(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

Hey, lovedogs you gastric sounds bad, You must really take good care leh, esp now.

So bored in office. WOrst part is nothing to do now. Cant sleep properly also..
lovedogs, sleep at 9pm like a bit no life leh...everyday work, go home, eat dinner, bathe, sleep, then wake up go work again...like lost touch with the world. Which week does 2nd trimester start? I blur...

I also feel heartbeat in my tummy leh.. is it due to gastrics?

yoyo, p/time really no benefits..not worth the change. now i everyday go work also no energy, totally no interest in my job...i will also quit if I am not preggie...
hi yoyo,

i hated this job since day 1... i even slipped into depression...kept crying... then abt 3mths later, i juz buried myself in my work.... take 2 hours lunch..come back work work work..

my boss was nice so i endured... and she lets me work from home 1 to 2 days a week.. then few months back, there was a re-org... i dun really understand my new boss working style...and i hate my customers... everyday complain complain and i still have to visit and smile at them... buay tahan... i can only click to 2 colleagues in this company.. and 1 is leaving.. .so really depressed...perhaps as u said... think preggie, the hormones triggered my hatred even more loh....

u try to tong my fren... can try to take more MC or leave?
wow lovedogs, I think its really a good opportunity. think your ex boss really good to ask you back. grab the opportunity!!!

I also very short of breathe nowsaday. Conference call on the fone for awhile only and I start panting....so paiseh sometimes. PPl must be wondering what am I doing. hahaha.... Sometimes I climb the stairs abit only also short of breathe. Always have to ask my hubby to stop and wait for me.

Another 1.5 hrs before knock off......times flies so slowly.
hi tami,

i wish to sleep more but i can't fall asleep early leh...so next morning when i try to wake up, it was really tough.

seems like u, yoyo and me hate our current job.

hi jesmine,

yes, during gastric time, with the backache.,... i will lay down with a pillow supporting my back.. and i can my stomach beating...like "heartbeat"... and those were times when i was not pregnant...
Sounds like you should really take up the new offer cuz it's v impt to like one's job. It's a dread to wake up and hate going to work even tho the pay is good.
There came a point when I dreaded Mondays, then I realised it was time to change. Now, even tho the work is less exciting, pay increment is less, but it's also less stressful and hours so much more stable. Quality of life is more impt than $$.
hi ice queen,

u think so? even the 6 weeks unpaid maternity leave? on the other hand, i am thinking, at least they do not need me to go back to work immediately... still allow me to take up to 6 weeks unpaid..so total i still have 12 weeks rest.. now juz waiting for package... keeping my fingers crossed...

yes, me also breathless...can't talk too much or for too long...

Yeah, I am trying to "tong" now. Sometimes I get really pek cek, then the poor guy sitting next to me (my colleague) always kena from me... But he's rather nice lah, v patient. But he doesnt know Im preggie..

Ha, thats why I will take leave at least 1 day a week. I will perhaps take more MC after I finish my leave... SUper sian everyday come wk, see the people and jobs...
hi cheetos,

thanks for the vote of confidence
although new job will not be a bed of roses...but i think office colleagues very impt.. the most, i quickly plan for bb2 so that i can enjoy the full maternal benefits during bb2...heehee...

juz crossing my fingers that the final offer package is reasonable...
LoveDogs, I rem there are also a few more of us here hate our jobs, I cant rem liao. Did ever discussed before. U know, I used to love my job. But as time pass by, my superior push shit to me, my other indirect superiors plus GM also push all work and shit to me, until I pek cek.

