(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

2nd trimester is really good...usually there'll be no more MS, mood is good, tummy is not too big. Can fall asleep for sure and don't have to wake up to pee unlike 1st & 3rd trimester.
It's the best time to go on a holiday...make use of it..otherwise when the bb comes, you'll be stuck in Singapore for a quite a long while.

hi cheetos,

sounds great huh! think i will let hb knows we will plan for holiday in Jan or something...

hi cheezel,

yeah, i will work from home more often. but i have quite a lot of local meetings which i may need to appear in person loh... esp customer meetings etc...

since i dun intend to stay long here... will take mc and leave i guess.

i have moved my next gynae appt 2 days forward... so will be next next thurs... wait till neck long long liao
im seeing dr adrian woodworth, he is good.

my MS is quite bad and it usually last the whole day. I feel reli slp even after a long nite slp, so i normally just go home after lunch to nap. it seems to get better now, i can stay in the ofc till about 5pm.

im looking forward to enter my 2nd trimester, so that hopefully i will feel better.

tinkin of goin shanghai during my 2nd trimester, but some MTBs are telling me not to take flight. Anyone had got experience on this?
dun mention
try use pantyliner.. 2nd trim can slp cos i made myself so tired during the day :p enjoyed shopping ard for bb stuff until hubby said 'can dun look at bb thgs agn...', keke..
u intending to quit after delivery?? seems like u not so happy at work wor.

i m with dr adian woodworth too. 2 of the MTB here also with him. which branch u go? i go to the cck one.

i also use pantyliner now.....hmmm but find my usage quite high...cos i keep changing. how many pad u change daily. do u wear tat to sleep? i dun really like to wear to sleep...but i scare later spotting n stain my panty n bedsheet
hi cheezel,

i hope i can find a new job after delivery...so that i can quit the current job. however, the mkt is rather tight now. so can only hope and pray. i was exploring 1 opportunity actually. But i told the country mgr abt my pregnancy. Hence, he told me to talk abt it after my delivery... hiaz...can't wait till next year now...
hi cheezel,

I emailed my gynae yesterday about the red spots, she says as long as it does not spread more it should be okay......my red spots starts to fade liao but still can see some faint spots.....hmmm dunno is it becos of the hazy weather ........
my next gynae appt only next thur....still have to wait for another week....

hi can i ask can i take "cha ye" eggs?
hmm...dunno can eat cha ye dan anot also. but my preggie colleague did take b4...i cant remember which trimester she in tat time.

r ur red spots rashes?? prob its due to the bad weather.

dun think any company will employ preggie woman ba.....or it depends on the field u r in?
yeah, i agree with cheezel that the rashes may be due to the stupid haze.... take care knottsy.

hi cheezel,

yah loh, employers are very practical and realistic. I also understand. so will tong till delivery. however, worried abt the job opportunities then...coz my field is rather limited and my current company is the pay master in the industry now. unless i want to take a pay cut... sigh...
U on MC still? So good, can rest well. I am back to work....alot of walking and meeting....I feel tired...somehow, I can feel a bit of menstruation cramp...is that normal? So worried....somehow try not to exert too much force...but dunno why can still feel the cramp.

U ladies oso have discharges? I have it too...quite alot at times...sometimes very yellowish.....
ya lo....MC again....
u better dun walk so much. i haben been getting mens liked cramp for quite some time....not too sure if any ladies here still experience it. my gynae say as long as cramp does not come together with bleed...should be ok.

i have needle-like poking feeling at the tummy at times....hmmm....also have feeling like something is tossing ard in my tummy but not pain la....weird weird feeling leh...

and i have backache now leh! my gynae say its normal...just get hubby to be more hardworking in massaging te back will do.

u n i sama sama....my company is also the main pay master in the industry....so not easy for me to find another job with the current pay.
im seeing him at sengkang.

wat are your comment on TMC and Mt. Alvenia? I trying to choose between the 2.

try not to take things dat r too cooling (liang), i had too much chrysanthemum tea during dim sum and got veri yellowish discharge, but after a week, it got lesser le.
hi cheezel,

i not sure are my red spots rashes....its just red spots around stomach area.....rashes are one patch or separate one?

thanks. I will have to monitor the red spots...these few days very hazy....reach till 100 psi yesterday night.......sigh.........

dunno the air we breathe in will it affect the baby inside anot.....


