(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

my lele is 5.6kg.. turning 3 months in 4 days time.. lighter than yours lo.. also drinking about 120ml.. sometimes more, sometimes less.. at night can sleep quite long liao.. record is 10 hours!


avrielle zzz record all haywire liao. no longer can zzz thru. i missed those days she can zzz 6-8 hours straight through. her record 9 hours, from 10 to 7.


can understand but u have to tell urself Lele is in good hands, she will enjoy herself there more as more playmates, caring teachers etc, dun let ur imagination run wild really else how to work?
the formula is taken from the tmc books.

think i am more at ease now. the webby that i posted say:
The research tells us that exclusively breastfed babies take in an average of 25 oz (750 mL) per day between the ages of 1 month and 6 months. Different babies take in different amounts of milk; a typical range of milk intakes is 19-30 oz per day (570-900 mL per day).

so using the calculator. the highrange per feed is 180ml. but think i must feed him 5 feeds a day and make sure he don't miss any.
hapybaby, why haywire le? maybe arrange for her to sleep ard same time each night?

ernest's schedule more or less fixed. ocassionally hay wired abit. mostly sleep ard 7, 8 plus then before mid night feed then ard 5-6am feed, else is 10plus zzz then 7am then feed.
hapybaby/ suisui
i abit worry lor, cos the bb sitter looks blur to me, and when i talking to my hb he also find her blur. i still have 2 week to be will my bb b4 bringing him to bb sitter, now i already bu she de lor. i will kiss and smell him play with him hopefilly he will remember his mummy.

tks for the formula, i think my bb is under fed ley, but i dare not increase his feed too much as
1) not enough BM, on TBM as he having diarrhoea
2) vomit his feeds
3) sometimes he can't finish his feeds

now giving him 120-130mls per feed and 6-7 feed per day.
hi sgn,
yes, i'll be going for the lunch gathering, but will be rather late. Will collect the bottles from you then! See ya!
i refer to my bb's health book n found the chart too. how to see percentile high good or low good?
k will bring the bottles for u, u want 4oz or 9oz ones?
got something to ask u, the pigeon teats u use does it turns blur (clear looking when brand new). thinking can't use wanted to change.
if on tbm then ok not underfeed. use the calculator to calculate and seemed like 120-130 is on the high range lo if feed ard 6-7 times.
i tink bb kelly is the biggest drinker here, her average intake is 1100-1200ml per day, 8 feed a day, faint.

she will b gg to the vivo lunch tml, muz leave a big space for her yeah, bb michelin comin
<font color="119911">RE: Sucking</font>
My bb also likes to suck her fist and rub saliva all over her face! This morning, she also sucked her beansprout pillow. I remember my elder gal also started sucking fist around 2-3mths old.

<font color="ff0000">RE: Returning to workforce</font>
Having mixed feelings about going back to work. On one hand, I feel that I need to go back before I forget how to do my work. On the other hand, I am worried my mom cannot handle the kids but I can't extend my maternity leave any further. When I had my first kid, I was more than happy to go back to work but this time, I feel "bu she de" to leave them... although taking care of both of them can drive me crazy sometimes. Sigh.

<font color="0000ff">RE: Milk intake</font>
I am bottle feeding my bb during the day and I realised she is taking around 120ml per feed, around 6 feeds a day. When I latch her, she demands around 7 feeds a day. She takes more milk for the last feed because I need to latch both sides whereas during the day, I only latch one side each feed.

<font color="ff6000">RE: Nap time</font>
My baby takes nap after each feed but I realise she cannot sleep long, sometimes only 15-30min. Any bbs also like that? She can sleep longer at night but not very stable yet. If she sleeps early, she will wake up in the middle of the night.

<font color="aa00aa">RE: Hiccups</font>
Any bbs hiccup a lot? My bb hiccups a lot, can be 3 times a day when she was younger. Now she still hiccups at least once a day.
just came back from the 3mth / 12th week assessment and was fuming mad with the polyclinic nurse, doc and management:

1. I went on the 12th week, which is defined by KKH as the "3rd mth" but the nurse refused to give us the 3rd mth vaccination (6in1) saying we went too early! she wants to stick strictly by birth date-month. and we're just 5 days away from "3rd mth" also cannot. she said later they will be confused. wah lao, february has 28 days, then how to count. they are so inflexible. Then she made me go back next week.

