaviour. I understand totally about the cry, they don't just cry but they really really CRY, if that makes any sense to you. I just feel that she feels things more strongly, each emotion is so intense with her , when she laughs, she laughs so whole heartedly as well.

Amber: thanks for your kind comments. Ally is going for her op on March 18th.
Irene - Yes definitely. She seems relatively comfy in it, though I haven't been pushing the potty thing these few days b/c didn't in the midst of PU/PD training, I didn't want her to have to deal with more new things.

But our babies are not ready for potty training if you read conventional potty training books. You trying to do elimination communication? If not, there may not be a point in buying one at this stage.
Jillian: I totally know what you mean. They get really emotional when they cry and they cry with their entire bodies which squirm and scrunch up - almost like they feel the sadness (and anger!) in their whole body. The book is called Fussy Baby Book. One of the first chapters contains a detailed description of the characteristics of high need babies and it sounded exactly like Ems. And then, I almost cried when I read in Sears' book that high need babies grow into high need children and teenagers! :> But one of the best things abt the book was the realisation that we can choose to view this positively or negatively - as Sears says "Don't think of your child as a difficult sleeper; think of her as active or alert. Don't think of him as clingy; think of him as a baby who values being with you".
Ok off to bed! Reading "Eat Pray Love" - which is a world away from my world (of purees, pottys and poo) right now. Goodnight babes.
Jillian i so can relate with you on the mindless comments from our relatives. I cried last night because of what my MIL said about my baby. I told her the other day Shayne woke up 5 times the previous night (not sure why so). She then told my hub (i think she dare not tell me direct) that Shayne's frequent waking up is due to nothing else but the lack of my breastmilk! She said we ought to feed him formula before his sleep. Think my hub tried to explain but She was quick to label us as stubborn and thinks that my beliefs are based on theories and not on practical grounds.

I mean like hello? Has Shayne not been growing? How would he have grown this big if i didnt have enough milk? To think, after 7 months she still think this way! Sigh, and She went on about how the cousin's kid was growing well, how the mother is doing...compare compare compare. All that made me feel like i am such an inadequate mother in her eyes.

I think i bawled my hardest last night. But im ok now although im still whining every now and then to my hubs.
sometimes when my baby goes to sleep early and I know he hasn't drank enough for the day, I'd actually prepare a bottle and feed him before I go to bed. He normally doesn't wake up fully and even if he does, he goes back to bed promptly after the feed
...otherwise, he'll wake up at 5am, I know ;)

Re: HT's url. it's www.healthytimes.sg Their server is a bit slow so gotta patient.

Re: Popular. Hmm, I only went to the one at Bras Basah cos I thought that's the biggest one.. not sure if other branches have a better selection tho. Btw, u can test the DVD before buying...that way, u can see if u like the format

Re: broccoli. I gave it to my son when he started on solids recently. No probs with it
I'd just cut them into tiny florets, steam them before blending or milling them.

Susu/Amber: Cool! so many SAHMs

Susu:Sippy Cups: I read from "What to Expect" that it's better for babies to get the hang of drinking from a real cup 1st before going to sippy cups. Nonetheless, I'm using Nuk's sippy cup..unfortunately, my son is more keen to play with the spout than drinking with it :D

Re: Avocado. I found them in Jasons, i think

Jillian: May I ask why u prefer Ally to crawl and not cruise? And dun pay too much attention to what the extended family says. Mine is also like that
I take whatever they say with a big tablespoon of salt

pray that Ally's op goes smoothly!

All: u're potty training your babies already? geesh,, I haven't even thought of doing that....
Morning everyone!

Cheok: Its so frustrating isn't it? My hb will usually say " don't worry, she doesn't know any better." Its hurting especially since it comes from family members whom you think should be more supportive! Shayne is such a sweetheart, he looks so well and is full of energy so you have nothing to worry about there!

Kat: The problem with Ally is she doesn't seem to have any self preservation. Everything is fair game to her and she's very gung ho about everything. Crawling seems to reduce the number of falls
Every though I watch her closely, I can't be there all the time. She's already fallen over the dogs and yesterday was trying to climb up our standing fan!

Yolk: How is Ems taking to the play yard? Does she protest to being confined?
Yes, I'm Peranakan. Wore a Nyonya Kebaya for my wedding (in turquoise!), and all my girlfriends wore kebayas too! Must hold on to to some tradition at the very least! (since I can't cook Peranakan dishes, but at least can look the part! haha!).

