(2007/05) May 2007 MTB


then, for dinner. eat lesser. my colleague's just like you. She throws up in the evening. so, she takes very very light food, like milo and biscuits.

The eating slowly is to reduce load off the intestines. must try lar.

Will past lar. Be strong!


how much's ur package at 6 wk? Mine is S$598 at 12 wk.

thanks littledan for the encouragement & support. really need that

now i'm munching biscuits n sipping milo away @ office *sob*sob* hope to go home soon.
Hi ladies, I went to visit my gynae tis morning, haven got time to post cos so busy at work. BB measures 1.3cm at 8 weeks...so happy to see it growing...was a bit worried cos I hv spotting earlier on.....BB is already sleeping with heads down...so funny.

i also not quite sure about the consultation fee thingy....but i remembered she says weekend more ex before loh....sigh

yah loh.....i also think the urine test not worth....7 dollars leh...can eat 1-2 meals.....

just went to ntuc pharmacy ask for urine test stripes..they only have those for diabetes....if only measured for sugar level cost around 16 dollars for 100 stripes, then if measure for protein, sugar level, etc etc cost about 39 dollars for 50 stripes only....they dun have those for pregnacy sugar level urine measurement stripe.......wonder if the urine test stripes for pregnacy same as urine test stripes for diabetes?

i also went to check out the folic acid from ntuc pharmacy cost 2.35-2.50 for 100 pills.....

i also dunno why i diaherrea.....but before pregnant i used to have constipation one...maybe i ate lesser fruits....now becos got baby inside so i try to eat an apple every day...then i dun have constipation problem now but almost everyday will need to poo out.....sometimes diaherrea.....

littledan and cheezel,

can i ask are all folic acid from the GP or guardian pharmacy the same yellow colour small round pill har?

do we need to keep taking the folic acid pills till we deliver? or only first trimester?

dr wong gave me vitamins pills - prenatal formula...., its very longish type....every morning i took together with folic acid....i dun really like taking the vitamin pills...got a strong medicine smell....

dunno when can i stop taking the vitamins pills sigh.........

heee hmm maybe i go ask my GP whether she has folic acid anot hee then can claim from company heee :p

hi mich,

till now, i dun have MS exp....but my colleague did mentioned to me before if i feel like vomiting, take those plain crackers (jacobs, etc).
so maybe if u dun have appetite for dinner, maybe take some plain crackers to prevent MS?

i remembered reading somewhere that our uterus expanding so our stomach getting smaller so cannot take in so much food in 1 shot.....when comes 3rd trimester, baby inside bigger, food inside also taking much more time to digest...so the best time to take as much food we can is only 2nd trimester bah......

are u reaching 2nd trimester soon?

today i got some yellow discharge....dunno is it becos these few days i drink quite a lot of cold fruit juice and sugarcane drink....weather hot and hazy....really cannot dun drink sigh.......
Yes folic acid is those small round yellow tablets. All GP and Pharmacy have the same thing.

Me too also having diarrhea everyday. I wonder if its chilli the main course. But i can't go without chilli leh.
hey mich,
i vomitted just now also str after taking my dinner....dunno y...breakfast n lunch still ok...but when dinner time, i also loss of appetite. vomited twice....somemore the last few stuff that come out like clumpy clumpy.....stuck at my throat...dunno if wan to force it out or let it go back into the stomach. really sucks man!! i just ate a bun cos need to take hormone pills liao. but feel something is stuck at y throat now. haiz.....my stomach, tummy n back now all aching...dunno if its all the vomitting tat cause the ache.

ya the folic acid small round yellow tablets. they are all the same.folic acid must be taken in the 1st trimester....not too sure abt 2nd trim...some say no need but some of them their gynae still give them folic acid in 2nd trim. i didnt take the multivit now...cos giving me lots of gastric acid. so gynae say can no take..what is impt is the folic acid now.

i no diarrhoea...but i poo poo a few times a day....then i thought its diarrhoea too. but now stop liao. heng....
hi Meow and cheezel,

thanks for confirming with me the folic acid as i never buy before, my first bag of folic acid pills is given by my colleague before she went for her maternity leave.....

