(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

lovedogs, gal,
That day i am telling my friend that i've taken crabs. she told me that the baby fingers will be very "active" if took crabs. yeah, it is another oldwives story, but it did happens for some women, just like the baby currently in my friend's house.

Clothing at The Maternity House trendy looking? Just wondering if it's nice and not auntie looking.

Found this in one of the forum
"I was shopping at Vivo City just now and chanced upon a shop called Maternity House (Level 2).

They are having an opening sale which entitles us to get 50% off the prices if we can bundle together to buy minimum 6 pieces.

Before discount prices as follow:
Dresses are at $89 and blouses at around $50+. Didn't check out the prices of skirts. "
hi gal,

i find it not too bad. u can check it out. some are so low cut in front that I cannot wear :p They are having some promo too. 2nd Piece = 10%. 4th Piece = 25%, 6th piece = 50%

once u purchase $200. get a 15% discount card. If u hit $500, 25% discount card.

hi bridget,

your fren's bb fingers very active as in the fingers will open and close very often?
i dun think CL will clean the hse ba...read fr other threads that CL responsibilities only to look after mother n bb. sometime they will go marketing....some even the hubby got to do the marketing.....think if u breastfeed bb, then feeding time u have to take care la....she will help with the bathing etc. think 2nd time mommy can help to ans ur doubts better here ba....me only hear say read one...hehe
u so funni....i think what bridget mean when she say bb's fingers very active is "itchy hands"...like to touch or take things everywhere.....ehehe
Hi Gal,

I am not so sure whether get 6 pieces will have 50%. That's what I thought initially too..i was trying to get 6 pieces....then the sales lady explained to me it is not all 6 pieces at 50%...but the number 6th piece at 50%. So say you buy 2 pieces, 2nd piece will be 10%. 3rd piece normal price, 4th piece 25%, 5th piece normal price, 6th piece 50%.
I still have 1 last jab to go on this Friday and 2 more weeks supply of the hormone pills. I am interested in the antenatal class but not sure when to start or can start early. Will go check it out.

Ice Queen,
It's so exciting watching your baby dancing, right
I think the most difficult time is the yearning for the next visit to see your baby's progress. Long long wait.

Is it okie to drink those black chicken soup sold in food court? I've had that for dinner occasionally.
i saw that there a nov class and then the next class start will be in jan 07. by then we should be in 2nd trimester going 3rd......can join tat session one?

my mom made those black chicken soup for me too but she ony add red dates and wolfberries and one mroe dunno what....not sure those sold outside one they got put what herbs.....u may wan to ask them??
anyone have a weird taste lingering in your mouth after a meal? i am feeling it again, so sian. i also have very bad backache since last week. it felt as bad as those during late pregnancy. i told my gynae that my back is going to break. he said it's normal and is probably caused by the uterus leaning on my spine. he told my hb to work hard in giving me back massages.
hi ezann,

is it safe to pound on the back? my back aches very badly whenever i suffer from gastritis. and i will ask hb to pound my back... but worried too much pounding bad for bb...

what kind of massage your gynae suggested?

hello ice queen,

did u have to pay extra during your last visit with the Nuchal test?
me too...think will join the jan 07 class.

me no have a weird taste after meal leh....my back do feel abit ache when i lying down on the bed....but i didnt do anything abt it.

in fact, any ladies experience some weird feeling in ur tummy recently? like the tummy pushing outwards like tat...sometime feels like lots of needle poking ....
I have back ache as well and my hubby is pounding on it lightly and then using his fingers to press to massage. Cannot pound too hard to relieve if not scare hurt bb.
the massage was taught during the antenatal classes. i think better dun pound too hard. the massage i know mainly uses the hands to stroke the back in different styles.

u probably felt the uterus pushing upwards. i also feel the needle poking, sometimes i get a shock.
my baby girl is coming to 1 year old in 2 weeks' time, so the age gap's going to be 1.5 years only. I suppose it's a bit short, but then age is catching up, so better for me to have now than later.

I used a CL for my first baby. They're only responsible for taking care the mother and baby (including night feeds as well). However, the less calculative ones will also help with housecleaning and cooking for your hb as well, which mine did. Guess it's impt for you to agree mutually on what's expected of her. They will usually do confinement for a period of 28 days (standard).
u also ave that feeling? ....phew!...i abit worried how come like tat lo

oh...ur baby gal gona have a sibling so soon.
..... think my 2 nieces also abt 1.5 yrs diff in age gap....n my sil is only 27 this yr...2 kids liao.
yar lor. i don remember i have the feeling last time leh. don know why like that. maybe u ask dr adrian tonight?
cheezel, ezann,
I also encountered the poking feeling, thought is it baby kicking? My gynae said it is wind.
I intend to go with my hubby on the Saturday or Sunday session. What about you? How about the other ladies here? Wanna join the antenatal classes together?
hi ezann,

thanks. I think i will have to wait till many more weeks later before learning the massaging techniques. think now still early to sign up for any antenatal classes.

