(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

Sng's mummy
Good lor...
My Sky...will take ANY new toys.. parade in front of Shane..
When Shane want to take...he will say... gor gor de...and snatch back.. *faint*

But his tolerance very high whenever Shane pin him down... and he can lie there VERY STILL while mei mei pull his clothes, tug his hair, suckle his arms....

But once Shane start to drool...her gor gor will try to push her away.... saliva to Sky is more potent than any toxic

i can feel your happiness
when they call you for the first time, the feeling is so proud hor
good for you!

yeah lor, the offer is for weekday only, so happen I'll be on leave next fri, so I thought to give it a go
perhaps you wanna consider the foto-u BP that's going on now, I think there's still availability. The BP offer ends 31jan, but the period for the photoshoot is valid till end of May. I'm going for the May slot.
glayz, haha.. sky's so cute..

Nick is a bully when he is with sam.. but he seems pretty gentle with meimei.. kind of funny to see both sides of him. on the other hand, sam always kanna bullied by nick but sam bullies meimei instead.. haha.. kids..
glayz, ya lor...seems like the fight between the 2 S starting soon...kekekke...

pinkzebra, ya lor...considering the foto u one now...tha time they have this 100 bucks promo, all pics returned but tha time i already brought athan for the studio loft's shoot...so now hoping for such promo...ahhaha *cheapo*

sng, nick's so cute...so protective of meimei...
not cheapo lah... we just want to have the best offer mah *wink* yeah that previous promo they had was selling like hot cakes. Me too also waiting for their promo, that's why till now then I decided to go for it, taking from 2 studios somemore haha... good things must wait *LOL*
Hi ladies, logging in from my new workplace. My job as SAHM for the past 7.5 months has ended and now I'm back to work full time.

Glayz, my 2 girls are also starting to fight over toys *faint* my elder one would take her toy and mei mei would then pull and push her.

Lin, happy 7 months to Gabriel.

Catherine, wow, twins... I cannot even manage one toddler and one baby... two babies must be even worse!
highlight of the day. this mummy went down to tangs, got a braun shaver , went home to shave bb's hair....so amateur till need to do part 2 next day plus hair all over baby and near mouth til he went pui pui pui, all the saliva came out.let's hope he does not perspire that much after being botak.

jen, wa....jake so good, can call mama, dylan still babbles a whole lot, plus only babbles alot when he has stg in the mouth!
there was this funny incident.. Sam wanted to disturb meimei when nick wanted to protect her. So nick actually sat on meimei's back (meimei was on her tummy mah) and told sam to go away! i almost died when i walked out of the room seeing nick sitting on meimei.
sporty: i'm ok already.. just that the antibio coz LS.. called doc this morning.. he told me to stop it lor..

SNG: your family is full of drama.. haha
pinkzebra, ya lor...was hoping for such offers...if not will most likely take up the one tha u took up...anyways its till 31 jan rite?? still have abit of time...hee hee

mich, oh...since when u found a job...where are u working now? back to ur old company?

elaine, why suddenly shave dylan??

sng, opps...nick abit heavy lor...
sporty, hi, I just found a job in December. No I didn't go back to my old company as they didn't have any permanent positions available. Then one of my friends who works for this IT firm asks if I would be keen to join him. I interviewed with his boss and here I am reporting to my friend. Quite happy cos we get flexi hours and its just 5 mins bus ride from home

SNG, nick is very cute...
chris.. what to do.. when there are many children around, u expect a lot of funny stuffs.. everyday when i get home, there is for sure something to make me laugh or faint at home..

sporty, not a bit ah.. it's really heavy de loh.. good thing memei didn't just finish her milk.. if not, sure all come out.. ahahaha
SNG, flexi means there is nothing to show for except the results *stressed* my elder one in childcare, Joy is with my MIL + maid at my MIL place.
mich, ohh...sounds good...with flexi hours...is it the same job nature as before? good leh...so near to ur house as well?

sng, ya lor..dangerous leh...better ask nick dun do tha next time...
sporty, ban heng's fo tiao qiang is nice, e set meal v.worth it, u c e cold dish oni, u'll faint! then follow by e fo tiao qiang, almost full liao, esp for small eater, like my mum. jake called me "mama" 1 time oni but everything has to start some where, so hoping tt he'll start calling me more real soon.

