(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

Gals, finally found my page and all the questions u posted me.

Thanks for welcoming me into this big family. My PIL are helping me to look after the 2 boys! Really faint if want to bring them out. Usually 1 outing, we have to activate 4 adults. If not, no way. My big boy only wants his grandmother to feed him, his own mummy is only his playmate. Sad rite.
IS normal la
Me worse...
My big boi onli wants my mum or my hb...
as me is the one who cane him....

My ger...so far so good...
my ger is not sleeping... everytime only sleeps 5 mins.. its very tiring for my maid, i must agree caused i still have a boy for is 3 years old...

her nite sleep also not very good. move here and there..
Hi ros,
Did you see PD for Amadeus's rashes on the cheek? My gal's rashes on both sides of her mouth now turn quite bad too,red & dry, peeling too. Thinking whether to bring her let PD see or not...

Me also very tempted by the foto link u offer, as i always wanted to bring Tricia to the studio to take pics before she turns 1yr old. But got to wait for her to be able to sit & crawl first then fun. Currently she still unable to sit on her own, dunno izzit too big size that she can't crawl too...*LOL* Hb & my mum thinks she is too LAZY to move her butt....

ros & pinkzebra,
re: Big size,
At least both of yours are boys, mine GIRL also so BIG in size. She hv outgrown mOst of the clothes that Ive bought earlier for her, now praying hard that those for cny still able to fit her...heehee!

Hi Catherine,
Nice to see you here too! Ya, yes indeed the thread here moves super fast, esp on weekdays. Most mummies here able to access to internet during office hours. Unlike us...sob sob

That's why I choose to remain as a slient reader mOst of the time, becos by the time I finished reading all archieves I'm so TIRED that Im not able to catch up wif the rest liao...hahahaha!
Vendy, hahaha...your girl really very big size. The photo that she was lying on the bouncer very funny. Don't hantum me huh...
Ya...she will always kena MOLEST by stranger whenever we bring her out, pple will either pinch her cheek, hand or her thigh...poor gal heehee!!! And she will return them a super "buay song" look or cry lor...
Vendy, nevermind lah...when she can walk and run, you bring her go exercise lor.
And hor, she big size then won't be bullied by classmates next time.
Vendy, want to sleep soon lah. But abit nan de no one disturb me so hang around for a while more.

I must tell you I am a fan of your blog leh. I find your blog very funny one. Good job...keep it up huh...
hi vendy,

Ya, last time amadeus rashes quite bad so I brought him to c PD. She prescribe elomet for his rashes. Very effective but as got steriod so have to apply very thinly on the face...i only apply once at nite as I don wanna apply too much steriod on him...will cause his skin to thin...but when the condition improve liao, don apply anymore. instead apply loads of moisturiser on tricia's face. I recommend u to buy California baby botanical moisturiser and calendula cream. The moisturiser really very gd as it can keep ezcema away. the calendula cream is for eczema use n since don have steriod, u need to apply for 3-4 days to c results.
vic_ma, Co. huh? C&J lor... cos my hb's name is Cleven & me is Jennifer, tt's y we hv Jake, so if we hv nxt child, it'll be C or J.

sporty, my mum's bday at ban heng is part 1, oni my mum, my family & bro's family, hvn't updated blog for part 2, which is at my bro's condo function rm. ban heng's food is nice, esp e fo tiao qiang, yummy!
rgding kindermusik...

tt time, i was saying i try to ask them if can start aft cny cos they r opened on CNY chu san & chu si & if we miss, there's no make-up lesson. e lady told me will get back to me end of e wk but never, then thu/fri can't get her, spoke to another person on sat as e person i spoke to is off duty, then she told me tt sun 11am class they fill up liao & starting nxt sat. am so sorry to all who hv indicated their interest, they wan e class to start quickly so tt they can start earning $$ soon. i'll call e lady up later tis morning/afternoon again to ask her if can make any arrangement since now we got 8-9bbs, 1 last try b4 i give it a miss. if no hope, then ladies, u hv to call them directly to put ur bb's name on their waiting list, i am really so sorry.

rgding bjg...