Question: so how old is our baby when they do the 3rd month assessment? is it 12 weeks or by month-date?

2. See polyclinic doc for Cookie's assessment. Cookie had milk rash and I asked doc how? she said never mind and will go away. she didn't even check his neck and arm-folds for rash. I asked if need to apply lotion. after many probing, then she said can prescribe steriod if I want.
Cookie had seen a PD in the morning, who, immediately prescribed a cream for his ringworm on his cheeks caused by milk rash. Also warned me on his eczema on his legs.
- you gotta put bb on tummy then can see the redness on the leg fold.

anyone apply anything to bb's cheeks for milk rash?
anyone using California baby calendula cream?
Uhm, the "inside" scent is different from "outside" scent wor.. I feel tat outside scent is like milk smell..

The pouch is alright lah. Bb quite like it as I tried it yesterday. I used cradle position still. Hope to try upright position soon; as his neck quite ok.. Yours? How's the pouch going?

Yup, my bb cant sleep long during the day too after feeds... Perhaps they know it is the daytime, they wanna play and more awake? My bb also hiccup at least 2 times a day. Sometimes more. I will feed him with abit of water or latch him when he hiccups. Then hiccups will be gone..
I apply "Mildema Prickly Heat Dusting Powder" (which i used on bb bald head's heat rash) on my bb face - just use fingers to dap the powder on his face and sweep thru, it works for him..
i bb sleeps longer when i latch him on during the day time. maybe he likes mama smell wahahah.

75% means what good? ya the last time my GP friend says can be late but not early for jabs. 1-2 days early is ok.
Darren also got rashes over the cheeks and chin i every use egozite cream to apply for him twice a day without fail. use wet cotten pad to clean his face and dun use hanky. even u use hanky must change every feed.
tell u sthg .. i also like to watch my front loading washg mach go round n round kekeke

re: bb feeds
nw i panic liao .. my bb like not drinkg enuf lei .. only 5feeds n average maybe130? i better go see pd *panic*

i cn imagine ur distress at leaving lele with someone esle. 1st day i returned to wrk i also felt like u .
btw, hv u started menses already ar? i havent yet lei . recently dunno why lei, i feel more 'ji dong'..dunno is it cos PMS... any1 started menses yet ar ??
hi jesmine,

if i bottle feed, she takes 140ml. but hor, as i latch most of the time, i dunno how much she is taking... guess shd be ard the same coz i will latch until she refused the nipple further. also 5 feeds aday only. i dunno wats her weight but i reckon still less than 5kgs leh.. cham... 180ml per feed is a lot leh...


how does milk rash looks like? erm... the PD i go to gave me a scheduled next appt. so it was stated 13 Aug...hence, exactly her 3rd mth...so not 12 weeks..


my bb also hiccups like twice a day at least. normally happens after i latch her during the day time. and hor, during the day, the nap is very short only... dunno why...

Re : nepia diapers

dunno why but last few days, using nepia during day time... poo leaked leh... plus not a lot of poo somemore. using S size now...doesn't seem to be too small leh.. sigh... i got 4 packs leh.. dunno how..


wat brand of baby detergent u using ah? coz my front load washing machine keeps overflowing when i use the kodomo detergent as it is super high sud! i dun have this problem when i use normal detergent for adult clothes... is there a baby detergent brand that is low sud?

read that u also wash the soft toys? how ah? i nvr wash leh...i worried it will go out of shape? and some has "music" kind...will it be spoilt after washing?
mine also front load washing machine and also using kodomo detergent. did u pour the detergent straight into the washing machine?? what my maid did is she will pour the detergent into the pail 1st and soak the bb clothes. after half an hour, she will use clean water to rinse off before putting into the washing machine.
I brought bb to PD last week for 5-in-1 jab, PD did said im too early, as bb only 2 mths. He said according to book, supposed to be at 3rd month. But he said, some countries, some bb took at 2nd mth.. so he dun mind giving bb the jab at 2nd mth.. Maybe u can check again in your next visit?
My gal is sleeping thru the night : average like sleeping at 10pm and waking up at 6am. Once daylight starts, she wants to eat every 3 hours even when we give 180ml(around 5-6 feeds a day). Because this is expressed milk, can we not give when bb is hungry?

