(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

Fence for baby's play

I got the KP Biec brand made in Germany & have 2 parts to let go - hb agreed liao.

Each set comes with box says 115cm by 115cm:-
1 door panel
1 activity panel
2 normal panels
4 smaller connection yellow panels.

I have not touched the extra door, 3 normal panels & 4 smaller connection panels (just set up one only - can cover partial of my 2m by 1.4m LG bumper mat (mine's the bigger one 15mm thickness one)

I am willing to let go half a set:-
1 door panel
1 normal panel
2 smaller connection panels

interested Pm me we negotiate price $119 @ KP.

CHAR if u are interested sms me i work out good deal for you.
elaine, u go to the bulk purchase section to look for it..by the way, there is another seller called alien77 selling the same things too and her price is cheaper compared to smallsmallworld...

caitlyn, isaiah so cute, still can chase after the ants...hahaha...luckily amadeus still cannot crawl...
caitlyn, hahahhaa isaiah is so cute
i wonder if trishelle will do that when she starts to crawl

or else u might like to buy the playard to "fence" ard the bumper mat so that his area of crawling is confined to a safe space?

ros, how much is the smart set-top box? sounds good leh, can pause half way! my channel TV super under utilised, only watch on weekends and rarely on weekday nites.. but come weekends, hb and i will fight for the remote control!
baby shows are VERY boring one...as they are very slow...so baby can absorb better...
and also to stimulate their mind
elaine there is an alien nick also selling bumper mat - but u compare prices w small small world which is cheaper lor or what's available.

really difficult part is which design to choose - i took thicker cos HB KS la - scared bb will hit her head or what go get thickest - really hor i think 12mm should be ok la though i didnt try - but 15mm i put vicky down & she plays on it sometimes bumps her head on the mat - i tot she will start to cry - she didnt! cont to play happily! Phew!
sweet, tat time i got it free cos there is a promotion going on..u can check at the starhub site...tink this set-top box very gd lor n if u missed certain part, u can rewind or forward also...
ros - i also v sian y isaiah can crawl so fast lor!!! not 7 months yet, can crawl liao.. i dun like!! but he still cannot sit up on his own v well.. so strange rite?

sweet - hee.. think they're curious abt moving objects?? i thot of buying but i think he;ll just use his pig strength to try to push down e fence or cry buckets! he hates it when we put him in e playpen!!
glayz, oic...i see until i wanna sleep liao...hahaha...btw, wat time will u be home later? I pass u the angbao or i drop it into your letterbox?
Caitlyn, hahaha..Isiaih is so cute...wanna eat the ants.
I have not baby proof my home too. We only bought some rubber thingy to cover the sharp corners of coffee table but so far have not put up yet.

Okie...so when I go and see instruments, then I know I can do the 1st half. Hahaha...

I also like the idea of paying $8 to use the equipment as and when we are free.

Pinkzebra, I dunno if the Vivo one is bigger but thought of just try a different location lor. Anyway Vivo has more shopping. Heehee...
ros, icic

caitlyn, hahaha good that he's developing well mah
trishelle opp, she can sit well on her own but cant crawl at all!

hehe, then probably he wouldnt like to be restricted by the playard

<font color="aa00aa">Calling all mummies attending the Kindermusik trial class! pls email me at [email protected] with your name, baby's name, date of birth (of baby hor, not yours) and contact no.</font>
My letterbox flap LOCKED leh!!!!
wahahahahahhahahaha...I open once and the junk mails are SCARY

But I be home at night...think after 9pm...
Nevermind...next week I see I free I go collect from u...

When U preggie even worse lor..Sky make me watch with him when i preegie with Shane..make me sleep in less than 10min... I will tell him..Sky u watch hor...mama sleep beside u
Ros - oh ok.. tanglin mall still ok for mi , but vivo is too far liao .really huh , the prog is bored ? hmm

sweet- u organizing a trial or u r getting feedback frm those mummies oreadi attended ?
U need to sign for membership... in order to pay $8 per hour for the playgym.
Non-members $15 per hour
Playgym hours subjected to class timing
Onli open if there is NO class and NO parties
bear - but once e teacher start keeping instruments.. pass joshua back to hb!! hee.. usually after instruments time, will be activity time..
Ros, auntie is here at my place. She was telling me Amadeus is almost the same size as my friend's bb who is more than 1 more older than our bb. Heehe...
Then she was saying Amadeus is more 'baby' compared to Joshua.
sha sha, i am organising a free trial class for kindermusik at turf city, not gathering feedback
want to join us? 2 slots left

caitlyn, hahahhaha
caitlyn, when they can crawl very busy hor! Joy whole day crawl here and there and then try to stand... cannot even leave her for one minute to use toilet!

