(2007/06) June 2007 MTB


in my HBs household the 2 dottas dont have their name in the house & its joint tenancy i think it means - left to the last surviving owner - his parents & my HB's name.

But hor - must look after the parents FOREVER - u want? They no CPF, no insurance nothings - & refuse to buy health/life insurance - so anything happen to them we will have to Sell Vicky to pay for their medical bills. cos by them i go sell also no one wants.

Glayz, huh? fall off the bed no need to see doc mah? U read the news on the bb who kok-ed the head on the toliet bowl and die 6 hours later? somemore grace fell like a potato on the floor..
No la...
The shane name will be in the flat is onli if I kiao before hb...
hb will not be long-lived also lor...
he had same bad habit as FIL...and FIL pass away when he is............ 55???
which means hb have another 20 yrs to go??? So Shane will be???? 20++
Will be spinster meh???
I tot she crawl and fall... but dunno is off bed
But hor... DOc will tell u to moniter any vomiting, blurness in the child...
u see Glazy...i am sure ur hubby also dote on both. But u see man and woman r from different planets so its inevitable that opinions differs at times.

Somemore man possess ele-kop-ter views so man will see things on a macro scale.

Give mei mei ur house plus her own house with her hubby = incurring more property taxes. Why let govt earn?

Some more her hubby may not like it mah. Mei Mei hubby wan to pamper her so wan prove to u all by buying a house for her to stay. U want them stay a ready-made house how can...

okie i better run road before something happen to me...
Glayz dont think so far wait head will spin - just be good wife hope hb lives long long to be with us longer ba.

& hope the children will be loving enough to still want us lor.

I think there is a way to will yr portion of the house to the child - u can have your hb or your sister or something hold it in trust of your Shane la. something like that.

U know my advisor better still. INcase hor the 2 sons' divorce - he made them sign a debt to him (the DILs) when he willed 1 house to each of his son. & did something like one son hold the house in trust for the other son - some blanket protection incase of the separation & the Sons's assets will have to be halved to the wives.

I tot it's quite cool. Cos i know someone dating a woman with kids & his mum is quite well to do, so supposedly she will will or willed some of her properties to him already - & I told her better do some prevention incase this marriage to this woman dont work out - your son will still have his property & you will not hit the roof losing your hard earned property to this woman.

(well everyone they know is against their being together anyway)
yes loh.. and grace puked once.. actually i more worried bout the brain then.. and maybe i super KS loh..

But i tell u hor, when she fell and hb heard the kok sound hor, hb scream "ger ger fall off the bed!" and hb instantly jump off at my side to carry her up. and i still blurly crawl to the other side of the bed and keep looking under the bed to see where's the girl since hb say she fall off the bed..
i bot a packet of melon seeds - my fav kind - black. my hb's family hor CNY no need to buy anything de hor - CNY no one visit de - so when my parents come i let them only drink chinese tea haha!

I always suan my hb cos what my family buys hor - enough for my extended family to come nitely & can last for 1 week lor, My hb side will only maybe buy hor 3 kinds of stuff & bak kua that's it.
Someone can KILL wee for me....
<font size="+2">*roar*</font>

He dun GET IT!!!!!
or he pretend he dun understand!!!
Oh... can hold trustee to the other sibling har...
How he do it abt the debt one
So he write abt DIL having debts to him or what...
Glayz - Simmer down. Wkend is cuming

aiya.. i joke joke nia lah! DOn;t take it so serious... You can leave CPF for mei mei n house for kor kor..fair liao lor..
welcome catherine. twins, wah... i 1 aredi can't handle liao, can't imagine having to handle twins!

rgding twins, last time told hb, if i can hv long feng tai, best lor... cos aft tt, can close shop liao!

glayz, twins for u mean double spreeing, every pc tt u buy, must buy 2 sets. dun get too agitated, cool down.

vic_ma, 2 tubes defn not a prob. i dun need to sell u more unless u wan more.

ken-ma, suddenly i c one of my old nicks appear!!! keke... can't imagine if u hv 3 kendricks, sure super biz.
hi ladies ,
just finish lessons .. the sun is terrible .. scorching hot .. my skin now blacken and burnt state .. aiyo .. and now still stuck in school for parents day meeting till 9pm .. keke ..have time to post already here .. such a long day ..
HAHA ME GO sk 4 only 2 things, 1) polyclinic for vicky jabs &amp; to Jen &amp; co Pte Ltd to buy things!

i ask hb how mnay tubes he wants ba. vicky teeth also still OOS (out of sight!)

Jen &amp; Co., Pte Ltd!!!
yoz ladies...
finally can log in and its the weekend!!
but my nose and ears are blocked and i kept HUHing very loudly at my boss today...

ros, wow...FEB? then long time ago liao leh...hehhe...i dun mind getting the cereals frm you...still avaliable bo?

jen, ur mum's bday at ban heng rite? ban heng got function room one eh? i juz rem tha the cold crabs were damn shiok...kekeke

lizardess, u good la...can stay so long in a job...unlike me...kekkeke :p

glayz, ya lor...i thot ur mr cat will dote on meimei as tha time he kept wanting a gal when u were preggie...ang bao packets...this year i dun have extras leh,so cannot spare u but last yr's ones u want? i can go and find...paiseh...u want to write a will, have to engage a lawyer, cost abt 200 to 300...but if u want tha "if your hb die before u did...etc ", he have to sign on the will also...

pinkzebra, i also tempted by the foto u offer as i wanted to take pics when athan turns one...dunno whether the BP is fully filled already or not...so u choosing benjamin eh? why will mr pinkzebra nag?? family pics mah... :p oh ya, athan goes into the water with swimming diapers...hope tom's weather's good for u to bring xavier for a dip...nowadays the weather's crazy...

sng, wow...finally see u here...still working bo? grace's 7kg? dun worry la...as long as she's healthy can liao...dun compare her to nick... nick's so cute, being garung guni...

catherine, welcome

wee/glayz, wow...u two so drama today ... kekkeke :p
Cannot do a CONDITIONAL type one har
He dun wan the flat to go to mei mei!!!!