My gal is like 6.2KG at 10+ weeks. Is she overweight? I wonder....
<font color="ff0000">Jesmine,</font>
I see. Same here lor, I have to keep rocking her in the sarong to keep her asleep.

<font color="aa00aa">YY,</font>
Perhaps you are right. My bb will keep smiling and cooing at me as if talking to me. I think I should thank my lucky stars that she seldom wakes up in the middle of the night to "chit-chat" with me.

Your bb takes water willingly? My bb hates water leh, so I have problems getting rid of her hiccups.
Sometimes her hiccups went off because she cried too much when I attempted to feed her water.

<font color="119911">Sgn,</font>
Interesting thot. It seems to be true for me too but I cannot latch her too often because I finally trained her to take bottle. Sigh... kinda miss those days that I latch her the whole day... more convenient and she always looks so happy when I latch her.

Hahaha... I think my bb only knows my sweat smell.

<font color="0000ff">Lovedogs,</font>
I see, so my bb is not having excessive hiccups.
Lucky gal! That time I told you tat I intend to take extra leave right. My boss says no leh. Sigh, so I have to go back soon. So sad.
She said she understands I will have problems clearing my leave later but she really needs help now. Bobian lor.
hi caymom,

i think u must really try to ensure u find time and plan to clear your leave in advance loh... since now ur boss dun allow u to take.. make she ur boss approves your leave in future...

my baby also doesn't like to drink water. so i give up feeding her liao.. i juz leave her be with the hiccups. after awhile, will go away. problem is sometimes when she hiccups, milk will also flow out


yeah, i pour the kodomo detergent straight into the washing machine. does your maid pour anymore detergent when she puts the bb clothes into the washing machine after soaking?
my bb oso the same..sometimes when hiccups..milk will flow out oso

I so envy u..ur bb sleep thru' the nite..i wondered when can my bb do the same oso..
<font color="ff6000">YY,</font>
I read that bbs cannot tell taste yet so dun understand why both my kids hate water so much. Actually, both started off drinking water before full mth but will start protesting when they reach 2 mths old.

<font color="0077aa">Lovedogs,</font>
My boss will not commit in advance even if I plan my leave early. She will always tell me "wait and see". She is very scared that there will be last minute assignment and no one is there to help her. There were times I applied leave one week in advance and she doesn't dare to approve until one day before the leave. Sigh.
caymom/ lovedogs
i start giving water when bb 3-4 weeks old even PD says no water for bb b4 3 months but MIL says ok, and friend also says must intro early b4 they start to taste and will refuse water cos milk taste better and water tasteless.

ya lor my bb also suppose to have his 6 in 1 on 13 aug but that's the day i start work so got to delay till 18 aug then week ends i can take care myself.
i also find kodomo detergent very soapy i usu hand wash lor. pigeon also soapy but not so much bubbles. can try that.
milk intake:
tink i wont b able to tell how much is cher drkg now since i total latch. daytx somtx can b as long as 4hrly, usually abt 3hrly interval. since she is slping tru d nite, put on wt n is happy, i m not too wori. i oso dun noe she is considered heavy or light.
at 2mths 2wks old, she was 5.7kg. she is turning 3mths tis thur n gg for her vaccination.

suisui, happy,
i can undstd. i actually took unpaid leave for 1yr b4 i decided to quit. by then, i really 'se bu de' put my boy w any1. wen we decided to send ash to full tx cc last dec, d tot of it made me cried so many tx. on actual day, i oso cried n even now occasionally, wen i missed him, i oso cried. but i kip telling myself, he enjoys school, he is under gd care, he has frds, gd learning environment etc... then i feel beta.
my boy adapted fast n well to d new environment. is me d mummy who 'fan bu kai'..
dun wori too much as long as we got a gd 'caregiver'..
re: breastmilk
i find tis interesting. i dun like d bm smell on my shirt, bra, hankie but of course bb likes :p but wen i go near to cher face (talking to her) af her feed, it smells like she jus had vanilla ice-cream, sweet sweet smell. any1 feels tat way?, keke :p
I dun think I can make it to the gathering tom. Morning gng to the infant care ctr to sit in and after dat got gynae apptm. Mummies enjoy urselves.

hmmm....my tears was dropping as I read ur post. Imagining myself bringing bb to the infant care makes me cry!! Do share with me hows ur day though.
1 4oz and 1 9oz, is that okay with you? You're like pigeon supplier like that. :p
Ya... the teats that I've been using turn from clear to white-ish like that. Is that normal? Kind of strange hor, coz i don't remember if avent teats does the same thing.