rina, tt's y checking w u all on e timing lor... 10am or 3pm dun seem a gd timing. 10am a bit early, 3pm kinda stuck if u wan to arrange other programme, so which u prefer? if they r closed on cny tt wk, no class on nian chu si, i wld hv asked them to reserve sun, 11am liao & start tis sun, else start class nia, hv to miss e 3rd lesson. then so stupid wan, dun allow make-up lesson.

pinkzebra, e happiness can't be describe, esp he's so zhun in his pronounciation w different tone for "mama". hearing tt really melt my heart & it's worth all e hardships & sacrifices tt i went thru during ttc, preggie & looking aft him these months.
Catherine i added your blog to the list i am archieving.

RE water parade - i think its better to intro barley asap & when constipation happens barley water about 30ml or so or the barley porridge helped vicky to poo half a day later.

Apparently babies supposed to poo 1-2 times a day after starting on semi solids - but i am opposed to water parade - i rather give double water you usually give after each milk or food. - maybe reduce food intake for the time being also.
mich, ok lah.. cannot have the best of everything..

good that ur mil can help out.. mine's just want to come, come.. want to go, go.. sigh

Sporty, ya.. but nick hor, just don't listen de.. sometimes i dunno he doesn't understands or he refuse to understand. Sam at his age, can speak in sentences and recognize ABC liao..

I am so bored today... nothing much to do.. waiting for 6pm and zoom off..
tho the offer till 31jan, but they only take 15"order" for that BP only. FYI, So far got abt 10+ who took up the offer liaoz.

agree with you fully
the great sense of satisfaction is indescribable.

Nick is indeed very protective over his lil sista, but too dangerous an act lah hee...
pinkzebra, tt BP aredi got 15 orders liao but still can sign up as it's till 31 jan. but then, if wan to hv e shoot on weekend, of course, gotta make e appt w e photographer earlier, else ur preferred slot(s) might kanna taken & if e photographer v.popular, might end up hv to take on weekdays. i signed up for it & hv cfmed my date liao, taking it b4 jake's 1yo bday party so tt can show to e guests during e party. i now v.excited abt his 1yo bday party... booked e photo shoot, booked e cake baker for a customised cake & now browsing for appropriate figurines/bday candles to pass to e baker so tt when she designs e cake, she can take them into consideration too. meanwhile, aso browsing for deco to fit into my theme.
hee yeah I just saw that and made my deposit + tentative appt liaoz. You chose Benjamin also ah hee.. wow! you book for the cake already! so fast! hee which baker?
Peck and bunnybluey,
Sure, u can add my blog.

AS my MIL stay only 1 floor below me. I already make a point to go down to bath them every day and try to feed my big boy too but he still prefer his grandma.

There's a baby contest organising by TODAY newspaper, closing date is tomorrow. They have "Most Enchanting Smile", "Most Beautiful Eyes", "Chubbiest Cheeks" and Like Mother, Like Baby Contest"
what are u all making for this CNY?

I was planning on cupcakes when my SIL borrowed her mum's cake mixer so sad.

But i had problems taking leave so i tot what the heck just dont bother since i have the excuse of having an infant in hand.

Are u all stressed out to also help out with the reunion dinners? I usually try to help out with the cooking & will go buy few nice dishes like sharks fins, abalone to add to the dinner with hb - but this year maybe not as we been spending so much on BABY!

Fence - i went to KP they delivered (i hope) 2 sets of fences to my house today ! they told me they were able to deliver only because i ordered 2 sets. its still $119/set 115cm by 115cm, the Chinatown shop is $109 but not sure the measurements we tot $20 less & we still need to make a trip down there decided just to buy from KP lor. But thanks leobaby for giving me all the options to choose from! i excited to go home to wipe my new fence for my bb!

I just hope that your MIL doesnt undermine your disciplining the child or over spoil him.