for those who want to sign up for trial, pls ask them whose e instructor. tis sat lesson, e actual trainer - poh cheng, on leave, so another person, dunno if seline or serene cos din catch her name clearly, stand-in for e class. great difference... when we attended e trial tt time, poh cheng actually can remember bbs' name & will catch their attention by calling them when conducting e class if bbs not looking at her, explained to us ea thing train which part for e bb, then flashcards must flash quickly, etc. e stand-in trainer is way off, she dun really know e curriculum, there were 2 other pp brought bb for trial, she din explain to them e purpose of ea thing tt was done, din teach them how to help train bb crawling, etc!!! i told hb, who aso agreed, tt if she was e one who conducted our trial, we wldn't hv signed up. most prob, those 2 mummies will not sign up for their bbs.
My elder boy also has rashes problem. If u want I can introduced a baby skin specialist for u at Mount A. She also asked us to apply moisturiser on him but it turn out that he can't take it too. I've tried serveral brand but it doesn't help. His rashes will subside several days later.

If u want I can pass some of those moisturiser for u to try on Tricia, don't waste $$ in buying first. PM me yr contact number and we eork out when to pass u.
catherine, you mean the pd din prescribe any steriod cream for your bb? That's good ya know. i am still on hydrocortisone for my bb and moisturiser is Aqueous, everynight he has to scratch his head before he sleeps, middle of night too. quite sick of the problem. we have been to skin center to see pd already, yet still like that.
hee.. thanks for the sms I got the swim diapers from HG point NTUC

for the foto-U promo I think you can consider leh... coz' it's valid till May08, by then I'm sure Tricia shd be able to sit steadily and crawl
Think the slot available left a few more only.

my boy also lazy to crawl leh... but very eager to stand up. I also think it'z coz of their size, that hinders them to crawl. I think you don't have to worry if your gal is big size, now baby mah... as she grow, with her supermodel height so good, she'll be the envy of others hee
My ger is starting to attempt to crawl this week....super eagar!!!!
But hor still go-stun..wahahahahahahaha.... but she manage to sit from tum down.... but she need a lot of space to go-stun and sit la... a NO NO on bed..think she need to be from one end..go stun till the other then she manage to sit...wahahahahahhahahaha
Hi ladies

Rina, I'll email my address to you. But hor, the kimono still not here yet leh...

Catherine, welcome
I also wanted twin, that's y marry my hubby who is a twin. But not successful leh...

Ken-ma, u damn funny on "if I got 3 kendricks" part.

Glayz, actually, its best not to leave anyting for our children, then they will learn to depend on themselves. If they know you got a lot to give them, they may be complacent.

SNG, OMG, I hope your ger is ok...I would rush her to hospital too...

Date: 22nd January
Time: 7pm
Venue: Ikoi, Japanese Restaurant, Miramar Hotel
Reservation under Coreen.

1) divamama -cfm
2) ros -cfm
3) pinkzebra -cfm
4) powerpuffs -cnfm
5) sporty -cfm
6) phy
7) peck - cfm
8) jen - cfm
9) ken-ma --cfm
10) bear - cfm
11) xtine -cfm
12) Mummy_Tang - cfm

Calling for Phy...u coming?

Not so good news, kimono haven't arrive yet, I am hoping it will come tomorrow so I can pass to you gals on Tuesday, if reli can't make it then, will hv to arrange again.
1 flat, a bit of insurance nia
A lor meh???
wahahahahahahahaha.. me poor mah... but must plan also....

U din read sweet comment meh...
this TWINS gene will jump to next generation
Later maybe is Megan...WHAT U MARRY A TWIN SO U CAN HAVE TWINS!!!!! I dun wan twins leh!!!
Glayz, heehee...my Joshua finally managed to crawl forward a step or two already. I used tv remote control and my handphone to lure him to move forward.

So I think your Shane should be able to go forward VERY soon.

Pinkzebra, managed to let Xavier swim on Sat morning since it was a nice day?
Glayz, I read Sweet's comment, too late liao, i already married. Quite cute to have twin grand chn lah...But I still want twins leh....

its not the amount lah, more like, children should grow up thinking that if they want something, they must work for it....
Divamama, wish you best of luck for your next round...hopefully its a TWINS!!!
Hahaha...I very scared of twins. I can't imagine clean two butt, bathe two babies, feed two babies, pat two babies to sleep, two cranky babies etc.
Grace is ok now.. thanks..

Hahaa.... u should have married a man who's parent is a twin instead.. higher chances.. haha..