If not I use the will abt all my share goes to mei mei...I wait till hb die liao...then I go change will????
glayz, hahha...u so funny...i think its best to check with a lawyer first lor...aiya, if hb die liao, u dun have to change will, cuz house is joint tenancy mah, means it will go to the surviving party, so its goes to u automatically...actually i also wanna do a will but always dun have time...tha time my lawyer fren told me she can give me discount...
But if I did the will liao
If hb die..i sure need to change la
Otherwise if I also die..house will go to Shane onli.... Sky also need a share mah...
Sporty, i think the bp is still available, put your name la, its a good offer. Studio loft got a new year offer too and i had took up, going for it on the 1st feb. For that, it'll be solely for Xavier. The foto-u one for family portriat. Hehe...
glayz, aiyo eh...u younger than me ... u think sooooo long term ahead liao ah...hahhahha... yes, will always need to be updated...tha's why they always have this term in will " this is my final will and will supercedes the previous wills i made..." kekkek :p if you are keen, i try to call my fren also ask...cuz i may also wanna settle mine...or we start BP on will??? hahhahha...juz kidding...

pinkzebra, wow...u li hai leh... both u signed up liao!!! hahhahha
Hi Ladies,

Today 1st lesson on Strategic Management...this module going to be very tough..the assignment alone already gives me alot of stress liao...hopefully I can do it man, if not, have to ask hb to help me liao...hahaha...

Lizardess, oic...hee hee...which dept u from last time?

Glayz, I will be taking ang pow from my ex colleague when I go change moni next sat...i can pass u some as they will give me alot one...the will think u need to engage a lawyer to do one proper one which will be abt 200 plus, if not, u must get 2 witness to sign on your will...if I did not remember wrongly...

sweet, now got CB spree liao...

ken-ma, i interested to get ON stuff...wait for me hor...i pass u my orders tomolo ok..myst reserve a slot for me hor....tks

rina, I don know leh abt the new notes...cos normally, I will ask my ex-colleagues to reserve for me one...

pinkzebra, amadeus sama sama...he also wearing bigger clothes now...some rompers he can wear 12-18mths one lor...

sporty, i can pass u the white rice cereal, ok? the brown rice cereal kana reserve by my SIL liao...pai sei hor...
Sporty, ya leh.. still working

Glayz, u cute leh.. think fast think of ur house liao.. Err, i thought the house is automatically split among the children de? Unless one of them is a co-owner.. then the house will auto go to the co-owner.
SNG's mummy
Ya..I scare mah
Later I die first... flat belongs to hb..
hb die... flat goes to Sky... (if he did make a will...) if no will, both share...
But I also scare hb side will FORCED shane to spit out her share..just like MIL try to make sils spit out fil cpf back then....
to will or not to will ↵↵in my years as the unpopular auditor. i audited a financial institution before. i came across this term reverse mortgage. i tot its a pretty idea but hear me out first.↵↵there are children who will grow up filial some not. to me filial means willing to take on their parents financially And physically. it could be independent. one can provide money the othe child can be housing the aged parents.
If the children say 2 one houses &amp; look after the aged parents &amp; provides financially for them they should have 1st rights - a larger portion should go to them naturally if we are not senile that is.

If say the brother is busy to house the aged parents but he provides financially adequately to look after the daily needs / medical needs of the aged parents while the sister physically looks after them - going to the parents house daily basis to cook &amp; clean &amp; care or housing them.
This case is should be fair too.

But there is also the case of mnaybe the children cannot afford but they do their very best within their means - this should also be taken into consideration - but unfortunately we have our favourites lor &amp; love esp for children can be very blind.

Yes on reverse mortgage. I had a family friend whose children were like this - this i never forgot - the mother is very naggy. i believe this is becos the father is very docile &amp; silent - so frustrated over things undone &amp; m aybe the children then teenagers hard to manage - she needed to step in &amp; be the VOICE &amp; authority of the family maybe.

The children came to a stage that when she fell one day - they just rushed to see what happened - &amp; left her to stand up on her own &amp; went back to whatever they were doing instead of helping her to get up. Apparently she was in great pain &amp; took a while to get up. - this is her version of the story la. this is also only one of the many things the children do to show their 'piety' lor - much more than just this falling incident. again the mother's version of the story.

I felt hor - having children like this maybe a reverse mortgage is good cos they will think they are going to get alot of $$ or 50% of the house ir something when we go thus look after us well - its really like God's judgement on them ba if this was carried out - eventually the parents can decide ba - perhaps the parents can use some of the $ mortgaged &amp; so balance of the house the children can still get abit back ba - just not as much s they expected. - this is abit hash but i tot hey could be a usefultool in desparate situations ba

did u read my above posting?

I can pass u some new hongbaos from UOB if u wan...will be going to the bank to change new notes next sat so earliest can pass u is next sat..

U stay at AMK right..if I remember correctly...
I can collect from u....

Its good to have EXTRAS... my hb will auto-ASSUME i had....
