(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

Morning ladies!

Happy 7mth to Joshua!

wow, so good to be on leave today... hehe i usually love taking leave on fridays haha then can have long weekend.
have a great day ahead!

poor thing, you must take great care yeah! How's Megan? hope she's feeling much better now. my boy on his way to recovery liaoz.
haha.... the competition still going strong huh. sporty, mr sporty really wanna have Reanne as the future DIL ah hehe... so Athan gonna join kinder too? the gymboree lvl2 trial is EX leh.... if got free one i dun mind *LOL*
bear, ya lor...mr sporty very "competitive" FIL mah....hahhahha...swing again? no la...i "pa pa"....

pinkzebra, ya lor...quite shiok to be on leave...even wanted to take leave early feb before cny but kena choped liao...haiz...ya lor, "competition" going strong...mr sporty said wanna go kinder, i dun want unless he's the one swinging...ahhah...u joining the kinder trial? i kno the gymboree trial is ex la, but juz go there and have fun and see how is it lor since i heard good reviews from cary...

wow, good response to the trial class! *great* Bear, so suprised to see your name on it hehehe esp after how determined u sounded yesterday bout not attending ;p anyway, good to have more ppl joining!

later i will call up the centre to ask wat are the details required, then all participants pls email me with the required info ya?

ken-ma, i already sms tano but she bo reply.. so later when she replies then i let u know
Mummy_tang - u take care & hope megan can recover fast so tt she can njoy the CNY (can go visiting & take ang bao , hehe)

Talking abt the gymboree - i tot of signin up the trial class for Jayda leh.
i went for the kinder trial before, same batch as you mah... no lah... i also scared of the swinging, more like the baby enjoy and we suffer *hee* when u going for the gymboree lvl2? which branch? vivi or tanglin?

we fastest finger first mah hheheh... =p

you win already lor, josh can get close with reanne at the kinder trial. xavier have to buck up too hahaha... *LOL*
hi sweet and caitlyn

sha - think caitlyn's feeling better now since in trimester 2 so can be more "active" ba...

pinkzebra - going for gymboree level 2 tom at tanglin @345pm...join us? caitlyn and ken ma going also...
Sweet, even I myself is surprised to see my name there. Hahaha...anyway I am sure my hb is more than happy to do the 'manual work.'

Pinkzebra, thanks! I also don't mind a free trial for gymboree level 2 leh. Really ex lah.
You don't want to bring Xavier to the swing ah? Then your chance to get Reanne as your DIL also lesser already. Hahaha...

Ros, $34 ex boh? The tumbletots trial is only $24 (I can't remember exactly).

Sporty, then you ask Mr Sporty to swing Athan lor if he still wants to keep his little future DIL. Hahaha...

Sha, I am also interested to sign up the gymboree level 2 trial but hor this kiam kar nah mummy still thinking of the $34!!!
hi sporty, so shiok today on leave eh

bear, hahaha yesterday i already said that u can ask your hb to do the swinging mah, u dun wan.. luckily u ask him again
will u be letting your hb do the full 45 mins? i was thinking of doing half myself and 2nd half ask hb to take over

free gymboree trial? got to keep eyes open liao hehe
I'd love to get X to be close with reanne too but cannot leh.. next sat bz leh. Gotta miss the chance.

(p/s: shannon, we make appt for pte date yeah?) *LOL*

we go dig for gymboree free trial lah hhaa... *stinky cheapo moms* hahaha..

tomolo huh... i'll be in town but hor can do walk-in? (bear, together together leh)
All GYM playclass lesson is $34 for trial

Onli if going for those music classes then is different amt...think cheaper... but I forgot liao
I know why our gers no one q liao...
Becos ours is HIGH MAINTAINENCE mah with all the BIG flower headband thingy...wahahahahahahahahhaha
See Kinder..all the bois fighting to go liao
Sweet - yeah ! strange is tt tot i read frm somewhere is not advisable for bb/toddlers below 2yrs old to watch tv prog . but then they have babytv channel ..hmmm
i told my hb to get more DVDs coz i plan to record some of the nicer programs on the baby channel

sha, probably watch for a short while, no harm bah ;p
Ya around...
4 class $120
8 Classes $240
12 classes... I forget liao...think 12 class got cheaper
And u need to pay $50 for membership...that come with 1 free class...also have discount coupon for the 12 classes....
Sweet, I am actually not so keen about the kinder lah..since hb says go then I go lor. I dunno I got enough strength to swing or not leh.

