(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

elaine, yes can give grind flaxseed to bb and put in the porridge... i will be doing it soon...

vic ma, like tt no choice bah since she comes everyday. you know lah kids will be kids... they tend to forget... unless ur sil dun come visit when the kids are sick... as for me i also need to visit mil, but tt time when my gal is sick i also did not visit, i scared my gal will infect my pregnant sil... i guess you gotta close one eye bah... and remind your maid... take it easy....

sporty, no say safer hor ... my auntie nvr come menses for 1 yr coz bf-ing, suddenly found out tt she is preggy... kekekeke
divamama, so excited abt thr kimono... i hope my gal fit in... cross finger.... if not goota try for a third baby and hopefully it is a gal... lol
divamama, think ros was freaked out by the hair on the wings la...hahhahah...anyways, trfed to u liao. txn ref : 1541070213

dryper, hahha...even if its not safe, its ok with me...juz let natural takes its course...hahha...wow, u ttcing for #3 eh?
sporty, still thinking whether to hv #3 or not... but not so soon lah.... but i scared my #3 one like my gal like tt, wake up every hr... i faint liao... hahahhaaa.... aya we see how lah.... alamak the wings got hair huh???
dryper, yes...the chicken wing didnt shave its armpit...so got hair and ros got freaked out by it...hahahha
Ros, yah lor..if you tabao the chix wings last night then your hb will be so happy to eat it with his nasi lemak leh. Hahaha...

Dryper, I have to kowtow to you leh...can still consider for no.3. Heehee...
my hb don like the food at the coffeeshop...so go to kovan to buy the punggol nasi lemak....
tks huh..for your 'compliment'...wont kill u but will take fare from u the next time round when i drive u back to punggol...hahaha...

Glayz, tink this blur virus like flu bug...go ard very fast...so effective till u get it early in the morning...hee hee

pink, hope xavier gets well soon :0...new yr is coming...

xtine, u also kana the virus huh...hahaha...who is next?

bear, no choice lor cos he was waiting for me to call home mah n i forgot abt it n he havent had his dinner yet...the nearest place i can go tabao is kovan lor...cant tink of any place liao...

hui, amadeus also like to scratch his left ear but i never notice whether is it red or not..haha...i don wan the bb dust...u ca have all of it...

qiuling, congrats

elaine, Amadeus takes 2 naps a day, once in the morning after his morning feed n sleep for abt 1-2 hrs time n the next nap is in the afternoon ard 1-2plus n slept for 11/2-2 hrs (if l slept wif him, he can sleep longer)
divamama, the wings not enough, i shld have order the udon n rice, then tabao back for him...hahaha....will trf the moni to u tomolo...

dryper, cos of the kimono, u wanna a thrid child huh...hahaha...

sporty, ya u rite...saw the hair n spoil my appetite...waiting for your gd news...hee hee

bear, tink hb will feaked out also if he see the hair..
hi ros/bear/divamama/pinkzebra...
i already placed the order for gap anf ON on 23rd Jan morning...there are some items OOS,will send u the list via email tomorrow......yawnz....
Morning Ladies

maybe u dunno... perhaps..u preggie liao.. :p *maybe u reach home tonight Mr Sporty will provide the test kit...*
so no signs of AF... maybe u take a test la....and UPDATE us...wahahhahahahahaha

My newphews are all down with RUNNING nose and COUGHING...
U say Jialat or not...and yet she let her sons share with Sky...
My sil is very ok one... but she a SAHM..with 3 kids to look after as well as a frail MIL... aged 7, 4,3...
So she is quite lax on discipline... as she say... even the cane cannot do anything to them...
I see her like that also heartpain lor.... becos I see her tried to discipline before...1min later...all her kids are back to notti stage
But maybe she is used to her kids sick one by one...spreading all around as she cannot stop them from sharing...that why she forgot???

