(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

boys, uncle contributed 4 votes each.Next time treat uncle eat sweets okie (gosh...dont know how many sweets Jovial gonna treat...lol)

Okie somebody was mentioning about last minute vote rushing....i would suggest not to wait till last minute cos we would not know how far behind we are lacking (of course ideally forum babies would and should be leading). Maybe latest by Friday we should be voting aggressively already and by Sat depending on the top 3 position we can take remedied actions try push the babies up.
can still see some breastmilk coming out but don't have time to pump! Yeah.. SAHM but still no time.. Andrea doesn't take to my breasts as she is used to the bottle liao. Everytime i put her to my breast, she'll stick out her tongue & pull her head back when she taste milk :p
She'll get really frustrated whenever i try it a few times.. so i gave up. Plus, she is kinda sticky now.. wants attention all the time and doesn't sleep much during the day so I can't pump. But lucky thing is.. she had the colostrum coz that time i still in hospital so got no pressure from ILs (worrying baby not feeding enough etc etc.) only concentrate on breastfeeding.
I was reading the past posts and i really "pei fu" and admire your determination :eek:) "Jia You"
you in Friendster too? wats ur email.. i'll add you?

Sporty, hui, lizardess,
read your posts about the toilet pumping incident "damn" funny... i was laughing non stop.. hehehehe.

got your NAN HA already? :eek:)

btw, i've already signed up for Facebook. My name Jamie Ng.. think someone added me in June mummies group already. I added Gladz i think :eek:)
i brought my baby to a relative's birthday party last Fri night.. she cried non stop when was i put her on my aunt's bed (was changing her soiled diaper) Screaming and crying at the same time....... so poor thing!!!! i think she got spooked by the crowd and new place..hasn't been sleeping well since.. wakes up every two hours & cry... haiz... she used to be able to sleep 4-5 hours a stretch... hmmm.... cry until i also feel heartache :p
me started my new job todae...only got a meeting room for me to pump milk, which was occupied the whole day, so my breasts hard like stone the whole afternoon...pumping now...wat a relief...
i brought my baby to a relative's birthday party last Fri night.. she cried non stop when was i put her on my aunt's bed (was changing her soiled diaper) Screaming and crying at the same time....... so poor thing!!!! i think she got spooked by the crowd and new place..hasn't been sleeping well since.. wakes up every two hours & cry... haiz... she used to be able to sleep 4-5 hours a stretch... hmmm.... cry until i also feel heartache :p
thanks, i trying my best but i think the other mothers here more weida, sit on toilet bowl pump, working also pump, wake up at 2.30am pump, 5 plus am pump, i SAHM, sometimes still lazy. dunno why after pregnancy become so tired, body always ache!maybe cause i never follow confinement rules,...lol.

Caitlyn..dun worry, everytime your bb cry at night, think of dylan too. he prolly be doing it the same. lol... you try take more chicken essence and pao sum as you working also.
tano, you very cham to pump in toilet leh.. i feel so lucky that there is a nursing room at my work place for mummies like me to express milk...
leewen, i Pmed you regarding my friendster...you add me ok?? ohh...so you are jamie...wondering who's tha

lowja, how many times do u pump in office now? i'm starting my new job next week...abit worried...kekeke

mummy tang, think u are in the june mummies FB liao...
sporty, i only pump once in office previously. around 2-3pm. think i have to skip tis pump session, as my new office is quite small and there is only 1 meeting room which i believe is always occupied.

todae my boss asked me to go hk to make presentation on co to analysts this thurs...me looked at him with BIG eyes...how to make presentation when i juz join todae and not familiar with co??? so i told him tat its better tat he does the presentation n i learn from him first...will do the subsequent presentations..heheh

anyway, me on waiting list. praying tat i dun get the flight, then i dun have to go....too last min notice leh...me not prepared at all
hi gals,

dryper/elaine, voted for your boys liao...

hui, congrats on Jovial's win

KC, your baby very cute even without hair..

jus now amadeus poo poo but I dont know n he slept from 8pm to 10.30pm...aiyo, he can slept thru the shit...gosh...n his ass become red...hope he don kana diaper rash...
Calling for tano, caitlyn, sweet, shannen, j&mum, bear, ken-ma, pinkzebra, hui, sng, cary, sporty, glayz, vic_ma, 915, mummy_tang, mich, dryper, phy & tabbiesus! Pls check your email on payment (if any) & collection of your stuff. Thank you.
morning ladies

elaine/dryper, i voted for ur boys already...

sharon, u can add the other mummies from my friends...

lowja, wow...so fast ask u go hk on ur first day...maybe u can pump during lunch? thas what i plan to do when i start on my new job...

ros, apply diaper cream if amadeus's butt is red lor...think he must be tired so can sleep with poo...hee

mrs puppet, thanks...will check my mail...

sy, yes sure...will pm you my email...
you have msn? yeah...i'm from tpjc..u too?? :p
you're early today....
seldom see you online so early.

didn't have chance to login last nite.
my boy cried for almost an hour last nite.
i think it's colic + too tired.
according to MIL, he didn't nap in the afternoon.
playing and talking to himself throughout.
now i'm exhausted... cos he finally slept at 10pm and got up at 1am for feed.
MIL zzz and i got to get up to feed.
*panda eyes*
morning all..

