(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

caitlyn, all these talks bout scans make me miss my pregnancy!

bear - joshua v shy.. hee.. tt time isaiah every visit will show off his birdie.. until my gynae say 100% money back guarantee is a boy.. haha.. hb n i then secretly wished it wld be a gal then her fees wld be waived!!! wahahahahha
bear, wow...joshua kept u all in suspense by hiding his birdie...kekekke :p i get to kno the gender at 13 weeks, even tho gynae told me its 70% boy...hehhe...why huh so loud? u dun like boy meh? kekke

caitlyn, sure sure...u shd come in more often...everyone missed ur presence here...kekkeke...
Sng's mummy
Me not too sure on that
If SIL follows MIL teaching CLOSELY... think even if the children are sick... just self-medicated???
Caitlyn, you think he is shy...I would say he is naughty and play games with us. Hahaha...

Sporty, we were kind of disappointed when gynae and sonagrapher guessed it was a girl before the detailed scan. So by the time we went for detailed scan, we already accepted the fact that its going to be a girl but who knows it turned out to be a boy so was damn surprised ah.

We were damn happy after the detailed scan leh...I still keep asking gynae at each visit after that if it is still a boy. Hahaha...
Bear re AF & pumping

I didnt know that - i nearly pumped exclusively too but what i didnt understand was i pumped 3-4 times then latch from 8-9pm - 8am about 3-4 times.

BUt i think i recall its about the same time i started to practise lights out - no more room nite light thru the nite thus baby did sleep better & latched less ba! hiaz - must take note to up the pumps next time - AF very sian + no planning to conceive so soon also anyway cos Bfing 12 mths mah hopefully. & mine's C-section lor gynae warned 12 mths else wound will burst ar! (but she seriously looked at me in the eye & said at least 6 mths ok)
caitlyn, so funny abt ur gynae's money back guarantee!! haha

sweet, missed ur preggy time?? then get preggy again lor!! hehehe...ur hb have no choice if u get preggy now also mah for yr end 2008 bb...kekeke

bear, so u all prefer boy la? good la...then pleasant surprise mah :p my gynae very funny, everytime he scanned my tummy, he will always say "its STILL a boy"...hahhaa

pinkzebra, ur yr end bb is 2008 or 2009?? kekekek
sweet - keke.. all of us here jio jio u to make bb liao! hee..

sporty - true mah.. money back leh!! alot of money lor! haha.. my gynae also goes STILL a boy.. occupational hazard?
Sporty, yes lah...we wanted a boy. Good mah...I want a boy because when Joshua grows up, its the daddy who brings him to toilet when we are outside shopping. Hahaha...my hb wants a boy to enjoy his hobbies with him.

Definitely a pleasant surprise leh.

Hahaha...my gynae also did the same. She will scan and say 'its still a boy'.

Pinkzebra, hahaha..I also want a year end baby. But I don't want Dec coz its a time for celebration and I don't want to be confined. So I think Nov would be good. But don't ask me which year hor...coz I only say say nia.
I remember when Dr tham first told me Sky is a boi at 12weeks...he was like..SHOULD be a boi
16weeks.. can almost confirm is a boi....
Glayz, mine says it COULD be a girl and I really think its a girl coz I was thinking cannot be the 'birdie' zhun zhun hide so nicely behind the umbilical cord mah. Somemore the birdie hid behind the umbilical cord for more than 1 scan leh.
caitlyn, occupational hazard?? hahah...so funny...anyways, as if as the bb can juz change gender like tha...even after the detailed scan, he still say this phrase lor...

bear, ahhahha...ur daddy brings him go toilet very funny...thas true la...most daddies want a boy to play with them...tha time my hb even said if its a gal, then i have to go for gynae check myself, even tho i kno he's kidding with me...hahaha

seems like everyone remininsing the good old times of going for scans...checkups...hahahhaha
Hey glayz, talk bout that.. u know dr tham promoted liao leh.. Senior consultant liao.. that also means, fees more ex..
In case u are thinking of #3.. haha
Sporty, its Joshua's daddy hor...not my daddy bring huh. Hahaha...

I am a jie jie so I don't want a girl 1st to suffer the same fate as me. Jie jie alot of responsibilities lah.
sporty - keke.. or maybe coz ppl always ask them to double cfm e gender so before we ask they just reassure us? haha.. i thot most guys wld like gals leh.. daddy's girl mah.. hee.. ya, now all reminisce abt e "good times" of scans n checkups.. REALITY CHECK.. MS SUCKS! haha
pinkzebra, ahhahhaha...okok "IF"...heheheh lol :p

bear, aiya...i meant mr bear la...typed too fast la...tha's true, jiejie alot of responsibilites one...i agree!

caitlyn, no leh...it depends leh...not all daddies like gals leh...maybe for #1 la...
Pinkzebra, then when everyone's out celebrating X'mas, you will be at home eating your confinment food leh. Cannot wear nice nice and enjoy festive season food.
bear/sporty - u noe, until now i stil dunno wat gender my hb prefers.. haha.. he like genuinely no preference one.. faintz..
Caitlyn, its good that your hb has no preference. So there will be no disappointment later. I guess all he asks for is a healthy baby. GOOD leh.
bear, maybe pinkzee likes her #2 to have same bday mth as her la...tha's why she said dec...