Think I got the dosage from lucky viamins...OH GOSH!!!!
If not.. maybe we postpone it to after 1 YO then give the oil....
I think I also postpone mei mei one....

I ganna blur virus BADLY lor
I wear flip flops to my interview ytd...
U say BAD or not

I almost faint...
I see how my newphews attack ice cream I also faint lor
There is once... my SIL bought each of them a tub..including Sky
As Sky seldom eat icecream..so he eat VERY slow...while the other 3 gobble down
The next thing I knew... A came towards Sky..and told Sky... I HELP U FINISH... and the next thing I knew..the spoon went in...B who also finish his icecream...saw what A did..came over and OFFER to help also...another spoon went in...
I almost faint lor... and that time they are both well la
Then the eldest sis came tried to crowd control...complain to sil abt the little brothers...Sil told them cannot take Sky icecream... they stop their behaviour a WHILE...then attack again...
morning gal

today me half day...yippie!!

ros, aiyo...dun charge me fare la...kekekkeke :p dun see me so up and wanna wait for my good news...hahha...not so soon...

glayz, hahaha...cant be la...already tested negative liao...had to test as i going for xray today...heheh...so dun see me so up hor...hahhaha

caitlyn, yoz...how's u?
I also dunno how leh
They will do this when it come to ice cream and other snacks la
I once saw the 2 brothers fight like trying to kill each other over Delrosa(something like that)..the vit C supplement....

Now I see my SIL saw them fight...she can ONLI shake head lor...
morning gals,

dryper, u din reply me last nite.. hw abt sat? will u be at admiralty area?? thot of collecting from u at admiralty mrt..

divamama, so can collect from u anytime?

caitlyn, i also curious to know its bb caitlyn or bb mr caitlyn.. :D
wah.. now only abt 13weeks plus.. dunno if caitlyn or ian yet.. hee...my gut instinct is it's a gal.. but who noes rite? hee..
yun! sigH. the 2 boys at my sis place also fight all the time.over toys... but the gorgor will give way to the didi. just uploaded their pic in ash's blog. then ash knows how to talk huh. can imagine. she sure bully them de
caitlyn, if so far no sight of "little bird" then high chance of a minnie liao!
can forsee u spreeing like crazy hahaha

for those who have starhub cable.. they are bringing in BabyTV It's going to air on Ch37 digital cable on 25 Jan. There is free preview on Ch01 from 25Jan to 3 Feb.

Check this out: http://www.babytvchannel.com/
sweet, can give flaxseeds now... either oil or grinded kind also can.

Elaine, I am giving grinded flaxseed to Joy cos I have not bought the oil yet. Will go organic shop and buy it soon.

Anyway the oil got shelf life of 8 weeks but the flaxseeds itself can keep longer and cheaper also.

caitlyn, so u hoping for a mei mei for isaiah?
morning ladies

long time din log in... lost on d archives liao... hows everyone? great?

had made d trf. trx# 1541436803. thx
din eat enuff tt nite... sigh... but thk god hb can manage to drives boy hm on his own... so nex round i shld b able to stay longer...

congrats!! wah seems like one by one having good news...

AF = mense?
im having mine now... i heard if BF no M too... but i read smwhr tt it may come if we r dropping off d feeding/expressing...
Oh...they bringing in babyTv finally har
When I see the advert on National geo some time ago..i called to check... NO ONE had any idea of what it is!!!!
morning ladies!

hi hi powerpuffs! long time no see you in here! hope everything is fine for you

the babytvchannel seems good huh, got everything that it takes.

i'll tt you the balance and get the kimono from this this sat, at the venue you've suggested
will sms you to confirm the time I'll be there. Thanks babe!
mich, thanks for the info
will go get some seeds as well hehe

glayz/sha sha/pinkzebra, i thot that the programs look really interesting!
caitlyn, so fast 13 weeks plus liao...tha means officially u are in 2nd trimester liao...

powerpuffs, yes AF=menses...urs AF juz came back? mine still no signs yet...yes, it will come if we are dropping feeding/expressing..
so sad for my friend in confinement - her hb came back from overseas trip & MIL recommend he sleep in separate rooms so that he can have enough rest for work next day.