There was a horrible moment between midnight and two am, when Jack just got up almost every half an hour, crying and whimpering, as if he was in pain last night! I was so freaking exhausted!

Kicked Big Man outta bed to deal with it towards the end as I was reaching the tail end of my tolerance!

Is this teething pain? His first 2 teeth already shot through, new ones don't come so swiftly, do they??

The PU/PD worked, but doing it repeatedly for 2 hours is sheer exhaustion.

I hear you, re relatives. When we visited my "out-laws" (I jokingly call them that!), she kept saying to Jack E-V-E-R-Y D-A-Y, "Oh you poor thing, your Mummy wouldn't feed you any solids!". She was SOOO on my case about feeding him solids.

Er..Jack was only 4.5 months old then. And my paeds maintained that he didn't need solids yet as he is thriving well on BM alone (he's on the 90th ++ percentile of growth chart!).

Plus, we were doing some heavy traveling and I dind't want to introduce solids admist all that chaos! Just wanted to start off on the right foot - and also not deal with allergies mid holiday!

I was so fed up, I told Big Man if your Mum says that another day, I can't guarantee that I"ll hold back from screaming!

Oh, to answer your question in your email, Big Man and I took the quiz twice and Jack still comes up as a "Textbook" baby.

Having said that though, he's not your perfect match of the profile. He has niggling characteristics that don't quite fit into a Textbook, but by a "ballpark" estimate, he is one.
Eg, the biggest issue, not sleeping through the night!
good morning all!
i took urgent half day today cos Lis threw up twice last night and her temp was running high - she refuse to take paracetamol! only chooses med that taste ok to her.. so mummy have to monitor her. she's better but not recovered now.. i'm off to work soon..
Heheh, Susu, I like your term "out-law" :D

I can also relate to your frustration regarding the solids feeding. Unlike your case however, I felt the pressure from my midwife! (similar to the PDs here as I was living overseas) Over there, babies generally get started on solids at 4mths but I was holding off until nearly 6mths. Would have started a teeny bit sooner if we hadn't been travelling then. I thought it was too much hassle dealing with the cereals, allergy risks, timings etc.....
jillian i guess this is part of our motherhood journey isnt? i find the toughest part is NOT taking care of the baby, its handling the comments shot by family and friends. Yes, its extremely hurting &amp; they are often the cause of my bawlings!! Oh about high need babies, i read about it too. When Shayne was 1-2 months old, he wanted nothing but comfort sucking. All my friends were against it and blamed me for allowing it to happen. But like what you say the baby has his own personalities, sometimes they just want nothing but a certain methodology &amp; u cant help but to give in or face a fussy baby. I felt horrible during those times cause no one was supporting me until i read up about this on Dr Sears. Sigh, i guess more to come &amp; i should learn to cope with these mindless comments.

oh susu im too busy venting and forgot to wish you WELCOME! Paiseh! Are u living in Malacca now or staying in Singapore? Im bit confused...hehehe

nor oh dear! i hope Lis gets better soon!

for some reason, i was doing my walk today.. 30mins into it.. decded to come home. just didnt feel like it today..

Gugi, sorry for some strange reason i thought you ived in JB or something! if you live central.. there's lots of preschools ard. but prob the more ex ones!

nor, sorry Lis is so sick.. hope she's ok by today!

hey Yolk/Jil
have you ever thought tht your bubs cld be gifted children.. they often get mislabeled as high need/sensitive/emotional children.
just something to consider. i have this book which i havent read and passed to my sis.. all abt gifted kids. usually very sticky chidren.. sometimes problematic in school.. it's a god read.
Yolk, i got the book frm Angie. you shld ask her abt it.. forgot the title.
hello mummies

wow! so much to read up! welcome to the new mummies
i'm also a SAHM

cheok...poor dear...i know how it feels when people closest to us undermine our mothering efforts. pay no heed to them...as long as shayne is growing well and you know what you're doing...cos their ideas are really outdated. well i wouldn't say they're totally wrong but practices have changed with new research. must remind them the last time they reared a baby was some 3 decades ago! like my mum...at first she kept telling veve mama's milk is boring. then she kept urging me to feed her fish. i'm being v careful w veve cos she tends to have sensitive skin. thankfully i had some weaning info on hand and showed her the recommended age for all kinds of food. (she was like saying i had fish porridge when i was 4mo) dun worry! you've done a fine job with your super smiley shayne

about teething. ok...silly mummy me just realised veve's lower 2 have cut the gum...no wonder it felt so painful when she bit me
think it's been a few weeks already...so when i try to remember the period, think she was really difficult then...hourly wakings at night, but nothing intolerable for her mama and papa. think her upper 2 are erupting just about now cos she's a lil feverish, a lil manja and rashy around the mouth.

