(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

oh my quiling congrats!!!

dryper, ya, the nurse also say it is more painful, i watch her put the needle in and it felt like forever, then came the cries...hiyo..

PZ, no, karvol is not oral medy, it is like stg in a capsule, put on pillow or nearby hanky/cloth, to ease the nasal congestion,can get in guardian.

hui, yeah, dylan scratches his ear EVERYTIME before he sleeps, in the middle of the night too, till i get fed up, i think they just have itchy fingers , so i get his hands to a hanky to fiddle instead( focus all their energy on the hanky) it kinda works. and everytime he reaches for his ears, i smack his hand, of course not the pain pain kind la.

Glayz, i bought the small bottle one, actually i keep finding the label, they never say 8 mths above lei, but i better play safe, give after 8 mths like u say.
Wah! Just back from lunchie nia got good news to see liao!!

Congrats!! Pass ur bb dust hor :D
Seem like slowly all June mummies goin to graduate! :D
ohhh that sounds cool! i think xtine did mention about it before some time ago. ok i go check at the pharmacy for it
Dryper, the pd said she read abt this article about the mercury content in such fish from which the oil is extracted from, so she says you never know about the standard of the fish oil.how does flax seed oil help? you gave the nordic one too? after 8 mths rite?

bear, i shave him cause i was sooooo tired and sick of him perspiring so much every day even with the air con on, he keeps scratching and scratching.
my boy also dun nap as much nowadays... i think as they grow, they wanna stay up to play more than taking naps
As long as they're able to sleep thru the night then should be fine.
Elaine - dun worry , u r not alone. Jayda oso refuse take short nap nowdays too. Put her on the bed, she will start to crawl ! sigh .. then u kwn wat.. my mil ask mi bring her go pray pray so that she can guai guai zz..
But sometimes, she can really zz long for her nap ler, esp when im ard. I duno y.
dylan sleeps once ard ten plus in the morning, and then later ard 3 plus in the afternoon, but nowadays when i put him on the bed, he just crawl here and there. hiyo....headache... mines sleeps from 8 pm to 5/6am, but he does not sleep thru the night, still wakes up...

there he goes, crying again, better go check, maybe he is cranky from the jab.
qiuling, yes i breastfeed my first child till i was 7 months preggy... but my first kid already big, she alr eat 3 solid food and bm is just supplement for her... so it is alright, but if your 1st is below 1 yr old, better to give fm...if not ur first one will not hv sufficient nutrients from bm due to low supply...

elaine, tt is wat i read from ruth yaron, the mercury content and she said should give flaxseed oil instead, it contains omega 3. i did not give my gal fish oil only until she was 2 yrs old... i think fm/bm (provided bf-ing mummy is eating the supplement) will contain sufficient DHA. i cannot seem to find flaxseed oil for kids... i guess will give them the grinded seeds instead... :)

rina, oops me going out tonight... maybe thurs nite? pls sms me thanks.
whole afternoon mtg, just came back.

re prevnar,
my boy din hv fever but got blocked nose, jab area will swell, 1st jab he cried v.loud, top of his voice, 2nd jab he cried softly for few secs, then smile at us liao.

congrats qiuling!

dryper, oh... if disc code due to oos items dunno if can transfer, tt time i asked my neighbour - tanlengleng, one of e regular spree organisers if she got disc code to spare, then she told me hv but it's not transferrable as it's given cos of oos item.

vic_ma, ON spree is by ken-ma, over subscribed liao, so u can forget abt it, for now...
jen, oh i see... in tt case maybe i should start a spree to help those who wanna get things from ON/Gap, since i got the 10% off... see if i got the time... kekekeke
dryper, u got more than 1 code? tt time, i did offer to divamama for ordering GAP as i oni got 1 code but in e end, they decide to go thru ken-ma for both ON & GAP so tha can share base charge. anyway, not sure if ken-ma has placed order for ON.
girls how do u do this - scold or not to scold

niece fever - sick will come my place & touch baby's toys & all & even play with baby!!!! I told my maid already limit if can aviod any direct contact - but they cont to play (2 nieces sometimes both sick) with baby's things.

I feel very pai say to tell them no cannot play yet - i had to go wipe everything again cos i dont want baby to fall sick. as we all know now our babes everything must go into the mouth!

& their maid - even if i say cannot touch - she will forget & go take baby's stuff for the younger niece to play - my MIL also canot stand this new maid of my SIL's - made my niece younger one very impatient, anythign she see also want to touch & play - really learnt really bad habits.

& i dont know how to say i dont want them to play together too - i dont want baby to pick up these habits too!

