(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

The working pants I bought is about $50+ (after discount of 15-20%) can't remember, cos it's so comfortable that I can't be bothered with the price. Jeans oso around the same price. My frens were telling me it's around this price for pants.
so far i only bought cappri pants.....haben buy jeans or working pants yet. think i just make do for a while 1st till tummy more obvious.
So when do the calculation, ok lah $50+ each can wear for a few months... My working separate pieces cost ard that too, so din care abt the pinch. I bought 2 pants and 1 jeans. they've offer on off seasons too, and tops are quite reasonable.

Now that I'm preg, so long the pieces are comfortable (don't add any more frustrations, cos enough) and prices are reasonable, I'll just buy. Anyhow, my husband pays some for me too. cos pregnancy doesn't come cheap
For the tops, buy from ur usual shops, but in bigger sizes... buy 1 piece dress, easier to manage (wash, hang dry and iron etc... cos husband does all the hsework now, must be thoughtful)

Talking about inner wears, where to buy maternity bras & panties?

Now into 2nd tri, tummy feel v bloated, gynae advised dun strain @ tummy area, so need to buy larger ones.

I came across http://www.mothercare.com.sg/index.cfm?GPID=58&GBID=3&GBSID=9 @ mothercare website... think their products quit ex... but good to gauge our spending guideline... I showed this to my husband, then said "wa, actually so expensive?!" so now when go shopping, i showed him those more reasonable ones, he paid for them... muahaha
Hi Ladies,
As for maternity panties, do we have to wear those high waist type that covers entire stomach? I don't wish to wear those , very much like ah chim. Are there heaps of choices?
Gal, I agree with u too, but guess at least must cover above the tummy... if not, buy those big size usual clothes (hipster kind) and the bands will end below the tummy which tummy won't get any support...
hi gal,

me got those pants and panties the are below the tummy line. Already the weather is so hot.. cannot tahan those that cover the tummy somemore..for maternity pants, i like to go for the v-cut at the tummy. difficult to find in singapore and seems like the only place that sells this design is perfect mum.
agree with Nicky's mom,

also prefer the v-cut one. though, i've this in a number of maternity stores. There're those that has a high v-cut, and the whole stripe is soft elastic which you can fold up/ down to suit ur tummy size.
hi nicky's mom.

i bought v cut capri from 9Mois in Paragon... u can check it out there.

u ladies working today? me took leave today to have a long weekend

hhmm...saw some discussion above... so is wk12 or wk14 considered end of 1st trimester? my tummy is already showing and i am only in wk10.. i doubt i can hide any longer
perhaps others will think that i put on weight coz i used to have flat tum tum

any of u ladies where tummy already showing?
btw, my constipation is so severe...any ladies experiencing the same problem? papaya, fibregel all does not seem to work.. juz make me feel even more bloated...:~(
did u consult ur gynae abt the constipation? i have a fren who preggie and almost a week cannot poo poo...n she feel pain at the stomach....so go see gynae....

i prefer those with V cut pants....those tat cover the tummy makes me feel itchy at the tummy there leh...n somemore the weather in sg is so warm....cannot tahan.....
I am like you - didn't go poo poo for one week.. Sit almost 20 minutes also nothing.. I am eating like 2 fruit a day but no use leh.

did u drink enough water? maybe drinking lots of fluid helps for constipation? i am the opposite, i have been having diarrhea last week till yesterday....sat the worst diarrhea...my poo becomes "watery"...so i stopped taking apple...dunno what causes my diarrhea...
i still feel bloated and indigestion everytime after i take my meals even though i diarrhea....

this thur my gynae check, i will ask my gynae why i keep having stomachache....

i checked my weight, and i have not been gaining weight ever since i am pregnant
, dunno is it due to too much diarrhea...

can i ask when tummy becomes bigger, does that mean weight by right is also gained? normally for 1st trimester what's the avg weight gain?

r u having mild diarrhoea cause by prob some food u take some times back??.....dun think apple will cause stomachache ba.....y not call ur gynae up n ask......remember to drink plenty of water to replenish the fluid loss

last night i weigh myself....me gain 1.8Kg for 12 weeks.....i also no knw the av wt gain for 1st trim...but i do know some ladies lost wt cos of MS. so no worries!!

me constipation not so bad. but stools come out like marbles. hard.


me only wk 10. but oredi wearing maternity. not very big, but obviously pregnant.


