(2007/06) June 2007 MTB


wow.. for the longest time, i didn't post here man.. i don't think i want to start reading the archives.. haha..

Pink, grace also goes swimming without the diaper.. and this mummy best.. dip her into the pool with her romper only.. she still cannot fit into her swimming costume..
Sng's mummy
U very bad leh

Me thinking of buying for Shane or not...
Gor gor still able to fit inside his 1T.... even tho small la... bought a pair of trunks that is TOO BIG...

But gers wear BIKINI cute sia
that's wat i'm look for... the huggies swim diapers, but it seem not available at places I've went to check out for. the swim diaper will still end up soaking wet ah... or the size u get too big hehe water all seep in hee
hi pinkzebra..u want to try?i can pass a few pc to u to try.. i will be going to hougang this sun after...if u want,can meet u
Glayz, haha.. i thought the bikini is cute too.. but no nei nei won't it look kind of weird?

Ken-Ma arh... the ang pao thingy.. how huh? manage to pdf it not?
me gonna bring xavier for his 1st dip in the pool tomolo *crossing my fingers that the weather is kind* the past few times we wanna bring him it started pouring! so dampening... then end up waddling in the bath tub.

i bet trishelle must be looking fwd to her weekly swim with her grandpa
so sweet

Baby sunscreen

can get these:

grace can't fit into the swim costume ah hee.. xavier look like a "bak zhang" in his diver suit swim wear *LOL* maybe you can consider the iplay swimwear, they got pretty cute ranges for girl's swimwear
got bikini one also hee
thanks thanks
u going for the jap buffet next tuesday? i get it from you then, no hurry anyway
tomolo i shall let him go bare bottoms haha...
pinkzebra, i will pray for good weather for u too!
remember to take load of pics of xavier's first swim!

thanks for all the suncreen info!
pink, she's still in her NB and 0-3mths dresses.. now i am worried that those CNY clothes, she won't be able to fit in..

BTW, not sure if mummies do this as well.. Usually after my kids come out of the pool, i wrap them with the towel liao, give them warm milk and after the milk, they go and bath. This usually prevent them from catching cold.
Glayz, to do a will, you got to go to the lawyer and tell your all your requirements... they will then type all of it out in a document. Costs around $200-300.

SNG, you mean Grace is still so petite, what is her weight now?
PInkzebra - u can try @ taka. they sell huggies swimming diaper .

Sng - my gal oso still can fit in her 0-3 mth clothes lor... haha. but her weight & height is on the average
came back fr lunchie, taking a rest now b4 going moo moo. tink my condition got worse, can hear got tan when i cough & i sneeze a few times tis morning.

glayz, i hv quite a bit of ang bao long but i dun tink i hv 40s-50s of e same design. for me, i always tie up e same value ones w rubber band & will indicate e amt on small pc of paper which i'll attach to e rubber band. for e toothpaste, so u cfm getting 2?

qiuling, u let me know when u coming down to collect ur leapfrog. i hv new notes, leftover fr past yrs, so no need to exch tis yr.

pinkzebra, try giant for e huggies swimming diaper? i got mine fr giant.
ken-ma, haha... hopefully not me who hai ni cos those eclairs, cream puffs & cake rolls i ordered fr there aso.

sng/sha sha, jake aso still wearing some 0-6 & 3-6mths clothings, i aso scared tt those i bought for him for CNY, too big to let him wear.
Ya I want 2....

Oh u do that har.... thats seem a GOOD idea hor...
Maybe I go see if I can pinch from my mum first...if no other choice...then I use mixed designs... but hb as usual...will think I will have ang pow packets for him lor
glayz, ok, 2 toothpaste for u. if u ok abt different designs for e ang baos, i'll pass to u when i pass u e toothpaste.
hi jen...u lah....i got the eat the eclairs before,but not the cream puff...ended up , i ordered 2 bags from rebecca lor!! took some to ofc for the admin staff...they love it too!!
Think mixed design...
I also can choke up la... becos my mum also a lot of loose pcs...she WILL NOT mind me taking over those lor...wahahahahahahhahahaha

If not I need to check with coy...do they give out ang pow packet this yr...

I suspect my coy will recieve...but they onli share last yr... I suspect the dept closer to hr are benefiting!!!
hi jen...
have lor...
i order 2 trays each of strawberry/choco/cappucino eclairs and 2 bags cream puff...now my fridge is full of sinful food...kekeke...so be prepared to see me boom up!!
gals.... baby below 1yr old cannot wear shoes har?
i bought a pair of disney shoes liao then MIL told me cannot wear till 1yr old wor....
wah liao... by the time he's 1yr old shoes will be too small liao lah.......
what's the reasoning har??
Think is they will had a hard life if wear shoes too early..

But for my mum is ok if is those fake soles la
oops... the one i bought is rubber soles wan.
those meant for them to walk wan.
ok, then i better not let him wear that on CNY.
will go get booties.
lizard, also hor, i think my mum mention b4 the first pair of shoes is supposed to be given to the bb by the grandparents.. which side, i dunno.. Nick's 1st b;day, my mum also bought him shoes.

Mich, she's only 6+kg.. coming 7kg.. but 1 thing good, carry her, the hands won't sng..
Hi gals.. finally can popped in after a busy morning.. :D

divamama, jurong west whr? i stay near jurong point.. prob i can pop by ya place one of the night to collect..

ken-ma, will go and see ya new haircut later.. :D

sporty, ohh.. yah lor.. i think new year start from zero.. veri ruan cos i think my coy's leave based on financial yr then mc and chilcare leave based on calendar yr..

glayz, angpow packet i still leave over quite alot from last year.. heehee..

ros, new note they say all snatch up on the 1st day which is ytd.. so any more to go?? u got any idea?
Sng's mummy
Like that U have to change name liao...
Must say..hand not SNG mummy

Think POSB will renew everyday right??
Other abnk not sure....
Soft shoe my mum say is FAKE soles
So is OK with her...
MIL I dun bother to ask... she will sure say NO... but cannot give reasons lor... is like she hearsay No then is NO
SNG, my girl is 7.2kg at the 25th pecentile and the PD is complaining taht she is too small size... so Grace is even smaller... did the PD say anything? My PD says I must stuff her with more food and milk!
Mine 8.5kg.. my GP tell me she OVERWEIGHT...
Tell me dun feed so much....

I hack care lor... they will lose pui-ness once they reach 1YO
glayz, i go dig dig e ang bao long & try to find same design for u.

ken-ma, my fridge aso full of sinful stuff, much more than u. i aso gonna boom up, esp CNY coming soon.

sha sha, same here, quite a lot of 6-12M clothings bought fr ON/GAP can't wear now cos too big.
7.2 is 25th percentile? ash is 7kg. but PD nv say she's too small lei.

ur're right. when they start to crawl and run, they's lose alot of weight.
Mich, my PD says if she eats and drinks well, it's ok.. grace drinks 120ml at every 5 hours. porridge with veg for lunch.. Grace is small small plus no hair
somemore now forehead got big blue black after the sky crawl stunt..
hiakhiak. am trying very very hard also.
she's now taking 5 feeds oni. 3fm and 3 porridge. tried feeding her fm in between her porridge feeds, she drink 2 mouth then start to blow bubble! waste fm.
just measured my boy's length yesterday, he's now 78cm. he had outgrown most of his clothes, already kept 1 big bag of it. he's now wearing 6-9mo or 9-12mo sizes.
