(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

<font color="ff0000">moxi</font>

i feel HAPPY when all things washed n tumbled dry n folded nicely back into the cupboard. hee hee den will feel house so clean.

oso using front load n i once put Snowy inside n snap a picture hee hee.

i oso using Kodomo detergent, once hoh, over flow is too 'foamy' too now i try to control loh, pour a bit.

<font color="ff6000">lovedogs</font>

wah u the longest ML among all of us, can't bear to leave Tessa / ur rest at home? hee hee

I am like 166cm and hubby is like 178cm. Been to check up every month but PD didn't say anything.. At first, my gal was like eating 7-8 feeds a day and PD asked us to reduce to 6-7 feeds.
I heard bb can sleep in for one week and then dun sleep in for another week. So crossing my fingers that she will sleep in as long as possible.
hihi Mummies
Enjoy your lunch
so sad bb & I can't make it.

Thx for the Kellymom link, it answers my doubt.

hapybaby & moxi
I oso just bought kodomo detergent. Smells nice.

I'm using CB calendula cream too, don't apply too much. That time my bb has a lot of rashes on her face so I apply a little bit and it works. Then I re-apply too many times in a day until it "burns" her skin.
Jesmine, caymon
Both of you mentioned about rocking in the sarong, do you have those automatic ones? I am rocking my gal to sleep in her rocking chair, now thinking if I should put her into the sarong.
hi mummies, my sophie had fever yesterday after the vaccination, but subside already. think i cannot go to the lunch cuz have to monitor a bit more. and my mum has appt, so cannot relief me. you girls have fun! maybe next outing can bring my girl.

wondering how do you attach bb's photo into a posting? think my photo size too big, but i dunno how to adjust leh.
No worries. There'll be more gathering to come.

Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Paint and open your pic. Select Image > Stretch/Skew > enter a percentage to reduce the size say 50% Horizontal 50% Vertical
<font color="0000ff">Re: Lunch Gathering</font>
Venue: Vivo City @ swensen @ #02-117
Date: 24 July
Time: 12noon

1. Kris
2. sunee + bb Amelia
3. lovedogs
4. Cheezel
5. serene
6. sanrio + bb
7. sgn + Darren
8. zhuzhu
9. precious
10. Icy_queen
11. suisui
12. Jeanyard
13. zaczac
14. cheetos
15. Taro (I'm COMING!)
16. Dudette + bb (will be late ie. 1 plus)
17. caymom (will only arrive around 1pm)
ambery, you are welcome. i fine that the webby is v useful

gal, ernest not sleeping in sarong. we cradle hin in our arms

lovedogs, i think should be ok since ur baby is latching on
Re: Lunch Gathering
Venue: Vivo City @ swensen @ #02-117
Date: 24 July
Time: 12noon

1. Kris + bb kelly
2. sunee + bb Amelia
3. lovedogs
4. caymom (will only arrive around 1pm)
5. serene
6. Dudette + bb (will be late ie. 1 plus)
7. sanrio + bb
8. sgn + Darren
9. zhuzhu
10. precious
11. suisui
12. Jeanyard
13. zaczac
14. lynn
15. cheetos
16. Taro
taro, sgn, appreciate your concern.

taro, thanks! will try it later, then maybe can post bb pic for you all to see.

you all dun forget to take photo during the gathering ah!!
no special low suds detergent fr bb lei .. i use kodomo / tollyjoy but usually for bb i dont put too much deterg. so the bubbles havent caused a flood. For the toys /dolls - i usually scrutinise b4 buyg (esp those made of felt/ furry) to see wehther cn wash anot kekeke.. if canx wash usu i wont buy. so bb very poor thg , got very few toys only. for her books/ plastic toys, i wipe with dettol b4 use.
suisui and hapy
I read ur experience abt leaving bb on the first day at infant care or bb sitter. Cant help feeling sad too. I already miss bb at times when I was out for few hrs.
Now I know why some mummies chose to be SAHM!
yo, i sent u pic alr hor ?

re : bb wt gain
yest afternoon, i was reading jesmine post on bb wt n i was completely panic abt bb wt- so last nite i really chiong to pd. but hor, even tho my bb ONLY 5.3 n alm 3mths old le, but pd insist no problem n shw me the percentile at back of the health book sayg tt my bb wt rite smack in teh middle..so she's of avrg wt. haiizzz.. but i still worried lei..