She has been tolerating the crazy (cannot bath cannot do this canot do that) MIL for over 1 week already & to embrace her hb's this kind of attitude so sad for her. So tempted to talk to her hb but i dont know him.

I told her to just tell him - men are dense must speak clearly else he will not be able to share with her what she is truely going thru & his agreement to separate rooms - i as a mother think not taking ownership of the baby - gosh yes she will wake & cont to wake often for another few mths? so leave it to your wife even when she goes back to work la - start a wedge in your marriage & good luck to your marriage - hope it lasts.
Good morning ladies!!

Re: P Jab
is much painful thn th 6 in 1..Jovial wil have his last jab after his 1 year old birthday..he will cry till very cham when the jab go in but once u carry him he tiam tiam liao :D
hui, veri painful ar... hmmmm... onli let jerral hv his when he turn 1.. so sweet hor.. tiam tiam when he is in ya arms.. he must hv feel safe.. :D
Divamama, transferred to you already. Transaction no. 1541506026

Powerpuffs, how come leave so earlier that night?
You dropped to less than 4 times pumping sessions? Mine came shortly after I drop to 3 times a day.
sweet - keke.. tt's wat i think too.. coz at e 12 weeks scan, baby opened legs big big but dr cldn't see anything..haha.. but i'm okie.. healthy can liao!

mich - hee.. i think mei mei or di di also okies.. =) di di sld be quite fun too when they start fighting.. haha.. twin terrors!

sporty - yup.. but dunno y i still feel darned terrible..
Flaxseed oil

how come my 1st search is says its for constipation?

& there are a few danger cautions:


Before taking Flaxseed oil, tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding
Flaxseed oil works best when taken with food (1)
May cause ileus (intestinal blockage) (4)
May cause a thyroid problem (5)
Do not take more than 0.3 milligram/kilogram (6)
In inflammatory (sore and swollen) bowel conditions, Flaxseed must be presoaked before use (5)

Side Effects:
Stop taking your medicine right away and talk to your doctor if you have any of the following side effects. Your medicine may be causing these symptoms which may mean you are allergic to it.

Side effects
Breathing problems or tightness in your throat or chest
Chest pain
Skin hives, rash, or itchy or swollen skin

Other Side Effects:
You may have the following side effects, but this medicine may also cause other side effects. Tell your doctor if you have side effects that you think are caused by this medicine.

No known side effects as long as enough water is taken with the seeds (1)

is this the same flax seed oil we are talking about giving our babies?
Good morning...

Did i read share water bottle? hmm... even when my 2 boys are well, there is nothing as share water bottle. they are supposed to carry and finish their own bottle of plain water! And the mum is either dumb or too rich to let them share when they are ill. She worried the doc got no $$ to spend izzit?
bear same AF coming

was stressed cos ill so pumped only once in morning & 2 times at work not 3, then 1-2 mths later AF came liao.

But did u still cont to latch? dont latching still counts?
caitlyn, think have chance to be minnie la since nothing between the legs...heheh...if its mickey, shd be able to kno as early as 12 weeks lor...kekekke...
Sporty, I only know its Joshua when I went for my detailed scan. Before that the guess was a girl so when the sonagrapher told me its a boy during the detailed scan, my hb and my mouth open big big and say 'huh???!!!'

Joshua hide his 'birdie' behind the umbilical cord earlier.

Ester, I don't latch at all. Its pumping exclusively.
Sng ma re sharing bottles - well maybe some parents dont mind themselves doing this & just never tot of it so much.

mich mich - is this the same flax seed oil?

sporty - keke.. will keep u guys informed.. but for my gynae she will only cfm cfm after detailed scan i think.. hee.. even isaiah also.. altho she saw his little birdie in week 12