having my mac's bf now.. isn't it any wonder i keep gainng weight.. now i stil abt 5kg heavier than pre preg.. markng day today so skl officially work starts at 8.. =) me early coz hb drove me to skl..

elaine - keke.. n u can think of me too when dylan is crying in e middle of e nite! hee.. no wonder there's a saying tt goes.. misery loves company! =)
re hi gals

lizardess, was up pumping juz now mah...actually i'm always online at 6am+ but sometimes lazy to post... :p aiyo...think ur boy too tired la...last sun my boy also like tha...played too much tha he kept crying and my PILs were stunned why he cried until so cham...hahhaha

caitlyn, wow...mac breakfast...yum yum
cant wait for thurs...my last day at work :p

sharon, slowly surf the facebook lor...u can click on my frens and add other gals...heheh :p
sy: u r fortunate lo...hav nursing rm. e WHOLE biopolis/MOE don't even hav A nursing rm!!!??? !@!^&£^@$&&£((&£@
so much for encouraging mummies to bf!

mrspuppet: wil tt e $ tonight.

drinking 3in1 kopi nw. but feel that it's not strong enuff. tired manz! Leting didnt wan to sleep til v late last nite & woke up at 430am.

***considering taking half day later*

& my hb's cough ULTRA bad. cough non stop...
sharon, why not u click on the june mummies group to join...then see who's online later to approve u then u can see the rest of the gals in the june mummies group...
lizardess, my gal also like that yday. drank 10ml during her last feed and cried so loud till whole face turned red. brought her up to shoulder and pat her 3 times nia and she fell into deep sleep. all bcos she never nap during the day. haiz... see liao so heartpain.

sporty, me change the profile liao. i pm u my account liao. yea yea, me from tpjc too. batch 93... hahah.. sounds so old liao
at least yours sleep after 3 pats.
my little terror pat dunno how many times still wailing away... for one hour somemore.
haiz.... me lagi heartpain.
tano, aiyo... dun $%$%$$&$%% early morning la...think my new workplace also no nursing room...haven check it out yet...so next week onwards will only pump once at work...hope ur hb get well soon

sy, oh yeah??? i'm from 94 batch :p slightly younger than u...kekeke :p so which fac u from?? rem our principal mr lee??? kekekkeke :p
sharon - i think i wun be able to shed this 5 kg liao lah!

sporty - keke.. ur new job starts next mon? =) mr caitlyn gg to buy our leapfrog exersaucer tonite with our kiddy palace vouchers.. i like an excited gal like tt! haha.. wonder if isaiah will like it! =)

sweet - ur hse v nice!! hee.. my hb also say! =) n thanks for letting isaiah try out e play gym! =)
good morning ladies ,
yesterday rest day from school so logg in only today ...
Tano , haha , MOE no nursing room.. write in la . My school has one but a long distance to walk , so i just hid inside the tiolet to pump.
FB , no time to explore yet , maybe later, mummies, please add me in [email protected] . Arigato gozaimasu!
Caitlyn , me another 3kg to shed .
is there discount for the leapfrod exersaucer from kiddy palace?
Any mummies using the walker ? thinking of buying one for my son later
caitlyn, yeah...starting work next week...cool, so u getting the exersaucer eh...any further discounts?? so does isaiah likes the FP play gym at sweet's house?? hehehe

qiuling, have i added u on FB?? i blur liao... re walker...dunno yet leh, most likely not getting as my house have platforms...so cannot roll here and there...hehe
morning all

wow, so many posts after i didnt read for 4 days!! whahahhaa

elaine & dryperbaby, have voted for your babies!

caitlyn, thanks for the compliment! no prob, isaiah is very friendly! and he smiled at me when i met him at the door gate.. hehe.. a pity that trishelle slept early that nite or else can see whether the 2 little ones want to play anot.. hehe

wow, leapfrog exersaucer!!! isaiah got new toys again!
think he will loves it!
qiuling - it's selling it at 199.. cheaper than metro which is selling it at 249.. robinsons no longer carry it.. n taka only brings in leapfrog when it has promo.. so at e moment looks like kiddy is e cheapest liao.. =)
sweet - hee.. yup, isaiah now is quite a happy n frenly bb most of e time.. always like to smile at strangers n ying you them to play with him?! faintz.. dun see him smile at me tt much.. =) was quite surprised he was so happy at ur place but he was super cranky in e car.. whenever e car stopped he cry loud loud until got tears type..
sporty: haha...okok...no $@^%£$&&*&###

caitlyn: last nite i went hm, Leting was sitting on e acitivity station & her hands can touch e buttons to make e sound/music go liao... she pull e microphone & it went 'ba ba du ah' ;)
pp give u KP vouchers as gift ah? cool...

Went meeting at MOE and was looking for a nursing room the other time. They said their nursing room still renovating.. so will b up soon ba. I was giving a KTV room to pump instead! Shiok. Can watch tv .. hahha..

lizardess, yah, very heartpain..
before that my gal cried for more than 30min.. we played with her, pat her, distract her, fed her.. all no use.. after that she suddenly decided to take abit of milk, cried again then k.o. hopefully, they grow out this asap... v tiring...

sporty, me from commence stream. haha. ya, mr lee. he went for eye operation. heard he went for a few times to correct his eyesight.
