(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

HK clutches!! heheheh! Tinsel/ Eliz - too funny!!

Mid-Autumn Fest
the night view of Jurong lake (Chinese Gardens) is awesome with the glitter of lanterns and festive lights

i bought for the girls the traditional paper lanterns which uses candles.. i simply love those lah.. will hope to bring them to the garden sometime next weekday.

Erm....can someone tell me when's the autumn festival huh? hahah...no kidding, me really dunno! have been munching on mooncakes quite abit in office though...

nor: so nice, free view!
Actual day this Sat 3th oct

I also like those paper traditional lantern. The one megan chose - TOO NOISY!!
Eliz, *in the tone of Ris Low* YAH! so noisy right!

ladies, take pics of your little ones with their lanterns ok
Eliz: Maybe Megan was attracted by the colours? I also can't understand why any kid would like Barney - I think it's such an ugly creature... hee hee...
Hi mommies!

Have not posted here for very long, so nt sure if any of you remember me.

Anyway, I am due to give birth to my second boy in abt 2 - 3 weeks. However, I am still bfding my firstborn, especially at nights before he goes to sleep. Is this ok for me to continue?

Really appreciate if you can share some info with me.
hi Zarina! sorry can't give much inputs on that as I was off BFg when i had my second girl.

Wishing you a smooth and safe delivery. Do post pics of your little ones ok!
Hi mummies...

I'm new to SMH (thanks to Tinsel_elf).. My girl, Karis is a late June baby but can i join you gals here? Hope I can join in for meet-ups to let my gal make more friends.
hi JLK, welcome to the July 07 thread!

as you can see the thread is a little dead, most of us are either busy with work or simply lurking at the moment.. waiting for the right topic to contribute our post.. hahah!

where are you staying?
Hey ladies, do any of your kids like the Gerber Graduates Puffs, strawberry flavor? I have 4 brand new cans cos it came with Ally's milk powder but she doesn't like them and it will be such a waste to throw them away. Please let me know if anyone wants them!
hahaa.. Nor.. what a way to put it.

Welcome to the thread

Hi Jillian
Megan loves the puffs!
Where do you stay? I can buy them off you if location is not too far for me.
Thanks Eliz for starting the ball rolling

here's Wairah, now she's into princess stuffs, loves dresses and girly thingy.

Hi Nor
The thread was indeed very active in the past as I read through some of the earlier posts randomly to see what you mummies have disussed...I'm impressed on the info exchanged.. I should have joined this thread earlier! Well...better late then never...Here I am!However I have to admit that I may not be an active member...hahaha
Oh ya, I'm staying at Woodlands.

Hi Eliz
Megan's very sweet! In fact I realised I have seen her lovely pics from your blog. She sure can pose very well...

I have never posted any thread before but have always been following their discussions.

Its really fruitful and I must say Megan is indeed a very sweet and lovely gal =)
Eliz: how about if I pass you 2 bottles and 2 to Irene? I stay at Sembawang but I'm in the east area on Sundays if that helps. Alternatively let me know which area you would like to pick it up from and I'll see if we're in the area during the weekdays.
Wairah is so ladylike.. Pretty!

Thanks. She's a vainpot! Like mummy i'm afraid.. Hahaa..

Hey Monica,
Good to you here! Sweet? Are you describing MY megan? Haha..

You like the puffs too eh? Megan stopped eating for awhile and then all of a sudden, she snacks on them nonstop!
So weird..

Thanks for your kind offer. Hope to drop by your place this wkend
welcome to the thread

ur girl is getting prettier by the day!

wairah looks so sweet
and i love the pics in the background

*goes back to lurking mode*
Why u in lurking mode? Wahaha..

<font color="ff6000">Ladies,
I got a silly question..
How do you clean your tots ear shit?</font>

Do you need me to help u collect the gerbers from Jilian then i leave it at my GF's place at Bedok?
Morning ladies,

ELIZ!!!! just the right question.. Lis had minor ear infection just two days ago and i remember this article which i meant to share with everyone:


basically kids ears are very delicate and cleaning with cottton buds is VERY RISKY so please just clean the outer ears and don't try to "dig out" the wax as it will just push it further in.

