(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

yolk: yes the booster seats have straps... even the ikea one has straps... although its at the lower abdomen area. at least in between the legs there is a slot.. erm u get what i mean?? hehehe.. some highchair dont have the leg divider which worries me alot coz kaelyn love to wiggle out her way everywhere.. even in her strollers... for ikea highchair as long they dun try to stand up ... i think they are safe ....

irene/ yolk sac
i'm also using Ikea high chair, used it for Lis and kept in the store and now its out to serve Wairah. i think its cheap and good
Nor.. yes yes.. I tink u shld.. it’ll b so much fun!

Yolk sac.. thks for the compliments.. my pkg includes the following:
Suitable for family of 5 members, maternity, couple, makeover/glamour, kids, and pets etc

1. All images return in CD on the spot.
2. 2hrs session.
3. Maximum 5 people.
4. 1 x make up.
5. 3 x 8R.

I’m nt too sure whether they’ve 1 juz for babies.. mayb u can email them to chk?.. my photographer is David.. his email [email protected]
morning everyone,

i hv, (recommended by irene & jillian) bot the booster seat by safety first @ Taka. According to the sales staff, its the last 2 piece on the shelf. my colleague bot one too. so currently no stock left. but she (sales staff) say their supplier will be bringing in new stock but dunno when. so...yolksac, u can try ur luck a few days later if u intend to get one for emily.
amber, nope, there is no pain. they just attached wires onto her head & monitor the brain waves on the computer system. rachel was drinking her milk & fell asleep soon after. in fact, the neurologist did mention dat the babies/child can still play/do their own things; it doesnt hurt.
Cool bot e straw!
same like Nor, my gal oso chew on e straw.. n more interested to grab it then pocking dady with it.

If onli to put in parents hse, i oso using ikea one. Last time bought the bosster kind, but pil dun really understand how to attach it to the chair, so fin choose e simple one and economic =)

I oso find it diff to find "loyal" maid here, v tired to train each of them from the start over n over again rite? plus after what Nana share, i think i better get my family maid from jakarta, from the kampong2 one, so not as materialistic as from agent one, more loyal and nicer somemore;
Btw, do you need maid urgent? if not prob u can get HB uncle's maid. she's v gud n honest, with HB uncle's fam for 12 or 13 years, now uncle doesnt nid him anymore coz the youngest kid already primary 4/5 (forgot), this december she'll go back philiphine to get married and after that hoping to come back sgp to work again.
Dear mummies,

Anyone keen to go for a trial at Harbourfont Gymboree 4 - 4.45pm? Date is 16 March. This organized by my friend whose baby is about same month as ours. She has 6 slots taken up and still got 6 slots left so am trying my luck here to see if anyone keen? Got to pay $20 for the trial class.
good morning mummies

last night was not too good a night for us. veve woke up at 1am cranky with a temp. gave her some panadol(which we've resisted from giving all along) for the first time and a cooling pad and then she calmed down to sleep...think it's teething...today she's still a lil warm but seems perfectly ok already. shall try to give her more liquids.

cheok...you hang on in there ya? it hurts esp bad since it's MIL ya? as long as you have a wise and supportive hb...that's all that matters

abt constipation. veve had hard stools as opposed to those puree types...and then i noticed the effort to pop out those poop...and then for a couple of days altho i could see the poop, it refused to come out...then i knew it was massive constipation. i actually gave her the heinz apple and prune juice for 2 days before seeing the stuck poop. then i gave her prune puree for the next few days...hopeful since a couple of babies here cleared their system with just that bit of prune...but no success
prob that poop stoppered the whole thing...and also the rest of the stools got too hard to move along. however, veve did not cry when trying to poo. only time she did was after she had her first dose of lactulose and the poop made its way out halfway and got stuck and she needed intervention. sorry for being too graphic :p

yolksac...haha...i only told jules abt veve's condition.