caitlyn, ya...ur hb seems like the kind like no preference one leh...hehehe...anyways, most importantly is healthy la..
bear - yah lor.. he just always say healthy can liao... tt's wat i say too lah.. but in my hearts of hearts i wld like a little boy (which i now do).. haha.. for him like really so neutral.. think it's his personality also..
bear - hee.. this rd i think i genuinely no preference liao.. but like i said earlier my gut instinct is v strong tt it's a minnie.. even before i cfm preg, i told hb, 'i think i preg with a gal'.. he thot i siao.. until i tested preg 2 weeks after this statement! haha.. tt time with isaiah i was also v sure it's a boy.. hee..
sporty - my tum tum seems to have shrunk a bit causing me to worry a little.. but still visible lah.. sat i wear some super tight clothes to show u! hahaha
caitlyn/pinkzebra/bear/sporty, hehe 2008 yr end bb is really too rushed liao! not mentally prepared ;p

bear, i can see that u r slowly changing your mindset liao.. hehe at first, u were quite sure that u only wanted 1 child, now i can see that u r "thinking" liao

actually not true in my case that jie jie have more responsibilites leh.. can say that i m more spoilt than my sis ;p

tell u gers something funny, last nite while sleeping trishelle again behave like clock, so her feet was at my mouth *gosh* and she kick kick a few times at my lips. i also dunno whether i did it intentionally or dreaming, i actually bite her big toe! hee then she eh eh eh and quickly shifted to another angle, away from my mouth! hahaha dun dare to tell my hb, he confirm will scold me ;p
SNG's mummy
So now I know...
U still thinking for #4, #5.....


I also tot mine like gers...
Until recently...the flat issue... AH PUI!!

U think she trying to FORCE feed u har!!!
caitlyn, maybe ur super tight clothes caused the tum to shrink...hahhaa...suddenly i recall what my ex colleagues from other dept called me...the preggy with super tight clothes...hahhaha

sweet, hahhaa...so funny...u bit her big toe?? u sure bo??? aiyo...ur hb will scold one meh...

glayz, u are rite....maybe sng planning for #4...tha's why so updated abt dr tham...hahah
sweet - keke.. one 'fierce' mummy...

i think i din share with u gals hor.. isaiah sleeps in between hb n me now due to his waking up hrly last time.. (now can sleep abt 4-5hrs, thank goodness) and dunno how he roll, he manaage to fall off our bed right down e middle u noe.. the sound was e scariest sound i ever heard.. at 2am lor! first thing i did was jump up frm bed and i cry before he cry lor!
glayz, haha i was half dazed and very pissed that how come she kept kicking me ;p so i guess i did it with some intention

sporty, yup i confirm bite her big toe coz i remember the smelly feet smell.. hehehe he will ah when it concerns trishelle. in his eyes, she's more impt than me hor ;p
glayz - ur hb older than us by quite a bit rite? guess he more traditional in thinkig plus influenced by e way he's brought up?

sporty - hee.. no lah.. it shrank quite obviously.. and been having quite alot of terrible bad cramps so quite worried..
Aiyo.. no lah.. remember the last round i was hospitalized? then i knew dr tham promoted liao.. haha..

But the fact is, i think i want #4.. hahahaha... i think i am addicted to babies! but for sure, i know my lao gong will run away from home!

Sweet, haha.. u are so funny.. u actually bit her toe!!
nehmind lah haha... at least not so hot mah hehe.. anyway, way to go lah... till then, then think about it *LOL*

so clever! hehe dec is a good mth for birthdays leh school hols mah.. stress free and can enjoy to the fullest leh, no need to worry over exams or test hee.

you have any special cravings? if more cravings for meat most prob will be mickey *wink* i had strong pref for meat and potatoes when i had xavier. but watever it is, maternal instinct will tell you if its a boy or gal. ;)

no rush mah.... with all that is needed, great ambience, more OT... you can make it! hehe *wink*
SNG mummy, wow really peifu u that u can still think of having #4!!

pinkzebra, hahahha will tell u if it really happened! ;p

caitlyn, gosh! u must be really frightened!!
SNG - wahaahahhaa.. go seduce ur hb n he wun noe wat hit him!!! =)

pinkzebra - e cravings thing not v true.. with isaiah i craved chocos n ice cream! hee..
caitlyn, think maybe he crawl near to the edge and fell off? hope he's ok now... tha's why on weekends, we sleep on the floor mattress with athan...but nowadays sometimes he can suddenly sit up in the middle of the nite with eyes half closed and go back to sleep again...very funny sight! dun worry abt cramps la...u already passed trimester one...shd be more stable...

sweet, opps...u have competition for ur hb's love liao and she's ur DD...kekekke :p

pinkzebra, yes... dec is ur fave mth mah...still rem ur posts always ended with LOL...ahhhahha...i also prefer yr end bb but my hb prefer beginning of the year bb...
sweet - yup.. it was a scary scary sound lor. lucky he cry loudly.. if he dun cry, i think i lagi worried.. he'll ususally toss n turn and either sleep on hb or myself.. dunno hw cm tt nite he actually managed to make it off e bed without touchin any one of us..
No la..
It dun bother me liao
But... as a note lor
I always tot my hb prefer gers... until the flat issue let me know he actually likes bois MORE!!!

Maybe having a string of gers will let him have excuse to force me to have more???? His uncles have 4 gers u know...until they decide they cannot have bois then they stop production...maybe they change their mind and go for #5 down the road...FYI his uncle think is 50now... the youngest ger is 1YO... *faint*
sporty, yalo i still remember before we got married, he still tell me that i just love our bb wholehearted and he will love me unconditionally. to him, i will always be more impt than our child.. *sigh* now see what happens lah

caitlyn, ya usually if baby cries loudly, it's a sign that they are ok. so now do u put a bed guard at the bottom of the bed?

Ya lor..
Dun no can take out his mentality and sell to muesum or not...wahahahahahahahhaha
Maybe I be RICH!!!!!
vintage mah...wahahahahahahhahaha

No la..I am warning other mummies...dun believe ur hb when they show NO PREFERENCES...it may be FAKE!!!