hi Meow,
i do not take chilli at all but i also dunno why diarrhea
sigh.........hope my stomachache stops soon too....


are you okay? rest well....

my dad used to tell me if i have diaherrhea or stomachache and dun feel like eating, drink glucose as glucose got sugar, it acts as a source of food but i dunno pregnant can take anot...my dad was hospitalised once for food poisioning/diaherrhea, then he told me the hospital did not give him any food but he was being "dripped" glucose by the hospital...

or if u dun feel like vomit again, take some plain crackers/biscuits else stomach empty may have gastric.
take care

hmmm just curious is it becos we are having a baby inside makes us also poo very often.......i find that almost everyday i need to go poo else stomachache........
morning ladies!!


dun worry abt the poo poo frequency. some woman face constipation, while some dun. It may mean te body is actually stepping up the process by removing the stool and not stepping down. - Coded from "What you expect when you are expecting"
SO no worry...i also poo poo 1st thing in morning now cos stomachache also.
morning mommies.....

guess wat, took some biscuit before I came out this morning. After the stopid bus ride, went straight and puke everything out once I reach office. Hate that stopid bus driver, always driving so fast and reckless. I am beginning to hate taking transport.

My doc start giving me multi-vit obimin now. Told me not to eat the folic acid anymore as the multi-vit also have folic acid. So I guess if you are taking multi-vit in the 2nd trim, no need to take folic acid anymore. Otherwise too much??

Btw, saw spring maternity have some sales gng on from 20-24Oct. You ladies might wanna go an take a look.
morning ladies!
Wow. Din know this thread moves this fast. Kind of lost. =D

I feel very nauseaous recently. Always got the urge to vomit but nothing comes out. Initially, after I took some food it will be ok but recently seems that the nausea stays. Feeling terrible. Really hope that I dun need to work.

Any ladies experience like that also? Always got the urge to vomit but nothing comes out?

hi cheezel,
hope u are feeling better today

oh, I am with Dr LN Sim.

yes! Friday!
It's strange, but I have stomach upsets too. It wasn't like this at all for the 1st preg. but I guess every preg. is different.

Mich, hang in there. MS will usually pass after the 1st trim. and you'll feel A LOT better. When you deliver, nothing will beat the joy of seeing your newborn (you'll forget abt all the MS, pain and suffering!).
morning ladies,
hope everyone is feeling great today.
i am not too good. first thing in the morning vomitted water. the urge never stops until i cleared all the gastric juice in my stomach. i felt so dreadful now. i wanted to stay at home but the PSI so high. i rather stay in air-con the whole day.

are u feeling better today?
i used to poo more frequently when i was around 5 weeks. now constipation, only once every two days if i can squeeze it out. sorry for sounding gross but the 'traffic jam' is really unbearable at times. but i also heard cannot squeeze too hard, may bleed lor.
i don dare to take the prenavit everyday because i think it makes constipation worse.
hello ladies,

wow, din check the thread for 2 days and i can't really catch up liao

hello Ice Queen,

wanna ask u how much did u paid Dr CHan during the week 11 + visit coz he did the Nuchal test right?
My next visit will be close to Wk12 hence will be doing that Nuchal scan too..

read you ladies mentioned abt FBI... so sad, I called up gleneagles, they do not have such benefits leh.... TMC really very competitive which is good for us consumers...

hi ezann,

today friday liao... try to tong...weekend will be here soon.

me also stomach pop out although now only beging of wk10. look so ugly in my office wear...today work from home...so no need to be conscious abt big tummy....
If you have constipation, can take Fybogel. It's basically a sachet of fibre..just mix with water and drink it to get the bowels going.
hi lovedogs,
wah. so good can work from home

me too, can see stomach bulging out when in my normal attire.. so ugly..

oh, what is FBI thing u ladies are talking abt? Is it the same as the package signed with the gynae?
Hello ziying,

me no mood to work and planning to change jobs after delivery... so heck care lah... will work from home perhaps 2 to 3 days a week and take as many mc as i can... heehee...

