(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

Anybody using neo garden for buffet?thought if any of u r interested, can try talking to them to give us more discount...keke.... BP for catering????

sporty, no lah just some rough estimation on the costing. havent confirm on venue yet, a few options like my dad's condo function room, changi chalet bunglow (my aunt and uncle is from SAF, so can book the big stand-alone bunglow but then it's jun hols so dunno can get anot) or function rooms in restaurants
ken ma, u plan to use neo garden again? i haven decided leh...if so, dunno whether can ask for bulk discount...kekkee

sweet, u are rite...during trishelle's bday is during skool holidays, so if u wanna book the bungalow better chope fast...heheh :p
sporty, if wanna customised or 3D cake, it's quite ex lor. i tink tha person had e party at some swimming club, tink got projection some more.

leobaby, haha... $300 for bday is enugh if doing a small simple 1 w family members. hmm... ashlyn born on same day as jake, right? so which date u having e party? i book w her either 24/25 may as i can't cfm e date yet cos haven't cfm venue. if u having urs on either of these dates, better quickly check with her on her schedule.

ken-ma, maybe can use generic name so tt nxt time can expand ur biz to wedding/birthday cake. i tinking of neo garden too!!! haha... can BP for tt aso huh?
Kindermusik? 2 boys very expensive. moreover I work shift, very difficult to manage the time. Last week was still telling my hubby that register 1 boy will do, every week bring different boy down. Hope the teacher don't realise. :p


Regarding the baby contest. Email yr photos and particulars (mother & child) by 22nd Jan to :

Most enchanting Smile [email protected]

Most beautiful eyes [email protected]

Chubbiest Cheeks [email protected]

Like mother, like baby [email protected]

Particulars include : name & age (both mother & baby) & contact number.

Prizes : 1st $800 cash + $500 hamper
2nd $300 cash + $300 hamper
3rd $200 cash + $200 hamper

*finalist will b notified on 23rd Jan
*Participant who are short-listed need to be present on 25th Jan at Singapore Expo Health and Wellness Exhibition.
sweet, if u wan those holiday bungalow gotta act fast. tt time, i was checking on e tanah merah one, $700+ for 2 nights under SAFRA rate & oni left abt 3 units for e weekend i looking at.
ken-ma, neo garden already has 20% discount for birthday catering.. u think they will give us more discount if we do in bulk? hehe ;p a worthwhile idea to explore
sporty/jen, 1 major pt that holding me back on the bunglow venue idea is that i stay far west! it's going to be a hassle to travel all the way to changi.. hehe if lazy, then i will just hold it at my dad's condo, hassle-free.. hehe
hi sporty/jen...
think so far, we like neo garden best..so will be using them again.... we will see how many here r interested.I have just called Neo gardens...they were saying that they will have to see what promotions there is then can confirm if they can offer further discount...have to call back during early march

Neo Garden
kenma & sporty: u 2 very funny hor.. i wouldn't dare to drink... think hb won't too...

sweet: yes, that's what i wanna do too. So wasteful hor, but no choice lor..
hi jen,
good suggestion...think stick to something more generic lah hor... must brainstorm again...
hi J&Mum...
When will u be booking the chalet ah?so which particular seaview will u be getting?think i will take garden bungalow B3 or 4....dan u see u wana get B1 or 2 or not lah... dan we will be neighbours for 3 days!!
jen, projection? u mean montage like those wedding montage ah?? WOW...macham wedding...hehe...wow, so fast the safra bungalow left 3 units eh?

sweet, tha's true...cannot imagine u lugging everything to changi and when coming home have to lug all the pressies...hehe

j & mum, if not ask ur hb pour away for u lor...at least not so heartache...

ken ma, which day u plan to do the first bday for ken? the weekend of 17th may? so same as j & mum eh?
aiyo.. me so stupid leh..i was dc from my company network..then no matter how i refresh still cannot leh..till i so fed up leh coz i nd to use ntework to work..afterr all long grumbling..then i found out that i accidently press the wirless button off..lol
hi sporty...
ya,same wkend as J&M cos ken's DOB is on a wkday leh... cant fo one wkend later otherwise MIL will grumble like siao again...

see that some mummies r planning for baby's 1st bday. me wanna start planning too but too busy to look for ideas.....i am thinking of holding the party at a suite at st regis.

jen: those cakes look pretty

J&Mum: enjoy yr Maldives trip!
calling for jen....
just to check...if my order for ON is over USD200,do i ask vpost to ship out in different shipments to avoid paying the 7%? how do u usually handle this ?
wah.. so fast sourcing for idea to celebrates bb's bd le... mr rina want a simple affair leh... so i din do any planning.. prob shld plan some surprises.. :D

lin, i saw ya blog update on st regis.. :D looks veri nice..

ken-ma, expanding business liao ar..

j&mum, enjoy ya trip!
rina, simple is good. no need to headache abt planning.

mummies: for 1st year party, u all intend to invite a lot of pple? (ie, extended relatives and friends?) or just immediate family members?
ken-ma: hubby said booking is 3 months in advance leh.. cannot book so early. So we can only book in Feb...

we'll go for sea-view lah.. no particular units... actually pool-view also very good.. what say u?
hi lin,
thanks for the link...