My bb also had alot of rashes on her cheeks and her neck. Dunno if milk rash or heat rash though. I used the avent magic cream lor. So far it works pretty good.

I use the pigeon washing powder. Seems alright leh. Maybe you wanna try, unless you prefer liquid detergent lor.
no prob. avent teats will turn yellow acc to my friend. i find it turn old yellowish like lor, intent to change lor but still need teats no.1 for giving water.
pigeon has got liquid detergent too.

ya ya i also find my bb got vanilla ice cream smell after feeds, n i like it, but not my own milky sweat smell.
I've got scissors, paper, stone from KidzCottage. come to think of it. I used to design a logo for my section's T-shirt during school days then send for printing. You can actually design something unique yourself too.

Understand the feeling. It can be very overwelming. I cry in front of the first nanny too lor. Partly, because I'm thinking how can I possibly leave him in the hands of a stranger somemore who can't even handle him well. Very pai seh lor =P

aiyoh, like that v tough for u to take leave leh...wat if u booked tix for holiday? how can last min then approve? ur dept really short handed ?


i intro water after CL left leh.... she still doesn't like
will cry like i bluff her... she will be very excited to suckle the bottle...then after a few sips...the taste is not milk then will cry until very poor thing like kenna "conned".

for the vaccination hor, 13 Aug is Sunday right? i think i will go on the friday before as weekend long queue. i think a few days eariler or few days later shd be ok right?

ice queen,

u also sending your bb to infant care? how abt your fren's MIL u were mentioning?


can i use pigeon washing powder and kodomo softener? coz i still got few bottles of kodomo softener...
She back out.
well, its a heavy responsibilities I guess. Exploring the options of infant care cos theres one just downstair. If really no choice, gotta go back to my MIL. Saw a couple of nannies actually, but none I like. Can always find reasons to reject those nannies. End up was thinking if nanny, might as well go to infant care.

My CL let bb drink water everyday, its me this lazy mummy who always forget to let bb drink water aft CL left. She will usu drink abt 20ml and reject. I let her be lor. But I always put the gripewater inside so maybe she dun like the taste?
oh my CL intro water to bb n he's ok, cos he always got hiccups.
13 Aug is monday. either i go on 11 or 18 see how lor.

pigeon dun have softener so i think should be ok to mix ba.
ice queen
nanny is one to one ley but infant care centre is 1 to 2 or 3 ley, n i heard that bb at infant care always sick cos germs get spread easily in the centre
no problem. One 7oz and one 10oz then! Thank you!

as long as it's suitable for babies, it's okay to use different brands of washing powder and softener.
Replied you liao.

I also use liquid kodomo detergent cuz it smells v nice, but you must use only a little (like one capful) otherwise there'll be too much foam for the front load machine.

You're lucky bb sleeps thru already. I still have to wake up at least once in the nite. I think ur bb is quite big..are you and hubby both tall? If so then I think weight should be fine.

<font color="0000ff">Re: Lunch Gathering </font>
Venue: Vivo City @ swensen @ #02-117
Date: 24 July
Time: 12noon

1. Kris
2. sunee + bb Amelia
3. lovedogs
4. Cheezel
5. serene
6. blueblue
7. sanrio + bb
8. sgn + Darren
9. zhuzhu
10. precious
11. Ambery + bb
12. Icy_queen
13. suisui
14. Jeanyard
15. zaczac
16. lynn
17. cheetos
18. Taro (KIV)
19. Dudette + bb (will be late ie. 1 plus)
20. caymom (will only arrive around 1pm)

<font color="ff0000">Lovedogs,</font>
The only valid reason for leave is probably overseas travel. A lot of times I couldn't take leave because I have to cover for my colleagues who go for holidays. Actually my dept has always been short-handed but we sort of cope with the workload as time passes.
