(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

liz...teat no 3 taka has stock already. you can call them to confirm first.

pz, have you tried toys r us in vivo? i got mine from there...reg. the swim diaper.

yah saw them selling at a few places.
you know what?
the size 3 are in cold storage now.
think the flow too fast, my boy drink 1 mouth, half mouth come out.
by the time finish drinking, his hanky is soaking wet!!!
haha... so it's back to size 2 for the time being.
welcome Catherine..

glayz, my expression same like yours leh.. "wah.. twin sia!!" How nice if i have a pair of twin too.. been dreaming of it for years! 2 grace-s
mine too. a tad too big, but if the flow not fast for him, he dun want to drink halfway for teat 2. so i put hanky underneath to collect the milk....lol.no choice lor. actually the the flow out is still tolerable, better than the variable teat.
Sng's mummy
U dunno how I feel lor...
Me is a twin mah...(even tho the other half died shortly after birth) so my chances of having Twins is higher mah....
But so far...dun have lor...wahahahahahaha and WILL NEVER HAVE LOR
But if is twin ger CUTER lor
Can have smae hairstyle... same clothings...wahahahahahahaha
SNG, my gal also petite build, only 6.7kg now, going to be 7 mths soon ;p also still can wear her 0-3 mths clothings hehe

pinkzebra, wow xavier is tall! trishelle only 67cm 1 mth back ;p

welcome catherine!

glayz, i heard that usually chances of having twins will skip 1 generation, so probably both your S got chance ;p

This one can SKIP meh....
Haiz...maybe I will have twins for grandchildren.... *imagining now*
Glayz.. my lao gong also will tell me the same thing as u.. My lao gong side also got twins mah.. Somemore my pregnancy, 1 bb already so problematic.. can u imagine if i had twins?

Agree.. twins very cute.. i also want 2 twin girls.. wahaha.. can u imagine if i have 2 nicks instead?
welcome catherine!

sweet! hello!!!!
ey, ash is going to bjg this sunday. they have a time slot for her. at 2pm. when's yours?
shasha, elaine, jen
thanks, I'll go check out for that "damn" swimming diapers recc by you gals, if i happen to be at any one of those place. hopefully when i go there still got stock. everytime i need to get something it's always out of stock, else when i dun need it.. it's there! bummer!

rina, sweet,
yeah my boy suddenly start spearing after 2mo. i hope he's at the acceptable percentile for his weight and height.

should be ok for gal to be petite, like dat more dainty and cute mah hee
important is to see them healthy and eating well, happy baby

welcome catherine
having a pair of twins is double happiness yeah!
how is it to cope with 2 at the same time?
Sng's mummy
Also good mah..
Ur Nick is Smart
If I had 2 Skys... i will go bang wall.. Sky Super whiny
2 Shane is GOOD... as Shane is HAPPY BABY

Pull out one by one lor...
Like that LONGER... but dun pull too hard later drop out....
glayz, yalo so i heard la.. hehe

leobaby, i havent sign up for the trial class yet coz i wan to in feb. do review on the class after ash has attended it
Sng Mummy
Dun humtum me hor

Maybe her hair growth now is slow... will be fatser as she is older???
Later U keep complaining she need haircut how???
glayz, my fren's ex had triplets! she only found out recently from facebook ;p all girls hehe when she told me the news, i straight away imagine 3 x Trishelle, i also wan to bang wall! hahahhaha
she sure like 1.
she's super playful! wanna play all the time. u know last sun after the kindermusik class. she's very very tired already. but after bring her to gumboree. she force herself to tong cause can play. then immediately after gymboree, she knock out. i felt so bad. should have let her try out some other day.
leobaby, wow ash is good, know when to have a good time and sleep!
so after all 3 trial classes, you will decide which one to sign ash for is it?
glayz, sigh.. that nick everytime i whack his butt, he tells me he wants to sell me to gurang guni man.. not very smart right.. sell liao, who work to give him food?