This is what happened to my friend's elder sister - she was 'given' to the granny to look after as the mother had too many children to handle & the granny spoilt her. She would not listen to her own parents at all & became a delinquent child (gangster bf, child out of wed-lock, etc problems)

yes i am thinking too far but i also dont know how to put this into words without sounding offensive (I hope u dont take any hor) but i think the mothers here are concerned also of your control over your elder boy. but we dont have 2 newborns in hand so maybe we are just overly concerned. Must have been very stressful for u hor?

really pei fu you!
I was concerned about freezing baby food & someone told me 1 week max - i was shocked & decided to do my own read up to decide if i should thaw the more than 1 week frozen foods for adults to eat or throw.

this is from

How long will food cubes keep in the freezer &amp; refrigerator?

Many authoritative guidelines will say that most fruits and veggies will keep from 8 to 12 months in the freezer. This is mostly true of foods that are frozen in their natural state. This is also assuming that the freezer remains at a constant sub-zero temperature. Storing foods in a deep freezer is best should you wish to keep frozen foods for that time frame.

You have to remember that when certain books give freezer time guidelines, they rely on the typical guidelines for fruits/veggies that have NOT been cooked and turned into purees!

Due to the amount of water crystals that tend to build up with baby food purees, and due to the fact that nutrients may leach/evaporate upon thawing because of the water crystals, it is more prudent to use your frozen baby foods cubes as soon as possible - 3 months of storage tops. We always recommend using within 1 month if at all possible!

Baby food cubes are safe to remain in the freezer from 3 to 6 months. Using baby food cubes within 1 month to 3 months is really more prudent.

Don't be alarmed if you see ice crystals forming on your baby food cubes. As mentioned earlier, this is NOT freezer burn rather it is the excess liquid used to make the puree that rises and freezes at the top of the cubes.


Phew! i was thinking 1 week is too short a time to effective puree &amp; store foods lor - cos i buy 1-2 new foods &amp; steam for puree/freezing a week. if its to be used up within 1 week - baby will be restricted to less variety - unless whatever my family's cooking I steal abit for cooking &amp; pureeing - but its not econimical &amp; its hard to puree foods in too small a portion lor.

anyone else has something to share on this?
vic ma, i was the one who told u on the 1 week thingy.. hahaha..

In book, yes.. 6mths all no problem, but can u imagine feeding our little babies with food kept in the freezer for longer than a week? i mean usually if we can, we avoid eating over night food.. now we are talking bout food over a week old.. i dunno.. but i don't feel good giving them food over 1 week old.

FYI, pumkins u can get 1 quarter that can last 1 week.. 1 sweet potato, 1 carrot etc can also be pureed and stored in the freezer for a week.. 1 avocado also can eat for a week. Go supermarket, u can get all these liao.. no need to buy in bulk also..

Fruits wise, i don't freeze.. i give her fresh and the rest, either i eat or Nick or sam eats..
another one... she made a castle cake, e 5 princess r toy figurines. so u can tink of e theme, tell her ur idea, pass her ur toy figurines or figurine candles &amp; she can help u to design.

jen, boo hoo.... sunday 3pm, we shld be at my MIl's hse for dnr leh... haiz.... then if no choice will hv to take the 10am slot le.. the cakes is very nice.. can give me the link?

re carseat, can share wif me hw much u all pay for the carseat and wat brand is good?
http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/Iron.htm on iron RDA

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for Iron
Iron Reference at Oregon State
Life Stage Age Males (mg/day) Females (mg/day)
Infants 0-6 months 0.27 (AI) 0.27 (AI)
Infants 7-12 months 11 11
Children 1-3 years 7 7

ao our babes fall under the 11mg/day :-
Hmm tofu 1/2 cup (4 ounces or 4 cubes)3.4mg/serving
Spinacg 1/2 cup boiled 3.2 mg/serving

total only 6.6mg -hmm

1.0 fl oz has 0.01mg of iron in breast milk according to another source baby drinks about 900ml/day which is 30 fluid oz = 0.3mg/900ml???

huh still less than 7mg less than the 11mg leh RDA.

