(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

Jillian wow! You do gymnastics and ride horse? WAAAAAAAAAAAH. And your back problem, OUCH!!! I feel pain for you friend...fell from the horse? double ouch...

yolk er shayne doesnt look annoyed lei, just manja. Wants me to carry him and refused to be left alone. Drooling comes on and off. BUt he has been rubbing his ears and nose, until there's a tiny scratch on his nose(but i think he really wants to rub his mouth instead). I use my fingers to rub his gums; appeases him abit then again im not sure if his just curious about the foreign object in his mouth or its soothing his discomfort.

<font color="119911">keagen, susu</font> thanks for the comforting words; as in assuring me that im not alone in this! wahahahhaa. Susu, yesterday must have been tough for u, managing the baby and headache. Im telling myself, IT IS A PASSING PHASE! Oh and tell me about the snoring hubster!!!

bedebe WAH. veve wins, the 'choping' boob thing while feeding...hahhaha funny girl!

jules XY looks soooo adorable la...that stripey pants make her look even more samseng with that pose!
hey everyone!

i dont have time to write cos it took me soooo long to read up!
im very tired and so is Ash. she was so exhausted she didnt want her milk before bed!
m gonna wake her up in a while to feed her.

cheok, susu, yolk, you guys must be so tired!

yolk, my bad.. playclub!
hope Ems is feeling better soon..

Jillian, wht Yolk said, is SO true.
i'm so amazing being aa mum.. and having the capacity to love something soo much. i felt sad whn i read how you dragged amattress in to sleep with her.
reminds me of whn i held Ash before her EEG. i didnt sleep.. but i wanted to hold her and i wanted tht moment to never end.

cheok, sure sure add!

gugi, jules.. nice pics!

claire, well done! no paci!

oh oh, i signed Ash up for Gymboree.
she had soo much fun today!
and we did diff excercises frm my last trail in Jan.. so was refreshing..

susu, today's theme seems to be abt textures..

we started off with welcome song and quick intro/discussion.
we talked abt books and wht books bb like to read..
thn we did a song which had clapping of hands and stomping of feet.
thn another song abt bicycles.. and one abt aeroplanes.. and we had to get on our backs and fly our bbs!

there was a quick activity on the floor with balls and thn group clean up.

the equipment had stuff thrown all over it.. paint brushes, scarves, balls, non slip mats, plastic bubble wrap and a seep skin rug! and the bbs were supposed to "discover" the ojects, spend time playing with the textures!

Ash climbed up a small ladder/incline and crawled thru a gym mat tht was tubular.. she was scared and hesitant but i coaxed her and waited for her on the other side... she was sooo HAPPY whn she came out!! eeeehehehe

we had a great time!

oh oh, susu, ended with parachute andd bubbles and Jimbo and more f thoese air filled shaapes..

i signed up.

hope you guys understood all tht.

sooo tired..
nite ya all..
if i can, i'll just lurke tonight!
Tough Afternoon, Ally wanted to be carried the entire time and was fussy as well. Damn that tooth fairy!!1

Cheok: Used to do, I'm afraid I'm now too unfit and fat to be doing any sort of gymnastics! But yes, I do ride twice a week still.

Jules: Your little samseng is too cute lah! I've been trying to teach ally the head tilt thing but she just looks at me like I'm mad. Think I need to borrow XY for a demo!
<font color="ff6000">Amber</font>
Ahh... the flying baby on your legs, on your back is one of my favouritest activities/songs!! Love it! I do it all the time with LM and he goes gaga over it!!

So I gathered you like the Teacher then?

I was worried if Ash would enjoy the class as you've been dragging her all about town today. Tired babies don't make happy babies! But she must have enjoyed herself enough to convince you to sign up!! Ash was ok with parachute this time around?

Btw, it's GYMBO lah.. as in GYMBOree! Tee hee!!

Soo glad you found a playgroup you both enjoy! Great!!
<font color="0000ff">Jewel</font>
Wah.. lucky you! fingers crossed, it'll last forever these long nights!!