Our gynae Dr wong said, weight gain not expected for first tri. BB still very small, like 3-4cm. So, no need to panic.

at least for me, quite apparently, bust and butts are bigger. so my gain of 2.5kg, was prob more from physical change than bb.
hi lovedogs,

i found this article from babycenter.

hope it helps for constipation:


think best to ask your gynae too.


yeah thanks i will drink lots of water,at first its stomachache, but when the poo gets worst, stomachache also quite pain

i have stopped apple for 1 day and see how my stomachache goes....becos on sat afternoon, i took an apple and a china pear....then 2 hrs later, i have "watery" poo.......

hmm i dun MS but i keep having to poo then getting worst...diarrhea....then my dad gave me 1 spoonful of honey (which i dunno can take anot but just took), he says can stop diarrhea, i just took loh...so poo now not watery but still stomachache on and off

wah here in the east side, its raining....seems very heavy rain....at least clear some haze....


hee thanks for the info, i tot must have weight gain for 1st trimester liao
becos i have been having diarrhea, really quite worried will it affect baby inside anot...and i weighed myself like no weight gain and sometimes like weight loss by 1kg
, tummy still looks the same to me.....

for me some of my bras becomes tighter, so my colleague advised me to buy bra extensions, she advised me no need to buy those maternity bras so soon loh...

but i feel my breasts getting heavier esp when i am sleeping at night initially lying flat on bed, then when turn left or right side to sleep, my breasts like very heavy when turning .......

to 'show', depends. For first time mommies, your stomach muscles are still strong enuff to withhold the change in size of the uterus.
For second time moms, who's expanded before, it gets a lot more elastic and thus will 'show' much sooner.

for my first one, i was wearing normal working clothes till 5 mths.

btw, hv u girls heard that physical changes, eg increase bust size, broad nose, is more apparent for those expecting girls?

me at northeast...no rain leh....somemore weather so hot now......bring some rain over!!

u have stomachache....could it be mild food poisoning?? sometime food poisoning effect will only take off immediately, few days or even after weeks depending on indiv. then the body will try to clear the system - vomitting or diarrhoea or even both. so better to check with gynae or doc. safer lah
Hi all,

Just found out i'm preg.
Haven't gone Gynae yet.
Was told by my GP to avoid caffein as it'll slow down the growth of baby.
Does it mean that i should also avoid coke?

i also bought the bra extension....now i need 2 bra extension if not the bra like very tight like tat. i also feel the breast like very heavy esp when lying down sleeping on my side....hehe....

little dan,
never heard tat b4 leh....someone mention her nose broader now....eh....cant remember who...prob can check with her if her bb is gal gal when she go for the detailed scan.
Lizardess..congrats and welcome!
Interesting nick ;-)
Yes, you should avoid anything that has caffeine which includes coke, coffee, tea or at least not too much of it.
Have u tried prune juice? It works for me leh. I poo everyday but recently the stools are harder. So hoping the prune juice can help to soften...Lotsa water, fruits and bowel training...i mean try to poo ard the same time everyday. I use to have constipation even before pregnant. So the GP taught me to do bowel training and massage my tummy in clockwise circular motion everynight before sleep to help peristalsis. But now I dare not massage my tummy leh...scared disturb bb...heh heh..
There'll be a viability scan at the 1st visit to detect the baby's heartbeat, so you'll certainly be able to see
yes, same here. saw bb's heartbeat at 7 wks too. guess that's the primary function that's formed first.

lizardess, faster go book your gynae liao.