i dun really feel menstruation cramp but i got weird feeling in my stomach...dunno is it bloated etc...just feel uncomfortable.....but yesterday i felt some pain on my right hand side of lower stomach when i walking....so i quickly find a seat to sit down.....

do u feel consistent menstruation cramp? maybe need to ask your gynae is it normal?
abt 4 a day cos i sahm mah, i wash myself af pee :p somtx i wear to slp, somtx no. my fav brand is kotex light days (d 1 tat cum in a box but it is not individually packed. it's not d plastic wrapper one). i choose unscented.
hi Kris Eng,

i went for both hospital maternity tours before i decide on TMC. Mt Alvernia looks quite old to me actually and read from one of the thread that some find Mt Alvernia breastfeeding lesson not good, personally I prefer TMC as it looks new and cosy even though it looks smaller than Mt Alvernia...heard that TMC ananental class is quite good.....and the herbal soup got pple even da bao home after delivery is good too

but the problem with TMC is the parking....very limited slots so they implemented valet parking...
I went for eastshore hospital tour too but the lady seems not so experienced....

but that's only my own opinion.....u may want to call up both hospitals for a maternity tour before u decide on the hospital for delivery?

TMC has saturday 11am and 2pm i think for maternity tour, weekdays also have but forgot what time. Mt Alvernia sat 11am too
Eastshore hospital only every wed and fri 3pm
if i working i change 3 a day. stay at hm, i also use 4 a day. i never fix the brand leh....i just buy any brands to try.

rashes can be spots and also got patch one. depends on the type ba.....ur one prob just due to the haze.....

when u say cramp in stomach, is it at the stomach or the abdomen? my one is at the abdomen.

most prob i will choose TMC ba. have been there a few times, find that not bad and the nurses r very frenly n nice.
Just curious, was the thread down yesterday? I could not find it yesterday but I read the past thread, so many posts by ladies...how come I cant see? Tot my eyes playing tricks on me....
Kris Eng,

oh yah by the way, if i remember correctly TMC actually encourage the new born baby to be the same room with the mother for closer bond but not sure about mt alvernia.........as mt alvernia showed us the nursery room.

1 know for sure is, mt alvernia does not allow video taking in the delivery room, there is a no video taking sign there......not sure about tmc dun remember seeing any sign but i think in the end also depends on gynae, some gynaes dun like video taking so better ask ur gynae

mt alvernia expects you to bring the new born bb's clothes but think tmc on the other hand will provide the bb's clothing for u, mt alvernia will give a baby bath tub for ur new born, dun think tmc will give.....think they give different things loh.........

i think i remembered is mt alvernia nurse mentioned this year dog year, so they giving out a dog medal to those new born this year but they not confirmed will they give pig medal for next yr anot

go for the maternity tour, you can at the same time learn about their delivery package, tour takes aboout half to 1 hour very fast, its free and they give some goodies hee
like bb's towel from mt alvernia or bb's small top from tmc its very cute top

when i first went for the maternity tour, i felt quite pai seh, becos i am the only one with the smallest tummy.....all the mommies who went for maternity tour are about more than 5 months pregnant i think........but this does not stop me from going for maternity tour

heard from my colleague, when she went for the antenatal class in tmc, they give her a maternity tour at the same time too
the thread is indeed down yesterday noon all the way till this morning. some of us couldnt find the thread.
ur eyes not playing tricks on u....
red spots, could it be due to hormones changes? I have darker mole as compared to pre-pregnancy. My gf said it's normal...she oso have darker moles and the brown freckles....

Ladies, thanks for replying on the cramps. I guess it's ok so long as there is no bleeding. I oso like u gals, talk to baby whenever I worried about the cramps or spotting....sai yang the tummy and I feel much better.

Cheezel and taro
I oso feel like joining the class in Jan 07. When is the rite time to sign up? I maybe signing up for the FBI scheme...so can get discounts...is the FBI scheme useful? I haven really read much....but hubby quite keen on the stemcod thingy and it will have discounts as well.

Most of u ladies are into 10 to 12 weeks liao...I am coming into 8 weeks...still hv 4 more wks to go. I feel so scare at times...dunno why. do u feel so? somehow, I guess it's normal instinct....
By the way, want to check with you ladies, I saw my gynae on last Mon and it is around 6 to 7 weeks. BB measured 4mm...wonder if it's normal size?
Cheezel, my gynae asked me to stop eating hormone pills ytdy (Wk 12). cos by 2nd trimester, it's time to eat those fish oils, calcium & irons to starting preparing a strong bb.. But unsure for those who spot, cos lucky for me, I didn't.

