(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

if hubby has to work on tat session, then like tat me so ke lian...nobody massage my back for me ah at the class.....hehehe....i also join the jan class.

ya most of the time i heard cf lady will stay at night.....seldom heard of not staying one.

most welcome
to me, most impt d cf aunty mus b able to take gd care of d bb cos 1st tx mum, i evytg oso dun noe n v kan cheong. n as long as she is not d 'jing jing ji jiao' type, i believe tat if we treat them nicely, they will b v nice.
my cf lady was recommended by my hubby's colleague. d colleague mil n cf aunty ar gd frds. i tink to get a gd cf aunty, recommendation fr some1 will b best.

oh yes, i witness all my boy's milestone n they were exciting n i felt so great to b w him all d tx. his 1st step: he was trying to let go his hands, walk, scared, sit down etc for weeks.. then 1 day. i told him mummy gg to hide in the rm n i peep fr the rm, he jus std up, walk walk walk all d way fr d living rm to d bedrm. i so 'gan tong' n cried in joy!

yes $3k i tink. my boy miss it by 15 days, only kids born on or af 1 aug 04. f u can check out babybonus website
hi taro,

i think for my case, i will have my mum helping out during confinement period. I do not want my mum to be my CL as she nags alot and I can get very irritated by her.

wow, u also love confinement food...

sanrio and cheetos,

for your 1st confinement, how many days u "tong" not washing your hair? My gf told me she tong for 1 mth!!! i think i few days max coz my scalp is oily kind...
Should be able to know the next class in advance then can request your hubby to change shift? If really cannot, I help you lor
Most of the CLs are not local so they have to stay at your home. Anyway, night time is the most xiong one and night feeds are handled by them, which is good..otherwise you'll have to wake up in the night and you will be hardly getting enough sleep.

Actually I didnt enjoy confinement at all! Breastfeeding wasn't as easy as in the videos..I had a hard time trying to get the baby to latch on. I woke digilently in the middle of the nite to express which was really tiring. I dislike pig trotters and ginger and kidneys, but these are like the confinement staples. And not being able to wash your hair everyday is awful as well.

I hope 2nd time round will be better since I'm a bit more experienced and hopefully more relaxed this time (haha).
I can't imagine not washing hair or bathing for 1 month. I bathed everyday, but washed my hair about once in 3 days...that's the max I could tahan!
i cannot tahan not washing hair leh...one day no wash like very uncomfortable liao...some more the weather so hot nowadays. my colleague also told me she tong all the way no bath no wash hair...bath also bath with herb...n she just wipe herself with towel. n she wear long sleeves and long pants at hm!!!.....how to tahan like tat....

yeah....i heard lots of story abt bb not able to latch properly or mommi has little supply of milk etc....definitely i think its not going to be easy task!

ya my mom mention tat its better to let cf lady take care of bb at night...else with all the crying n movement, not only yourself...even the hubby also no need sleep liao. n during confinement period, should get plenty of rest. if got chance, take nap during the day also.....the bb let the cf lady take care.
hi cheetos and cheezel,

me too, i need to wash my hair daily kind. as for bathing, i thought with the herbs, we can use that to bath everyday?

btw, during confinement, can stay in aircon room?
Talk about sleep...once your bb is born, sleep is like a thing of the past! Even now (at almost one year), sometimes I still have to wake up in the middle of the night. Try to rest more during confinement..I was too kan cheong the first time round...didn't rest at all.

I think it all depends on oneself. You can go to extremes like not bathing/washing hair for one month, no aircon, no fan, long sleeves etc. But as for me, I did things in moderation, even slept with aircon at night. Those practices were more for like olden times in China when weather was cold. It's hot as an oven here...how to practise that?? Then again, there are also many who stick by the rule ;-)
hey, the thread is back!

morning ladies,
how is everyone feeling today?
i am feeling slightly better although still fighting with nausea. i adopted a new tactic: talking to baby. it worked during my first pregnancy. when i feel nauseous, i will tell bb not to be naughty and i will feel better. maybe it's all in the mind but as long as it works for me.

talking about confinement, i have my dreadful experience too. not having to bath is the killer. besides, the weather was damn hot. the fan is on but i tried not to rely on it too much. basically, it was like a torture. anyway, i bathed with herbal water after the 12th day. it wasn't very clean after that but the bath was refreshing. battling with breastfeeding is definitely not easy but i'm glad i survived thru it. having a good cf lady is definitely essential. my mom helped me with my confinement and she really served me from head to toe.
wow ezann,

u tong till 12th day then shower ah? i dun think i can make it that long. I thought with herbs, can shower the new day or something?
finally is up!