Anyone here going to gleneagles? do they have antenatal class?

hi cheetos,

thanks for sharing abt CL. when did you speak to your CL abt the responsibilities? I will want her to cook for hb too. BTW, does she prepare the herbs for you to shower?

i read from that book what to expect when you are expecting. it stated the ideal gap for 2nd bb will be 2 yrs to 2.5 yrs. me too..doubt can wait so long as age is catching up.
same here, tot my ms has improved as now i feel much beta during d day except some days got nausea. but evening tx, esp af dinner, d metallic taste in mouth n d discomfort n nausea will b back, v sian..
gynae jus used his 'normal' scan machine to measure bb neck thickness. i will check w him in my next visit.

i oso book cf aunty liao as i ks. but gd cf aunties ar like hotcakes. i had cf aunty for my 1st bb n i tink d $ is well spent. if u get a gd one, u can hav gd rest n hav nothing to wori.
hi sanrio,

u must have booked back your previous CL? mine is from JB at $1800. I believe this is mkt rate right? Do I still need to give her ang pao? I hope she can cook delicious food as I love to eat the vinegar pork leg... heehee...
by d tx my no. 2 is due, my boy will b 2yrs 8mths old. i m not young either. i pass 30 liao but still got some yrs to 35, so kind of w'in our plan. i m a sahm w my boy since day 1 so wanted to wait for him to pass 2 yrs old b4 sending him to cc.
but i felt tat if i hav gd help like mil or mum's (both of them not too fit oreadi) help, i wld hav consider a closer age gap.
hi everybody,

New member to the forum. And also a second time MTB in May 07. *wave wave*

Saw your exchange on MS. And yupe, i think teh halia is good. And no worries, a cuppa or two of tea a day is totally fine.

A little suggestion here. MS may be due to bloatedness or indigestion. Will suggest those with MS to take very small meals at freqent intervals. Eat slowly and sip with some hot liquid. Also avoid those heavy starchy food coz that puts more stress on the guts.

For me, the onslaught of MS is gassiness. And I will massage my abdomen. If can succeed in burping, then bravo! If otherwise, will feel quite pukey.

And do avoid sugar-ry liquids. Unless you're really very badly dehydrated. As you might know, MTBs run the risk of gestational diabetes. If must, then snack on healthy juices, eg cranberries/ blueberries etc.

Hope this helps! =)
yes my previous cf lady. ya $1800, mkt rate now. practice is 1 ang pao wen she cum, 1 wen she leaves. small amt is ok.
u mean the poking feeling is wind?? i also experience aching leh.....now is at 2 parts near to the joint with the thigh.....ezann...will check with dr adrian tonight.

u joining which class? the nov or the jan 07 one? think i will take also choose fr the weekends class....though my hubby may not be able to join me in every session cos he working shift.

i know gleneagles do have antenatal class. so no worry.....but think only 4 sessions...u may want to check it out....cos i cant really remember.

u also got cf auntie liao ah.....so fast....

i hate vinegar pig trotters....eeee......ehehe.....i hope i wont get to eat tat during confinement.
my cf lady is a cantonese n cook delicious food. she cooked vinegar pig trotters 4 me but i dun eat pork so only take d soup n hard boiled egg.
dun wori, most experienced cf lady can cook d famous vinegar pig trotters/leg
hi sanrio,

i married late.. but also didnt try to conceive immediately. now that i found out i am indeed pregnant, my hb is hoping we can continue very soon for 2nd one. I am not sure as I intend to hunt very hard for a new job during the 12 weeks maternity. So perhaps it will depends on whether i can land myself in a good job then I will consider trying for bb2.

I really envy SAHM...dun think i can ever have such life leh... *sob sob*
ya mus act fast. my frd last min got 1 fr an agency. n her comments was 'horrible'! my frd lost few bottles of birdnest, her cf lady ate so much, as thou she is d one on cf. n worst was her cf lady alwy feed bb until fall asleep even in daytx so my frd has to closely supervise. my frd is d quite 'shui pain' type of person so she din bother to change d cf aunty. she jus close 1 eyes n get it done w..
hi littledan,

congrats and welcome
Thanks for sharing some tips to us 1st timers as well.

Hi cheezel and sanrio,

i not only love vinegar pig trotters, i love pork chop, love kidney fried with seaseme oil and ginger too.. think i love all the confinement food except red dates. During my other gf's confinement, i will be invited to eat their food...heehee... I remembered this gf's CL who is from Ipoh, she cooked the most delicious pork chop i have ever eaten! i wanted to engage her initially but she is already 70 years old!! so too bad

my CL not cantonese leh...me hoping to find one canto one...i think she is hokkien.
The first time I called the CL I also checked with her what her responsibilities were. Didn't want to engage one who was not willing to compromise. Yes, she did boil water with herbs. I think it depends on your luck. Those who are very strict might want "forbid" you to do a lot of things. The more chin chai ones will not force you to do/eat the things that you dislike.