<font color="0000ff">cheok</font>
I'm starting a new club, SPG!
Sleepless Parents Group! Hahaha!
In which I hope "memberships" gets terminated immediately for all members, and we graduate to "Sleeping Parents Group"!!!

<font color="0000ff">Jillian</font>
Do you think its possible that Ally knows that something is coming up? Kids pick up on our moods quickly, so maybe she's just abit more manja because of the op. Hang in there!

<font color="119911">Celeb!</font>
How's Ems doing now? Any better? Poor you too! Hope you're getting enough rest yourself, otherwise you won't be able to care for her as well.

<font color="0000ff">Lubang Queen, Irene!</font>
Catchy email address!!

<font color="ff0000">About being Manja</font>
LM got up again, crying, just one hour into his sleep! URGH! But Big Man went into the room to try to settle him, but he wouldn't! I was trying to watch Brothers &amp; Sisters (sucker for these dramas), but to no avail.
Went in and when he saw me, LM immediately made a conceited effort to lunge for me! Was abit surprised. First time showing such clear preference! Of course, Big Man abit chuffed, especially since it's his birthday today, haha!
It's nice to be his comfort, but it's kinda crippling too cause that means I'm the only one who can comfort him.
Anyway, did that, came out, channel switched to sports news. And so, I find myself here again! I think Big Man secretly happy he doesn't have to comfort LM!!! Cis.

<font color="ff0000">MY BAD??</font>
Ok.. someone explain this bad English usage, what is "my bad"???
My bad = my fault. For example, if I tell bcube that she needs to use Philly Cream Cheese Spread in her cupcakes and she later checks the recipe and tells me, "no, it's Original Cream Cheese, not the spreadable kind", then I can say, "oops, my bad, you're right - you shouldn't use the spread".

Does that make sense?
peck: can you add me too? My e-mail is [email protected]

Remember I mentioned about this sleep book which I bought? I found it quite good so I decided to try it out.

This author advocates a good sleeptime routine to help babies to sleep. She suggested giving baby a bath, milk and ends off with storytime. For a start, get your routine fixed first. For me, I will give Matt some milk and read a few books to him, However, I always end off with the same book after he has finished his milk. When we started the first day of the sleep training, he actually fell asleep without the pacifier. However, as usual, halfway through his sleep, he woke up searching for it. We didn't offer him any and he cried for 40 min until he was so exhausted and fell asleep. Throughout his crying, hub and I stayed with him and held him (actually not supposed to)We are supposed to stay by his side and give him moral support. But, we just couldn't leave him crying so I held him and he fell asleep in my arms. Later in the night, he woke up and cried again. I just patted him and then he fell asleep. Guess he was too exhausted. I think for the next few days, we didn't offer him any pacifier and I think and hope he's forgotten about him. Today is the fourth day and let's pray that it will be another good day.

Do you want to read the book? I can scan that particular section for me.

susu: Have you found out the cause of LM waking up in the night? for milk? habitual hunger? Let me know so that I can send you the right section.

Gugi: Charlotte looks so cute. I do have a alexa organiser. Bought one from the spree long ago. I think it's quite good. Really help to organise my bag. If you are interested let her know your interest by adding your name in the waitlist and if she gets 60 names, she will start the spree.

Jillian: Don't worry. Just have faith. We'll pray for you.

Yolksac: Oh no, hope Ems's getting better. Actually, we have planned a trip up north this weekend. Wanted to bring Matt along but now that he's sick. I'm just so hesitant about it. Hiaz...

Angeline: when are you closing your spree? hehehe will check it out when I'm free.

Gap: by the way, I found that gap sleepwear is really good. Unfortunately, they don't have it in Singapore, right. It's really soft and easy to wear
Manja - haha! Looks like your turn has arrived. Ems has been doing that for a few months. She'll try to lunge out of the arms of whoever is carrying me and the lunge is in my direction. As you said, it's lovely to be wanted but I do find that people often use this as an excuse to pass her to me. Sometimes Ems will lunge at Daddy too though, which I have to admit always surprises me, given the sort of hours my husband works. But good to know she knows who her Daddy is!

