(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

Hi Mummies,
Have not chanced upon this till now... My #2 is a Jul 07 bb. Oh dear, you are lamenting about your girls' weight. Mine is still below 10kg! =( She does not eat much & I don't know what to do... even for snacks, chocolates & sweets which she loves, she does not take much of them. Sigh..

Hi everyone.. Where's everybody??

Has anyone not sent their kid to pre-nursey yet?

Megan's just attending GUG once a week. Alittle worried its not enough..

Any comments?
Finally someone's here..

hi Eliz

I have been a 'bad' mummy..
have not sent my boy for anything yet..
so he's learning from home.
Dont worry lah i tink Megan will be juz fine..

hi EmQ
i tink it shud be ok.
I mean how big ur child is also depends on the parents.
But then come to tink of it, me n hubby are big sized but my older boy is small sized compared to his younger bro which is more chubbier..
They r 1 year apart but my older boy is 2 yrs old-11kg n my younger boy is 1 yr old-10kg.
So i guess its normal..
Wait till they taste all sorts of food and by then im sure the appetite will be better..

yah Nor muz be super bz lah..
msn also never log in..

Aiyah..everybody also KS..
Btw how are u babe..
Hows Megan? Can she speak proper English?
My boy can understand English but to answer back,all sorts of rubbish comes out..hahaha
I mean all different, funny languages and sounds he used..but very talkative only tat we dont understand wat he says..;p
And another thing he is still drooling n its free flow for all..

When does the drooling actually stops?
Now i have 2 drooling baby 'monsters'at home..
And wat can i do to make it stop?
Proper English? Not easy for their age right? hahaha..
But my gal sure can complain and relate what happens to her during the day when i'm at work.
Just that day my maid and MIL brought her out and they got lost!
The moment i came home, she started to complain to me that they got lost till she got hungry!
Really funny..

Not sure abt drooling wor.. But i think i remember my GF's son drooled till he was 3 years old.
And even now, he drools when too excited.
wah at least Megan is able to relate the story to you..
my boy hmm..
will point at different directions/things juz to say something

3 yrs old? alamak like that die lah..
Feels envy towards parents who has a non drooling child..
He drools non stop lah..
His shirt will get wet very easily and in a day he changes up to 4-5 tshirts n he doesnt wanna wear a bib either..

hope the drooling 'season' will go off soon..
My MIL has been feeding my gal anything - everything lol... but still her appetite is really small. Was such a difficult baby to feed when young - 2hrly & each feed lasted 45mins or more! Drove me crazy in the initial months. Was hoping she'd get better... but still like that. I'm not sure if it's becos MIL keeps pumping her with food every hourly or she just does not eat much. It's a vicious cycle, chicken-eye issue. Girl has no appetite, grandma keeps offering food. Grandma keeps offering food, girl cannot eat much.

haha..can imagine the grandmama keeps on offering food to ur girl..

My eldest boy used to b a small eater, I feed him everything but eat a bit he throw onto the floor..
but now, no need for me to offer him anything..
he himself will say nyam nyam..
its a signal in his baby language saying that he wants to eat..
N now he eats like nobody business but still look small..haha
Thanks for sharing... I certainly hope my gal's appetite will improve as she grows... but no need to be chubby (different set of problem), hahaha...

Actually my kids are all skinny kind.. #1 used to be CHUBBY, but so skinny now also. & at her recent check, nurse commented my #3 is light but tall... well, HB is tall, skinny kind... I used to be underweight too, but that is history... have put on so much weight since becoming a mother... sigh...

My aspiration is to slim down to a more acceptable (by my standard) size... hahaha...
hello ladies!

heard from Ju that you gals were gossiping abt me here! ahemmm...

been super busy with work, the girls activites and home reno, shopping for stuff for my new pad etc etc..

took lots of pics but no time to upload yet.
am so loving the girls' pink room.. makes me think if i should re-do mine to pink too.. hmmmm..

Ju, did you not manage to eat something when you were preggy??
old folks says that the child will drool if thats the case.. heheh.. and the way to stop the drooling is to feed the child with that very food you crave for but didn't manage to eat during pregnancy..

its a saying only lah but to be honest, Wairah was also drooling a bit initial month cos i wasn't able to eat tutu cake (putu piring) and when i let her have a smear of it when she was ~2mths, she stopped drooling the following day! funny hor!
Hi Nor
Not gossiping abt u.. we're missing u

I've heard abt this old folk tale and so i ate all i want when i had megan.
And u know what, she didn't drool much.. Lol.
Eliz, i miss all the regulars here too.. but guess everyone busy with their thing.