Gal, Ice Queen: gynae told me usually (cross fingers & toes) MS goes away by Wk 14. I'm waiting to see the end of the tunnel. Still having MS by afternoon till night. Tough time. I was talking to a few frens, none of them had got MS before!

Rest, right. So long cramps don't come with blood or spots, shd be okay. I experienced left lower abdomen pains too on-and-off, then asked gynae, he said it's okay, maybe just some tugging of the ligament. Or try not to sneeze to hard and when picking up things, bend knees instead... As for travelling in 2nd tri, check with your gynae on your condition. He'll be in best position to advice u.

And yes! I'm also tired of my work. Been in the co for 6 yrs... all the damn politics and managing bosses... added more stress towards my already hectic time of juggling work, part-time studies and preg...
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby #</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Predicted Sex </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mich</TD><TD>01-May-2007</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Foong Yang</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jesmine</TD><TD>02-May-2007</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Taro</TD><TD>03-May-2007</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr S P Teo</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sanrio</TD><TD>03-May-2007</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Dr Chris Chong</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ice Queen</TD><TD>04-May-2007</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Chan</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Natalie</TD><TD>08-May-2007</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Jen</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD>10-May-2007</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Chris Chong</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheezel</TD><TD>11-May-2007</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gal</TD><TD>14-May-2007</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mummyyoko</TD><TD>14-May-2007</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Precious_moments</TD><TD>20-May-2007</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ezann</TD><TD>16-May-2007</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Slee16</TD><TD>19-May-2007</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ong</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lovedogs</TD><TD>18-May-2007</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Chan</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD> Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bridget</TD><TD>20-May-2007</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peg_gal</TD><TD>20-May-2007</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheetos</TD><TD>22-May-2007</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Dr KL Yam</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Karen</TD><TD>23-May-2007</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dec_gal</TD><TD>26-May-2007</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD>30-May-2007</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kris Eng</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eunice</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jkids</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Flowee</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zhuzhu</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Knottsy</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sherl75</TD><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Happy Mum</TD><TD></TD><TD>2</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little Dan</TD><TD></TD><TD>2</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></td></tr></table>
morning ladies,
how is everyone feeling?
i didn't sleep well last night, feeling super tired now.

thanks for the fetal length and weight chart. thanks for updating the table as well.
share with us after ur NT test ok.

welcome and congrats!

last night i started to itch. i was so worried that it is yeast infection but luckily the itch went off after i cleaned the area. phew!
Morning mommies/ezann.....

I din sleep well since sun nite too. Have been waking up 4am in the morning and cant sleep till I have to wake up at 7am for work. Sian. Super tired. Every morning contemplating to not go to work but stay at home to sleep. But cannot cos last week 2 days mc liao. Dun wan my boss to black face later. Gotta hang on till Friday to sleep fully again.

Anybody know if we can eat satay bee hoon? Last nite I have such strong craving for satay mee hoon sudd that I ate a whole packet. Though felt abit guilty but also very satisfied. But really not sure if I should eat that satay mee hoon.
Thanks for your update, Taro.

i also have backpain occasionally, gynae said it probably caused by i have injured when i was small...she said, backpain shouldn't happens in early stage of pregnancy. i really can't recall my kid's time story....
cramp, yeah... i've it, but seldom. it's in abdom.

ice queen,
i've satay sometimes, i think it is ok lah...don't take too much sauce will do.
hey cheezel and knottsy, after all the comments from i heard, i had almost decided on TMC. I had a group of friends who are nterested to attend antenatal class, maybe we can all go together to make it more fun...hee

ice queen, i heard when you have a crave for some food, you must take, else ur bb will drool in future. that happens to my fren. maybe its oso an excuse for us ba. (",)
ice queen,
i face the same decision making process every morning: (1) go to work (2) mc. sigh, but i always choose option (1). we both scared boss will black face. actually, i think my boss is ok if i take 1-2 days but not 1-2 weeks that my gynae suggested or frequent mc. i think not only black face, smoke may come out from her head.

i don know about satay bee hoon, never eat it before. what is inside it? peanuts, sotong, pig's liver? is it spicy? i think if u don take it often, shld be ok bah. i used to crave for instant noodles but no nutrient value lor, so i try to control.
Hi ezann, I also have craving for instant noodles....hee hee. But everytime I eat, my husband will scold me.So, will try to control myself.

