(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

morning ladies!

bear, u macham like going for BIG dinner and need to dress up ah...hahhaa...we so honoured lor...why dun u wear gown like what pinkzebra said? hehe

ken ma, so tha's a diaper cake...looks nice...so is it juz for show or for use ah?

jen, thanks

j & mum, wow...so shiok ah...on leave...no wonder dun wanna let us koon last nite...hahhaa

pinkzebra, tha day my boy also like tha...sometime in the day fever...sometime not...after we fed him panadol he's ok liao and my mum kept saying teething is like tha...

J&mum, enjoy your trip!

ken-ma, wow very nice diaper cake. How much will you be selling it for if we ask you to make?
it would a nice baby gift!

pinkzebra, hope your boy is ok now!

ros/sporty, job sounds good for now, but dun know how it really will be like cos I'm on some government related projects and that would be not so straight forward to handle... also worried whether can adapt back to full time after part time for 2 yrs.
see him like that I also heart pain, esp when he gets whiney =| he also very clever leh... I actually on leave today to run some errands, and so coincidence he down with a fever *roll eye*
morning ladies.

ken-ma, yah... u can setup an online store to try out ur diaper cake, maybe nxt time, u can do cake towel, wedding cake, bday cake, etc. name... the cake shop??? keke...

hui, yup... i like her creation, tt's y i choose her to bake e cake for jake.

j&mum, enjoy ur trip, hv a gd break.

leobaby, yah... i know 10am is a bit early but too bad kinder dun wan to wait for us. gd thing is aft tt, we can hv other prog, lunch appt, etc. when's redrain coming back? u interested in e baker too? i email u e url later. e cake i'm asking her to design is estimated to be abt low $200, she can oni give a cfm quote aft she has sketched out e design.

xtine, how r u today? btw, i still having prob transferring e $$ to u. wld u be going for dinner tonite? if yes, i'll refund u e $$ tonite.

glayz, yes... 3D cake is not cheap. to me, it's once a lifetime, so i try to make it e best for jake. showed my hb e cakes she designed, he aso impressed, told him i wanted to order fr her, he ok. basically, my hb kinda bo chap, he let me decides.

rina, shd be inviting family, close relatives & friends.

vic_ma, i dun understand... y buy toys for children? since it's a bday party, most pp wld stay until cake cutting. anyway, most children whom i inviting grow up liao, they wan those gameboy/PS2 electronic games, i can't afford.

pinkzebra, better bring X to c doc, just to be on e safe side as fever can hv quite serious consequences if not handled carefully.
jen: yes going to the dinner tonite.. saw my pervious email? think my account number less 1 digit.. hehe

j&mum.. shiok ar.. enjoy your hoilday!!
mich, dun worry...i'm sure u can adapt to ur new job? so u still bfing now?

pinkzebra, its juz coincidence tha xavier's not feeling well la...dun roll eyes la...i'm sure he's juz wanna stay close to mummy...
xtine, i saw ur email, tried e acct # tt u gave me in tt email but still fail, dunno y. i passed u e $$ tonite then.
Good morning

J&Mum, enjoy your holiday...don't come back and drum roll hor...hahaha...

Sporty, wah lao eh...I am only considering jeans or skirt nia leh that's why ask whether is it sit on chair or floor type mah. Scarli sit on floor then I wear skirt then siao liao lor.

Jen, wow...you really very she de to spend on Jake's 1st birthday. I am the kiam gar na mummy.

Mich, I am sure you can get used to your new job soon. Don't worry too much yah.

Pinkzebra, hahaha...Xavier really very good timing leh. Hope he gets well asap.

Ros ah, you like that stress me ah.
hI gals,

hi xtine...
doing up the cake is quite fast,ard 45mins...but shopping for the stuff took me 1 whole day cos want to find nice ribbons n stuff....

hi sporty...
the cake was given to a fren for his bb 1st mth liao...

hi mich..
i m currently doing some costings...hope to come out with the price list by end of this week

hi glayz...
i know what u r waiting for...
ken-ma, when i told my hb that budget for trishelle's 1st birthday cake is $300, his eyes open big big but kept quiet.. hehe ya think parents will faint at the cost!
bear, 1st bday consider big bday mah, so spend a bit more lor... wun be spending so much for subsequent bdays, hv to wait for 20yrs b4 another big bday - 21st bday! tink i not e oni mummy spending a lot on 1st bday bah. i saw fr one of e threads tt e parents even gotten event coordinator for their bb's 1st bday, i not to tt extreme.
hi hui...
not fast liao..i got exactly 4 months to do it...plus i dilly dally here n there,timing just nice liao...

hi sweet
at least ur hb will only stare but don't comment...think my hb wll start to rattle off lor!!
sweet/sporty/bear/xtine/bunnybluey/mich/lizardess: i will make sure no drum roll... haha.. thanks for your wishes.. i hope to take more pics ya...

my flight is 8pm plus.. hai.. the flight to maldives is not terminal 3.. thought can experience that place today...
errrmm... if need event co-ordinator, i can offer my service at a low fee.. ahahahahahahaha

Morning everyone..