Hubby me need $ for nutrition PHD can? ok no $ is it? then what about formula milk? haha!
K - 1 cup of oats has 7.36mg of iron i usually give her about 1/4 a cup daily, 1.84mg
total 8.74mg iron

brown rice 1 cup 0.82mg iron
rice 0.32mg 1 cup
millet 1.1mg 1 cup
daily she eats about 2 cubes of 70% rice, 10 % millet &amp; 20% brown rice mixture, let me calculate taking 1 cup = 8 ounce hor &amp; 2 cubes = 2 ounce,
1 cup of my special blend is 0.498 mg iron/cup divided by 4 since i only give 2 ounce a day = 0.1245mg nia

zan after so much calculation she only takes about 8.8mg iron only!!!!!


Sngmama its my u know who told me de - but she mentioned she made a batch of apples enough for whole yr, then tell me about 1 week rule - i CONFUSED LOR!!!!

i will buy in smaller batches now -&amp; anyway just a while more then they can eat bigger pcs soon! phew!
jen, frankly...i never eaten fo tiao qiang before...hahhaha...dunno what's inside also...dun worry, i'm sure jake will call u more real soon...wow, u so fast gonna order cake liao ah...dun zoom so fast leh...hahhahha....the cakes looks great!

sng, wow...today so good no need to work crazy hours eh? dun worry la...think nick juz dun wanna show his "hidden" talent..hehhe

pinkzebra, then i better consider fast and try to book a slot with foto u...

catherine, how to join the baby contest? whats the prizes?

rina, many of us bought britax....pretty good brand...i paid 380 bucks for mine...
Rina - look out for robinsons 20% off car seats - u can get 20+ 5 lor - i went to the kaki bukit to buy super heart pain cos we were monitoring robinsons no car seats of the brand or model we wanted, the 1-2 models from Omega should be good enough &amp; omega itself. I think mine's the premier wanted to get royal too ex lor. then happily after buying robinson brought the car seats in!!! &amp; had extra 20% TUI TUI TUI!
sporty, you're at work? I changed lines... I used to do marcom/public relations but now I'm doing editorial work and content management for websites.

jen, wow those cakes look good!
hi mich!!!

Jen i am hungry but those cakes dont turn me on - they look more like doll houses &amp; pretty art pieces instead of cake!
rina, yeah,... britax is the best. better start to put bb in car seat now, if not , like mine, dun want to sit in the seat nor stroller liao.

catherine---wat baby contest? can tell?

vicma, wow, you actually went to calculate how much iron for bb, i see al those numbers, headache liao, as long as he takes fish and veg and fruit daily , i happy liao. lol.
sporty/vic_ma/elaine, ok.. will look out for robinson sale.. its 350 after the 20% disc?

re stroller, jerral doesn't like to sit in the stroller.. cant hold him for long.. scare buy carseat alr, he dun wanna sit than will liao lui...
WOW! you're speedy gonzale! heehee... those cakes are awesome
I'm actually thinking along that line too but haven't get in action... a little too early lah hee.. another 4-5mths to go leh
anyway, is there any url link to that baker?

hee..quick quick before you miss it *wink*

the baby contest seems pretty interesting, got cash prize to be won also yeah? how to enter for the contest?

you can try baby kingdom for the car seat. My take for car seat/stroller, you've to really get them started from young, so as to get them used to sitting alone. For my boy, he make alot of noise initially when I strap him on the car seat or put him in the stroller. But I just don't bother, and let him get used to it.. after a few try, he's fine with it. Now he'll look out at the window and yadayada in his alien native, while sitting in the carseat, call him he also dun bother. hehe... can put some toys ard him to distract or keep him busy.
sporty, ya, will be driving tomolo...no prob can give u a lift...

glayz, very cute leh shane n sky...buy gd la...at least sky not jealous of shane n can play wif her...

pinkzebra/sporty, the studio loft one though quite tempting but the time is only 30 mins leh...like very short like tat...by the time change clothes n all tat, like not much time to take pics liao...so only aking up the foto-u one...

sng, wow, nick sat on top of grace...she never cry huh cos it must be quite heavy mah..she not breathless huh...hee hee

mich, not bad huh your job...it sounds gd leh...

jen, the design of he cake looks nice...can i have the contact or website?

calling for ken_ma...the ON spree confirmed rite? I sent u my order liao..u receive? I ordered quite alot leh...hopefully it is ok for u...
