(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

caitlyn, he probably likes me alot.. hahaha.. coz 2 times i see him, he always very smiley and in a good mood!

aiyo, he also has that car cry thingy ah? trishelle started that nosense since she was 2 mths old.. everytime the car stops, she will cry! nowadays better, in the morning when i fetch her to my parents' place, no nosense but the nite trip back, she always super cranky in the car and cry/scream at the same time *faint*

tano - i received 700+ worth of kiddy palace vouchers.. but spent 400+ on neccessities last time like sterilisre all tt coz tt time needed a 2nd set to put in MIL's plc..stoopid lor coz now left with double of everything n voucher only left 300..
sweet - wahhaha... maybe lor.. isaiah also only has this car cry thingy in e nites or when he's tired n cranky.. if not he usu okies.. or will sleep in e car..
wah! 700+ worth of KP vouchers!? that's alot...those double u sell or give ur cousin (jus give birth or going to?).

sy: MOE HQ renovating nursing rm? really? mrsp wil be happy to knw that
sweet, hihi...haven seen u ard...been busy eh?

tano, leting's so cute...seems like she enjoys the exersaucer :p

sy, wow...so cool to pump in ktv room...hahha :p ohh...i was from commerce as well...think shd have seen u somewhere in skool :p so u still rem who is tweety bird??the econs teacher kekeke...

caitlyn, maybe u can sell ur "extra" items...i didnt buy any extras for my mum's place...she dun wanna use sterliser
tano - yuppers.. i gave my cousins alot of stuff liao lor.. i lugi big time!!! hee.. i got one gave birth in aug.. 1 gg to give birt in nov.. =)
sweet - yuppers.. maybe at nites they like e moving lights? hee..

sporty - i guess so lor.. but most i offer to pass to my cousins lor.. =)
thanks caitlyn, hmm $199 ..not so rich .. must wait for daddy to come back from shanghai and ask him ..
Sporty, my house also small but MIL suggested using it cos boi doesnt want to stay at one place and kept calling her to carry.. so she suggested maybe get walker easier. But still have to ask if it is too young to start or will it be obsolete if boi starts to climb in in two months time .. hard to store big items away .. no more store room.
pisces gal - they were mainly from my hb's colleagues (450 worth) then e rest were gifts from ppl during my boy's full month..
qiuling: my house also no store rm. so big items i hav to carefully select...

caitlyn: ask ur cousins to buy things for isaiah instead. exchange la...

sporty: not bad, she likes it.& there r 2 times she did e MEGA poo sitting in it. hahaha...that made me v happy...cos twice she didnt poo for days & she did it there!
qiuling, think have to use a small pillow to support their tummy when they are in walker as they will tend to lean forward lor...
pisces gal - are e may thread organising a class? i dun think so rite? haven't tried others.. we're keeping gymboree for dec.. =)
Sporty , kk , will take note of the pillow thing if i buy the walker

yes , Gymboree trial class... have u decide which date ??
6 mth bash ... and who is gg kindermusik trial ??
sporty, yalo.. over the long weekend, we went out quite a lot but only bring trishelle out once on sat and hb having some problems at ILs place.. so no time to post here

caitlyn, yup i notice that trishelle likes to stare at the lamp post lights.. hehe
now on e fone with gymboree person... seems there may have been a chage in their policy or wat.. this lady i speaking to says they dun do pte trial classes.. but i told her e last time i called they say can..

she gg to check with manager n call me back..
caitlyn, thank you so much.. hmm .. gymboree should be greatful that we organise so many pple at one shot to save them the coordination problem..hehe ..
Morning ladies!!

Re: Wee's post message here yesterday @ 7.09pm the boys he was talking about is Dyper n Elaine son
(hmm..he alwaz nvr mention name so nobody knw who he's talking abt)
qiuling - haha.. coz usu for trial, u join their existing classes.. so it's a coordination prob for them when we want pte trials!
tano, aiyo...hope her poo didnt dirty the exersaucer...hee hee

qiuling, kindermusik trial we went already last mth...think gymboree will be end dec...6 mths bash shd be sometime early dec...

sweet, hope tha everything's ok for u now...
Re crying in car
What will you ladies do when bb cry every time car stops? Do you carry the bb up?

