(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

morning everyone!

Lin, I have made a booking with Benjamin. Hope the pics come out well. BTW, did you get the album? Is it in hardcopy form?

Peck, I have started my girl on porridge. The only other ingredient is threadfin. She hates the porridge, just like any other new food we try to into her to, but I am not giving up. Will try everyday for one meal.

good morning leo,

no leh, the class was late by half and hour and we rush off to next appointment.. nevermind la i go eariler this coming sat to buy...

Happy 7 months to Gabriel!!

oh dear, hope Amadeus is feeling better. 1 pear and 3/4 banana think its too much for him.
good morning kompass,peck, bear, catherine and leobaby!

kompass, yup, my album is hard copy. U will get the disc of all the raw copies of the pictures in a dvd at the end of the session. Then abt 3-4 weeks later Benjamin will pass u the hard copy (if u choose to get it. it costs $250 for the album).
Peck, the porridge is indeed plain but was told that's how we start baby on porridge. Will add more ingredients once she is accustom to the new taste.

Lin- thanks for the info. Will likely get the album.
Maybe next round u and I will be going round asking... DO U MIND TWINS

Me: " How do u think abt cleaning 2 butts, taking care of 2 crying babies, and coaxing 2 cranky babies?"
Future Dil/SIL : why is 2
Me: I am twin mah... they say twins genes will jump generation so S must prob may be getting twins...so need to check...and let u prepared mentally...."
S: " Mum...can u stop asking whoever I am part-tor-ing this qn...U are SCARING them!!!"

Can check with u..since u live so close to ur MIl...(alamak urs really close..If I live that close..U see me on newspaper headlines liao... )
Do u bring ur bois home everyday... or since u need to work(i assume u are working sia as expenses with twins are REALLY high...)
Do U play a weekend mum...like bring ur bois home on a weekly basis

Otherwise if ur boi is really attach to ur MIL..as well as herplace..
Maybe can get ur MIL to babysit ur bois at ur place on some days (not really recommneded.. who know what ur MIL will do to ur place...I wun let mine exercise this option la)
So ur boi can get used to ur place as well????

Otherwise..U bo choice lor..let him cry the house down... and let him get used to the place..or get ur MIL to acc him at ur place till he sleep???
For me... my boi also used to cry the house down... as me weekend mum.. but it gets better after I decide to bring him home every wed..and sat..sometimes my mum come over..so at least he had a familar face to look at
ok..mine is a foriegn face..

Think ur ger dun like the fishy smell la...
But dun give up...continue to give her...
Otherwise...to make the porridge sweeter..U can add in pork...(if u not halal la)
Dunno why...fish and pork in the same bowl of porridge is VERY sweet...

How u make ash have water parade!!!!
I also want to make Shane
Ytd she CONSTIPATE...cry until so ke lian...then my mum was scolding me for not giving enough water on Sat..
I gave her mag mag cup with the white spout... she bite and pui the water out
happy 7th mths to Gabriel

normally after eating solids, he wont wan to drink milk, water he will drink la but if not satisfied, he will cry la...greedy boy...

bear, hahahaha...oic, now then realised it....

peck now then i realised tat she joking cos i though she typo error n put bear instead of pear...hahaha...

kompass, maybe the porridge too bland liao so she don wanna eat...maybe u can use fish/chicken stock to make the porridge so tat it will be nicer or add more ingredients to it...

leobaby, hopefully today he will be better..will not give him so much fruits to eat now...
glayz, if she don wan to drink from mag mag cup, then u use normal water botle to give her water lor...

catherine, let your boy cry lor...he must get used to it or else try to bring him home more often or u try to go over to your MIL place every nite to bond wif him..
hello gd morning ladies...

i'm still LS coz of the anti-biotic.. wondering can stop the course or not..

