(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

little dan,
think i will also take up the FBI program too.

ya...heard that they say take bird nest baby complexion will be good!!

we are playing gender prediction game. see who get it right.
cheezel, it's worth it huh? sorrie, haven't done my homework on the benefits. Must pay outfront S$128. But rememeber somewhere there's discount of S$100 for single-bed. Guess, oredi worth it.

hehe... a lot having our bb at TMC. Are u all considering single bed?

from the gender prediction chart, can i know what's the meaning of conception? i only know my first day of last menses but i dunno when's my conception month
knottsy, Dr Wong shld hv told you dur the check-ups. The scan shld estimate your EDD and Conception mth/dd. Check your scan photo.
me whole body round not just the face

take your age plus 1 year (that's the lunar age) then for our case, most of us conceived in the lunar 7 month
sad hor. pple oso say my nose broad liao.
oredi not very sharp to begin with... *sob*sob*

hv u guys put on a lot for the past 10 wks?
hi little dan,

i still dun see the conception mth/dd on the scan....i only saw the EDD = 21-05-2007, then 7w 5d+- 6d
maybe my next thur appt i go ask dr wong heee :p

hi taro,

okay thanks, i will take lunar 7 month i think

my predicted sex: Boy
thanks for update
little dan,

i only felt my stomach getting bigger but think its becos its bloated or got gas....i weigh myself still the same weight.....as i already gained about 2-3kgs weight before i was pregnant

if u know bb is 7wks11days, then can count back lor. minus 14 days for menses time, can estimate your conception dd/ mth liao.

how u find dr wong so far?
for first preg, i din't show till 4-5 months. flat flat one.

now, already showing when i was 5 wks. oso dunno if due to gas or not.

Put on 2.5kg liao. Dr wong comforted and say good weight gain. But I told her I din't put on any for my first child.... She say, ya, actually, not expecting ANY weight gain for the first tri.

Ladies, word for the day is DISCLIPINE.
Now i dun snack. I eat oats with milo if hungry.
little dan
u so guai ah....oats with milo....i no like oats.....i still take normal meals, then in between will have bread/biscuits with milo/soyabean milk....then in between....hehehe....i snack keropok n chips at times.....keke....

i think if u going to deliver at TMC, then should be worth to take the FBI ba. Taro and Jesmine already took up the pkg.

have some colleagues who were preggie tat time, their nose also broad and big...i wonder y....dunno if my one will also become broader anot...

i mean face not like last time got shape....now round round with outbreak on my face and chest n not forgetting tat body also round round liao...hehe....
this is my 1st pregnancy, but can see the tummy quite obvious already....i've put on weight 1.5kg so far....
hullo bridget!

think advisable to keep to max of 10 kg for overall pregnancy. Otherwise, will be quite a load for our body.

R u wearning maternity clothes oredi? hehe...u oso expecting ger ger =)
I think it'll show earlier for 2nd time pregnancies. Sigh...yday hb commented that my tummy looks like more than 2 mths preggie when I'm only 9 weeks

actually i only been to her clinic once for my 1st gynae check, before that i went to my family doc and my family doc did a simple blood test for me. next thur will be my second appt with her...to me, Dr wong is quite helpful and polite, as my hubby and i are first timers, we asked a lot of qns, and she did not rushed us, our first visit to her think about 1 hr....she even passed me her namecard and told me if i have queries i can email her.....so i did emailed her on qns and she replied very fast.
we even asked about FBI program, blood test etc and even cord blood thingy...think we are kan cheong type...she explained that now still early and wait till end of first trimester then sign up those FBI program at least pregnancy is more stable and confirmed loh....
but she did mentioned to me that she will ask me to take milk when the time comes as baby needs calcium but not now loh

so she passed me sample of the dumex milk powder and a first timer bag with brouchers.

is ur first child delivered by dr wong?
ur 1st pregnancy u put on how much wt? after tat easy to shed off? i wonder will the post massage helps...

