(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

glayz: nw u force him to send u to work everyday & he obey? so obedient! my hb...tsk tsk...never do that unless vvvv special reason.

ken ma: no worries

leobaby: u also at biopolis ah?

J&mum: rainy season there? clouds dark dark. u v tall & slim la...like a stick in e photo!

ya man fattie? u? i must bury myself liao.

i think i keep mixing u up with Peck. THe person i met at hougang mall with baby Megan in hand right? is Vendy right? i keep thinking its peck!

Peck sorry u must have been wondering why i posted i met u haha! - me blur!
This is one of the secluded area in this island... very happening as we always see a naked couple walking around... They are always there daily... and will wave to me when walked past me... faint!!

hi J&mum... so shiok!! how i wish i m there now...hehe....
btw, i went to aloha to check, as 19th may is a PH, if we were to book on 17th may, we will have to book 19th may also
U fat mah....
Like that me a fat drawf....

Becos he also knows if he dun send me to work... I will make life hell for him mah... and also after he drop me off..he can start his business.... otherwise he sleep till the cows come home...

Got job lobang for chemistry degree holder... =.=
leobaby: me at chromo level3... i duno leh, which company? haha...i v suaku de la...in my own world...
J&mum used to work here too, we used to meet for lunch.

J&mum: wah...e way u say it...mmm...make pp think XYZ...hahaha...but gd for u! glad that u & hb hav a gd break tog.
see blur again - i went to the 6mth bash photo to try to recognise the baby then hor try to remmeber the name tag the mummy was carryig that day see la! so its Tricia. I better go back & face the wall with the picture/photos
glayz, think 20% is common la...my ex boss always tell me dun leave a job unless the increment is more than 20%...

peck, no hurry la...maybe u can pass me next time during the mummies's dinner gathering in feb

j & mum, maldives looked heavenly and u look good!
lizardess: i got closeup pics but maybe will put them in facebook cos only frens can see.. haha...

here, so OPEN.. its a forum meaning whole world can see wor...
keke.cannot post here. we meet someday to lunch ok? then i tell u.

did u go research asia to look at the pop-up book?

u dunno this trip i ate alot... cos their time is 3hrs behind sin time. Restaurant opens at 7.30pm, meaning i ate 10.30pm (SIN time) every night. By the time I finished dinner, it is 9.00pm / 12am (SIN time)... So i'm very sleepy le, and went to bed after dinner... HOW CAN I NOT PUT ON WEIGHT...??!!
leob: i went to search which company at that building/level liao...sth STAR right :p sure sure, we can meet for lunch one of these days.
leo, talk about that, i'm angry ah.. purposely go that early to look at the book then hb wanna change appointment for jo then wait there till class start...got to rush to class after the class jo cry big time donno what happen.. haiz... just no chance to see... i will go early for his appoint this wed to look for the book
ken-ma: really ah, must booked so many days.. i plan to check in on 16...

so ex leh the price on holidays...

which date will you do for ken?
The dunno what star need chemist bo???

I see all the openings...for lifescience leh!!!
tano/glayz: the couple are FULL NAKED... I was like, gosh... so so open!!!

Sweet: btw, the freeze of BM didn't work out.. i brought those few bottles back and they all defrost! haiz.. chao sng hor!

My advice to all bf mummies, stop bf before going for holidays..
lizardess: u shld say...MAIN curriculum...not ECA...

J&mum: wah! so openly. daring! i wish i can go there once in my lifetime. i alreadi not much bm, but no holiday plans at all. so no need to say so much.
lizardess: the water bungalow got no TV, only pipe music.. so everyday U can do ECA as many times as you like... :p

hui: ya lor, siao leh.. so ex!! U wanna do there too? wow, so ken-ma, you and me can stay next to each other... wahaha...
aiyo. dun be angry lah. go abit earlier to look see this wed lor. tell u huh. aSh so excited when she sees the book. she wans to grab the bOok

here mostly life science lab lei. that y call BIOpolis. keke. can help u look out for openings.
leobaby: there's a rocky's?? wow... i think few yrs down the road, these area with fusionpolis opens, it'll be a very HOT place to work in...
AquaDucks Complimentary Trial Session

Date & Time: 23 Feb,Sat 2pm OR 24 Feb, Sun 4pm (these are the 2 earliest date suggested, else, we can start in March, pls let me know your preference)
Venue: Suntec City
(the schedule at Tanglin is fully book on weekends)

The class will take up a maximum of 6 babies per session. One accompanying parent is required to stay with the baby in the pool. www.aquaducks.com.sg

Interested, pls email to me your info (Parent Name, Baby's name and D.O.B) at [email protected]

*** *** ***
--1st session--
1. pinkzebra (OK with either dates)
2. bear
3. sporty
4. ros
5. vendy
6. peck

-- 2nd session--
mich: yeah.. that's right.. no choice...

hv u stop bf completely? envy those who has stopped... sporty said i'm hooked le! haha..

think i'll stop lah, in few mths time...

now, no money to buy milk powder.. wahaha...
hui + sporty - e stupid aches n breathlessness all started after e gymboree trial.. machiam i e one tt went up n down all e slides.. been having it off n on but getting v bad.. plus i guess gynae see me still no put on weight so decided to rest me bah..
J&mum, yup I stopped cos I went back to work, so I could not bring myself to continue to report to pump anymore... ha ha... if hooked then see whether can do till 18 months... talking about milk powder, mine drinks so little milk, my FM cost a month is super low... really save $$$.

caitlyn, take care and hope u feel better soon.
pinkzebra - for aquaducks, e trial is always foc? or must be group then foc.. hb n i also keen to bring isaiah.. but sundays not good gor us..
glayz - e pool is indoors one.. =)

oh ya, for those gg aquaducks hor..bathign bb may be a prob i think.. i ever called to enquire befor last time.. they no bath tubs only small shower areas..
