(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

And when u scoop hor... be careful hor
I dunno why
I used to prepare la... I manage to save ALL THE oil...and my soup...dunno where leh

my mom boils very very very big pot. if we freeze them in small tupperware container hor. will turn bad very fast cause each feed we use oni 1 teaspoon of stock. very watse if turn bad. cause my mom put alot of ingredients in the stock.
leobaby, each feed only 1 tsp of stock..enuff to cook porridge? then i think u have to buy in bulk liao coz each cube very small and if you need to contain all the stock from the big pot, then u really need alot of cubes! probably can check robinsons? read that some mummies bought from there also
hi sporty...dun noe leh.. she say bday also must celebrate in advance...haiz...since we got our way to celebrate later for full mth,so let MIL win for the bday party lor...keke...
hiakhiak, i very kua zhang! basically oni half pot. cause the other half pot is ingredients. but need quite afew also. ya oni 1 teaspoon. for ash to eat ma. for our porridge of course we add more.

harlor. gotto keep stirring when during.
I now very lazy to do this liao
I realise cannot use animal inside the stock...will get oily...
Must use veg onli... Once I do the tomato puree for Sky spag..then too sour..he refuse to eat..had to throw away all
leobaby, icic
ken-ma, 7pm huh? me most likely will be a bit late cos going to pump ard 6+pm.

sweet, i c. e T-shirt ok lah... i let jake wore for e last 2 lessons. hmm... if they ask y u not letting bb wears e T-shirt, u say last wk wear liao, wash late, then not dry enugh to wear today, haha... tink they aso can't do anything abt it. actually, i tink they just wan to sell u e T-shirt lah.

glayz, wah... ur MIL so poor meh? got to pawn e gold necklace? i quite upset abt my IL's attitude when i gave birth, still feeling sore today, so i hardly bring jake there to visit them, i told hb he can go back alone if he wans but he felt no pt if we not going. come to tink of it, jake sticky to me aso gd, if i dun go, hb aso bo bian, can't bring jake there too as he can't handle jake w/out me. got 1 sat, we went up for a while, then abt to leave, FIL came back, played w jake a while & commented long time din c him, tink hb aso fed up, told my FIL tt he can visit us on weekend as we seldom go out. but i tink my ILs just can't be bothered lor... rather stay at hme play mahjong.
Aiyo... my mil think most of her jewellery are at the pawn shop one la...
Pawn take the $$$$.... then when it come to renew the ticket...will happily pass the tickets to hb and tell him to renew... renewing a ticket is not cheap lor!!!!

Shane also dun give MIL face... Sky also
Shane will wail... and Sky refuse to let MIL hug or kiss him
glayz, tt's how ur MIL takes pocket $$ fr ur FIL, is it? btw, when to pass u e 1st teeth toothpaste? aso, u still need ang bao long since ros gonna give u some?
My FIL pass away liao la
She will pass ticket to my hb... and BTW... this one is ON TOP of what my hb is giving her lor

I need to toothpaste lor... as well as Ang Pow wahahahahahhahaha..... becos hb sure will ask from me one.. But will u still be home on Sun morning??? i scare later u start class liao hard to get from u leh... unless I drag my 2 s out on Sat to collect
glayz, hmm... maybe u can use e same tactic as ur MIL, pawn ur gold & ask ur hb to renew e ticket, to get more $$ fr ur hb. haven't started kindermusik class lah cos dun wan my leg & arm sng during cny tt wk. anyway, not sure, if e 10am class will take plc or not cos so far, oni 5bbs nia. tis sun morning, i ok.

ken-ma, e 10am class may not be able to kick off wor cos so far, oni got 5bbs. if not on, u still sending ken to 12pm class or totally stop liao?
glayz, ur mil so funny...will go and redeem and pawn back the gold necklace...macham like rental of gold necklace...heheh...ya la, if u have a first bday party for meimei, sky will feel jealous...

ken ma, celebrate in advance also good mah...cuz i find it weird to celebrate after tha day also...hehe

leobaby, ur porridge stocks sounds very feng fu...lucky ash...

bear, eh...u suddenly appear ah...u shd go and prepare for the dinner later...thot u wanna wear gown :p kekkeke
jen, the 10am class started when? i'm fine with 10am count me in..

so sianz... look forward for tonite dinner and yet last min sooooo many meeting
dont know what time can go off tonite..
sporty, i dont know leh... so sianz lor just now meet up with supplier and later need to sit in another meeting.. sometimes as late as 9 to 10pm depend on how long winded my boss be...

yesturday is a last min meeting, my colleague meet her friend at 6pm and she cant leave till 730pm!!!! her poor friend need to wait for her till then.. and i left around 8+ just in time to reach home at 915 to watch the last episode
peck, try to pop by la...maybe ur boss decided to be short winded today...i also have conference call at 530pm also hope can jet off after tha...

divamama, pinkzebra not attending as xavier's down with viral flu...
hi jen...saw ur post...ok,if the class at 10am cant start,i will stick to the 12pm one...

hi divamama...
u wana get stuff fr GAP?
sporty, ok. no we are down to 9 people only. think the restaurant will ask people to share room with us...anyone else interested to join us at Japanese Buffet later?

kenma, yup yup, i email to you now?
anyone got phy's contact? she din indicate whether she's cfm gng tonight cos i think she got no time to access forum...maybe she forgot about it liao
U tempting me...I see those $4.99 6-12mth jackets... so tempted to get!!!

as well as those $4.99 sleepsuit...anyway...sleepsuit can buy smaller size...as the bottom is quite loose...suppose to fit snuggly

Me super tempted.... kekekekekekekkekeke...
But meeting my buyer late....
divamama, who's going and who's not? how come left 9?? i will smsed phy liao and she said she cant make it, she thot its on 28th...
Glayz, I cheapo so buying all those 2.99 ones...somemore Jen got 10% discount...

Ken-ma, maybe u can collate orders but need Jen to order for us cos she got 10% discount for GAP.

sporty, left me, you, mummy tang, jen, ken-ma, bear, xtine, ros, powerpuff

not going: rina, pinkz, peck, phy
Sporty, I set hair liao, then now trying to squeeze into my evening gown. Hahahaha...

Glayz, come lah...join us. Its ok to be a little late.
divamama, wow...another down ah...so left with 8 of us...hopefully we dun have to share the room with other pple...

bear, WOW...cant wait to see the nicely setted hair...kekekkeke :p

glayz, join us leh...today tues u can go leh...come after tha la...