So far, i only have birthday party for my kids but cake more than 100 bucks, i never buy b4 leh.. bu ser de.. haha
ken-ma, i gave up e thot of booking holiday bungalow as they cost at least $700+, am trying my luck to book my co's bungalow tt is much more affordable, so i spending e $$ on cake, deco, etc. i can't be bothered if my ILs find out e $$ i spent, it's my $$, i decide how i wan to spend it.

hui, yup... started planning liao... me v.kiasu hor??? kekeke...
harlor. that's what hb and i tot also! wanna give her a big bday bash.

$300 enough ma? kaka.

have a great trip ya!
hi jen...
ys lor,after all we r spending fr our own pocket,but i can tell u...my MIL super naggy...think when ken turns 21,she will tell him: do u know,ur mum spend $200plus for ur 1st birthday cake....etc..etc..etc..
Ken ma & Jen,
hmm.. true leh.. Jovial now is already 8 mth+ liao.. times files leh!! Once Jovial hit 1 yo he can say bye bye to the dilation rod liao! Yeah!
ken-ma, hehe am sure that even if your hb rattle off, he will still pay for it kekekeke

J&Mum, so shiok!! must take load of pics for us to drool ya.. hehehe

leobaby, $300 for a cake should be enuff bah.. dun scare me leh! hehehe
sweet: sure sure... heee.. hb so excited!

char: saw ur sms..
thanks dear...
btw, ur diaper cake really cute lor. u r 1 gd business woman...
hui, time really flies lor... jovial, kendrick & jake all born in may, oni abt 4mths away fr their 1st bday, so now start planning, not consider v.early. planning, sourcing, spreeing, buying... all take time & it's mostly me & me cos hb is e slow action type, wait for him, dun need to celebrate liao. actually, tink e mummy is more excited than anybody else. hahaha...
sporty, I stopped pumping already, just in time to start work... really had enough liao so milk production closed shop.

bear, thanks

j&mum, i can't wait to see pictures of maldives
so your mum looking after the 2 boys?

Sweet, wow $300? can pay my maid's salary for one month leh kekeke...

SNG, I think I also bu she de spend $$ on cake.
Hi ladies
Bear, I dunno leh, wear pants lah...safest. The last time I went I sat outside but its that kind got to take out shoes.

BTW, my HP batt flat liao...din pluck in charger properly last night..paiseh. So I'll see u gals at miramar later.
bear, joking la...cuz u sounded like u going for formal dinner...hehehe

sweet, wow...u are gonna spend a bomb on the cake eh? 300 bucks very ex leh...after tha maybe bu she de eat liao...heheh

jen, event coordinator for the first bday? wow...so kua zhang...where did tha person had the party at?

elaine, u excited tha dylan have a bikini babe, jayda coming to swim with him eh? heheh *wink wink*

j & mum, enjoy ur hols
u can always check in early and take sky train to visit T3 mah

mich, good tha u close ur milk factory la...at least no need to lug the pumps to work liao...kekeke

hui/ j & mum, u gals can start planning also cuz ur boys are the oldest babies from this thread...kekeke
Sweet / Jen,
wahaha. i saw as 300 for her bday.
me going find a big piggy bank to put her bday funds. keke. 4mths to save.
mich/sporty, $300 is just the max amt that i am willing to splurge on the cake.. most likely will be ard $200+ rang from the website that i m eyeing the birthday cakes from ;p

anyway, my relatives quite generous with their ang pows, so dun think will have a problem recouping at least half of the expenses.. hehe i m toying with the idea of having her 1st birthday celebration 1 week earlier (anyway her actual date falls on a fri) then bring her for a short trip on her actual birthday
hihi.. so busy meeting the whole of yesturday till 8pm and later after lunch...
i afraid i cant join u gals for dinner tonite!! if my meeting end like yesturday... so sorry!!
ken ma, mrs baker sounds weird leh...hehe...i mental block now...so cannot think of innovative name leh

sweet, wow...seems like u already have planned it out already...so where do u plan to have the celebration for trishelle's bday? at ur dad's condo? for me, dun think i wanna spend so much on the cake...*cheapo*

j & mum, if u heartpain abt the milk...u drink it lor or ask ur hb to drink it...then wun waste liao mah... kekekkeke :p tha's what lizardess did tha time when she went for a short trip...kekeke

leobaby, $300 confirm not enuff for the birthday party, buffet alone would be at least $500 liao ;p

ken-ma, i like option 4! Diaper Talks
very original

J&Mum, or else u can try bringing back the last day of milk supply? at least cut down on some wastage