jules...i was gonna tell you yest tt now veve's using mamapoko at night and it's not too bad...but yest, prob cos veve slept on her side and the diapers got misaligned it leaked and had to change her pjs and all.

abt highchair. veve loves her ikea one. she loves to dangle her feet and swing. i was told by mothers that there was no pt spending a fortune in one cos after a while, they'll resist sitting in them, preferring the chair like mama and papa.

dorami...great photos
haha can't tell that a lot of hardwork had gone in to make lil jo smile...his smiles are so natural

irene...thanks for all the market reports
you're a gem!

nor...glad tt lis is well again. i know what's it like for such inconsiderate bosses...oh well...we dun have to spite them...just let God deal with such people.

abt maids. oh yah i just remembered my angmo boss' terrible filippino maid. you know how angmos tend to be less restrictive with their maids, preferring to treat them almost as equals. my boss was v kind to hers, bought her lots of new clothes, stereo set, tv, cds etc and this maid only had to stay home to take care of her cats. seems like this maid is an alcoholic who went to a nearby construction site and befriended the guys there. my boss had a rude shock when the police called her up cos the foreman informed the police in case she was involved in some vice activities. many other things happened in btwn including running away, climbing out of the window in the wee hours of the night to meet bf, downing an average of half a bottle of whatevers in the larder- vodka, xo etc. in general, prob cos the maids know how we asians tend to hold onto the reins tighter, they prefer angmos. nana good luck with your maid hunt. claire too!

oh cheok...i used plastic ice trays with not so tight lids from daiso then i'll place them in huge freezer bags. other frozen food, i'll place in either locknlock or tupperware boxes and also place them in freezer bags. haha...im ks :p
Oh need to check with all of you, is anyone using first teeth toothpaste? is this item available in singapore? if yes how much is it?
I see loads of spree to buy this item, or mummy selling their stock, wondering if its worth the trouble to save the money.. i mean if its onli diff by $1 then not worthed to travel to pick the toothpaste since patrol oso exp rite?
Thanks in advance
for the 1st teeth toothpaste, i saw in kiddy palace is selling for $21.70 while u buy from spree is only $8.50

So get from the spree !!!!
Jenn.. thanks for the info, then i'll get from those spree! Btw, when we start to brush our bb tooth? when whole thing come out or partial oso can? my gal tooth start to "break through" out, can feel lil bit.. do i nid to brush it now?
Hey gals!

Wow the thread is moving FAST! I havent had the time to read through but will do it when I am pumping later!

Hey welcome! Great to know a fellow Hypno-birther! And yes your memmory serves you right: R was a water-birth Baby! Your posts are so funny! Love to meet you soon!

Great pics!! So pretty!

Irene Choi
RENT the jumperoo!

hey babe, hope Ash is nothing serious! Will pray for her!

glad to hear Lis is fine..when they are sick its real tough huh?

R was at Ikea yesterday and sat in the highchair. Seems fine to me! You can bring Ems to the cafe and let her "Test drive" it out by feeding her there etc before buying. Oh..and they have very nice disposable bibs for babes!

wow all this talk of PU/PD success makes me wanna try with R! Her sleep is a real problem now (but not as if there isnt a problem to start with...). So Yolk & Susu Ibu, please enlighten me on what to do for R's case. HELP!!!
bedebe.. haha.. trust me.. me, my hb n maid were all jumpin behind the photographer n playin peek a boo w him n using rattlers to get his attention

Bcube.. thks thks hee
Wow looks like the Ikea high chair gets many votes! I think I'll pop out and get one later this week. PU/PD at lunchtime was unsuccessful. No crying or anything but Ems just wanted to play in her cot. She stood up and used one hand to grab a bunny toy that was hanging from her cot mobile. She immediately looked to me for affirmation and you should have seen the look of pride on her little face. Priceless! Anyway, my back was breaking (my bulging disc is acting up again - cld be because I was starting to run again - that's been shelved now) so I decided to take a break and pass her to my granny for a while. Will try again soon.