hmmm CL, for my 1st delivery, i didnt have CL. i was staying with my mum, and she;s working. Just that she gets the maid to cook those confinement food for me. for this #2, dont think can stay with her, cos my sis staying with her with 2 kids, and she didnt even bother to ask how i'm going to do my confinement. Think i will do self confinement, bo pian, to save the $$ for future use, as $$$ is very tight for us. :p
heyhey!! the thread is up again!! i wonder whats wrong...

wen to see dr adrian last night. i check with him the NT scan, he say have to do at TMC. Initially i opt for NT scan, but then when my hubby check with him on the accuracy, he mention oscar test will give 90%. although i m only 26 this yr, not the high risk mom kind, i still opt for the oscar test....will be going next thurs. NT scan less abt 90 plus i think...n the oscar test is abt 269.

my bb is 11W1D, measures at 4.45cm.....

after the check up, happily go home and have dinner and bath. who knows.....have quite abit of brown discharge...haiz...so just now go back see dr adrian again...bb ok....was given another 2 weeks MC. plus continue with hormone pills lo. so worried.
me same same leh...when feeling not comfortable or have discharge.spotting will massage my tummy n talk to bb...ask bb to be guai guai....it reall works for me too.....after tat will feel better....
hi cheezel,

how was ur gynae check last nite, u manage to get more MC?

i also wanna get leh... but dunno whether GP will give me mc or not.

so sick of working...

me another 2 more wks MC. haben been going work for the whole of Oct liao. read my last few posting to ezann

GP normally wont give so many days MC right?
thanks for the update. wow, u so young leh. my spotting has stopped but i kept having some yellowish discharge. i hope it is just some overflowing mucus from the mucus plug. i really dread taking the hormone pills leh. dr adrian gave me another two boxes the last time i saw him. i felt like telling him i don want to take anymore leh but for bb's sake, just have to keep popping.

yar lor, i tong until so long. some people lagi super, can tong the whole month. a chinese physician once told me that she bathed with herbs everyday but when she told my mom, she doesn't believe lor. she rather i follow old practice.
i also have yellow discharge. should be fine. initially i have spotting, then stopped for a week, then bleeding come then stop also for abt a week...now brown discharge....haiz....me into 12 weeks soon...i tot should be more stable liao.

i was given another 3 more box of hormone pills to last till next week.....haiz....
wah seh! three boxes? i think i will faint. i think brown discharge should be better than bleeding. don worry, u r entering 2nd trim soon, safety zone.
sometime i got 4 boxes leh...cos i m still on 3 tabs each time 3 times per day.....still quite alot hor......i wonder 2nd trimester will still have all these discharge anot...haiz...
wow, cheezel.
u're really superb. your boss didn't say anything ah? if i take such a long leaves, i think my boss will get a replacement already. anyway, baby is the most important one. have to take care....

i also sick of working too, that's why i'm taking leaves nxt week. have to get more rest.

really salute you...hahha...
hi ezann and cheezel,

i do not have spotting but have yellow discharge as well. i wonder is it yeast infection?

i dunno leh... me sick of my work.. feel that it is making me very depressed. been working from home yday and today. tmr have to go back liao. i hated this job since i joined abt 10 mths back. wonder how did i tong so long. now have to tong till delivery then can hunt for another job.

can i get mc saying I am in depression?


so envious of u..... another 2 weeks MC... for me if i go on mc, no one covers me leh... sigh...
no choice leh...everytime i going back work, will have spotting/brown discharge.....so gynae ask me to rest rather than go back work 1 day then spotting again then get worried and then go see him again....so he say might as well rest at hm.

my boss say if need to take rest, then take and rest at hm. ask me no worry abt work, she will get someone to cover some of my routine job for the time being. my department has quite a no. of preggie ladies.....i remember last yr, a colleague of mine got some complication during pregnancy so basically the 9 months, i seldom see her at work....big boss still ok......my company into healthcare, so think will be more considerate to us preggie ladies or sick colleagues ba.
4 boxes??!! *faint* the pills must have cost quite a bomb. i think spotting should stop by 2nd trim bah. i am praying very hard leh.

i also agree that ur boss must be very understanding. i can't imagine mc for a month. my boss sure black face like charcoal.

don salute me, it's a nerve breaking experience. this time the confinement gonna be during the hottest period again, jialat jialat.

i wonder how are the confinement mummies coping during this period. with the haze getting worse, they can't even open window wor. maybe can use this excuse to switch on aircon but also cannot on the whole day.

i thot of that as well but yeast infection comes with itch right?

u so poor thing. i can't imagine how u r going to tong all the way until delivery.
ya lo....practically every visit will take a few boxes hm.... so every visit also need to pay $$$ even tough i already sign up the pkg. haiz. have a colleague, she has spotting all the way till 5th month then stop. i hope mine wont e like her. Pray Hard!!!