u start wearing maternity wear liao?
No, I haven't started wearing maternity clothes..that's too embarassing. Still can fit into my current clothes (the looser pants and skirts).
I gained 13kg for my 1st preg...lost it all quite quickly. Trust me, with breastfeeding, lack of sleep and running after the little one, you'll shed off quite fast. Post natal massage helped too, but it's quite uncomfortable especially with the wrap (very hot and itchy and gotta wear overnight). The best way too lose weight quickly is still bfeeding..save milk powder $$ + lose wt!
hi cheezel,

my gynae sharing a clinic with another two gynaes (carolyn and adrian), its at level 3 of tmc hospital. her namecard got her personal email, she told me can email her...so i keep emailing her can i take herbal drink like luo han guo, chrysantaman tea anot, she says can as long as its moderate becos nowadays very hazy...think i going to fall sick
, throat very dry.....
me now on mc...so i always wear pajamas...but it always happen when i need to go out, i find my clothing esp t shirt all very tight liao....each time a few pcs cannot wear....bottom wise...no need to try cos all cant wear liao. my tummy also no so big to wear maternity blouse but if dun wear, i have nothing much to wear except big t shirt.

drink more water n eat more fruits. think prob due to the haze.....

Dr wong neber pass me any first timer baggies leh

I'm oredi on Anmum. One cuppa a day b4 sleep. Anlene will follow soon, when in 2nd tri. Bb will take a lot of calcium then. So must replenish. Remember this, mommies.

Nope, changed gynae. Coz hb finds the first one too quiet and un-informative. Yeah, i heard dr wong will spend 1 hr with first-time moms. Back then, with my first doc, we're out within 15 mins.
See, the diff?

So, you'll be on the 12-wk package when u next visit her?


first one only abt 8kg. Depressed lar. My ex-boss, caucasian single women, was very very mean when she found out i was pregnant. Made life so untolerable, I quitted when I was 6 mths. In fact, at abt 5 mths, I lost 1kg with no MS. Quite serious lor. Doc say bb very small, must extra extra take care. sigh...

So yeah, agree with cheetos. Bfeeding is the absolute, No.1 fat-burner. Hb said he remembers reading from somewhere that expressing a full bottle of milk is equivalent to 500calories. Coz our bm is very very full of fats and nutrients.

And for you out there affected by haze. Ok, to take luo-gan guo and chrysanthemum. Just make sure it's the YELLOW chrysnthemum. The WHITE one is too liang. >>knottsy, take care har. Drink more warm water, and take chinese pear (un-refrigerated). May help.

thanks, yah i have been taking apple everyday and fruit juice as i still dun really dare take barley, luo han guo etc.....but if really sore throat, i think i will take them liao....

sigh the stupid haze keep increasing today!!!!


now psi is 113!!!!

cannot take fruit juices when u coughing dear!
the sugar/ or fructose in these will only worsen your cough.

i tried and tested liao. both pregnancies, once in a while will drink ju hua cha and luo han huo. just moderate. drink liang teh... drink water... balanced liao.
hihi! *wave*

hi cheezel, me 11 weeks liao.
feeling bloated and fat. face also starts to become rounder -_-;

littledan, this is your 2nd pregnancy?

ya, really hate the haze. Really hope that I can just stay at home. sigh.
i've not yet wearing.. too early lah.
yeah... the chinese calendar shows almost all "G" at my age..hahaha...needless to see the month also.

haze...the face also polluted. have to thoroughly wash the face to avoid skin problem.
hi ziying,


hi littledan,

the first time visit bag i think all brochures but i not look at it yet.....recently very bloated and tired too lazy to read....but i went for the tmc maternity tour before deciding on tmc.....that one not bad heee, they give u a bag with some brochures and a small cute baby top.....heee

oh what's the difference between Anmum and anlene?
i still deciding which brand of milk powder to take, sigh but i dun like milk taste but no choice

wah ur first doc in a rush? so quick consultation?

dun worry, u can ask dr wong a lot of qns, she very patient to explain to u

my next thur visit to dr wong only on my 10-week, but dr wong package only starts from wk 12
so still cannot start on package yet.....

have u started package with dr wong?

think by the time i start my package with dr wong, i most prob will sign up the FBI program, seems got quite a lot of discount.

oops....i have been having dry cough but throat dry...so taking fruit juice :p
ok thanks will take note

oh even at first trimester can take ju hua cha and luo han huo?

yar yar... i bit of a freak when it comes to dust. i imagine the particles on my hair/ skin/ lungs.. yeeks. that's why now always hide indoors. indirectly, making me fat! stupid haze.


tot u juz visited Dr wong, how come gg again in 2 weeks? i'll be, in the next one in Nov. Otherwise, quite ex leh. one urine test oso S$7. I asked the nurse why so ex huh... next time I go pharmacy buy myself, can have enuff to buy them lunch liao. hehe...

