(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

read few recommendation that Clarins is good. Me too, din apply on my breast cos feel wierd leh....

Welcome pingping.......
wow, u hv started buying maternity clothes? Any good shops,can share share here....

Oily face, so far I dun hv such symptoms yet. My only symptom is that I get hungry easily....
I think I hv put on alot of weight. Oh ya, breast become fuller....my hubby commented that now looks more sexy...ha ha.

see the previous thread abt monthly expenses for the baby....guess it's ard 600 to 800 per mth or even more...guess got to curb my shopping...some how feel like not buying things for myself nw....keep seeing baby stuffs....hee hee. anyone feels the same?

My gynae has already ask me if i want to do the nuchal test as the test has to be carried out between 11-14wks. Well like the first one, we will take the test lor thou the risk of having one is pretty low.

Dun get worry about not seeing your little one. When i went for my check which is my 6wks. Gynae also cant see BB with norm Ultrasound scan but jus the sac. She inserted a tube into me to see my little one. Then we spotted it at 5mm with a small little heart beating. So dun get worried and tell your BB how much you love him/her.

You're right. That's the term, i can't recall the name for it when i type. :p If one of the partner is a carrier, there will be 25% chances of the BB to be a carrier, normal or minor. If both parents have then the chances will change. Can't remember the figures. Its left at home. I'm working right now.

must control your diet leh, my last pregnancy i put on 2kg every visit. Imagine i put on at least 20kg before my BB was born. After that i can't go back to my pre-preg weight liao. So sad...all my clothes got to upsize, even my shoes too.

All these are due to hormone changes. I can't comment much for skin product. Maybe you wanna check with your gynae wat to avoid first?
Morning mommies....

Hi Pingping,

Welcome. And don't worry so much. Most likely you were like me ovaluate late that kind also.

Hi Meow,

When do we do the Di Zhong Hai test? At which week? I know one of my auntie (my dad's side) is a carrier. Not sure if any of my hubby's side is a carrier though, so pretty worry dat both of us might be carriers? My gynae did not really check on my family history too. So wondering if we shd do the test. I think we shd right since got family history. Actually wanna do the test before conceive but now too late.
Hi MTBs,

Usually the gynae will inform you when to do the various tests (for down syndrome, thalassemia, blood glucose, Strep B, etc), so don't worry about keeping track as they will definitely schedule you at the right time.

Re: Malay massage. I get the Malay lady to come over to my place, so don't have to go out of the house. I pay $60 for a 1 hr pre-natal massage. If you are interested, can PM me for her contact.

My 1st gynae appt is this afternoon..praying hard that I can see the heartbeat. I'm kinda worried cuz I did a lot of heavy duty housemoving in the prev. wks, so hopefully everything turns out fine this afternoon.
Hi cheetos,
What week are you? If more than 7 weeks, most likely you can see the heartbeat. Don't worry too much.
icy queen,
Like what cheetos has mention, they will schedule for the test when its duw. Dont worry, its never too late to check.
Opps...really?may be i ovaluate late ...then i feel more comfortable now...next tuesday will consult the gynae again..hope can see the little one... very excited now...
Any of u consult Dr Kee Wei Heong? any comment har??
i think u can use tea tree oil, it is mild type. can apply even biten by mosquitoes.

not sure whether i'll get a maid or not, as there are so many stories about them. actually, i prefer to take care by myself, but have to work.....then only can provide the best to the small one.

no worry. u'll smile tomorrow after seeing the heartbeat.
Morning ladies, how are u all getting on?

Yesterday to see my gynae cos of vomiiting and feeling giddy, i was given 3 days MC but will only take 2 days else my boss will show her charcoal face at me. Gynae did a scan and told me that bb heartbeat can be seen...(a dot blinking)

my EDD has been revised to 20 May 07. Anyone shares the same EDD as me?

is maternity clothes at OG cheaper? heard it from my coll.

cheezel, hmmm... 2 sets of baby clothes? haiz. i already have my clothes at both places then with the reno gg on at mil's place. think we most prob gg to spend our time there except weekends. can't afford to have 2 cots and stuff. the ex ones.

Some of you mentioned abt the blood tests. i took the complusory tests already during my last visit when doing the thyroid test. All tested negative.
if the mum tested +ve for thalassemia or di zhong hai ping xue zhen then the dad will also have to go thru the blood test.

My complexion also not good. got small pimple like popping out on forehead and chin. whiteheads and so on...
me also...starting coem out alot of white head..pop here and there...
I ever heard pple said if complexion good will get baby boy if not good will get baby girl...is it true?
Same here.. I have a lot of white heads in t-zone area. Wondering what's wrong these days as well?

Hi ping ping,
I heard that old wives myths too. Ugly means girl and Pretty means boy
Ping ping, also dunno how true it is. Any one can verify?

i think alot of other factors also contribute to the gender of the bb. My mum was asking to see my navel... belly button gt pop out and so on. she say pop out means boy.
Hi Jesmine,
I see a lot of friends of mine pop out and get girl.

I heard something about likes meat boy likes vegies girl. U heard of that?
eh... but gal... i read this "The recipe to test this method is below, but it is NOT advisable that you try it as it produces very toxic fumes and the results are unreliable."

Think got to REN lo. till 16 weeks onwards then will know the gender.
I haven't tested but a few of friends tested and say it is not suppose to be done very near u.. Try putting further from you. So, until now I dare not try. Still guessing game is safe.
gal... oic... but then girl/boy fated. already inside our tummy. we love them all the same no matter their gender. don't you agree. Most impt is that they are healthy. No doubt that we still have slight preference over certain gender.
Btw ladies, so you all taking folic acids and multivitamins everyday now?

And any one who has constipation problem before pregnancy and so what do you all do now to prevent constipation?

and also anyone who has indigestion problem? food like stuck in the chest area and gt the urge to puke and feel tight there but nothing come out?
gal, i agree with you. me secertly hoping that mine is a boy. maybe cos i am the eldest in the family and i think it will be nice to have an elder bro.
Hi ping,
There's many versions of this going on round and round. Seems everyone is different one.

What's your prediction verdict?
i took folic acids and multivits every morning.

My hubby hope our first child is a boy too, he told me he dreamt of his son...hahaha.
Hope he wont be disappointed if its a girl.
I tried saving instead of opening and then save to a location. Then open from there. It works for me.
afternoon mummies.
everyone is so curious about the gender of the baby. i used the chart to predict the gender of my first kid but it was not accurate leh.

welcome and congrats.

what is oscar? how much does the test costs?

precious moments,
OG does have some cheaper maternity clothes but i find the design not very nice.
hee...actually shld all 7 month...buy just that my EDD date fall on 31 MAy...if MAY no 31st then i shld be MTB of JUn 07 heee...
ic...thanks, pls share with us if you know where to get cheap and nice maternity clothes.

can we still go for mani/pedicure during our 1st trimester?

ping ping and Jesmine,
I am confused as well. I think just look into 7th mth column and use our lunar age.
So what was both of your prediction result?