dorami: thanks for the info! can i ask how much that pckge cost?

bedebe: argh, the stopper problem! have heard that happens quite often - am not looking fwrd to that for Ems
re helper horror stories - eeks, terrible right? there are a TON of helpers at JG and they can be quite annoying sometimes. the teachers are acting something out in mandarin and the helpers are giving their toddlers a simulcast translation of the goings on in English! I mean, hello?! It's quite obvious to a reasonably intelligent 18 mnth old that the "rabbit" is hungry because the "rabbit" is rubbing her tummy. It's supposed to be immersion but apparently not.
thanks dorami! good value!

hey, can anyone post the Chinese lyrics of "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands". In Playnest, it sounds like:
lu guo xin fu....[something something] pai pai shou


Tabbiesus: Any news on that Chinese CD? JG sells one to students. I bght one today, let me test it and let you know ok? It doesn't have the ol' chestnuts like Twinkle Twinkle and If You're Happy and You Know It, tho. If it's good, I can help you buy one using Ems' name
yolk, found this for u


拍您的手(拍手, 拍手)
拍您的手(拍手, 拍手)
拍您的手(拍手, 拍手) 。

重踏您的腳(重踏, 重踏)
重踏您的腳(重踏, 重踏)
重踏您的腳(重踏, 重踏)

呼喊"hurray"! (Hur 光芒!)
呼喊"hurray"! (Hur 光芒!)
呼喊"hurray"! (Hur 光芒!)

做所有三(拍手, 拍手, 重踏, 重踏, "Hur 光芒!")
做所有三(拍手, 拍手, 重踏, 重踏, "Hur 光芒!")
做所有三(拍手, 拍手, 重踏, 重踏, "Hur 光芒!")
hi yolk sac
sorry to bother u in this thread, cos I wasn't sure if u wld be gg back to the other one.

Posted this in the other thread:
<font color="0000ff">yep yep, me is hypnobirthing mummy! Me birthed in June'06.
Now i'm having no. 2 and wondering whether to engage Ginny again as doula. And I do need some refresher cos I dun think my hubby can rem how to support me anymore.
What r ur thots? Wld u engage Ginny again?
Cos I heard second labour can be v fast and I dun want to engage her then I pop before she arrives!</font>

Any other hypnobirthing mummies here? I wldn;t mind more opinions! Thx!
peck: sweetie, thanks! where have you been all my life?
haha. eh but very hard to squeeze all those syllables into the song leh. hey, do you have access to other chinese lyrics for kid's songs? the other one I need is ba luo bo (pull the turnip) - is there a good website I can use for this?

isabelle: no probs, I do check the other one, just not as often. you did well to find me here. plus we have three other hypnobirthing mums here - bcube, parsniketty and ibususu. I wasn't able to engage Ginny as my doula the last time around as she was very occupied dealing with bcube and parsniketty
Instead, she referred me to Sarah Das, a midwife-doula who works with Dr FM Lai (my obgyn). So maybe bcube, pars and susu would be better placed to advise you. As for me, I will definitely engage a doula at my next birth as I found this to be an excellent source of support during labour. I will, however, advise her that I'm likely to go even faster this time around! If she's familiar with working with hypnobirthing mums, I'm sure she'll show up quickly!
This is really sad. I'm researching Chinese CDs/baby resources off a US-based Adopting from China forum. Eleven years in a Higher Chinese school and here I am, learning from Americans who don't speak a word of the language!
Hi Mummies...

Thread is really moving fast !

Highchairs: I m using the IKEA one and its the best. My little one stays in it but I m pretty sure in a few mths time, she will probably need some cajoling b4 she relents to sit in it!! Babies usually outgrow these things really fast.

Constipation: Mummies with lil ones who are having constipation can try this:

a)Massage your baby's tummy
Start at the belly button and then massage outwards in circles in a clockwise direction. Some oil or cream on your fingers can also help.
Only continue if your baby enjoys the massage and is comfortable and relaxed.

b)Move your baby's legs in a cycling motion
Place your baby so he or she is lying on their back. Hold their legs and turn them gently in a quick cycling motion.
This will make the stomach muscles move and, in turn, put gentle pressure on the intestines to make them move.