Thanks for asking about Ems. She seems to be a lot better though I'm still getting some output when I suction her. To be honest, save for the puking in the morning and the occasional cough, she doesn't seem any worse for the wear. She even found the time to climb up her exersaucer this afternoon - *faints*. I have a hilarious pic from today (see below). As you can see, no part of Ems' body is touching the ground. To get into this position, she crawls to her exersaucer, then holds on to that light blue toy that's sticking out of the exersaucer, pulls on it to stand up. And then <font color="0000ff">just for the heck of it</font> she decides to put one foot on the bottom tray of the exersaucer and wiggle the other foot in the air, while happily chewing on the exersaucer. SAMSENG!!!

<font color="119911">Celeb!</font>
Yes, got it! I gathered that was what it meant, but it's good use of bad English, you know what I mean?! Hiak hiak! <font color="0000ff">Lubang Queen</font>... you and your "my bad"! Tsk tsk!
<font color="119911">Celeb!</font>
GREAT SHOT!!! If it wasn't so late and LM's not asleep, I would be laughing out soo hard!!! I can't believe she's just hanging on to it with no legs to support her! I wouldn't call her Samseng, more like a baby Orang Utan! Waahahaha!!!! Classic shot - def for keeps!!

Glad to hear she's not off her usual self. But what about YOU?

Btw, just for fun fact, I'm using the Pigeon bulb suction thing. Works in the same way as yours, got the bulb so I don't risk swallowing the nasty stuff! Hiak hiak!

Get some rest, girl!
susu! my big man's bday's today too! sigh...but he's not in town...tat makes 2 years in a row

claire...indeed the gap footed pjs are really soft but i find the fastening v tricky...nicked a couple of nails and in the process almost yanked out the studs :p and hb got the pullover the head types which veve doesn't take too well when cranky. i've stocked up m&amp;s ones for her till 24m :p

oh be meaning to tell you and cheok...there's this organic shop at bbatok east (i think) ...there's this CC with a police station one? the shop's called organics for less. wanted to pop in but it was closed on sunday, not sure if it's every sunday or just that.
<font color="0000ff">Susu</font>
hehehe, u're v fast hor.

bout my gal pict, hopefuly still got chance wif LM hor?
Btw, hubby bday 2day but u gave him lots of "gift" since last weekend? WOW.. what a great bday huh?

<font color="119911">Irene</font>
your email address... *faint*

<font color="ff6000">Jules</font>
I'm v happy when i know that i'm not alone in raising samseng bb.. aleady quite worry leh, since my family told me when i was lil girl i used to kena detention n my mum bored being called by my teacher coz i beaten up boys.. afraid its my karma! hahaha
lets meet up someday, they'll make an interesting pict with all of other samseng gals!

<font color="0000ff">bedebe/irene : BDAY THING</font>
at first i dun really think bout it, but then my pil talked bout it on CNY, they always like that, last time i havent even give birth yet they already talking bout bb 1 month celebration.. yeah..first grandchild u know, that's why v bussybody.
But then my fam in jkt asked me if i would celebrate my gal bday in jkt.. of coz if i do it in jkt, there will be lots of bb fren, down here almost none.. so, confuse lor.
e dilema similiar as wedding dinner last time! haha
Irene, dear, let me know if want to start hunting..

<font color="aa00aa">Jewel</font>
How old your gal is? u mean not even sign of it? (hard or white color on e gum)

<font color="ff0000">teething</font>
Act i oso bit confuse how come everybody keep talking bout teething quite often.. while i only experienced it once? how many teeth that our bb should have in this age huh?
I believe that it's good to have a bedtime routine. Good on you for instituting one! How is Matt feeling today? Any better? It's awful when they get sick, good thing it's the sch hols and you can be with him. Do you have to go into school at all this week? I know our poor teachers nowadays work during holiday periods as well.

Haha, no lah, I will be garang and DIY! Ems' shoot is scheduled in the week of 24 March, so maybe I could pop by later this week or early next week to borrow your props and paint? Tanah Merah right?