Ernice just started white porridge add some of her FM.. i'm going to add some vege to it soon
Take care hor.....

anti-botic will cos LS one meh???
Or u take porridge..and drink the bi?? maybe will stop the LS???
Thanks for the advice on the porridge - will give them a try (i.e. if my baby consultant aka mum is agreeable)

Glayz - my girl also suffered from constipation a week ago. Think it's because of the transition to solid after full breastmilk. She cried really sadly and in pain. From then onwards, we have 2 compulsory water parade a day.
Aiyo... my mum super patient lor
Will feed by spoon... but mummy lazy leh...want her to drink from CUP!!!!

Me thinking how to make her do it...
i remember Sky also dun like water.. but is ok with the mug. He is bitting the spout..so water flow out..he drink lor... mei mei will PUI out
Morning Ladies..

y not try using the cup to feed Shane? just hold a towel below the cup..coz they will soak the towel.. but at least got drink leh.. Now i feed Jovial water thru cup also..he dunwan spoon feed or bottle feed liao
ya xtine↵↵it could be helping you purge toxins out from yr body. but too much maybe go back to the same doctor if you trust him. else bring the meds and go to a another gp for consultation. and hydrate drink lots of fluids replace water loss.
Ok will try cup...
But most likely..she will find cup drinking fun... and will pui the water out also....
i let ash drink with magmag training cup. but huh use teats loH. whe she uses the soft spout. she treat that as her teether! slowly feed her lor. i was like holding her cup the whole day. every half an hour will force her to drink. 1-2 mouth also good. end up she drink 100ml of water day.
morning mummies..

Catherine.. the twins are so cute.. i also want twins.. haha.. i think if i tell my lao gong that now hor, he will run away from home liao.. haha
Good mornind ladies

Sleepless night cos Megan had so much fun this weekend that she had nightmares through the nite.

Catherine, ya, i know it must be tough. My MIL always tells me her stories on looking after my hb and BIL. Cos she works so weekend mum, and the boys will scream everytime they go home for the weekend. Think Glayz's options are worth considering...

Glayz, maybe u can design a questionaire for ur future s/dil to fill up, to screen them on 'how receptive am I to twins' hahaha. My ger also dun like water, when i give her the spout, she chews on it. But I spoon feed her with water and she likes it. EVerytime, I bring the spoon near her and say 'water' her mouth open big big. Bobian lah, that time she consti also and cry until so kelian, I heart broken.

Ros, my ger also likes to eat, dun wanna drink milk. She eats 3-4 meals a day, usually starts with pumpkin/avocado in the morning, then porridge for lunch, then apple/pumpkin/carrots for tea break and cereal for dinner. Her milk feeds are in between so essentially she's either drinking the milk or eating every 2 hours...

xtine, take care. some antibiotic will cause LS, but u shd take down the name so next time let doc know that u r sensitive to this antibiotic. drink glucose water to replenish fluid and give energy
ok thanks vic_ & divamama... i called docter yesterday.. he said mild LS ok.. if i feel discomfort to let him know again lor
ken-ma, heard u doing ON spree. I just sent u some items. If u still can include me. If not, its ok. BTW, u keen to do GAP spree together. Let me know ok, cos I bioing some things...thanks.
pinkzebra, sianz... no mood to work but a lot of mood to plan for DS's 1st bday. i so happy ytd, we sent my mum home, then when we left e carpark, suddenly jake said "Ma Ma" (2 different tones some more), both hb & I were shocked, hb was so shocked tt he stopped e car & i was so shocked tt i stared at jake w my eyes big big, then jake like kanna taken aback cos he blur blur stared back at me. then hb & i looked at ea other. jake made my day ytd!
divamama, i got 10% disc code for GAP but can't transfer cos was given to me due to oos items. someone can coordinate e order/collect $$/distribute e loots, etc, & i just help to plc e order. let me know if u r keen on e disc.
wow! Jake's first word is "Mama" you must be feeling over the moon hehe
does he call out for u again after that 1st utter of word? my boy is still speaking in his own alien native words haha... datz GIBBERISH =p
Jen, thanks. I don't mind doing the spree but I thought since Kenma is doing ON, we can distribute base charge. Let's wait to see if she is keen.