Open eyes big big? Mmmm....is it a hint that there is a free trial but I didn't see it????

Sporty, 1st half of the kinder more siong or 2nd half more siong?

Pinkzebra, tmr cannot leh...my hb has exam tmr night so he must hide in the cave to study hard.
Anyway I thought of trying the vivo branch one should I really want to bring Joshua for the trial.

Sha, I've brought Joshua to try the level 1 already. Its not suitable for him as its more for si wen baby who can lie down still.
keke.. now log in a bit more often coz neglecting my work a bit.. piling up like nobody's biz..

pinkzebra - better to call n check vacancies.. if class full, they wun entertain walk in..
But think start today right...me not at home now la!!!

Me VERY keen... but too bad..my mum say NO CABLE at her house(besides gor gor will keep watching his pocoyo, barney)...and I subscribe also quite siao lor... as can onli watch weekends....
I called to enquire when their advert was shown on Nat geo few MONTHS ago
bear - not fixed which half of kinder if more shiong! haha.. depends on e lesson tt day.. u want e less shiong part, go in and take over when e teacher takes out instruments for e bb to play! hee.. then pass back to ur hb after tt!!
sha sha, the preview started this morning at 6am

bear, no lah i mean some of the good deals i found are from this forum one.. so if wan to get free gymboree trial (if they are having any), have to keep up to date with the forum lo hehe
for those mummies whose babies are crawling ard.. how u baby proof ur hse ah?? this isaiah keeps crawling to e standing fan and trying to use it to pulll himself up! then he sees ants on e floor, he'll 'chase' after them then put his face down n try to eat them!! aiyo!!
I also tot vivo one seems better, as it look bigger yeah? I would consider the one at vivo if going for the trial too

think I skip tomolo, too last minute and not sure if got vacancy, anyway thanks for the offer.

thanks for informing
i reckon it'll be full, esp tomolo is Sat.
Aiyo...go for Level 2 La...
ur ger CRAWL so FAST!!!

So far, gymboree onli have the voucher for free lessons...other than that..no free trial one..
glayz - last time u signed sky up for e play gym thingy where u pay $8 each time to go rite? worth it?? i thot of doin tt for isaiah instead of signing up for classes..
caitlyn, WA! chase after ants!! hehehe so cute
that was this time when a fly landed on trishelle's high chair. she stared hard at it, stretch out the hand to "grab" it but it flew away and there's a puzzled look on her face
I dun do much...
Just make sure there is no SHARP corners... No breakable items within their reach...
U need to go DOWN at their level to look at ur home lor....
I going to keep the stroller inside the store SOON...scare she will pull it... while in walker la
caitlyn - we didnt do any safety precaution at hm. mainly follow her ard the plce. anyway Jayda is lazy to move ard too.. When she saw the ants moving ard on the flr, she will stare at them n sit still .haha
Worth it la..if u had the time (for me I onli went when we had those PGs...)
Becos if u go every week, they will actually change the settings every 2 weeks lor....
So if u want...can explore on ur own lor... let him climb here and there... and very tiring...burn out energy very fast lor...
sweet - seriously leh.. he v amazed by them then he'll crawl after them.. then either try to smack his whole hand on them, or put his face down to eat them!!

glayz - i also figured cannot do much.. but so tiring to take care of him!! then i v worried when mil goes toilet.. we've been telling her just dump him in e cot or playpen.. even if he cries few min,never mind but she rather take e risk of just leaving him on e bumper mat.. whih he crawls out of then he'll try to crawl to kitchen to find her.. not safe!!
bear, ya la, didnt know the price for lvl 2 so ex...

sha, i already went for the gymboree lvl 1 trial now interested to go for the lvl 2...

sweet, i'm watching the babytv now wif amadeus...like not very interesting like tat leh...u can get the smart set-top box from starhub and u can record the show directly and no need to buy dvd...u can also pause the show halfway if u going toilet...very gd...hee hee

glayz - okies.. coz i feel may not need to go to class for gym activities can go play on our own.. anyways, it'll be MR caitlyn doing e chasing! hahahaha..