Sweet I think when they can crawl no point fencing any area anymore, they will go to the fence and try to pull it down *faint*
mich, wow so violent ah!! at first i was thinking of getting the playard too but i know my lil one, she hates to be confined, so i can save my $100 hahhaa
Sweet, yes, they will use all their might to push the fence or use it as a prop to pull to stand then the fence will collapse anyway! So might as well save the $100. You know when I put Joy in the playpen, she will push with all her might on the netting on the side so she can pull to stand. I so scared she will make a hole there.
Glayz, er, they understand instructions but stilll go ahead and do it! Once I told my girl oven hot cannot touch, she went to touch to see what I mean *faint*

caitlyn, ya lor... suddenly i miss their babyhood, you know those days when you leave them in one spot and they STAY put ha ha ha
Mich - yaya.. agreed
1st 3mths bah.. really missed the time. Now we are gg thrgh another interesting stage
time flies.. last yr this time.. we were preg, now we are oreadi mummies liao .hehe
sha, yup, sometimes I remember those sweet moments and its like I have totally forgotten all those sleepless nights and total exhaustion! People say women will develop amnesia and we will forget all the bad and remember only the joy - I guess that is so true hee hee.
My boi even worse...
Tell him pot is hot...cannot touch...he go touch...and get burnt lor...then later learn..pot is hot cannot touch
Then want to touch the interior...the porridge...told him hot...dun believe... go and touch the hot porridge...
Then he know...exterior of pot is HOT...interior also HOT... after that..he never request again
hi ladies

log on for awhile ytd den went out d whole day with my boy for bfast den lunch with frns... all at amk area hahaha...

tt nite i left early cos my hb has not hands on boy along yet... so every time i gotta rush hm early to bring boy hm tog... tt nite i cant get a cab n boy wana sleep liao so he drives him hm alone hahahaa... so nex time i dun ve to rush hm when having dnr w u gals yeah!

u still have slots for the kindermusik? can put in my name, thanks

ya long long time since i log in.... been bz cos now got more appt to go to... less time to log in... oops... nex time when i log in more frequent u gals know y hahahahah...

is the posted d oni play yard available? anyone knows of any which we can determine d area on our own... cos tinking of putting play mat and fence it when my boy sleeps at my inlaw place... find sarong small for him.. his legs always stick out when he sleeps in thr....
good morning..

glayz, sky learn thru experience!!

elaine, i heard that thermo food jar can cook porridge, did u consider that? i also think of lugging a slow cooker, but its bulky and fragile leh.. and a travel cooker? also le chey... or try thermo food jar? btw when are u going for the tour? me too cracking head on how to feed him

elaine, sporty,that is one nite issue, dont know is it due to teething? anyway i did try the gel and he look blur at me for a moment.. then continue his cry *faint*...
Monring ladies,
just now felt my MS coming .. feeling a bit light headed already ... but this time not as bad as the first time .... maybe a gal ... keke .. keeping my fingers cross ..
morning ladies, or noon ladies...

sporty, ya lor tt is what i read lah... i just change my nick for fun lah... see my nick so long like tt so shorten it... kekekekeke....
free trial class for Kindermusik Village (which is suitable for 0-18 mths babies)

Location @ 200 Turf Club Road, #01-26 Turf City Singapore 287994

Date : 2nd Feb 2008
Time : 11.00am

So, please indicate your interest!
1. BB Trishelle - Sweet
2. Ashlyn - Leobaby
3. Gabriel- Lin
4. Leting - Tano
5. Jovan - peck
6. Abigail - kompass
7. Jake - Jen
8. Rina - Jerral
9. Bear - Joshua
10. shannen - Reanne
11. Emmanuel - Powerpuffs
12. taken up by my hb's colleague

<font color="ff0000">last slot i give to my hb's colleague who is keen to join us</font>

so far, i have received details from bear, rina, kompass, tano and powerpuffs. peck, i havent receive yours yet. probably got to wait awhile
Glayz, or will be home tomolo morning? cos i will be going out tomolo also mah so on the way can pass u lor...

sha, ya quite bored and amadeus not very interested also lor...he self entertaining himself now...hahaha...

bear, hahaha...quite commom la...i got comments tat amadeus looks like 1 yr old lor but tat time when auntie came to my place, amadeus a bit cranky...wat does she mean by more baby than joshua?

mich/glayz, children need to learn the hard ways then they will listen liao...

NO... tmr Sky have his Playgroup...
I need to be ready and out by 9am...*faint*
I can imagine myself up at 7...wake my 2 S.. dress them up...and wait for another mummy to pick us up...