Hahahaa, Icy Queen. SOmetimes I talk to my customers, I also will pant. Then now, I started to talk slowly ... like ah mah like that.
hi yoyo,

i totally can understand how u feel.. do u know what's worst in my current company? they BAN this forum page! do u believe it... so no matter how sian i am in the office, i can't even surf to this thread to read or post... sick right..

so at least u can chat wif us here during office hours to pass time
Lovedogs, How come they ban???? I cant believe it, they are really ridiculous leh. Wat happen?

yes, very sick of cos. SOmetimes when I surf net, my big boss also walk up and down, v sickening also.
Then I gotta act blur at times.
yoyo, I hv no more mc... i used up all cos of my MS..couldn't get out of bed at all! and I don't hv much leave cos I just joined the co 4 mths ago...

lovedogs, since u really dislike ur present job so much, I think u shld seriously consider the offer liao. Its very impt to like wat u do since u hv to go to work 5 days a week. Its a torture if u hate ur job. I'm also like u...there was a time I sink into depression too... i hide in the toilet and cry non-stop. I hv considered quitting my job and stay at home until i deliver but I can't afford to lose the income so no choice for me...
hi yoyo,

SECURITY reasons loh.. they also ban internat mails like gmails, hotmails, yahoo mails. they also ban all instant messengers.. so i cannot MSN with external people when i am in office.. my hb says i am in an internet jail.. which is true loh.. they also ban websites that you upload and share personal photos or storage.. bo liao right...

funny they didnt ban soccer net... off course.. its a European company.. where all the expats are soccer fans mah..
Tami, I feel sad for you. Is the pay alright for you on this current job?? My current job does not pay well. So, now I also endure and hope all will pass quickly. If I lose this job, I will hv to look for part-time job, which pays rather low. And not all part-time job will accept me too. So now u join 4 months ago, U will still entitle the maternity leave right?
aiyoh tami,

so poor thing... i can totally understand ur situation as i also hate my job that i cried and even had nightmares...

try your best to tong... during the 12 weeks leave, actively hunt for a new job...

can u request to work from home during some of the days?

ladies, me taking a break.... will log in later..

take care
Lovedogs, its really ridiculous leh. My sister co. only ban msn messengers. So, she can still go on those web type. Maybe u try the web messenger? Tried before? I can gv u the webby.

Those EPL again. Didnt expect europeans to be so ngiao. Ganasai leh.
I remember someone suggested a meeting some time ago. It'll be great to put a face to the name, so what do you all ladies think?
was reading your exchange about work life. it's not easy being preg n working. It gets worse when you hv a kid at home too. it's madness, 9-5 work and after 5 housework.

Poured to me mom. She said it's the same with women of all generations and centuries. we're luckier now that we hv better technology to help with housework. And in the past, families tend to have like 5-6 children, it's worse for the mother.

But she says, children are like your investment into the future. Sow now to reap later. So it's very important to instil filial piety into our children, and this is shown in the way we treat our parents.

Her words meant heaps, esp as we drown in our own grievances. It may help to look to the outside world and know that we're perhaps in a better situation than most.


Try not to let work upset you. It's only a money generator. You know, as the saying goes, it's not how the circumstances are, but how we react, that matters.

It may sound abstractly motivational, but I hope it helps you. Focus not on the problems, it'll only drown you further. It's on your own self that can action that change, k?
LittleDan, well said. I agree wz you esp on the part when u said abt filial piety. Its about how we treat our parents, esp in front of our Chidren. Heee....
My current pay is alright lor...not too high not too low. my co also banned msn messenger, hotmail and yahoo mail but this type of forum still can access. Now i only counting down the days to my 3 mths maternity then can start all over again.

littledan, thanks for ur encouragement. I totally agree with u. Now I'm also trying myself to think positive and every mth just look forward to pay day..
funny to say, I had a horrible experience with the ang mohs as well.

she was a single women from UK, and was the meanest i've seen. she trampled and scorned me for no reasons, when she found out i was pregnant. the attitude before and after were as clear as black and white.

i went back home each day with a sorrowful face. and cried upteen times in the darkness of my room. here, with uncertainties of being pregnant, and there, with uncertainties of providing material security to my family.

I bit my teeth, and endured so much. My weight dropped as I progressed into my 2nd tri, gynae sounded the alarm.

see, that was a new job, and i found out i was pregnant 2nd week into the job. in the end, they were trying means and ways not to confirm me during the probation period. and as i was into my 6th month and one wk to confirmation, they asked me to leave! sighting reasons like punctuality and incompatibility in work. Can anyone imagine the blow??