yes yes dear. it's ok. yellow chrysanthemum one. the white one too cool. Coz I just went to get some yesterday, and confirmed with the medicinal shop.
tot chrysanthemum tea quite cooling....u mean the yellow one not so cooling so we can take? i also no dare take all these leh......

me also 11 weeks....so when is ur EDD? u r with which gynae?

yah loh i went for my first visit on 7th oct - 7 weeks that time...then dr wong advised me to come on the 9th week for my 2nd visit...which is supposed to be this week but becos next week i got off-in-leiu due to public holiday this sat...so i told her can wk 10 anot loh.......

this is my first pregnancy, i also curious how the bb inside me growing now....sometimes i dun feel anything and keep having diaherrhea these few days

yah my first visit cost me about 145 dollars...7 dollars for urine test...then went on sat more ex 88 dollars, weekdays is cheaper price..then scan also needs money, then got vitamins pills. then got gst too!!!

can we really buy our own urine test strips and bring it to the gynae? else 7 dollars per urine test ex

that's why i wanted to take up her package asap but her package only starts week 12 onwards

my colleague passed me folic acid so no need to buy for now and she told me i can get folic acids from ntuc pharmacy cheaper too but i still have some so not getting now.

actually, chryansanthemum is not a very cooling herb. On its own, it's only a refreshing drink. And good types has anti-carcinogenic potentials. In moderate amounts, it helps to cleanse our system, not really cool it.

Yes, was told the white one may not be suitable.

But considering, the present climate. it is ok to take it. Key word is to know your own system. If you have a lot of discharge, or having spottings, then don't take it, to avoid complications. But if all's gg well, i dun think it's a hazard.

I'm pretty familiar with this chinese medicinal shop near my house. And they know i'm preggie. So, always tell what can / cannot take. I trust her lor. She's a mother herself.

dunno leh. gotta ask the shop lor. though i was told the yellow type is cheaper. I think to be safe, ownself brew better lar.

Fast one, only abt 20 mins can oredi.

Oh izzit? i tot the consultation charge is if first time or consecutive.

First time on sat, was charged S$88. Second one, also 2 wks later, was charged S$48 for a friday consultation. She asked me to go back coz my ovulation date was delayed for 3 wks, if based on the scan's estimation. She needed to check that the bb is growing at the right rate.

But for the second check, i told the recep no urine stik for me. Coz just did it 2 wks ago. Not that i'm miserly, but it was simply not worth it.

With my last gynae, the urine stik was free.

Dunno how it's like with other gynaes. Mommies, care to share?
hey mommies...

i had terrible nites! Strangely my sickness started ard 8+pm and wld vomit by 12+mn for past 2-3 nites...

do u guys hv the same experience when vomit that it's really uncontrollable, all the stuffs just out by itself? I'm unsure if it's normal, cos I felt as if my eardrums r gg to be exploded, i can even see veins showing visibly at both the temples of my head. Face turned red, quite scary.

I wonder if it's abnormal to have such huge vomit reaction...
Question: anyone check your own pulse to see if it's beating very fast?
Mine is abt 98 to 108 beats per min.
I forgot to ask gynae in my last visit.
How abt u guys? Normal?

when i vomit also uncontrollably....the stuff just come out on its own lo....if theres stuff then still not too bad...but if nothing comes out, then i can feel as if my whole stomach going to get force out liao....and after tat feel aching.

i no check pulse. gynae also no check...just check my blood pressure.

my urine test is also free...but i dunno if its cos i took the pkg liao so no need pay.

can buy folic acid fr guardian too. also very cheap...think ard $1+ for abt 100 tab?...cant really remmeber...but i bought a few times liao. now my gynae just give me for free so i no go buy....
for folic acid. i went to my gp to get. company pays for medical visit anyway.

cheezel, were u able to sign-up the package on your very first visit? Dr Wong's clinic say only for 2nd visit onwards leh...

sad rite to go thru such a damn ritual ? Pardon my lang. I'm already so half-hearted going thru this pregnancy.
Now I fear for the time to arrive when I feel sick @ the gastric really (the churning feeling) and then afterwhich follow by blockage ard the throat, thats when I know "SHITE! Here it comes again!"

Tried to sleep to forget the feeling oso no use. Drink ginger ale oso no use. Drink apple juice w pinch of lime juice oso no use. Gave up liao.

Appetite during breakfast and lunch is ok, so eat full. Come dinner time, tsk tsk tsk, complete no appetite.

Ppl's been telling me, eat small portion, more meals, so difficult...

Now I truly understand the greatness of Mommies...