Dunno why last time I always like to eat sweet stuffs and snacks but now I can't stand them.

These few days got craving for durian but unfortunately season over liao....how????...
hi blueblue
hmmm i also dunno why there are red spots on my tummy but when comes morning it faded then when after bathing at night, the red spots is more obvious....hmmm....

yup i got worried and scared sometimes too, i guess becos this is our first baby, and inexperience too so tend to worry about this and that.......

yesterday i got a nightmare, i dreamt i am bleeding
but dunno why.....luckily its a dream ...

hi taro,

thanks for updating the table.
My EDD: 21-May-2006, Baby = #1, Gynae = Dr Jocelyn Wong, Hospital = TMC
do update us on ur scan today.

oh ya...my EDD change to 6 may 07 liao. hel me update...thanks!!!

the antenatal class got many diff session.....so we have to be in the same session in oreder to attend together....quite diff...since we have so many of us here.

anyone experience slight tightness @ the abdomen there ah?? last night my abdomen there like a bit tight tight feeling...like something inside expanding like tat.....or anyone ache abit there??

haiz...this morning see see...still got spotting..... haiz... i hope it will STOP COMPLETELY soon!!
knottsy, we are using the same gynae. just wondered if you got the FBI card?

and anyone who got the FBI card from TMC know if we get special discount on the packages?
i told my hubby abour the drooling thing. he said, you want the baby to be healthy or not? so, i still can't find the opportunity to have instant noodle...
hi jesmine,

i wanted to apply the FBI card, but when i asked my gynae about the card, she told me to wait till after 1st trimester when its more confirmed and stable then apply for the FBI card. I only know that FBI card got discount on blood test like oscar or triple test i think. she did not mention whether got discount on packages anot.

My colleague once mentioned to me before that if joined TMC membership got discount on antenatal class too.

hi ladies, where do u get the the antenatal session timings ah?
try the link for the antenatal session timming



coded from TMC website:
"As a new mother-to-be, you can obtain TMC medical services such as maternity packages, outpatient visits, laboratory and ultrasound services at preferred rates. You will also enjoy member privileges from our partners for relevant products and services carefully handpicked to complement your medical benefits.
And after your baby is born, you and your baby will continue to enjoy the privileges of quality healthcare at preferred rates."
Hi ladies,
i hv a brand new Pigeon manual breast pump for sale at $90.
The set includes:
1.Manual Breast Pump
2.Peristatic Nipple (standard neck type)
3.Nursing bottles (2 bottles, 150ml)
4.Adaptor for wide neck bottle
5.Breast Pad (2 pcs)
6.CD ROM for introduction to your breast pump.

all are brand new and still inside the box with another box of breast pad (42 pcs).

email: [email protected]


Haha....your hubby so farnie. I normally say BB wanna eat not me. This usu does the trick. But he will only let me eat a few mouthful if I crave for those unhealthy stuffs. Even sometimes I say wanna drink kopi, he will let me have 1 sip! But so far I resisted drinking kopi. The satay bee hoon I ate last nite, he din know cos he work late and I have to eat dinner myself...kekeke....

Hey, this FBI card you all are talking abt, issit applicable for Gleneagles if I am delivering there?
ice queen,

me too leh....so nowaday, my hubby will ask if its me who wanna eat or bb. hehe.....me also a few sips nia...but i skip coffee and tea now. he only allow me to sip pepsi or coke cos i keep haviong craving for gassy drinks.

btw, u ladies taking cold drinks?? wonder if cold drink is the cause of the cramps etc.

just had my lunch...cook myself a bowl mee tak mak with vege, meat and some niang dou fu....hubby working...no one to cook for me....haiz.....have to do myself liao.
Taro, thanks for the chart on the fetus length.....so nice. I checked but dun hv length for 6 weeks, it starts from 8 weeks...is okie, is good as a reference...

Oh btw, can help to update my gynae as Dr Yvonne Chan....TMC.
This morning, when I reached office, felt liquid flowing down..went to ladies and check..got slight spotting...wonder why? is it becos I walk too much?

did u inform your gynae abt the spotting? rest and dun carry heavy stuffs...

My mum did advised me not to take cold drinks..she said not good...But I forgot to ask her why no good...Anyway, sometimes I still drink lor...BTW can drink green tea or not huh?