The pre and post ang pow is abt $50, so all in all, the CL costs abt $1900.
sahm is actually d most stressful job. i had a gd job in healthcare b4 i became a sahm. my 1st preg n delivery, evytg paid by my co n i get to enjoy 'A' class ward n stayed 5 days.
i noe how u feel. i oso wan to get it done w n close shop.. but i jus recently gotten over
my 'phobia'. taking care of my boy is 'xiong'. so active n full of energy. af i became a sahm, i lost 4 to 5kg n nvr can put it back.

yes cf aunty stay w me truout d 28days. we extended her for 1 more wk.

2yrs ago, i heard mkt rate is btw $24 to $28 but i dun noe for noe. i tink d amt still ok lah since cf fees is oreadi $1800 n evy yr increasing esp for the high demand ones.
thks cheetos.

just wondering, is the 'before' angbao a must? My friend gave a whooping one to the CL when she arrive, hoping she'll do a good job. But ended up !@#%. So, she advised me to give only at end of the one month. She was so heart pain... washing machine and pots were spoilt by the CL...
i m opp of u. i m a 'halal' chinese. i dun eat n dun like pork. some hokkien are gd cooks too. my cf lady cook yummy soup, i remb taking d papaya w fish soup n had so bad engorgement..
hmm... is vinegar trotters a hokkien dish??
the cf aunty also eat te same thing as us during confinment time??

hmmm....think beside the pig trotter...i should be ok with the rest ba. i also like to eat kidney but cook with mee sua...ehehe...but too much of these food, dunno will feel sick of them anot. plus, if breastfeeding, then cannot take too much ginger right?

u mean the cf ladies will also restrict us one ah....aiyo....
i tink an 'yi shi' will do. cos gd cf lady has their reputation to keep. we din give a big amt but my cf lady did an excellent job.
thanks, Sanrio!

i oso worried abt CL coz i can be quite a freak when it comes to household cleanliness. But mine was engaged from an agent, highly recommended by friend. The agent actually has a list of chores and frequency for the CL. Anything extra, can discuss with the CL.

Btw, izzit true during confinement our clothes cannot wash with that of hb's? I seriously din't know what happened with the first one, coz handled by MIL. The ageny requested me to prepare two pails, one for the mother's clother and one for baby's clothes, which she will handwash.
Wow! seems like the CL load quite tough...

Mine's only S$1.6K + maid levy (S$7 per day)+ S$10 maid permit admin fee. Tot quite worth it.
papaya with fish? eee....i help my mom to prepare that for my sil when she doing confinment....sounds funni hor...papaya cook with fish
yes wat we eat but my cf lady v 'zi tong' type. she alwy tell me dun nid to leave threadfin for her etc. she jus leave aside a bit of chicken or whatever n soup, n af i fin eating, she will eat. i ask her to eat w me, she alwy said no no no, me n my hubby eat 1st. some types of fish or dsihes 'not suitable' for us af delivery, but my hubby wan to eat, he will buy, d aunty will cook.
look like ur cf lady quite nice hor....u engage her back?

wonder if got cf lady never stay at our hse one...like at night they will go back hm??
littedan, cheezel,
my cf aunty has s'pore pr so no nid levy n no nid 'go stamp passport'.

yes she will soak mum n bb clothes separately. af tat she asked me can put in washing machine for mine, i said go ahead.

nowadys most cf aunty ar quite 'modern'. i shower evyday, she will boil herb for me n put in a pail. i bfg n d weather is so hot n af eating all those cf food, even 'hotter'. so i mus shower.
I am joining the Jan07 class. Must make sure your hubby join in when there's the massage class loh so he can help massage your back

I love vinegar pig trotters and ginger. So think will look forward to the food during confinement. Still have not decide whether to get my mum to help or look for a confinement lady. My mum is a very good cook except that she can cook really huge portions and will get upset when you do not finish them... *sigh*

Welcome, littledan. When are you due?
hi sanrio,

thanks for sharing your experience on CLs. I have not spoken to her abt responsibilities yet. I told her i will call her again end of the year to tell her my progress. perhaps at that time, will discuss more.

i can imagine SAHM is not easy. However, you get to spend time with your boy..which i bet u experienced many memorable first moments right... wow!!! your ex company's benefits are amazing! so envious...

1 question, is it true that for 1st baby, govt will give $3K baby bonus?

i think vinegar pig trotters is canto dish leh...

Hi cheezel,

think CL will stay with you and sleep with the bb..coz i think night feeds will be handled by her.

ya same cf aunty. yes there ar some s'porean cf aunty who dun stay overnite. but nite tx most impt. i express bm n cf aunty feed. i only nid to wake up n express wen i got engorgment.