What should i do? I love my SIL & nieces very much too! But i dont want baby to fall sick unnessarily or pick up these bad habits too.

I tried to talk to them nicely but firmly - so i cont to do this until they understand? children will be children? will take a long while before they will get it?
vic_ma, since u r staying w ur ILs, tis is something tt u can't avoid, u can't stop ur SIL to visit ur ILs. if ur nieces r still young, no matter how u tell them, tink it's not easy to make them understand. my SIL's all big aredi, i aso dunno whether they'll play w jake when they r sick, which is y i decided to let jake has prevenar jab & any other necessary jabs as he really gets in touch w a lot of pp, scared he'll get all e virus fr them.
been contemplating stopping bfing as i am too stressed out at work & at home.

Maybe CNY blues too so much to do & yes homework from my FIL no thanks!

i want to cont bfing & tell him sorry u do your own things, from now on. I have no time - most of my weekends i am so busy & cannot even find the time to rest either & once in a while i have to burn up a weekend doing some work for my FIL while my baby cries & fusses in my hb's hands.

He gets very agitated when baby is cranky & adds to her crankiness. I am so tired of this sometimes i want to just swing baby on the floor (depression talk) but then when she smiles at me - i hold her dearly in my arms again tightly as if saying mummy is sorry she had these dont want u liao tots.

I think i am having mid life crisis!
as for me if any of us (me, hb, kids) sick, i will tell everyone not to come over to avoid passing germs to everyone and of course i will not go over to my parents or in-laws place too... based on this concept, they will also nvr come when they are sick...
SIL elder kid in child care & falling ill often is something we cannot control as germs are passed around. & the 2 girls will share water bottle so - no prevention of them both being sick & often either. If i told my SIL is like adding to her already heavy burdens. SHe is very good a mother & actually told the kids not to play already - but sometimes they forget.

I have also done prevenar -its painful for baby & painful also for pocket but we did the 3 rounds already.

I got so angry with inconsiderate stupid never think before talk words from my FIL last nite that i skipped dinner & my MIL might have misunderstood that i was angry with her!

its just very tiring lor.

they also no choice - have to come every weekday lor but the chld not around during the day only early morning & sometimes evening. really a stuck situation but the elder child is more sensible & wel behaved but i am not home yet sometimes to prevent the interactions - i just hope my maid tries her best to prevent it &
dryper, we dun leave w parents or PILs, tt's y easy to ctrl. our hb & kids, we can ctrl but diff to ctrl other pp. tink vic_ma case can't be ctrl cos they stay w her ILs, so can't tell e SIL not to come.

vic_ma, in e 1st plc, if ur SIL's kids r sick, she shdn't hv bring her kids over. i wonder how come ur SIL allows her 2 kids to share bottle when 1 is sick, it's common sense not to share food/drink when sick.
they cannot prevent it la - they all hands & legs - u cannot be watching them all the time mah.

her coming over is like me going to my parent's place lor - i get to rest abit cos MIL & FIL will help look after & so many adults around more fang xin lor.
i wish to win toto buy a house nearby. just that my MIL will be very hurt if we moved out (that's if we can afford to) just dreaming.

my only concerns is that my MIL is happy & my baby is healthy. whatever other shit i have to bear - bring it on.
i going to pump & going home maybe surf from my HP from there. will reply very slow cos must type one word at a time slowly.
vicma, hugs ok? let it out, let it out, roar like Glayz!!!;)

dun swing baby la, just smack buttocks:p (kidding) i know wat you mean by the frustration.

dryper, i ate alot of flaxseed when i was preggy, i grinded them and cook with porridge!
maybe we can do that for our babies?
I think what i am facing is work stress. no console from hb he himself has three to four times the added work stress. most of the time he still listens but he doesnt comment Maybe cos there is no clear solution Anyway. ↵↵↵this work stress added to the usual family stress. for me i still am not used to the way they do things here. i cannot completely be in my Own skin here Anyway. my mil will be very sad to know this as she tries very hard to accomodate me. but i just cannot gel in so well now. not w the continued stress from other departments of my little life.
elaine ↵↵thanks for your console. when i said swing i meant something more hash. ↵↵as for inlaws. give what you can afford. usually i will buy these new year stuff w hb and give ang pao w hb as well to Each inlaw as respect for them to have more pocket money to spend too. if your hb wants to give more can say give jointly or separately up to the couple too.
ester, look on the bright side, at least your hubs listens
dun worry abt him not giving any solutions, most guys are like that wat...and you still have a very good MIL to make up for the bad FIL.

go pamper yourself with a pressie!!! like me, that time went crazy , went to buy 2 chanels!!!lol.seriously, shopping therapy helps.

