(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

Pinzebra - great tt Xavier is recovering

Sporty, the lo hei suggetion is good leh. Hahaha..I like...

Xtine, heng ah..your hb is still quite fast.

Ros, aiyo...still go down to kovan to buy nasi lemak so late ah? You didn't tell your hb so late eat nasi lemak will be fat fat ah?
lo hei sounds good.. so next gathering we go chinese

yeah very funny sound he make lor hee, but poor thing lah cannot breathe properly. he struggle as if i gonna give him poison when i put nose drop for him.

sha sha,
thanks dear
PZ, have u tried KARVOL to ease the congestion ?

SNG mom...hiya. some of my relatives also like tt, i reckon they arent in our position so tt is why so insensitive.

just brought dylan for 1st prevnar, he cried like no body's business, anyone had that jab before? sure kenna fever one is it? sigh.

asked my PD about the flu jab , she says not necessary, also about the fish oil, she says not too sure now purified is the fish oil, wah lau. .like that how? i already bought the nordic one, eat myself ah?
hi ladies,

long time no log in... my AF came on Sunday... sianz....

divamama, i trf $0.43 to you alr... :)

rina, when you wanna collect your stuffs from me?

ken-ma, i got 10% off for old navy/gap, if you need the code, i can give you.
elaine, prevnar, i think will hv fever, my doc said the injection is more painful than normal injection, tt is why i guess dylan cried....
If u haven open.... then put in fridge lor
U buy the BIG 8oz bottle is it...
That one I calculate before... half a teaspoon daily... it take u swee swee almost 3 months beofre u finish it....After open best consume within 3 months

Otherwise U wait till Dylan over 8mths then start to give lor... (the recommended at the label is 8mths and up!!!)
elaine what the doc mean abt the purified fish oil cannot? i read the ruth yaron book they said give flaxseed oil is better... i think after i finish the nordic one for my gal, i want to find flaxseed oil for my gal...
Pinkzebra, yah lor..I always have to pat Joshua sleep in my arms then I tilt his head backwards and quickly put the nasal drop into his nose. He will rub his nose and cry when he realised it.

Elaine, how come you shave Dylan's hair just when CNY is round the corner?

Dryper, its super sian to see AF after so long. And the 1st one is super tiring right? I also just had mine this month after a few rounds of spotting.
bear, ya lor super tired on sunday and so sianz... i was hoping AF only come when my boy 1 yr old... kekekekeke

glayz ok, you got her email addr?
pinkzebra, same for trishelle. she will kick legs and use hands to push us away when we administer the nasal drop on her. the 1st time i did it, i cried coz so heartpain to see her like tat...
dryper, ur code is due to oos item or comes w e pkg? if comes w e pkg, it's transferable as it's not tied to any account whereas if it's due to oos item, i was told by a spree organiser tha it's not transferrable. tha time i used 1 code due to oos item, e remarks stated there for e code is appeasement, but not sure if they really tied to my acct. btw, how did u get e code? nowadays, quite difficult to get code for ON.

ken-ma, now tha i recalled, if u subcribe to their newsletter, they'll send u a $10 off code for spending >$75 for 1st time purchase, maybe u can try tis.
hui, Joy also scratch ears and pull hair... dun know why leh...

wow, dinner sounds fun, will try join in next round. This week just started work so thot better not as I have to make sure my girls' routine is settled first.
Hi ladies ,
Afternoon , Jen ...i sms u liao ...
Ken - ma , can i join the spree for GAP .. Tempted to buy clothes again .. your email ? and i send out order by tonight ?
Ya ... just another annoucement to make ..Ermm .
* Drum Rolls *
Me expecting a second child , just 5 weeks now and cfm yesterday ... it was an accident....... miss AF and thought that it was delayed due to brestfeeding .. then use pred test kit and came out negative .. so waited for a few days .. still no show and suspect something is not right.. till i see doctor yesterday ... and kena preg again ...
I've not tried KARVOL, but was given Fedac (oral med) and Illiadine (nasal drop) by the PD.

re: Prevnar,
After the prevnar jab, baby will tend to get feverish. Also, the jab area will swell abit, but nothing to be alarm of, coz it's sign that the med is taking effect and it'll subside after a day or two.

Bear, sweet
It's always a fight when have to do anything to their nose hor... Xavier hates it whenever I try to clean the gunk out of his nose. Must have technique to subdue him and then do the "nose job" haha...

sweet, you're so emotional hehe.. but true lah will feel heartpain to see them struggling like that.. but for the sake of speedy recovery, bo bianz lah hehe..
Qiuling, CONGRATS......
Err, does that mean u will have to stop b/feeding?

Hui, Grace also likes to scratch and pull her ears. Also rubs her eyes and nose..quite cute to watch..
jen, it is oos items leh...

qiuling, congrats. i bf my gal when i was preggy with my 2nd one. but supply is very low. i suggest you give fm supplement because, right now your first one still depends alot on milk, ur first one maybe deprive from nutritions if you solely depends on bm... plus towards the end of your pregnancy you may have contraction if you still bf-ing...
qiuling, congrats!!!! your milk ss will become very low during your pregnancy... due to hormone changes. But I think still can bf. I read somewhere that some mummies continue anyhow. When is EDD?
wow...after lunch saw drum rolls liao...wow

qiuling, congrats!!!
ur AF came back on which mth previously?

sweet, no prob la...join us next time when u can make it...maybe juz happened tha u are on leave or what...

hui, icic...no wonder tues and fri cannot...

bear/pinkzebra, i also like to lo hei, like to toss very very high one...its fun but very messy!!

dryper, ohh...ur AF's back leh...still no signs for me...

divamama, oh ya, rem to let us kno ur a/c no and the amt we shd tt to you for the dinner hor...

mich, join us next time...hope to catch up with u soon...
hui/pinkzebra, i only cried the 1st time when we did the nose drop. subsequently tries, i "immune" and can administer w/o flinching ;p

congrats qiuling!!
Hi mummies ,
thank you for all your congrats .. felt like i am in a deep crisis now ... keke
Sporty my AF came from 3rd month onwards already..
Dryper , u still BF even having second ?? Me stopping i think for safety reasons ...
now still no MS , no feeling .. just lost ... and busy with school work .. and i am still in school now .. gtg out for a while to attend to the students for a while now .. talk to you later mummies ..