I spoke to the lady, Irene, she's trying to see if she can work out something for us, on Sun aft CNY, 10am or 3pm.

Ladies, if it's Sun, 10am, wld u be keen? I know 10am kinda early but u can plan programme for e rest of e day but if choose 3pm, then like whole day can't do other things liao. Pls let me know by this Thursday. Thanks.

1. jen
2. 915
3. 915's friend (915 to check w her friend)
4. rina
5. ken-ma, let me know if u r joining tis class if it's cfmed
6. sy
7. qiuling
8. peck
9. redrain
10. leobaby
pinkzebra, yup... i'm feeling over e moon, then throughout e whole nite, i kept repeating "mama" til my hb can't stand me. jake oni called out once, tink it just suddenly came out fr his mouth, guess he din even know what it means but it sounded so loud & clear. i told hb i kept repeating "mama" cos tt's how bb learns mah, if we dun teach, how bbs learn? then hb went "papa" repeatedly at jake. haha... so farnie.

divamama, okie, just lemme know.

catherine, can i add ur blog to mine?
wow jen, haha.. congrats on that mama.. keke..

I think i am weird, but i usually teach bb to call papa first.. hoping that anything, bb will call "papa, papa.." then i got excuse to siam..

Grace is still not talking. she seems to enjoy playing with nick's cars and keep nodding her head when nick sings or play music. But she's so silly.. she puts her head so near to the cot that everytime nick plays music or sings and she nods her head, she will go kok, kok, kok on the cot's wood..
hello ladies...
its monday again...haiz...
luckily this is a short week for me...

ros, ok...i'll get the white rice cereal from you tom when i see u for the dinner k? thanks
think u better cut down on food intake for amaedeus...dun over feed him...i saw the potato puree tha u fed him on ur blog, its ALOT leh...

pinkzebra, the studio loft offer is good but need to take pics on weekdays leh and must use by mar...think i give it a miss cuz i wanted to take his pics when he turn one...

catherine, are u working or a sahm? not easy taking care of twins...i can imagine twice the trouble...kekek :p

vendy, saw tricia's "rosy" cheeks on ur blog...hope she gets well soon...u can go see GP also...tha time i gotten this cream from my GP and it works whenever he kena rashes...

jen, ohh...ban heng's fo tiao qiang is nice eh? maybe next time will try if i go and makan there...wow, great tha jake called u "mama" already!!

glayz/bear, good tha shane and joshua shown signs of crawling...ur bz period will start SOON!! hahha

lin, happy 7th mth old to gabriel!

xtine, aiyo...hope u get well soon...

sng, u wanna have twins ah?? tha will be #4 and $5...hahha *faints faints*
today quite quiet here...

sporty, sure no prob. pass u tomolo. but I don feed him milk after his solids mah so i thought i feed him more so tat he will not be hungry...haha...
So Sng's mummy say her ah lao will run away from home... wahahahahahhaha

Sng's mummy
Shane likes Sky a lot...
So when Sky scream..she will join in.... can be BIG headache lor...
But hor... she also like to jump on Sky... She saw Sky...will throw herself at him... but we had to quickly hold her back la.. otherwise sure injury one
ros, sure sure...u driving tom? after the dinner,can hitch a ride back to punggol bo? hee hee :p

glayz, shane so cute kno how to jump on korkor...kekke :p
Ya lor
If I placed both on bed... Shane will make her way to gor gor lor...
Sometimes to move forward...she will grab gor gor HAIR AND PULL!!!!
But Sky more or less used to it liao
Like after Shane manage to sit up... Sky went to lie down on bumper mat..then Shane Jump on him lor...
I can expect the 2 to fight VERY SOON

rina.. haha.. ya.. but my factory is close liao.. so, i think i can only kiss my twin dream bye bye.. haha..

Glayz, nick don't fight with meimei leh.. he always gives in to her.. funny de.. when meimei crawl on top of him, he always say "careful, wait fall down bang head again, pain pain.." very cute de.. but it's also cute to see the kids fight. hahaha...