Welcome Monica!

yup agree with you that Eliz's Megan is such a sweetie pie and she sure can pose!

Shymz/ Eliz
Thanks, i'm glad she's finally having more and longer hair, and now look more girlie.. Shymz would've understand how i feel about the fine hair issue cos Celeste and Wairah spots the same "hairstyle" for the longest time..

i'm staying at lakeside, you should join us if we have future get together or playdate
I like her crown... Is she getting ready to be crowned Missy S'pore? hee

Hi Monica,
Like me, never too late to join in this discussion.

Hi Shymz,

Your nick looks familiar. Were u the mummy who posted something on winter clothes to spare? I recalled reading a thread somewhere.... I'm interested to get some for my girl for a trip in Dec.
Thanks! So I am right to leave her ears alone..
My mom kept telling me inside very dirty and Megan does complains that her ears are itchy so i'm worried.
Thinking if i shd bring her to the pd.
Hope Lis ok now.. What brought abt the infection?

Yup! I will have ALOT (let me stress on the ALOT! haha) pretty winter clothes to sell after i come back from my trip (Dec13th-20th)
I really over-bought!!
When's your trip?

The doctor advised me to drip some baby oil into Caden's ear and wait for a few minutes.

True enough the wax will flow out =)
LOL! no, no Miss Singapore or any pageant for her.. although i'm making sure her vocab will not include "booms" or "zip-bra".. hahahah!

got the crown at SKP, $2.50 and it was broken the very same evening!

yup Lis is better, doc gave her anti-biotics which i really dread giving but no choice cos its her second time within a year. Doc can't quite determine what causes it but did mention it is possible from swimming (i doubt cos we didn't swim for the last 10 days!)
i pmed u without reading later posts. it maybe easier if you give to irene &amp; eliz
so not so much hassle ... just ignore the pm lah

the SKP crown at that price is gd deal. i have been actually looking around for crown/tiaras too but most i have seen are about $10-20 depending on how much "jewels"! lol

welcome JLK &amp; monica

what abt the pigeon ear-dirt sucking device? i rem earlier on when all july mommies just gave birth, we were exchanging tips on how to clean ears &amp; that device had been most useful. i think Amber used it and a few other mommies too, if my memory serves me right
Baby oil? Hmm, what kind ah?? I don't use any baby oil for Megan.. *blur look*

You notti gal. Still making Ris Low jokes eh.. Whahaha..
So glad she's not representing s'pore anymore..
Really a joker..

The crown's very pretty and affordable too! Very impt as our tots don't seems to treasure their toys..
Megan also throws her stuff everywhere..

That sounds so cool!! Won't hurt their ear dums eh??
I really shd check it out.. Definately cheaper than a visit to the pd.
by the way nor how did you realise lis had ear infection? fever? or she kept tugging at ear? i am asking bec i tink i may not even know anything wrong should it be the case, which is a worry
no leh. i remembered many mommies with baby ear-dirt issues during earlier times when our tots were littler simply swore by it. there is a hand pump you can control to suck dirt out. its specially for bubs so i tink it shld be okay but dont quote me - go check it out first
see what u tink

Its J&amp;J baby oil. I have a small bottle. If you keen, let me know. I pass to you =)

Btw, its just for clearing tod's ear wax but for infections, I think better to go doc.
hi mummies

may i know any mummies here stay in sengkang and put their kid in childcare? if so, kindly let me know which centre your kid is in.. i'm searching for a childcare for my boy whom is july 2007 also...

just pm me.

hi mummies

for clearing ear dirt, when i ask the doc, he just told me put 1 or 2 drops of olive oil into the ear. then the dirt will come out after sometime (can't remember when he said) and we could clean the ear already ;)

hope the above helps ;)
Don't think infection coz Megan's just complaining itchy, not pain.
My mom has used the cotton bud to clean the ear lobes which she likes..
So not sure if she's really itchy or just naughty!