I didn't any cravings cept for the tutu cake which was not able to get due to some stupid thing that happened then :s
hi morning ladies..

nolah i got everything tat i had cravings for..
still a wonder y they are drooling..

hmm let me figure this out..

hmm let me see...

couldnt find the answerlah..

but i didnt crave for anyting..

but i tink i remembered during the 2 pregnancies, i walked past a shop tat sells fast food which is not HALAL certified and said something like "that burger/the oysters looks nice"

Nor ,will this count as a craving that i didnt managed to fulfill?

how m i supposed to give my kids a taste of it?
Tak HALAL lah babe..
Eliz: Veralyn is still learning at home as I only registered her for sch next yr due to the long waiting list at the sch this year. Furthermore, I am not even a SAHM. However,I'm v. pleased w her progress so far. She can speak in standard English in full sentences since slightly before 18mths. PD says shes very advanced in speech because they were really talking to each other as if they were in a conversation when we saw PD for progress check.

Vera drools quite a bit too but seems to have stopped recently. I was quite worried because I have heard from some mothers that some childcare do not accept children who are drooling as they are messy

Help! Just booked a holiday to Korea in Dec but realised Megan needs to buy winter clothes!!

Stingy mummy here not quite willing to invest for a one time use..

Anyone got winter jacket i can borrow?? Hee..
Hi ladies, it’s the start of the Muslim fasting month last Saturday. Wishing all Muslim mommies a blessed Ramadhan!

We moved to our new place last Saturday too, was a great day! Movers was punctual and took care of my stuff very well, I’m very pleased with their service.
Was unpacking/cleaning/throwing stuff since Sat evening as the painter came to touch up a few areas in the afternoon.
I had the kid’s slide assembled to distract them and keep them busy while my helper and I clear up.
Lots of basic stuff to buy as we’re really starting from scratch! So tiring but very exciting too!!
Eliz: I do have a a winter jacket but not sure if Megan can fit by then. Perhaps I can pass it to you for Megan to try in Nov?
I also have gloves and a scarf. It was for Veralyn's winter australia trip in June
Great!! I beep u again in Dec or so? Thanks in advance.

Really sounds exciting.. Happy shopping!

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+2">I too wish all muslim mummies a blessed Ramadhan!!</font></font>
Hi mummies,
Anyone know where I can get a Barney or Dora the Explorer cartoon cake? I need a simple rectangle one to celebrate in my girl's school - 2kg cake and doesn't really matter if its nice or not coz its for kids and they won't care

Tried Bangawan Solo but they don't have these characters.
eliz : i got a winter jacket.. *has a tear at one of the side la... bought it at the as if section from my company's brand. if u dont mind.. i can loan u...
Ju, yes its the gate you place at the door. i used it to block Lis from coming into the kitchen but now we have a sliding door so no need for this anymore.
Morning ladies!!

Are the tots giving you ladies any problems??
Megan is killing me!!

All this while she has been enjoying her class at GUG but the past two weeks, she seems to have lost interest.
Maybe because new term, many of the classmates have left and new ones came who are all younger than her.
Not sure if that's the reason of her restlessness but its giving me much grief!!

She's always crying at nothing and always snatching other kids' toys.
What they have, she want. If they give it to her and take another one, she will want that toy

This isn't "terrible twos", its worse than that!!!

Now wondering how am i to bring her to korea??
Morning Eliz! me! me!!
Wairah is a bully and would want the very thing Lis is playing too.. and she chooses and insist on who to attend to her. if she need to shower, she insist i do it for her, then when dressing her up she would cry for my maid to attend to her! and would cry like a banshee when we don't follow her demands! I was like a mad woman screaming a lot over the weekend.. it didn't help that i was busy unpacking stuff at our new place! Arghhh!!
eliz, nor
count me in too!this 2 yr old tot has been a pain lately.we just brought her for a hol just last week and she's been having so many temper tantrums, i can frankly say i'd thought she was a spoilt brat myslf had i not known that she is usually not like this. worst still, she also keeps sitting on the floor when she doesnt get her way!? she's never done the floor thang either previously. we just came back &amp; trust me, that was NOT a holiday - at least not for me
good golly, i do hope its just a phase .. gosh!
I'm having that problem too! Megan will choose daddy, mummy and the helper.. see her mood fits!!