C)Give your baby a bath
A warm bath can make your baby relax so the stools are passed more easily. Once your baby has relaxed in the bath, you can also massage their stomach (see above).

When you wash your baby's bottom, apply some cream or petroleum jelly (Vaseline) around the outside of the anus.

d) If your baby is on formula milk, you should follow the instructions on the package carefully. Making the mixture too thick by putting in more than the recommended amount of powder can lead to constipation and other medical problems.

There are different brands of formula milk on the market, and they are basically of equal quality. It's best to stick to the same brand, because different formulas may require different dilutions.

e)Give cooled, boiled water
You can give your baby extra fluids with bottles of cooled, boiled water.

f) decreasing constipating foods (like rice cereals &amp; bananas)

I remember reading somewhere that constipation is rare in exlusively breast fed babies so I guess it all boils down to wat kind of solids u are giving yr lil ones at the moment.

Maids: Good luck to all those sourcing for one,ya
Its really hard to find a needle in a haystack so mke sure u do a through interview b4 hiring them. I believe if u treat them right, they will treat u right too

I have one question to ask u mummies- does yr lil one wants to still sit in his/her pram? Little Alicia refuses so I m thinking of selling away her pram. Its like very difficult to strap her down these days ans she will try to yank herself out!! So when I take her out, I have to bring the baby carrier with me or the sarong whih after a while can b very tiring!!
thanks yvonne - I found that site a while back, that's how I learnt the words to Twinkle Twinkle and Two Tigers! But no ba luo bo words sadly.
Hi bcube, parsniketty and ibususu
sorry to intrude like this. Learnt from yolk sac that u gals r hypnobirthing mummies too. So wld like some opinions for my 2nd preg.

Here's what i posted earlier in this thread, if u don't mind giving me ur views? Thx

yep yep, me is hypnobirthing mummy! Me birthed in June'06.
Now i'm having no. 2 and wondering whether to engage Ginny again as doula. And I do need some refresher cos I dun think my hubby can rem how to support me anymore.
What r ur thots? Wld u engage Ginny again?
Cos I heard second labour can be v fast and I dun want to engage her then I pop before she arrives!
heloooo july mummies
sorry for interupting. i am from aug thread looking for yolk sac.

helo yolk sac
how r u and emily? we missed u at aquaducks!!
need your help!! titus having constipation. i brought him to the pd after not being able to poo for 5 days. so heartpain whenever i see him trying to force the motion out. the dr inserted a supportory into his anus n it did help. aiyo!!! his motion was big n hard n the anus bled in the process. so heartache to see him crying in the clinic.
i understand u mention b4 that u let emily take prune juice? whats the brand n how to give n dilute? titus doesnt like water, how to make him drink? the pd said he needs 200ml per day. oh mine!! thats alot n i wonder how to give him cos its so difficult n he will protest. he doesnt like it through sippy cup or bottle n i have to use a syringe!
yes i m!! but i am not bamboo anymore. very fat esp around my tummy. how r u? no wonder your nick looks familiar. time flies!! we r mothers now. : )
Thanks Gugi. We are not in a hurry to get one but is definitely looking out for one. However, december seems too far away. Not sure if we can tolerate her till then.

BTW: it's definitely worth to buy from the spree for the firth toothpaste. It's much much cheaper. Perhaps you can get them send to you. Guess postage will not come up to a lot right since you are not too far away from us.