Simple logic, if I was that incompetent, wld they want to retain me 6 months into the job? I screamed at the HR and was one step into taking up the matter high up to MOM. But the HR stopped me in a matter of sentence " you can try, but rememeber, MOM will only record your grievances and petition. But this will leave your name as a record, against which potential employers will check and refrain from recruiting you..."

Period. So, I endured. Stopped work for 6 months to look after my bb. it was perhaps a blessings in disguise. But my impression of these AMs have ever since changed.... talking heaves abt human rights. plz.

shld u ever get upset, just remember to sayang your tummy. This shld be the source of your strength, our flesh and blood. Thank heavens for maternal instinct. And ever wondered why females are a longer surviving gender in this world? guess no further.

If you need a listening ear, we're here. And we understand, trust us... =)


before i was a mommy, tend to get into squabbles with my mom. But the tables have changed. I now wear her shoes, so i understand...

somethings you juz cannot share with a hubby. that's why moms are precious.
Littledan, You've suffered alot. I thought some US MNCs are rather particular abt their employees' welfare. Didnt expect them to be so mean and cruel. Hey, its all over now. At least you had tide over the most difficult moment in yr life. I admired your courage and determination. So, Tami, lovedogs, we must wk thru our way and be strong..
yy, yeah. I matured a lot during the trying times. And learnt to appreciate my family members so much more.

so now, i prefer an asian company. anyhow, i think asians are a more feeling creature...
Littledan, yup. You r right. Now, I tend to understand the suffering and pain she had gone thru. Really not easy to carry a bb, nurture them, feed them, groom them, and so on so forth. Mummies are noble people. Well, men just will not understand this. To them, they are like only in-charge of playing with their children only.
yy, no lar. let's give some credit to our men. they're the new generation of sensitive men lar. surely, they can wrap a diaper as well as we do :p
Littledan, Yeah I guess asians no matter wat will still feel for their own type, yeah. Ang mohs will still look at us as yellow skin. Unless those who are "breed" here and has asian wives or hubbies. But very few.

I understand - honestly I also feel myself growing up & maturing as time goes by. Many a times, I feel no sense of support (perhaps preggie hormones or wat), sometimes u know men just dun understand certain things abt women. So, from there, I always pick myself up and tell myself I gotta be strong for the sake of my bb.

Its hard to be a woman in the past, seems like the fact never change. The only change is women had grown stronger mentally and physically now in this century.
Hahahaa, LIttledan. Okok, we gv our HBs the benefit of doubt that they are also trying to be good Daddies. Heheeee.......

Looks like oni the 2 of us chatting..
Actually to give credit to the men, I must say that my dad has been the one taking care of my little one, bathing, changing diapers and feeding, etc. But like what littledan says, after being a mum, I truly appreciate my parents a lot more now :)
hihi, I'm still here

littledan, reading ur postings brought tears to my eyes. U hv suffered a lot. I hv suffered too and may still need to suffer in time to come but at least I still hv my job and do not need to worry financial wise. i agree with u, we are strong and only strength and happy thoughts of the little one growing inside us can bring us thru all sufferings.

I hv turned to my mum more for consolences than my hubby too simply cos i know she understands. I'm very glad for her to be always there when i needed her
hello littledan,

thanks for sharing with your ur experience. your ex employer is really unfair. Do you know that an emaployer cannot dismiss a preggie lady due to the fact that she is pregnant? I would have placed the complaint to MOM... since u are already leaving, no harm letting MOM investigates into the case.

My current company is FULL of Ang Mohs.. locals are the minority... i am surprised how come so many ang mohs, I thought Singapore has some sort of a guideline that cannot have more than 50% foreign workers?
btw yoyo..

i have tried a few web messengers sites.. they are all banned as well... my company's firewall is one of the best i think...hiaz
LoveDogs, is it that your company is ang-moh based? Like European-Based?? I think there will be exceptions if it is overseas-based leh.
yy, true lorz. how can men understand engorgement and stretchmarks? i think they find us rather whiny... so i told me hb off, imgaine having stomach flu for the whole 9 mths. with aches and pukey. he got the pic.

but they oso poor thing lar. we tend to throw temper and tantrums on them. and till we hit their endurance limit, they still take it lying down. who else will let us squash them like a cockroach when we need to release steam... hehe.

the security provided to preggies, come into effect only if you're a confirmed staff.

that's why when i read that you're thinking of a new job now, i get a little worried.

a new job equals more time and commitment. and after we give birth, we may want to leave on time to rush home and take time offs/ leave for the little one's check up and stuffs.

do consider such factors when thinking of the new job lorz...

eh... think that applies to work-permit foreign workers. dun think they limit the amount of professional white collared foreigners...