I want to but think the next level is 2.1/2yrs or 3yrs?
I think my holiday also won't be a holiday.. but no choice, nobody to leave my gal with.
My mom cannot handle her day and night for 8 days!
I will come back to a dead grandmother!! OOps..
hauhauhauha and all along i tot i was the only one Suffering in silence....!!!

the only additional problem that i have is... KAELYN ALWAYSSSSS choose me over everybody else.!!! imagine the tiredness i have been facing... hahaha

just last weekend.. she actually choose daddy to bathe her.. U DUN KNOW HOW delighted i was... but it was only a one time off! hahahha i told daddy to buy 4D huahuahauha

normally , if daddy ask her. Kaelyn can daddy carry u... u know whats her sweet reply... NO WAY!!! hhahhaha

throwing tantrum: kaelyn also lately give me those floor "kissing" pattern... i was at velocity the other day.. alone waiting for hub... and she refuse to sit in her pram.insisting me to carry her..i refuse and she gave me that floor kissing attitude! i tell u.. i almost left her there !!

i was feeling guilty thinking that i am such a meanie to think that she is getting to be a pain in the "A DOUBLE S"... huahauhaua didnt know a lot of us are facing the same... i nowadays DREAD to bring her out...long gone were the days when i feel like bringing her out... now.. its either i am chasing her down the shopping mall .... or she is helping the mall to be clean....mealtimes.. hai.......... the only thing that can make her SIT still for 10 mins is ice cream! i just hope these phrases pass VERY VERY fast!!!! hahahaha
Oh goodness! So were all in this together! *breaks into the High School Musical song* LOL

Irene, I feel you woman!! Its so difficult to keep the little fella in the stroller.. she goes mommee, mommeee, mommmeeeee, mommmmeeeeeeeeeee.
and when I answer her yes she just extend her hands to ask me to carry her. When I refuse, she start to sob! Its so frustrating!
At least u gals managed to get the tots in the stroller.
I have long banished mine to the store room!
Even car seat is now a "tug of war"
She so smart, when i put her in, she will make her body in such a way, i have problem buckling her down!

Looks like its really the age? I'm not alone?? Sigh.. when will this stage pass??
aiyo, K has been kissing the floor in public for the longest time if things don't go her way. luckily, the episodes usually do not last long. at times, i get stares from strangers but heck la! they dunno how tough the going will get if i were to give in.

just the other day, we were at carl's junior and while waiting for hubs to come back with the food, k put 2 half-eaten biscuits on the table despite me telling her not to do so, so i took the packet of biscuits from her. then she stared at me and hit the table. yes! spelt BRAT!!!! i told her not do so but she did it again and again till i cannot tahan. i then lightly beat her on her palm and she wailed. u know what the woman(stranger) beside me did? she shook her head!! i felt like telling her off!! but then again, i told my hubs that strangers may have thot i'm her stepmum!! hahhah!!! me oso gritting my teeth for this phase to pass
but sometimes, k can oso be super sweet and melt my heart e.g. for no reason, she would hug me from behind and "pat" me on my chest when i cough...arggghhhhh!! love-hate relationship la
You lightly beat? I spank!!!
I can't stand such strangers. Who they think they are!! Arwgh!!

I agree with the love-hate relationship. Megan makes me laugh like nobody can..
She does have her sweet moments.. Sigh.. i'm so counting down..

Oh yes, babe, your cakediy items are with me. Do arrange collection ya? So sorry for the delay.
Hi mummies, all the topics abt the temper tantrums caught my attention hehe Kaizer has his fair share of temper tantrums too! He will arch his body backwards, kick his legs and cry his lungs out when he don't get his ways. I feel that my energy has all been drained when he threw his temper. The good thing is he doesn't do this always, only when he wants to do or get the things very badly.

icyen: I have just booked 5D4N club med bintan too, will be going in Oct! Don't think club med bintan has baby club but they do have petite club for 2 yr &amp; above. We didn't put Kaizer in the petite club when we went in April this yr as he was underage. But we are thinking of bringing him to participate in the activities this time round &amp; see if he likes it or not.

Club med bintan is a good place to rest &amp; relax. You can try all their activities if u have the time and their buffet spread is very good! Don't forget to try their free flow of drinks/cocktails at their bar counters...wonderful!
kth, icyen,
think petit club is for 3yo and above, for 2yo parents need to be ard. but they have a nice playroom and activities where u can bring your tots for e.g. fish feeding, concerts. i love club med... very family friendly. brought C there when she was 1+, she loved the mass dance at night...
haha should have booked bintan again, might meet u ladies there!

there is a 1-for-1 deal for club med bintan, cherating, kani, phuket and bali now. kani looks wonderful if u only go with HB

re: temper tantrums
haha... tell me abt it... C has started her screaming phase but so far thankfully at home.