think we will be inviting the 'whole village' down lor...keke... boh pian...too much relatives n frens liao...kekeke...
ken ma, thats the thing- too many relatives and friends liao. i am hoping to be a just close family members affair (no need to entertain too many pple ):p but i think in laws and parents would wanna invite whole village too. hmm......
hi lin,
usually old folks would want the whole village to be there lor...cos like for my side,ken is the 1st grandchild for both sides....
u can enrol gabriel for the contest mah...he is so smiley!
ken cannot go for best smile contest,cos his facial expression is always the same when we take photos...
Me thinking of entering beautiful eyes for Shane... but there is NO PICTURE of her close up... ekekkekekekekeke

Pigeon wipes contest.
Anyone had the contest form
Can send me???
Think i used to have it but dunno where liao

[email protected]
harlor, not enought de. think at least 1k.

harlor. siong hor.
why not ask to work 8-5? hock also working 8-5 now.

harlor. ash born on the same day as jake. hiakhiak. will have to be on weekend. else alot ppl cant come. ppl already self-invite to her bday bash le. hiakhiak. i think i'll spend a big bomb.
sweet, then save $$ for other things, go to ur dad's condo bah. if miss out any item, can get fr ur dad's plc, logistics wise easier & save $$.

sporty, yah... saw got projection in e background of e photo, not sure if they showing montage. maybe, now, fully booked liao.

ken-ma, u order ON liao? if use vpost, USD220 still can. if anything more than tha, u hv to split ur ON order & dun submit e invoice to vpost yet, 1pkg arrived at vpostusa, u pay for shipping to get it shipped out, then u submit e 2nd invoice to vpost. cos if u submit 2 invoices together & e 2pkgs arrive at vpostusa together, vpost will still lump them as they r under same merchant, then still kanna GST. if u order everything in 1 order & ON shipped it out in 1pkg, u can't ask vpost to ship out in different shipments, they r not supposed to do tt.
I also enrol Shane liao
Find left find right... send in 1 photo...
But hor..I cannot be there leh..if I really was SHORTLISTED...becos I will not win la... becos Shane will cry... wahahahhahahahahahaha
lin/ken-ma, i wun be inviting e whole village, will invite family members, close relatives & friends. but family members, meaning our parents & siblings' family aredi abt 20pax liao, add on close relatives & friends, maybe ard 50pax bah. jake is my IL's 1st nei shun as my hb is e oni son, e other 2 r daughters. i'll ctrl who my ILs wan to invite, if they wan to invite a lot of pp, ask them to contribute. wahaha... i can splurge on other things like cakes, deco, makan, etc, but i wun wan to spend extra $$ to invite pp whom i dun feel like inviting just for e sake of inviting. hmm... but oni for my IL's side, maybe due to e thorns in btwn us since i married their son.
jen, yalo furthermore trishelle's stuff also all at my dad's place liao, easier no need to bring more stuff along ;p see how first bah

btw, check with u regarding the BJG class, the babies all have to wear the T-shirt? compulsory for every lesson?

glayz, shane ok mah.. that time i carried her for awhile at gymboree, she didnt wail leh
sweet, u hv to buy e T-shirt for BJG, it's compulsory to buy as they tell u it's compulsory to wear during lesson. so u signing up for BJG? attended e trial liao?
jen, i dun mind paying for the T-shirt but was thinking maybe can dun wear for all the lessons anot leh.. havent attend the trial lesson yet, but will most likely sign up for a term coz hb is very keen to let her start on playgroups and BJG is really near our place
hui, u so blur ah...pressed the wireless button off w/o realising it...hehhe

ken ma, bday also have to celebrate in advance like full mth eh?

lin, wow...suite at st regis...shd be very expensive!gabriel's a lucky boy...for my boy's bday party, i shd be inviting relatives and frens...

j & mum, wow..good leh, if urs is beside ken ma, u both can attend each other's boy's party...hahhaha :p

jen, the restuarant is IKOI?? if i rem correctly...
Ya make them pay....
For mine..I dun feel like inviting hb side leh...sure lose $$ one./.. they will come empty handed and ACT BLUR....
And then on occasions like this...I can see my MIL go and redeem back her THCIK gold necklace..show off to MY relatives... then next day..pawn again... *faint*
any1 bought puree freeze cube from little jet plane before?
i placed orders but they nv response lei. closed down also huh?
glayz, i m also only inviting the immediate family members of my IL's side.. hehe my ILs plus the bro and sis's families niah, no relatives ;p

leobaby, yup i bought my ice cubes from her but quite some time back le.. think quite a few of the mummies here also bought from her
they nv response to me lei. my mom boiling stock for ash's porridge soon. wanna get this to freeze the stocks. i have 2. but not enough.
But hor...Sky din have a BIG first birthday leh....
think if I had 1 for mei mei very unfair lor...
NVM..I just do a small small one on their lunar b-dae... and its a FRIDAY!!!!!
leobaby, icic i just tried to search thru my emails for her contact no. but think i have deleted them already. the ice cubes quite small leh dun think enuff to hold soup stock leh unless u use many many cubes. each cube can only hold 35ml

glayz, icic true also.. if u do a big one for shane, then sky will think u r pian xin. a small celebration is also more cosy & intimate