i think my director will also not be so happy la..take so many weeks but lucky is i m not working directly under him....i still have a supervisor and manager in between...so quite shelter ba. my hubby also worried tat i take so many MC will affect work lo. but no choice.

ya lo....next yr ...month of mar to aug definitely will be hot period one....cant imagine sweating away and still not able to switch on fan!
I'm also envious of you, can take so much leaves. I am constantly taking like 1 day off a week and there's so many questions in entire office already. This one ask why and that one ask why...
i m already eating into my hospitalisation leave cos MC only left 3 days nia. so for long MC, my company allow it to be change to hospitalisation leave.
hi to all mummies and MTB,

i am new to this forum and im now 10 wks preggie. i am seeing my gynae, Dr adrian this thur again, so excited to c my bb.

i had learnt alot throu the postings and is tryin to sign up for the courses at TMC but tink it is still a bit too eali.

looking forward to hearing experiences from all.

Take care
Hey girls!

Back in action.. now struggling with my exams while on leave fr work.
Went to Dr Fong for my Wk 12 checks. Hvn been seeing him since Wk 9. So kinda nervous cos last saw bb, was only abt 1.8cm.. and all the damn MS is so sickening... actually cried to my mum lately, cos hated the feeling of not being able to control such situations...

But saw the bb ytdy doing the scan. Yippie! BB's 5.1cm Wk 12. Growing healthly. Saw the head, hands and legs. And amazingly, bb moved twice dramatically and placenta has grown as well.

Dr Fong stopped prescribing the hormone pills. Just got iron, calcium and omega pills now.

Think I'm kinda of pampered by my mum. Used to think I'm a strong person, but gathered that I'm strong in my working personality, but not as a mummy... now must start learning to be stronger!

I just hope the MS will go away soon. Gynae said usually wld go away by Wk 14. Crossing my fingers!

May all MTBs stay strong!
u mean annual leave? i have 15 days.

welcome kris!! u seeing dr adrian tan or woodworth?

u also taking hormone pills?? ....i wonder when can i stop taking....
15 days is quite a lot too

U are in week 12 already.. MS decrease any for you since week 10? I am in week 10 and hoping that MS decrease as from this week and not increase.
Issit true that the MS will subside in week 14?? I am still waiting for the lights....lol!

Saw that some of you really have the luxury to take long MC. So good....I wish I can rest for a full week too. Now try to take a day once a week. Already think my boss not very happy.

Any of you ladies have this problem of going to the toilet to vomit during work but sometimes find it so paiseh the noise you made? My office toilet quite small and if someone is in the toilet I dare not make too much noise. Gotta control my vomit till nobody is ard.....getting in my nerve. But really quite paiseh to vomit and make alot of noise in front of other col.
I have the same problem. Usually will try to control until nobody around. If can't, vomit halfway people come in then no choice. Tortuous right?
i shower evyday n wash my hair alt day.

for my 1st bb, tink my ms was over at 14wks. it's like 1 fine day u just wake up feeling 'gd' n finally hav appetite to eat. i enjoyed my 2nd trim cos has lots of energy. i even took up aqua aerobics. but of course there ar other discomfort like heartburn etc but nothing is worst than ms. i m counting down too. tis tx round, my ms is bad compared to 1st preg. end of tis wk will b my 12wk.
i attended antenatal class for my 1st preg. no nid to sign up too early else af tat, 4gotten evytg tat was taught. n d useful lessons ar d stages of labour, breathing technique, how to push etc. will b beta if nearer to our edd. tink d hosp will tell u wen is d 'best tx' to start attending. i attended d 1 at kkh.
increase in yellow discharge is normal during preg. as long as no itch or a strong smell, shd b fine. gynae said jus kip clean n wash w water regularly wo soup. i use cottony pantyliner n change it wen necessary. since i m full tx at hm, i wash w water n keep dry af pee.
hi ezann,

i am trying to take as much leave and mc as i can loh... and try to work from home more often. normally more relax working from home as I do not need to step into the office which i hate. they even ban all forum sites. Hence, if i am in the office, i can't come to this website at all.

hi kris,

welcome and congrats.
hello sanrio,

thanks for the advice... me juz find it rather uncomfortable.

btw during 2nd trimester, u mentioned full of energy... like that, during nite time, can fall asleep easily? Or will still have full of energy till cannot sleep?

hhmm...guess it will be tough to get mc during 2nd trimester liao...

perhaps can talk to ur boss to let u work fr home? else u just take leave once a week like what the others r doing now?

ya...consider the benefits, think my company still ok ba.....we even have off days.

ice queen,
hmm....if u stay inside the cubicle then nobody knows it u inside ma...then u can vomit?.....my colleague tat time vomitted on the toilet floor...cant get to the cubicle in time.....

i really hoppe 2nd trimester will be smooth sailing for us....no spotting no bleeding no brown discharge no MS....