Tano, ya I was told by the people there.. if I rem correctly, it is at 5th floor :p

Sporty, ahahaa how to forget tweety bird? She is so unique but I was not taught by her.. just attended her class once when she was the relief teacher.. nobody pays any attention to her at all!
Aiya.. me very tu that time can faint whenever I see year book.

Ladies, what is this Kindermusik class? If there is still vacancy for Gymboree trial class, let me know k? I m interested. Thanks!!
sporty - think gymbore trial will be end nov.. coz tt time cary mentioned dec she can't..

sy - if any mummies drop out, i will let u noe.. =)
caitlyn, thanks!!

hmm.. maybe i shud try that on my gal.. but usually she will wail and cry till face turn red...

k, pumping time...
sy - his face will also turn red n big fat tears will come out.. but no way i gg to carry him out of his car seat.. but good thing is he usu is okie in e car..
<font color="0000ff">hi ladies!
toking abt gymboree, their website have those free trial coupons cos i hv printed them some time ago but has nt call them up for appt. anyway, do let me noe the latest update of them, ya!

many many thanks!</font>
caitlyn , so gymboree shoudl be end nov .. kk , and the bash on early dec .. will take note .. finally free now to " take care " of my son needs during the holidays ..
hui , nice walker , where u buy that and hehe how much ???
caitlyn , my boi usually good inside the car, but sometimes he will cry .. so no choice , i stop the car by the side and stop him from crying then put him back again to continue .. then hor , i super risky , put him at the front seat cos at the back , he cannot see me he will cry also. so everytime car seat at the front seat illegally
hui , thank you .. will shop later after school . Half day today cos no lessons hehe now slacking. usually i heard they will go backwards first with walker
hui, agreed with caitlyn, the walker like abit taller than jovial...jovial have to tip toe ah??

sy, hahha...so u still rem tweety bird la...hahhaha...so comical rite...i also very nerdy last time...next time tell u which class, then u go see the year book...hehehe :p

caitlyn, i also no mood lor...cuz still bz doing the hand over work
sporty - today i gg zao early.. tmr will be a loooong loooong day coz got mtg.. n i think after today i will be bz again.. now i procrastinating.. haha
abit..grandma nvr put him too long inside..juz wan him to excerise nia

ya..he's bitting it..haha, He anything also wan to bite
sporty, the issue not solved yet.. hopefully will be soon!

sy, i will also ignore my gal if she cries in the car.. cannot make it a habit to carry her out of the car seat everytime she cries, or else no peace liao!

hui, jovial looks cute on the walker! hehe
hui - isaiah also.. everything also wanna bite.. if cannot bite, he'll get angry! faint.. now he biting his toes! haha.. v funny.. coz he'll let out this loud 'arhhh' when he brings his toes to his mouth.. machiam need a lot of strength like tt!

U are not working today? Still can surf net the whole morning?

Can we organise the gymboree at Parkway instead of Tanglin Mall? If u are organising at the end of November, my baby will be going to be 7 months already. So, my baby cannot join your trial class coz different already. Your trial class should be Level 1 - 0 to 6 months whereas mine will be Level 2 - 6 months and above. So how? Can bring forward the trial date so my baby can join all of u in the same level? Please let me know. Thanks
hi hui,
kendrick has been shouting since birth... can hear him in our room(door is closed) when he is at the foyer area lor....
caityln ,
my boi also biting his toes. My hubby relative saw that and comment that boi is gg to have another sibling soon. Myth .. haha ..
my collegues just told me that they read some articles some time back that walker will affect walking of bb.. something about ballerina feet.. having second thoughts of buying walker now ...
Zachary will shout to us when he gets very excited with moving things like the fan or dancing bears..