Today brought Ryan to see PD cos he is breathing hard like catching his breath due to his blocked nose. Then measured his weight. he is 6.6kg at 2months old. I used Jesmine's formula. He is drinking 180ml which is way above his required volume. But PD said if he is ok with drinking so much, then let him drink. I wonder if I should let him drink so much...a bit worrying but still wan him to grow fat fat...contradicting hor.
my workplace block all auction sites .. so i can't view lei .. neber mind i go hm lata n view .. btw, .. u like the maryjanes?? i LOVE them lor !! so cute ...

so envy u lei .. ryan so big n chubby ... i worry my bb underfed ah .. nw strategising with hb wat to do ... aiiii

i oso wanna ask my PD tis Fri which percentile Avrielle in as she only 5.8kgs n 14 weeks le leh!!! like so skinny though we keep saying she's chubby and heavy etc.
haha, maybe i crazy lah.... i keep comparing Dylan and Dylis, Dylan(2.685kg) lower birthwt than Dylis(3.075kg), but by 2nd mth, his wt already 5.5kg, where Dylis only 5.1kg.... so i was kinda worry... :p

i no one to compare but heard from Jesmine hers 7+kg den i go 'huh, avy elder than ernest 1 day leh but she haven't hit 6kg yet' den see the Michelin Kelly den i'll go, oh my gosh, where got chubby avy, we tink she chubby as she's the only baby around, u see some more, she ok lah, not really those VERY VERY chubby types. :p
i finally get to 'taste' the parting with baby feeling today

if financial allows, i prefer to be a sahm too...
Dun envy me. My ryan's weight is big but i think it's due to the heavy bone. I guess all mummies are concern abt feeding bb, be it overfed or undefed. quite worrying hor. I also dunno why when he wants more milk even after 180ml, to me it's scary....cos like dunno what is hunger and what is full. for underfeeding, also got own worries. I fully understand the kind of feeling....tat's why we r called MUMMIES...haha.

Ur avy looks chubby too! She got the face that make me wan to pinch her cheeks! very huggable too....
Jesmine's bb is a boy, sometimes gain faster than gals...hee.

No worries..so long as she is growing and not losing weight, I guess it's ok. For weight, not over too much or under too much, should be ok.
Dylis also drinking 90ml 3hrly ...

hi Blue,
Since doc never mentioned anything about her wt, and she's drinking well, then i let it be.... ^_^
Re: Vivo Gathering
thanks mummies for the wonderful time, bb michelin n i enjoyed ourselves veri veri much. looking forward to our mext gathering soon
hi ambery,

wow! bb faith is a brave gal

did u tell the nurse the type of thermometer u use? Coz i told the nurse the type i am using and she said 37.5 and above then considered fever leh.. i was also told no need to wait till fever then give... i can give before the bedtime feed in case fever during the night. hence, i gave her med last nite eventhough no fever.

taro, bridget,

so far, bb tess no fever yet. hope will remain this way..

bb YX's fever still have not gone down huh? poor thing... did u try fever patch? what's his temperature now?


i think if by tonite still no fever, i wont give again loh... how many times u gave med last time markus went for jab? okie, i will give u a call tmr early evening if i can pop over can? if not, then next weekend.
hi ambery,

wow! bb faith is a brave gal

did u tell the nurse the type of thermometer u use? Coz i told the nurse the type i am using and she said 37.5 and above then considered fever leh.. i was also told no need to wait till fever then give... i can give before the bedtime feed in case fever during the night. hence, i gave her med last nite eventhough no fever.

taro, bridget,

so far, bb tess no fever yet. hope will remain this way..

bb YX's fever still have not gone down huh? poor thing... did u try fever patch? what's his temperature now?


i think if by tonite still no fever, i wont give again loh... how many times u gave med last time markus went for jab? okie, i will give u a call tmr early evening if i can pop over can? if not, then next weekend.