Pull? wahahaha.. before they grow longer, i think they will fall off first..

sweet.. haha.. now i am trying to imagine 3 Nicks.. I think my car everytime go pass a hump, need to go very very slow.. especially if there are 3 nicks in the back row.. Or maybe try imagine having 3 car seats and 3 strollers in the car? 3 cots at home.. oops.. suddenly it don't sound that cool anymore hor..
sweet, worse!! 3 sets of textbooks when they got to school.. and instead of ironing 5 set uniforms for a week, u need to iron 15 sets!! FM instead of buying 1 dozen at a time, i need to get 3 dozens!! OMG....
pinkzebra- dun mentioned. it happens to mi too. cant get when i need it. plenty of it when i dun wish to buy

welcum catherine :D

Sng's mummy - u mean ur gal's head no hair huh ??
2 tubes if u can spare. tooth paste if u want to sell me more at least another 2 more i can take - u let me know i bring the cash. or TT to u.

keke. i will sign ash up for kindermusik.
maybe also bjg.

dun freak out ya. believe you'll cope just fine.
Sng mummy
So Nick stop any garang guni man...
Mine hear GARANG GUNI will run away...scare we sell him off
body rotten liao
my mensus was 20th last mth so 28 days cycle supposed to be yday come - agar agar la - wah forgot ice coffee for breakfast & lunch went FIsh & co wor colleague farewell drank half a litre of the fruit freeze in pineapple some more.

@ nite cramps!!!!!!!!!!!! (now also abit) i never really had much cramps during mensus or PMS previously - only ocassionally. now really must lay off cold water esp near mensus period.
Hui, my mummy say shave another time wor.. but i scared now i shave, CNY lagee no hair.. and dunno if i shave her, her now fine hair will come out rough rough like nick's or not.. hmm... maybe i should buy some helium balloons and tie to the end of each strand.. all a sudden i sound like mrs twit in the Roald Dahl story book.

Glayz, when he hears the garang guni man, he will cling on to us if he is outside. if we are at home, he takes meimei's toy that has a horn and start being like a gurang guni man. then he will pull his toy trolley and put all my papers into it. so nowadays it i lost certain documents, need to go to his trolley to search.
think twins still manageable lah.. is the thot of triplets that freak me out! hehe

leobaby, wow u can have a good workout at kindermusik too! hehe
Sng's mummy
I read the paper part...I buay tahan lor...
hi catherine,

hi leobaby...
ya,think i will consol the order,but will need advise from Spree Queen on the shipping thing...heheh....i go n work out the details dan post out tonite/2morrow morning hor...

my cousin has got triplets...so when they go out, its machim like war zone lor... somemore,all boys...faintz...can't imagine if i have 3 kendricks

So u have 3 actives baby good sia...
Maybe can throw at mummies who want to SLIM down...
Or start ur own...CHAR SLIMMING CENTRE
glayz, ur hubby is right. Should not leave house for mei mei. Cos next time mei mei grow up will get married mah. She will apply for her own house with her hubby with their names as registered owners.

You want leave house for her is like for her to become a spinster, cant marry out so got a house to stay as insurance..so unauspicious leh.
Char, i don't mind having 3 kendricks.. He's such a genius!!

Grace still now trying to push her backside up and crawling around only.. and the latest stunt ended up making us rush to hospital 6am in the morning..
hi glayz...
if i got 3 kendricks.....
1. i should be around 45kg cos have to chase all the babies
2. Will have be partial deaf cos ken screams real loud....
3. my boobs will shrink to B cup after BF (hopefully) cos ken is a big eater...
hahahaha...just some thoughts to destress...
hi wee...
quite true lah... like my neighbour,d aunty n uncle ard 70 plus liao...the daughter in her late 30s still not married yet....so staying with parents....
Jovial wan previously machiam dog bite..one patch one patch..my grandma say shave it balance can liao.. then she brought Jovial to trim now his hair grow liao bal n nice :D
Free one right - just come to Char slimming centre for 5 days - help to look after babies/kids - can only have 2 meals in those days. that's it can lose maybe 1 kg a week.
I mean why gor gor get it as a inheritance but not mei mei
If we(me and hb) both die liao... they can SELL the house and divide the $$$ sia
If Mei mei hb dun mind can stay at the house also lor....

Sng's mummy
Aiyo..kok her head rush to hospital sia

So far I read...
Onli pt 2 is negative
the others..oh well GOOD FOR U...
lets pray u have triplets next round!!!