Glad Ash liked Gymboree (and the parachute!!)today! Was the teacher different from the last time? Gymboree has great gym equipment which seems to be in much better condition that that available at The Little Gym at Forum, but I liked the theory/guidance given by the instructors at TLG which is why Ems did a term there. Taking a break from it for now though. Now that I have JG, I don't have much time for anything else!
hi mummies

could i check with you.. the thing you used to suck for your bb phelgm. need it be prescribe by PD or doc? can we just buy on off the shelf? my boy also having bad running nose, lots of phelgm stucked in it! ;-(

<font color="0000ff">Claire</font>
No rhyme or reason or pattern to LM's waking. Lately it's not for feeding, though it seemed to be previously.

He wakes up, is comforted, put back straight into the cot, and wakes up half an hour later, and this can continue for up to 2 hours! I have no idea why!

We keep falling back on the bloody teething "excuse" since we can't seem to figure out what else is wrong. We've been using Dentinox (oh, just remembered I forgot to apply that tonight...aiii....russian roulette tonight!!) on his gums, but that doesn't seem to really cut it (pun intended!).

At my wits end trying to decipher his night issues!

Thanks for offering though, if I knew, that would be so much better! In any case, what is the book? Title and author?

Thanks for thinking about the SPG dear!
Me? Oh my, not used to pple asking about me. So used to talking just about Ems. You're a dear for asking!
I'm fine actually, was a bit disappointed that I could not go out today, but I managed a nap while Ems napped this afternoon and HB and I went out for dinner and I did a bit of shopping. Not a bad day really!
Poppy Pop
You can buy the Pigeon suction devices anywhere. I got mine from Robinson's at Centrepoint.

You don't need a PD's prescribtion to get it. Our PD just said use it whenever we feel it's necessary, eg when he's abit wet around the nose.

For ours, we bought the BULB shaped sort. And I use saline solution (get that from the pharmacy, tell them is to flush baby's nose). The Saline Solution is to help moisten the nose (esp when they are big hard boggers up there!). Let the Saline solution soak awhile, maybe a minute, then use the BULB to suction it out.

Alternatively, there's the tube one that Yolk Sac is using. That one requires you to suck out on the other end, while one end goes into baby's nose. Equally easy to use.

Just a note though, baby might squirm when you're using it, esp first few times. My son's used to it now, we just recite 1-2-3 and he keeps still, since he knows it'll be done in 3 seconds!
Mine was from the PD at Forum Galleria, I don't think I've seen it in dept stores, but I haven't been looking, so best to check with the shopping gurus here.
Hahaha! Does Veve really put a foot on your boob? That's so funny. She looks like such a little lady in her pics. Ok ok, Veve can join the samseng club as well.

Actually the criminal doesn't stand much at all. The lawyers stand more! Unfair right?
yolksac: We took him to the doc's yesterday and he seems better after taking the medicine. Being a kiasu parent, we also took him to see a chinese physician, my MIL's niece. She's quite good at treating cough. You might want to try if Ems is not getting better and you are comfortable going to a chinese physician.

Yeah,I have to go back to school during the hols but this hols is better since our no. 1 in school is away in LA with the students. We are thus not down for workshops and meetings.. I only have to go back on Monday and Thursday. So, the rest of the days are to be spent with Matt but I can't believe that time passes so fast and it's wed tomorrow.

susu: no worries... what's SPG by the way?
wow everyone's still awake!! actually very odd huh.. we keep complaining abt having too little sleep, but stay awake to chat on the forum!! so contradicting eh??

claire, let me answer that.. SPG = sleepless parents group!

bedebe, wa biang the boob chopping thing wins hands down!! the most xy does is pull my hair and grab my chin.. leaving for my trip in late march. now hk got that damn flu bug.. so sian!!

cheok, ugh.. hate those stripey pants!! so cheena!! that pic was taken when she was 4 mths old.. and she hasnt changed!! if anything the chor lor behaviour has gotten worse!

jewel, do not worry!! xy's 9 mths next wkend, and BOH GEY still!

jillian, plsss u are not fat!! far far from it! how do u find time to ride twice a wk? ally goes to ur mum?