about being nonya. hehe...my paternal grandma was one. so i'm also a diluted one but the odd one who doesn't like ayam buah keluak :p

about constipation. we brought veve to the PD on sat after a week of no poo. could see the little poop but there was quite a lot of hide and seek going on. PD was supposed to insert a suppository but it's like discontinued and OOS. so we had to hunt for it...luckily found it at guardian taka. that together with lactulose, her poo finally saw the light of day. it felt like i was in the zoo's elephant enclosure...the pong was like OMG! pd wanted me to keep a food dairy of veve's intake cos she said some allergies might manifest as constipation. i suspect it was the peas that triggered the condition. anyhow, mummies, do ensure your babes take a lot of water when taking those iron-fortified foods.

jillian...oh dear...hope you have a better day today! i can so understand what you mean by seeing ally all up and ready to play when you're back to your bed. veve's the same! perhaps ally's crankiness is due to teething plus overstimulation. it'll pass. veve has been doing well not wailing at night lately. i think it's partly cos she's well-rested in the day (sometimes taking 2h long naps) and partly cos the teething pain has paused for now.
Hope Lis feels better soon. Sometimes, I wonder if Working Mums have it worse, cause if your kid falls ill, your entire routine is shot and you'll have to take leave to nurse the poor child. Quite a lot of logistics involved.

Don't worry. I miss out things too. I'm living in SG now, been here off and on about six years. My Dad calls us Nomads!
O dear.. hope Lis get better soon!

Dun bother what fam said bout lil ally, she's cute n v healthy, its gud sign that she's active. Its different era now. I oso used to get "sharp comment" from ppl bout the way i raise my gal, n used 2 cry, but my hubby said what e hell..

last time my bb never wake up in e middle of her sleep, but still my pil said load of things, keep ask me to give my 2days old gal water, n die2 gave to her, till she refuse to latch, then my milk production lesser n lesser lor. they bot S26 for her, then my gal can not pass motion, when i told hubby 2 try other brand, they're not happy, said tat this milk v exp, must be v gud, not because of tis milk lor, prob your milk.. piang! everytime anything happened 2 my bb, always blame my BM; till one day i told my hubby if they dare to said such thing again i'll tell them that what i ate is her cook, so if my MB not gud, means something wrong wif her cook oso! then hubby told them not to kacau me so much; n everything better now since we're moving far n they see my gal grow well.. sigh.. bad temper man sometimes

How come u think i stay in JB? hahaha so cute one u. Btw, u should share your recipes hor...

Susu Ibu,
i oso got similiar situation.. hehe..

Btw, i would like to know how much is the maid cost in sgp rite now? n do i nid to pay extra if i bring them to KL? i'm tired keep changing maid here, hv 2 teach them this, teach them that,once they're know lots of things, they'll quit.
If e cost not so much diff then i get from indonesia, fussy free, i would like to get from sgp then..
gugi sigh, i do think parents and in-laws have our and baby's interest at heart. But sometimes, they say things without understanding our position. Its always very easy use the mouth but hard to put into action. Oh well, this is a parcel of our motherhood...we'll just have to bear with it!
harloo mummies

jillian, cheok
pissed off yeah? these people, yeah easier to say than done.
yup babies these days are really different from those days what. every child is different. so guess u have a hard time changing ally's clothes and diapers too? we have such a terrible time trying to do so! all the best for ally's op ya!

re: naps
recently lucas refuses to take naps most of the time. at times he will only squeeze in a nap at late morning and stays awake all the way till night time!

yeap like the "out-law" term! haa!

u mean you are thinking of getting a maid from sgp and bring over to KL? not sure if you need to apply for extra documents as and when from the authority.

oh dear, what happened to lis? hope she's feeling better now.