Actually hor, when i wanted to try for #2, i was also twin crazy.. i did research and found out that using drug, there is way to conceive twin as well.. and i even went to KL to see doc and get the medication.. After 3 mths, i did have a set of twin, but sadly, i lose both before even reaching 10 weeks.
bear, haha, if my hubby hears this, he'll freak out, dun think he wants to hv twins the next round...

SNG, imagine me gng on dates asking,"Are ur parents twins?"..."No..."..."Oh, its ok then."...haha...
So sad to hear abt ur attempt...I've lost one baby before too, at 6 weeks...
it's ok if the kiminos can't make it to arrive by this coming tues
as you said, we can arrange for another meet up

yes yes! we went for a swim on sat and he love it! he enjoy it so much till dun wanna come out of the pool!
ken_ma, I sent u my ON order liao. By the way, wat is the exchange rate huh?

Bear, congrats leh...Joshua finally can crawl liao...hopefully amadeus is next but at the moment, i don tink so la cos he is so lazy leh...oh ya, he can crawl on his back...tat is, he lie on the mat n use his leg to push his body...hahaha..quite a funny sight.

at 1st I also wanna have a longfeng tai so tat i can close factory n jus now a boy n a ger. but after taking care of amadeus, don tink can afford to have a twins liao as I tink i will go crazy n the expenses will also be ultra high man...
any of your babies poo 5 times a day after starting solids? It is not those LS kind...today don know wat happen, amadeus poo 3 times within 5 hrs n then afternoon once n at nite another time...but the last one, his poo was abit funny leh...don have the poo smell but rather a funny smell n not smelly somemore n the color of the poo was a bit bright green like tat leh...hb was quite worried n scare tat it is not normal...
jus wanna check...i give one whole pear puree and 3/4 banana puree for amadeus to eat...is it too much...was thinking whether did i give him fruit overdose n cause him to keep pooing...
Ros, OMG.. 1 whole pear is too much.. i usually give grace only 1 kind of fruit at a time.. either pear, banana or apple. and if it's a pear or apple, a quarter is the max. banana, a quarter or half depending on it's size..
Ros, from what I heard, pear is high fibre but banana is not. I heard that banana can cure diarrhea.

After I started solid on Joshua, he poos lesser and not more.
Ros, and I do agree with sng that you are giving Amadeus too much fruits. I will puree one pear and it can last Joshua a few feeds. Somemore you still give him 3/4 of banana.
tink i really overdose him liao....cos he keep wanting to eat lor, so i jus give him...normally i will give him a fruit puree a day but sometimes i will give him fruit puree once for lunch n once for dinner...from tomolo i tink i need to control his intake liao....tks for both your advice.
bear/sng, the bear n banana i give separately, not together at the same time...hahaha...tink the way i put it is wrong liao jus now.
Ros, oh...if you give Amadeus bear then it is really overdose and will kana food poisoning. Hahaha...

Heng its separately...I was thinking Amadeus really have huge appetite as if I eat one pear and then 3/4 of banana, I will feel full too.
bear, food poisoning??? really huh? don scare me leh...then i must monitor him liao n c tomolo whether he still poo so much...
hi catherine, welcome to the thread.

ros, i think for now, 1/4 -1/2 as fruit would be sufficient for amadeus. dun overload the little tummy with too much food to process.
if baby want to eat more, maybe feed milk or water?
The rashes might be due to the food that yr baby eats. My boys switch to soy based milk after the outbreak of rashes too. Dos said it's ezcema. Can't fully cure but have have to watch their diet. Hopefully will be better when they grow older.

Don't think u want twins after hearing my stories. Elder boy still wakes up sometimes in the middle of the night for feeds. He's so attached to his grandmother that once he came back to our place to sleep and realise that it's not his normal sleeping place, he would tear the whole house down. He rather not to drink his milk and cried himself to sleep. I have no choice but leave him to his grandmother to look after. (I only stay 1 floor above my MIL)
good morning ladies...

Lin, Happy 7 months birthday to Gabriel..

ros, u din read properly ah, bear joking with u leh!! but i too think u give too much la.. must control abit

btw, those who give porridge, what to add in and cook together ah? fish can?

morning ladies!

how? managed to get the book? erm ash din go to bjg yday. was down with fever after her injection.

wahahaha!! i know u!