amber, ooops i always thot it was JIMBO too!! hahahha... never crossed my mind that it wld be GYMBO.. duhhh

gugi, i was also very samseng when i was a child. used to chase boys.. not in a 'good' way.. but off the playground equipment i liked!

susu, xy used to wake like hrly abt 1plus mth back.. at that time, i was CONVINCED it was cos she was teething.. but when her sleep improved, still NO TEETH!! till now cant figure out what was the cause of her fussing at night!

yolksac, love that picture!! priceless man!

ok sooo late.. better go sleep!
thanks for the info on the back therapy. will see how i get on and if i need more attention, i'll definitely make an appt to see the ortho and get some advice abt how to get some help

hmmm, TCM? i haven't done much TCM stuff generally, but thanks for the info! did Matt's cough clear up faster with the TCM? what sort of meds are prescribed? do they come in syrup form?
Gugi, Ashley's 8mths 2wks now.. nothing le..

But she's babbling alot, yesterday she came up with a whole new babble sound, like she's talking. hahahhaaa
wowsers!! you guys were up soo late..
no wonder o ones ard! chey

gymboo gymbo gymboh

susu.. lobang, not lubang.

susu babe, yes had a good tme.. Ash was tired and not smiling whn we got there but perked up in class.
same teachher.. Ms Jane.
she saw us coming thru the door and said Hi ASHLEY!
wow she remembered!
and cos we were early, i watched her with the "regulars" before class.. was impressed.. they all really like her. there were some older kids ard and she was messsin with thm too.. she'd gd ith thm.
i think i can teach the class, or most mums for the matter, cos were so used to being animated anyway!

yolk, i had to stare at the pic of ems for looong while..

cos i hadnt read it yet tht she wasnt standing!

Ash woke up at 430am screaming.. we ignored her. after 5mins she gave up.
my sis is arriving tonight!!!!!!!
soo excited!

claire, you thinking of doing a maidenform spree?

jules, can i check how much XY is eating? like half a rice bowl?
she on2 or 3 meals a daay?
im not sure if i shld introduce 3 meals or not..
she's doing well on 2 so far..
<font color="ff6000">Amber</font>
May I remind you that I'm a Malaysian and Malay was a compulsory subject for me?
L-U-B-A-N-G, your bad!

You left us very early last night, while the rest of us, the SPG were working hard! bah!!

<font color="ff0000">SPG</font>
Man. What a crazy lousy night. LM woke up an hour into sleep, got up again at 1.4am (which he has been doing two nights in a row), and cried every half an hour into sleep! This went on for about 1.5 hours. Argh.

Then he got up again at 4.30am!!

I didn't nurse him during those times, and comforted him instead, which worked, so I gather he's not really hungry.


Big Man and myself are totally zombied out this morning, and poor him, having to toil at work and use his brains, while this Mama can just let hers turn to mush for the day!
<font color="aa00aa">Bcube</font>
Your code was alright, except your Slash was slanted the wrong way!

<font color="0000ff">Jules</font>
I"m so fed up with the whole damn teething crap. It's an easy label to stick to his restless sleep, but where's the teeth, man??!!!

<font color="0000ff">Claire</font>
May I know which book, title and author you were refering to? Ta!

<font color="119911">Celeb!</font>
Hope Ems feeling better! *jealous* you got to go shopping!
yah ah.. was tired.
i slept a 10pm!

im off now for my waalk..
gonna feed Ash first..

she's having pureed barley and prunes..

oh just wanted to share..
russets and apples and holland potatoes and peaches are her favourite

foiled again! was abt to leave for exercise whn it started pouring..

last night I made tomato soup for dinner.. was fantastc..
fry lotsa onions and bit garlic thn use chicken stock and boil tons of tomatoes, add fried stuff and blend it all.. add pepper etc.. thn a dash of tobasco and worcestershire sauce

serve HOT with grated cheese on top!

susu, wht the eck is lubang?
my bad again... sorry, i'm a "ini cabinet" sorta bahasa speaker.
why is LM waking up? wht solutions have you tried already?
how abt giving water? the waking up every half hr not gooot.
if you let him cry, can he go on for long? big dinner before bed?
it took abt 3 weeks frm time PD said she saw ridges, before A's tooth came out! so cld be soon for LM!