Hi Freedom
Welcome to the thread! So happy our thread is alive again!!
Both Monica and myself are in Sengkang.
My gal's starting with Cedan Child Development in Jan 2010

Monica's son is with Amazing Star which i like but enrolment's full already

You better start finding soon as i went to many centres - many already full for kids born in 2007!
hi eliz

thanks for your prompt reply ;)

i actually visited cedan. i like but they are so full ;( they won't let me squeeze in ;( u register very early?

i haven't visited amazing star though.. its full already ;((

ya, i've been searching and lots of centres are full.. and they also don't allow me to waitlist saying chances not high to go in ;(

hence i'm quite stuck now.. don't know what to do...
yup nice to see the thread moving.. YAY!! must thank the new mommies who just join the thread

can't help it lah.. Ris is really something. i bet my last dollar that she will be in the list of highlights for 2009 at the year end!

the tiara is def a steal, SKP sells quite a few designs all <$5.
one time i got the fairy wings + tiara + wand for $12, a good bargain for a one-time use for Lissy's Halloween party when she was in nursery

eh i think the suction thingy you're refering to is the one used for the nose lah, not ears.. thats what my memory stick stored..

Lis' ears infection
I was at work on monday morning when her teacher called to informed that she is unwell. so i rush down to send her to clinic as she had a temp.
then on the way to the clinic she told me her right ear feels painful when she swallow her drink.
the good thing abt kids this age is that she is able to locate the pain and specify exactly how she feels and able to tell the doc.
hi mummies

sorry got another question need advice..

have your sent your kids to any enrichment program? like brain training and stuff like that.
i haven't sent my boy to any.. wondering am i late for this? hahah
Hi Freedom,

Actually no. I have visited Cedan, Amazing Star (previous Gingerbread Skoolhouse) and Elite. They are all quite good in terms of activities and cleanliness.

Eliz did a major vacancies check for CC ard Sengkang. I think she can advise better. haha!
thanks monica
i tried to visit elite the other day, but they were closed already...

understand from eliz amazing star already full.. so now left elite
cos cedan is also full.

any other comments for elite?
Hahaha.. that's so true.. I was searching like a mad woman 2 mths ago!!
I think i've called almost all the CCs in Sengkang!!!!!!

Happy Camper - Think when I called, the background was very noisy and that kinda put me off alittle so i didn't go down to see the cente.

Puggol ok with you? I almost chose Carpe Diem which was introduced by Julie(Peck)
Place is very big!! Though i was worried abt mosquitoes coz surroundings alot greens.

I was so happy when Cedan called me.
Location is much nearer to my place.

I called Cedan ard Aug?

Elite was also full at the time i called..
But just call.. who knows maybe a kid has just left?

I had to pass by Elite when I had to walk to Amazing Star to fetch my son. The first impression is the kids are rather polite and cheerful. I visited once 1year back, very clean and spacious.

Actually my hubby prefers Elite but I insist on Amazing star at that time...haha!
Thanks for the info on the ear wax. Hope Lis's infection has recovered. I know my mom used to clean with cotton buds but I don't think she is still doing it. However i recalled someone ever told me not to bother too much abt the wax as the ear kinda 'self-clean'???? So I've always been just cleaning the outer ear. Shall try the baby oil method.

sure keen to join future get together and playdate. my mom stays at jurong. keep me posted.

how do I do it? Just drip then wait then tilt her head for wax to flow out???

haha... I don't mind helping to clear some of your 'ALOT' of pretty winter clothes, but my trip's from 21 to 25 Dec... so not possible rite?
hi eliz/monica

so i'm late by 2 months ;(((((

i also visited carp diem, still got vacancies.. i'm also very concerned about the mosquitoes ;( i also want to choose cedan over carp diem cos of the distance and also i feel their food from menus seems 'nicer'. wonder if anybody has left in cedan? hheehhe

monica, may i know why your hb prefers elite and you on amazing star? cos i din get to visit both yet.

Yup. Just drip a few drops into the ear. Massage the outpart of the ear a little, wait for about 2 mins. Clean the inner ear with tissues. You will see the wax comming out.

wow... this thread is really moving fast...

Thanks Monica, shall try it.

Thanks Nor for making me laugh with the Ris Low jokes... i totally agree that she'll continue to be the talk of town for Year 2009. haha