also think about the smile on vicky's sweet face.
re giving to parents↵↵my hb will also volunteer to get bak kua for my parents as well as share ang pao with me. its more like hor my family visits more people so must give out more angpao. hb still halves what ever we pay out. ↵↵this year with baby should be slightly better thinking of opening savings account for baby soon. ↵↵anyone knows which bank is better or compared the benefits and cons of the many accounts offered ?
chanel what share share pics?↵↵i will only get make up from chanel. the Others i cannot afford. wait add to my stress. Ha.↵↵
actually ester, dun mind me saying, i think you are too nice to think how pple feel,
can tell from reading how u feel about SIL. if you have already tried nicely yet firmly with maid and does not work, i think you should try scolding to knock some sense, otherwise, it will not sink into her and the prob will bug you forever.she is the one that can control vicky's toys and the hygiene.tell her, you dun want to see baby sick rite, baby sick also more job!!!

regarding your nieces, i think you have to be firmer with them, no doubt they are children, but you be surprise how much they can understand, you have to tell them, they dun wanna see baby sick rite?
actually i think the prob stems from the maid, she must not forget about taking the toys away from nieces.
dryper, i managed to buy flaxseed oil from organic 4 less... one bottle is $16.50. I put a couple of drops in the porridge. But otherwise I also give grinded organic flax seeds.

vic_ma, *hugs* must "ren" abit...

Maybe u the next to roll???

Sng's mummy
Me here la...
aiyo..press caps again...
this new keyboard..not used to it!!!

Must find a new job before March...think production will be till then...then is really sayonara liao

Ya the P jab... is MORE painful
That time the doc keep pressing her thigh...for a long time...dunno to relax muscle or what
But Shane having serious stranger aniexty dun like it..start to cry before the needle went in

Dun have meh
Tot I read it...maybe online ba
But is at the direction part...I dun have the bottle with me..
I try to find it again on Fri

Ya..if Jake is in touch with other kids on a regular basis, best is to jab early...
Pinkzebra also mention her mum will bring her x to play with this other ger...also good to jab..in case the ger also have other play mates
for me..Sky going to class... and my mum will fetch him lor... tagging Shane along...cannot stop the kids there from touching mei mei right
Even tho gor gor will try to push them ALL away

Like that I must boil liao
Becos my Sil had 3 kids..and she is SO USED to the 3 spreading the virus among themselves...she actually INCREASE the risk for Sky
She ALLOWS her boi to share snacks with Sky...once she let her son and Sky shared an ice cream...
My mum was around then...told her not to let Sky have it as her boi is sick..
She told my mum ITS OK!! and Mil there also say...aiya..CAN SHARE
My mum just boiled lor
But the other Sil also happen to be there...told both of them off..and tell Sky..not to eat the ice cream....
Thanks goodness that my unmarried SIL is there...(BTW they are at my place to give FIL oddering)

Too bad I am not there..if Not I sure will scream at SIL and then at MIL....

Think I MIA long enough .. haha

Just read this page ... too lazy to read further .... :p busy editing my ca papers ... sigh ...

Congrates Qiuling!

Anyone else in the drum rolls I missed?

Sporty? U too? :p
glayz, i read before somewhere tha if u are bfing n no AF...chances are lower than pple who are bfing with AF...so i lower chance la cuz no af at all...u better bet on other gals here la....whahaha....

phy, no la...dun bet on me....haha
nice C bag u got! the other one is a reissue? you're fierce leh hehe... one shot kill 2 bags hehe ;) can't agree more with the retail therapy, it sure does helps to keep your sanity *LOL* ermm.. on a side note, it can be addictive tho'... go slow yeah hehee.. ;)

yuppers, it's always better safe than sorry. X had taken 3 P jabs.
mich ↵↵thanks for your concern. feeling much better. Its the pregnancy and after effects of having a child ba. my mensus here and i am not feeling so well too on top of everything else. too much at once ba. i will survive this i guess. ↵↵elaine your bags are so beautiful. should get hb to buy la the next two pcs Ha!↵↵ROAR I like the boils. Ha. bad mother hor son Sick still give ice cream ? unless Its Fever la else bad le.

Hi ladies

aiyo, no problem about organising lah, i oso enjoy eating mah...but i forgot the camera...:p

ros, ur poor hb eat nasi lema, u eat jap buffet..shd hv dabao the wings mah

qiuling, congrats

phy, sorry, din noe u did get the post of changing the date of the jap buffet...

ladies, the buffet is 38.84 per person, my acct is POSB savings 200-85542-6. Arigato!

Kimonos are here