i'm gonna buy groceries now... tmr got bi big dins at my place.
my sis is arriving tonightt! yay!
Oh no, sorry to hear about your bad night. If it makes you feel any better, I could have been the president of the SPG during Ally's first 2 1/2 months. She cried for 4-5 hours every night till she got diagnosed with GERD and was put on medication. I looked like the living dead for a month after that

Yes I leave Ally with my mom every tues and thur morning for a couple of hours. It helps that my parents live about 10 mins away from us so each time I need a breather I can always drop Ally off there.

How are you and Ems this morning? Love that picture of the little monkey. Glad to know that her cough isn't affecting her too badly.
i fed K pasta yesterday... hehe surprisingly she took it quite well... only thing is that she ate slightly longer coz of the chewing...

i made pasta with TOfu, pea, Egg YOlk and Chicken....
SPG: sleepless parent group, so des ne!


Probably LM is waking up out of habitual hunger. So, when he roused from his sleep, did he cry for long. It's good that you are not nursing him perhaps he's already used to this. Endure Susu. There will be more tiring nights but there will always be an end to this... "Ah Jia Ah Jia fighting" -I learnt this while watching a korean drama

It's "Teach yourself baby sleep" by Andrea Grace.

sleep training: Yesterday was good. Another day without pacifier. Hurray...but he woke up early despite sleeping late. Anyway, we will deal with the issues one at a time... Wonder whether it's time to throw that damn pacifier in the trash.

Yolksac: Yes, it TCM and the cough mixture is in syrup form. Mmm... Matt hasn't taken the medicine yet so I can't review. Will keep you informed. So, how's Ems' cough? Usually for me, I will see the western doc first but sometimes, I find that western cough mixture doesn't really work for me and I will go to her after coughing for a long time. In most cases, I will recover shortly after taking her medicine. But, i guess it all depends on each individual.
amber: not doing the spree but interested to get something from it. It's impossible to do any spree now. Perhaps in June when I have more time to figure out things. ;P
claire, can i have that section? last nite he wake up few times but twice was major cry... i try to pat him back to sleep without offering the pacifier and only success once...
EM has got strong arms ya?

so happy for you. it had been some time since they last came ya. enjoy yourself.

Do they teach you on how to train baby to slp by themself? Ashlyn seems to forgot how to slp by herself. or rather she wanna play all the time and refuse to slp.

hello my dear! hehe
Yay! Enjoy your sister's visit! Bet you're cooking up a storm. BTW, I say "lobang" too! As does my entire Peranakan family. Hahah. So I guess it's meant to be "lubang"?

Ems started waking up a lot around LM's current age. I think she might have been hungry as we were still trying to find the right balance between solids and milk. How much is LM taking these days? Hang in there. It'll get better soon.

Not sure abt strong arms, but she sure is motivated to explore and climb!! Today, she crawled under my dining table, amidst all the chair legs, table legs etc, and crawled thru to the other end. Such a monkey!

Do you have your own horse?
Every little girl's dream!! When can you start teaching Ally how to ride? I'm sure she'll be a natural just like her folks.

Nothing much came out with the suction this morning and she doesn't seem to have that much phlegm, but she's still coughing now and then - and it's a wet cough. You're right - the cough takes ages to go away, but I don't think they're contagious for the whole duration of the cough. Will check with PD.
oh no, Matt's leapfrog table (not the playground) is not working. Must be due to his frequent flipping of the book and random pressing of the buttons. It's his favourite toy at the moment. Now, grandma has to find something else to entertain him.

Hahha, does it mean it's god's will to buy the learn around playground for him. ;P Mummy just loves to buy toys for baby but daddy will see red when he sees one...

sorry if this is an obvious question but have you checked the batteries etc? after a particularly enthusiastic playdate when all the kiddies were "attacking" Ems' learning table, the thing just died, and it didn't seem like a battery issue to us at first because the table was making strange sounds etc. but hb managed to get it to work again by changing the batteries