are prunes better than prune juice? and do they cause bloatedness?
I had been following this thread very closely as my due date is also May 2007. Just wanna know anyone out there feel breathless when you talk?
Though I am only in my 12 weeks, my tummy had grown to 35 inches. I was asked to do a presentation during my part-time course and i was panting so much that everyone thought i am very nervous. I am so embrassed as i knew this is due to my pregancy. For my past presentations, though i am nervous but people can't tell as they feel that my voice is steady and i am very calm. Now, my self-esteem affected and i feel very discouraged!
hi worry too much,

i'm only 11 wks, but do get occasional breathlessness too. considering that to climb up few flights of stairs was no issue before pregnancy, but just one flight now is enuff to leave me light headed and panting...

it's perfectly normal. bb's growing, and taking lots of nutrients, esp iron from us. to say, we're breathing for two, is not wrong. furthermore, with the tummy this expanded, it leaves little room for the diaphragm to expand as well.

importantly, must remember to take it easy and relax. sometimes, when i get flustered, the heart beats very fast and the breathlessness gets worse.
so, i learn to slow down and take deep breaths lorz.
Hi,cheezel.finally realised how to join in the discussion.thanks for replying me.hi gals,i am new to this.i am 9 weeks now..dun throw up but feeling constipated at times..and nauseaous too..does anyone know whether it is ok to continue to go for massages?have signed up package earlier and do not know if i should continue with it?pls advise..
Drink Yakult to help constipation.
If afraid of the sweetness can cause diabetes, take Yakult Light (a smaller version).
Yakult has Probiotics which is very good for clearing our digestive system. It's as good as "an apple a day".

I take it every 2 days, it helps me to clear my bowels. Good good.
hullo cartlon,

dun anyone wants to massage us MTBs, esp when before first trimester.

even my facial lady ceased doin shoulder massage. they're worried that certain acupuncture points on our back will affect the forming baby.

guess you'll need to check back with the centre, and see if they provide pre-natal massage. though, most don't, unless they're qualified.
Hi gal and anyone else who is interested in the V-cut maternity pants....

My friend bought for me 2 v-cut long pants (Small size)from 9mois at $95 (one black and one white). It has elastic bands at the sides with a button for adjusting the size.

Realised I cannot fit into them so want to sell. Willing to sell at $60 each. Prefer to meet in the North as i stay in AMK.

If interested pls email me at [email protected] soon so that i will bring them back this Thurs when i fly from HK for gynae checkup. Need to meet this weekend as I will be flying back on next Monday.

hi mich,

u're back. yeah... yakult's a good choice. but the sweetness can be quite overwhelming. so, i dilute it with water.

btw, the probiotics- live culture works only at optimal temperature. so, that means, must drink it cold right?
I just went to spring maternity and bought 4 bottoms..total damaged S$255..haiz..maternity wear is so expensive...think next time i order on line lar..
actually, been gg to mphosis and some other normal fashion lines to get empire cuts. first, cheaper, second, can wear after birth.

i only went to the maternity stores to get basic bottoms. then again, gynae advised to wear more skirts, coz pants and cause itchiness due to infection...
Lizardess, yes hv to abstain from coffee and tea or anything with caffeine. But I read somewhere 1 cup a day is ok.
I'm guilty of my coke craving actually. cos it helps to burp. Then change cos very very guilty. I now take any gassy drink so long no caffeine or just cold drinks.

anybody heard before cannot take cold drinks, cos bb will develop asthma due to "coldness" or "liang" just like liang teh?

I wear my sports bra when sleep, cos my frens say otherwise breasts will get droopy. Better start earlier, before they grow any bigger...

but thought its best to let "loose" when we sleep. coz the bra, though giving support, might restrict blood circulation.

this is advisable even if not pregnant.

the gravity shldn't be working hard esp when we lie horizontal on the bed.

littledan: yes, I put in fridge. So cold cold nice nice

zhuzhu: phoa! u very fast leh... after we were talking about Spring maternity today, u went to buy liao. Are they still having discount? Just buy the basics like pants, then the rest like tops or dresses, just buy from usual shops, then can wear after preg too, like what littledan suggests