FBI thingy i also read from this thread. Happened that i also received the UOB lady's card bill yday... they are also offering FBI card at $278 nett. bundled with St Gregory Spa Samplers... But it only applies if u are delivering in TMC... other hospitals not in the programme leh
there are 2 Spa Samplers...

1 is for Mums to be another is for new mums.

I guess u can go for 1 before birth and 1 after birth...
Morning gals.

Thankful for the short shower this morning. Least can see the clouds today...

>>lovedogs, u lucky leh. can work from home. u mean it's like some days in office and others at home?

Me too leh... dare not take multi-vits. So constipated. So, doc presribed an iron table- neugobin instead. Now, much better liao.

Used to love oranges. But was told it'll cause phelgm for both mother and child. so not taking often. And was advised to green apples and papaya instead.

Sianz... no mood to work. ARGGHHH!!!
i'm glad i made it to office. the haze is really bad. i will feel worse if i stay at home. looking at the gloomy haze also makes me depressed. it rained for a while in the morning but not heavy enough to wash down the haze.
Hi lovedogs,

I still pay the normal 200bucks. No additional cost for the NT. 100 for consultation and 105 for the scan. My package will start next visit. At least no need to pay 200 bucks for every visit from next visit onwards. So envy you can work from home. Wish I can do so too....
hello ezann,

did it rained in the morning? yeah, haze has been pretty bad... but i can't really smell it at home. if it gets bad, i will turn on the aircon. U know, all these haze are from the burnt in Indonesia...dare not think about the contents of the haze we are breathing in.. wonder will it affect the growing bb?

hi littledan,

yes, somedays i go to the office to work...some days I stay at home to work... as i bring my notebook home daily.

i plan to work from home for the entire month prior to delivery....

dun take so much oranges... coz can cause gastric as well. i am not taking a lot of fruits as my gastric can attack anytime

will multi vit cause constipation? then i die liao... i am still on folic acid and is already constipated... can't imagine when i am put on multi vit...
hi ice queen,

thank goodness no extra charges... yeah... i also plan to go 1 more time during late week11...then can wait till week16 to sign up his package

btw, did u sign up for the free maternity tour in gleneagles hospital? i will be going for the tour on the same day of Dr Chan's visit. Think should be useful.

folic acid is ok lar. but the multi-vit sure gives me toilet woes.

seriously irritated with the indonesia haze. And more so for its people. They've got kids and babies too. if its this bad for us, dare not think how is it for them... poor kids.

me mom had gastric problems too. And she was told papaya's a very good fruit coz it has good digestive enzymes. And take this one lor.

>>ezann, we in the same mood. duh...

Any of you gals taking the monday off for long wkend?
hi morning,

hmmm seems like quite a few mommies got stomach upset....dunno is it becos of haze???

sigh today haze quite high...........just now 101 now dropped to 97

i dun remember this morning got rain.....


i taking both folic acid and vit pills together in the morning, but i dun have constipation but diaherrhea instead.......maybe i also take apple every night.....


can i ask why take green apples ah? its sour hee....
i dun dare take too much papaya and carrot as there is a thread i read mentioning too much of papaya or carrot can cause jaundice so dunno true anot....but i still take papaya and carrot once a while....
hi littledan,

me taking monday off too
will have super long weekend...last nite i was already in holiday mood coz today no need to go office... heehee

papaya good huh? me taking papaya everyday... but my bowels movement still not very good

hi knottsy,

i rather have diarrhoea then constipation leh... the bloated and stuck feeling is so uncomfortable...
yes... u bet. today feel very hyper irritated.
guess why? coz constipated. dun feel balanced.

>>lovedogs, c/n take everyday lar. wait got orange skin. might affect bb leh. though it's really just coloration...

me no take off. coz chop-ed by colleagues liao.

yesterday, went for a hair cut. hairdresser told me got oily scalp and forming dandruff!! This is sthg i've never ever had. She thinks it's due to preg hormones.