Peck: Is it a free trial? When are you planning to go? I don't mind trying out. keep me posted and I will see if I can make it.
I did think about that question and my final conclusion is:I will engage the service of Ginny again. Reason being that she is there more for mental support than anything else (ofcause her being my "voice" to answer pesky questions from nurses while I am labouring did help!!). With Ginny around, my HB can concentrate and doing his photography job! Haha..else he will be helpless and will probably irritate me more than help me! With Ginny around, I am rest assured that she can help communicate the kind of birth I want. Her support and encouragement during my birth with R was v reassuring. You will never know if your 2nd/3rd/4th birth is gonna be faster as there it isnt a sure thing! SO just in case its gonna be a long one, you have her around for support? Just my thought..I wouldnt want to start the journey with a new child with a bad delivery experience!

poor titus! Hope he dont kenna it again...can you feed him using spoon? Maybe with prune juice, he will like it as it is sweet? Also can try massaging his tummy like what was posted previously. Urr...and you are NOT FAT like what you said lah.....in case you are wondering how I know, I am R's mum..the one who was at the Aquaducks trial. ;)
Yo hor, dec is still far away. I couldnt afford her, that's why i wont hire her myself =(

Re: Maids
Of coz we have to treat them rite, but what i found down here is those maids know how 2 play the game. We teach them many things, once they know how, they'll move on coz they know this additional skill will increase their price. If their works good, of coz we gladly give them bonus or gud increment, but some of them just too greedy.. sigh.. last time all of our maids v loyal to us, stay with us for years n years..
that's why i decided to just go to fetch themself from kampong so their mind havent poluted yet.. hopefully i'll get one nice person =)

Re: tooth paste
Thanks for the info! def will order as well..
Btw, what make everybody buy this toothpaste? is there no other gud brand?

If i found my gal didnt pass motion, ussualy what i do is diluted her milk (last time she doesnt want to drink plain water); let say 1 scoop for 30ml, then i'll make 40ml or even 50ml, it alwyas works for her... i never try anything else till now coz till i joined this forum, i never know tat bb can eat prune heee silly me.
Oh btw, about the PU/PD thing, i do similiar thing, to make sure its worth to share, i'll test again tonite, if my gal still sleep through e nite then means its worth to share =)
<font color="aa00aa">SLEEP TRAINING R</font>
I started on the "Sleep Training" for R tonight. The problem was, she actually developed sleep association (want breast!!!) to sleep during our 3 day trip to Bangkok (can you believe it?!) and it was getting worst! So decided to cold turkey her tonight. She refuse milke from her bottle so I just let her roll around in cot yelling while I was stroking her. I couldnt and dare not leave her alone in her cot as she once tried getting up and ended up hitting her head against the rails. So I stayed in the room with her while she yell, after some interval, I picked her up and offer her the bottle. WHen she refuses, I place her down in her cot and soothe her by patting. This went on for half an hour until she was so tired she kncoked out. She woke about an hour later and I picked her up to feed her..she drank about 30ml from the bottle and knocked out again.

AM not sure if this will work. It isnt exactly PU/PD and definitely is not CIO. Am just modifying this along the way...accidental parenting? Hmm..sounds like me!

If you gals have suggestions let me know! Am desperate to wean her off breast! HB said the next kid shall be bottle fed from day 1..haha...men.....

hi all... quick update

As saw her PD.. brought along a video footage of Ash having her spasms..

PD not sure.. cos it doesnt fit the usual Infantile Spasms discription (Ash has a backward motion not forward)
i hope she doesnt have any form on IS
if you look it up it's really scary stuff

we saw the pediatric neurologist today as well.. and we are going for EEG scan maybe thurs. he said it's a myoclonic spasm.. but tht doesnt say anything,, so we're hoping to rule out the big guys (seizure family) thru EEG..

if tht shows up normal.. thn it falls into a diff group.
maybe do a MRI of her brain or spine..

i mentioned involuntary muscle spasms like tics.. but apparently they dont occur in children under 3
i just want it all to go away.

i dont wish this sort of worry on anyone..
but pls go read up on Infantile Spasms and watch for the signs or tell ppl if you hear someone talking about it!

oh, thank you for those of you who have prayed.
i really appreciate it. am feeling very sunk
