(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

hi all!!!!
so busy... sianz.... think my working life everyday sianz...

sporty, so u want another mamil gold? i can give mine to you....

tano, i wanna get from you... how many you can spare?

lizardess, i go town quite often, u wanna me to collect from tano on your behalf? then pass to u other day

caitlyn, yoz...eh...u breathless meh? tha day u looked ok leh...kekekkee :p

sweet, athan also dun like febm but he's ok with FM leh...maybe trishelle will be ok also...think u shd slowly start introducing and wun be so stressed abt ss of bm...

db, think becuz he's hungry ba...tha's why he drank fm also...at least now i dun have to worry tha he will reject bm...yes still pumping...1 yr?? abit far fetched now...try 10 mths first la then see how...

peck, u not using mamil gold meh? i dun mind la...keep as spare...kekkeke :p but how to collect from you?
hhehe... it's ok lah, dun want to trouble you.
moreover the packs not light also.
thanks for your offer.
sweet, try intro earlier lor, and bit by bit... for my gal, i eventually intro her to cow's milk when she turns 15 months... she also dun like it... she finally accept the milk when she turns 20 months... and now she loves the cow's milk...
dryperb: hw come changed nick to db? this is my 3rd wk of sch life liao...

peck: i hav plenty...u wan how many bundles? *help me clear stock plssss* :p
tano... just for fun lah... short form for DryperBaby mah... hahahaha... how is school huh? fun? anyway got exam or project based one?
I must think how to collect from u leh.... haiz..
Unless some lab near there accept me..then no problem abt collection...wahahahahhahaha
sporty, hopefully she will take to FM!

db, ya think got to intro FM bit by bit and earlier liao just in case she doesnt like it.. wow, your gal took 5 mths to get used to the taste! hehe
glayz: u apply any job here bo? if not hw to accept u...come la...help me clear stock...

db: this sem i hav 2 modules. one is assign based. one exam based+ assigns. alot of journals for exam based la, some v cheem & complicated, must read again & again to get it!
i also have 2 items to sell!

1. Avent No. 3 Teats
2. Desitin Creamy 4 oz (forgot the actual name, but for the butt one lo)

anyone wants?
I apply dunno like what liao
and I went to interviews like siao... but still NO ONE wants me...maybe my expected salary too high????
tano, really huh... next time when you completed ur studies must not throw all your notes/assignments ok... i want to borrow... hehehee
FAR leh...

I see see how first la... since u sound like u have a lot... my next work location is just a phonecall away!!!!
glayz: oh really ah? recently applied? hope u hav some luck soon! ur expected salary put negiotable lor...they wil call u to bargain.
sweet, they do give out Nan but you must collect it. I got my Nan 2 HA from Nestle in Changi (they gave us a newborn pack or something). The lady was even kind enough to call us when she thought we didn't collect it. The normal Nan2, we got it from the PD after my girl rejected the HA version (it's bitter).

Sporty, the green light is not going to come soon... keeping my fingers cross that I can re-intro her FM when she reaches 9 months.
oh lavender?
i stay east coast, will pass by lavender if i take train.
so i can either meet you lavender mrt or sat evenings orchard.
Ya lor...
went to MANY interviews liao ma
Anyone claled me..high chance I will chop chop accept one.... so is JUST a phonecall away lor...

Haiz...I put my expected a 20% increment mah..but nego la... if they want me to decrease..I still have my 10% left mah.... I put 10% initially... then my firend say..if force to decrease... left with current liao.... wahahahahahhaa
peck: great! thanks lots! pass to u this sat, i leave it in our car 1st, cos quite heavy. at e end of class then i pass over to u.
i hav another 2 more bundles to sell only! who wants???
db, 1 yr still long way la...and i may juz give up anytime now... so better dun say wanna do 1 yr la...kekek'

sweet, can la...slowly intro la...

peck, i stay in sembawang...work at cityhall area...where's ur work location? i kno u stay at lavender...

kompass, 9 mths very soon la...one more mth nia...hang on...
I applied mainly at Tuas lor...
and ayer rajah... biopolis..i dun see any leh...

Haiz.... 20% reasonable lor...I also think....
But hor... all ask me how low I can go..i nearly faint lor...must take in acct the rising transportation fees also mah...
TUAS! damn far for u wor. unless hav company transport...
nw market no gd issit? sigh...i also quite fedup working here, but cannt leave la...
ken ma: my hb not marketing that brand liao. prokids. cos like no market, e other time i survey, so he didnt take it up. only sold at shengshiong & ck nia.
sporty, i work in bukit merah leh... hmm... will u knock off late.. i can meet u in cityhall or suntec area in the evening lor
I know lor
But bo bian...
Last time as hb to move to Jurong west..he REFUSED!!! and now..I amke sure he send me to work everyday lor... hack care liao

talking about chairs i very tui la reminds me of the expensive FP one my SIL left at my house. my MIL trying to tell me its nicer to use that than the BUMBO- after i paid $60+ for the bumbo - then she K Kiang went to put vicky in the FP feeding chair (i dont like anything not new sorry lor cos its my baby le! why must use the chair that her 2 cousins both hate! - just want to chuck to me lousy things ar?)

Then she put vicky in - never lock the chair properly & baby in her arms fell on the FLOOR!!! i didnt scold her cos its an accident - what i was angry is - she insult my BUMBO after i paid so much $$ for it & then scold my maid for not locking the chair when she herself was the one who brought it out. (maid also human ma - sometimes the way my hb eat - i tell him stop already - cos nothing left for my maid - yes maids can be devious & lazy or what but cannot anyhow blame shift to them & let them go humgry ok - ot me that's not acceptable - not humane)
Ladies, i will upload the pics soon into my facebook, so you can check them out k...

Here's a little to show you the crystal clear water and fattie model... haha...