I oso think too. Coz now my face feels like oil-mine. and pple say my nose broad liao. not i vain... but affected lehz....
Hi ladies,

me feeling better...just tat every morning will puke out the gastric juice just like ezann....i try eating some biscuit while waiting for my hubby to get ready to go out for breakfast.

tot spotting has stopped. i only walk a bit to makan just now...n spotting come again. so sian....

since hubby not working, n my tummy got crampy feeling, i go see my gynae again. waited almost 1hr plus cos he's at TMC doing delivery n stitching.....lucky baby ok....so cute...i was like asking my gynae when he did the scan "is baby moving?", then immediately i saw my baby move right hand up over the head.....

i also take green apple...cos its sour and juicy mah...taste very nice. but i didnt dare take papaya la...cos think taro mention cant take b4 right???

my face also like oil mine....think the oil enuff to fried chicken wing liao....u have outbreak? i have it ard the chin and neck area......
My first one also very smooth. Take chiili padi also no problem. Ended up my gal sweat alot. Some says its the chilli. This one i take very little chilli hope when BB born wont sweat so much like its sister. Hope it will be fair too...hee. Wonder if its due to dark soy sauce but her skin tone is like daddy.
hi littledan and cheezel,

my face and scalp also very oily. i definitely need to wash my hair daily...am worried abt confinement period liao.

cheezel, i guess u better try not to move around too much. i have heard some ladies have to lie in bed or something... did ur gynae advised whether by 2nd trimester, the spotting should stop totally?

i juz had chicken rice for lunch... yum yum..

u ladies enjoy lunch too
i just had my lunch too...

cheezel, wonderful to see that bb is moving right?

we have a short week next week. mon off, tues PH, wed work then thurs to fri, my company retreat so good la.

take care and have a good rest! Hm... can take up some cross-stich or knitting lar. Be a xian qi liang mu. hehe..

yeah... docs always say by 2nd tri bb very stable oredi. The first tri is its forming stage.

Eh... no breakouts lar. But I very diligently do my scrubs and wash and mask. And facial as well. But now no shiok, coz they dun wanna do shoulder/ face massage for me. *SAD*


who's doin confinement for you? Actually, in our weather, we shld really keep ourself clean. So, if you want to wash hair, do it at mid-day; quickly blow dry; and VIP, apply hard liquer on your scalp. My aunties say this is to nourish the scalp and close off the pores. Coz.. as you know, we may have after-birth hair loss.

Tot of the dry powder, but friend commented it was a messy affair. And i din't really think it wld work too...

>> Meow,

But pple say c/n take chilli leh. wait bb skin or mommy skin no good. I sometimes oso crave. But coupled with oily skin, I'll rather not have it. Wait breakouts then i cry.

!! Pls tell me we can take papaya. Why cannot??

my gynae say some pple will also have spotting up to 2nd trimester and some even up to birth....some just stop after 1st trim...so as for me, the only think is to wait n see cos everything looks fine for me....cervix, placenta all ok...no blood clots...nothing lo....so dunno y bleed also. i just rest at hm n limit movement.

ya lo....when i see bbmoving n heartbeat....i was like "phew"...the worries just went off.....
little dan,

dunno can take papaya anot leh..so many of u taking so should be ok ba...just tat i remember taro mention her gynae say no papaya b4...or prob i remember wrongly. my colleague say all those melons...quite cooling so i just avoid cos i got spotting mah.

i no go facial liao....just do facial on my own...scrub n mask.....i cant walk ard much anyway.....haiz.....i just stay at hm surf internet n watch crayon shin chan VCD
why u watch crayon shin chan??!!! what if your bb turns out to be like him?
that time my friends tell me must look at pretty babies then my baby will be pretty too.

hope your spotting will stop soon. i think you must be very worried each time you see spotting.

i can't be bothered to do facial on my own although i have outbreaks and my skin became so rough.
each time i go into toilet, i feel like puking already.
cos last time i bought many crayon shin chan vcd to watch....so now i just watch back lo. nothing to do. hehehe......2nd and 3rd trimester will stop watchin liao....