Be STRONG. If you need a listening ear (and that's why we women wants most), you have us!
juz came back frm TMC after the fetal assessment test. The radiographer say my bb is doin somersault in thr n he keep raising both his hands n legs, like dancing n floating ard, so cute. Most prob its a boy, can c the little birdie liaoz, sooo hapi.

the test is quite gd too, the ration is 1: 5263, so glad dat the result is gd, finally feel more relief le.

by the way, i had booked my CL today, coz i called a few n most of them r booked, so tot better b a bit kiasu n book nw, hee.
hi littledan,

thanks for your reminder. my new company, confirmation shd be 3 mths. I have worked there for 4 years before hence i know the culture. i already told my ex boss i am pregnant... so it is up to him whether he still wanna hire me. Since they still wanna hire me, i think they wont be unfair to tell me to leave...

as for taking time off to see doc etc... since i have worked here before, i know its not a problem. I have ever taken half day leave and my ex boss will juz tell me he will cancel my leave application..just go...so its a very flexible environment. that's why i wanna go back and work for him so much....

hi kris,

cute cute... bb doing somersault.. me can't wait for my next check up on thursday
Hello, Kris. Glad to hear yr bb is so active. When did u get your test results back huh? In how many days??

Actually is CL important?? I had not thoght of CL yet leh. I also never hear anything from my MIL. My mum thot maybe my MIL will help me on confinement. Is CL v expensive? How long to engage? Is the charges one-time charge or wat??
Lovedogs, u indeed has a very good boss who really take cares of his staff welfare. I believe this is the most impt thing. Prob is not only on my superiors. My Big Boss is really a bad boss who is selfish. Only cares abt himself only.
hi yoyo,

i think it is better to engage a good CL... CL looks after you and the bb.

it is also impt to book early coz good ones are always fully booked! mine CL is $1800.

suggest u talk to your frens/colleagues who gave birth and engaged CLs before... ask them for the good ones and recommendation. it is impt if u know someone has used that particular CL before and sing praises for her. I heard a lot of lousy ones esp from agency... so u can try to start researching
I will be strong. So must all the mummies-to-be here.

Hi Kris, glad tt ur bb is doing well

lovedogs, think u know wat is best for u. Consider carefully and make the right decision...gd luck to u!
UHmm, Lovedogs, Im really confused leh. Maybe I will talk to my HB tonight and see if he heard anything abt MIL mentions about confinement.

The $1800 is only one-time charge huh? You gotta pay first or wat? Or installments? My colleagues and friends all is done by their own mums or MILs leh.
hi tami,

many thanks for your well wishes

hi yoyo,

my CL told me to pay her at the end of the 1 month. I was told normally if she does a good job, to give a small ang pao as token.

If your MIL is willing to help u, then I think u do not need a CL. she will know what are the appropriate stuff to cook for you, feed, bathe, take care of the bb... also boil herbs etc for you to shower... i was told some will even wash yours and bb's clothes... some even do housework to keep place tidy. they will be staying overnight at your place so at nite, u can sleep well while the CL will look after and feed the bb...
I see.... I heard if the confinement is not done properly, then later the mother (which means us lah) will hv probs later in life... Issit true?
Lovedogs, my MIL will not be looking after my BB for me. So, I will engage my own maid...
ALot of things to do and plan actually. And of course alot of money also.

yoyo, the radiographer explained to me, normally they dun, juz asked u to c doc.

CL is important coz they noe the proper way to cook confinement meals n take care of the bb, gd ones get booked veri fast. Mine is at $1800 for 18 days and only got to pay a deposit first. We will need to give them an ang bo when they come on first day and last day, its a common practise.