me just merlion out my lunch....my roasted duck noodle and dumplings....n also my hormone pills......waste money leh...3 tablets somemore. after tat i just pop another one tablet in...hopefully it helps abit ba.....

ya lo...just now after vomit....i go see got spotting again...i wonder if its cos of the force exerted when vomit.
sigh very sleepy..came back from lunch half an hour ago and now i am falling asleep in office

my mom also mentioned to me to look at cute pretty babies.....but does anybody knows where to buy those babies posters har?


yah i also remembered someone mentioned dun take papayas but i forgot who liao.....but i still take papaya but max only 1 piece once a week sometimes 1 piece twice a week only.......i dun dare take too much
but i eat red apples everyday, scared of constipation but now i diaherrhea........
the only fruit i did not take at all is the del montle bananas...even my MIL yesterday reminded me not to take those longish type bananas

i also stopped facial..but i missed the shoulder massage....sigh need to wait for next yr after delivery then can go again....i am on facial package, hope the facial dun close down.......
dear mummies,
did evy1 go for the detailed NT scan as mentioned by Taro? my gynae used his 'normal' scan machine to measure d bb's neck thickness n din send me for anytg else. he said blood test is only necessary at 16wk so till now i hav not done any blood test. but i read some do triple blood test btw 11 to 14wks?

tot the detail-scan is a norm when ard 20 wks. I did it too. And had to go to TMC to do it. It's like a scan but the pics very clear. Can see thru to bb's internal organs. That's why I clearly knew bb's gender then.

eh... is this the one you were referring to?


think try and eat plainly first lar. Your lunch sounds quite a substantial amount.

after melion liao dun so fast eat things lar. have warm drink and rest a bit first ok?

hey knottsy,

why u stop ur facial? Only need to avoid essential oil and machines mah. the normal cleansing/ extraction and mild massage is ok wat.


Actually, I'm really puzzled with the papaya leh. It is a good fruit and was encouraged to take it coz good in vit c and minerals.

But, only told to avoid it POST-birth. Coz papaya, like ginger, is to be avoided by confinement mommies with jaundice babies.

Dun confuse me leh.
hello sanrio,

I called up my gynae's clinic. was told that NT Scan at his clinic at week 11 -12. then blood test will be week15. If you would like to perform more detailed scan, can u request for it?

hi littledan,

i very KS, already booked a CL liao..heehee... she is recommended by a colleague whose wife used her recently. hope that she will be good. As my mum is not working, believe she will come over to help help here and there too..

cannot take chilli ah? I cannot survive without it leh... i still take in moderation. checked with GP and gynae all said chilli no problem.

hi knottsy,

i eat papaya almost everyday as I got gastric and constipation. The only thing abt too much papaya i believe (with or without bb) will be the colour... think your skin will become yellow or something... i eat apples useless leh... grapes also useless.

hi cheezel,

who is crayon shin chan? so poor thing... merlion again... does it help if u eat very very slowly?
Hi everyone,

i've just tested positive with the home pregnancy kit today. used the website and calculated, should be due in end May..

My 3rd baby, and am hoping for a ger ger..

Have just came back from india for work this morning and again flying off to vietnam next tuesday. Think willl only get a chance to see gynae after my trip. Worried, cos my first 2 pregnancy are quite problematic..
Yes, that's what I remember about papaya too..to avoid during confinement (and ginger too) cuz of jaundice. I think papaya now is perfectly fine.

You can surely go for your facials all the way till delivery. Inform ur beautician, they'll know what to avoid.

Crayon Shin chan is a japanese cartoon about the adventures of a naughty boy. If your son turns out like that...he'll drive u to your grave..

oh i m referring to d NT sacn tat Taro did at d fetal ctr at tmc. cos for my gynae, he jus measured d bb's neck thickness using his 'normal' scan machine. he said results is normal. as for 20wks detailed scan, i tink my gynae will do in his clinic. my previous preg was seen in kkh so d NT n detailed scan ar done at d specialised dept by the sonographer.
