(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

hi yoyo,

i was in the meeting....think i ate too quickly just now as surrounded by us all are smokers (when we saw an empty seat, my colleagues and i went to grab but did not know its the smoking area one, so now still bloated

i ate fried chicken with instant noodles....

Hi Jesmine,

oh so ur appt on friday is at TMC ? morning or afternoon appt? There is one nurse i find not so friendly, i wanted sat, she say too many pple...then i wanted friday, she says gynae not available
, then i want monday, she say u really want monday, i say yes...so i taking nov 13 monday for my wk 13 appt loh

hi yoyo,

think we chinese believe during confinement, we have to "pu" back the blood and energy lost during childbirth..hence it is very inmpt to eat the confinement food loh..

sometimes, we all hope living standards and material needs are not so high in singapore... hence, at least can easily afford to be SAHMs hor... but seems like not many couple can afford single-income... hiaz...
lovedogs, wat is SAHMs?

by the way, the expenses to give birth is reli high. I went for the tour at TMC juz nw, the single bed ward is at $1778 per 2 days 2 nights, but the room is comfortable, like a hotel room, guess i will take dat.
Kris, sorrie, i meant if some rooms are newer after reno?

Knottsy, u referring to ACJ clinic rite? tink i noe which recep u referring to...


then i agree. it's worth the venture. You're lucky!
hi kris,

SAHM = Stay at home mums....

yes, imagine we still have to buy bb pramps... breast pumps etc.. cham..

gleneagles single bed lagi more ex.. 2D is $2188.. all these excluding bb fees. if c-section will be $3798 for room charges only... hoping i do not need c-section...
littledan, they have deluxe single n normal single, deluxe single come wif extra dvd player and sofa set for guest. The only diff after reno is mayb the new rooms will have wi-fi n shld b newer. They oso dunno when reno complete, but tink by May, shld b done liaoz, heng ah.

i dun like Gleneagles, the whole hospital like veri quiet and the nurse r oso not friendly. Tink i will go mt. alvernia for a look.
littledan, i shld tink got hot water, coz even the public toilet dat i visit after the scan has got hot n cold water tap, but didnt try the hot water, so dunno if for deco anot, hee.

me goin to marche for dina liaoz, cya ladies tml. Have a pleasant slp 2nite.

Being direct is good...me can't stand fakies too. But sttime, too direct, offended boss lor. But so far, my new boss quite understanding towards my preg. When i told him about my preg, he asked me to take good care and withdrew me from some big project. When i was on MC yesterday, even ask my direct supervisor, how i am. So no complain lor.
hi littledan,

yah loh, i am refering to ACJ clinic, there are 3-4 nurses at the recep, i think the other 3 are okay except one
, did u encountered same thing as me?

sayang sayang..your ex boss is a super bitch! Anyway, take heart, wat goes ard comes ard. My fren also hv similar experience wif expat boss. Hers was a jap, always nit pick on her and once when she argued back, sacked her wif immediate effect! The boss dun even mind compensating her one mth salary! Good thing was, my fren got hired within a mth,so the compensation somehow became her bonus and she gave us a big treat. haha! Like strike 4D. Anyway, u mux take good care and dun think so much k. Nothing is more important than our little ones and our family.
hey ladies! am back fr work...take me almost 20 min just reading all the archives files today. so happening sia!!

this noon, saw the super crispy chicken wing with nasi lemak in my company cafeteria....can help, go buy myself a plate....was worried that i will feel bloated after the meal cos oily mah...surprisingly, i dun feel anything...in fact, even dun feel filling after i finish the whole plate.....was actually craving for additional chicken wing but stop myself fr the craving.......

hey cheetos,
ya i remember someone mention abt meeting up for a gathering.......i dun mind actually.....not too sure abt the others...but i cant walk alot...so will prefer a dinner tat we can sit down n chat chat....how abt we wait till everybody pass their MS phase....else wait they aso no feel good during the dinner...what u gals think???

i used to live near compass pt le....ehehe.....even now i also go there shop shop when i go back visit my parents.
hi yoyo,

i think having a CL is very impt and must find a good one....i still on the lookout for good CL......my mom will help me but she dunno about CL stuff like cooking confinment food....so i will need to find CL....

my mom when she pregnant with my brothers and me, she does not have good CL...so now she got "feng shi" at night...whereas her sister does not have any problem as she got very good CL.
knottsy, no, i overheard the way she handled the phone calls while waiting...

mykono, wow, your fren's lucky. So, i've learnt to appreciate my present co. Bosses can either make or kill your day... sigh.

do you gals feel that males make better bosses?
yeah..ur boss like mine...good boss....cannot hiam liao. when i m back fr 1 month MC, my manager even take the effect to come my place and ask how i doing and say if not feeling good must rest at hm....dun force myself....n even assign desk bound work to me so that i dun need to walk abt....n even ask me to get my colleagues to help me with things should i need to get them fr else where.....very nice boss lo......no complaints!
hi littledan,

oic, when i first call ACJ for appt, there's one nurse very friendly, explained the charges, packages, delivery to me, and i even wanted sat, even though she says its quite packed, she still managed to get an appt for me....then when i went for the first sat appt, i waited less than 1 hr for the appt.

but this time, i met the unfriendly nurse, i wanted sat, she says sat very packed and needs to wait 2-4 hrs!!!
she refused to give me sat or fri
...so i took monday, she sort of keep pushing thur to me, but i insisted monday, so she also no choice

hi cheetos and cheezel,

i also dun mind meeting up but think wait till 2nd trimester esp i think when we can start eating a lot....now after every meals, i feel so bloated and very uncomfortable, dun feel like walking around after meals but rest on bed.....
ur appt on weekdays that means need to take leave hor or ask the gynae to give u MC for tat day?

yeah, i also think better to wait for all to be in 2nd trim, when everyone feel much better then meet up.....we can even go for a big feast, dun have to walk ard...imagine the whole table all preggie ladies....ehehe....
hi cheezel,

for my first appt on sat, so did not take leave, for my second appt, as i got off-in-leui becos of public holiday so i took off to see gynae, then that time my gynae asked whether i need mc, i told her no need...so this time round for my mon appt, i will go and try to request for mc heee so that i can save my leave to add more to next yr maternity leave :p

think its okay to take mc, my colleague took mc to see gynae until used all mc up too :p
hi cheezel,

ur boss is very nice
thats why i feel nice boss and good colleagues very impt leh...

normally my gynae appt on weekdays too... juz tell boss going to see doctor.. no need to take leave or mc... ang moh companies normally quite flexible in such things...
Helo, everyone! Im back from wk.

Kono, I agree wz u. Hee, I also dun like the fakies in my office leh, usually I rather ignore than to fake a face to entertain such pple.

Knottsy, I also dunno if my MIL will come and help me do confinement anot, cos she alrdy dun wanna look after my bb liao due to "no strength" (according to her lah). Then my poor mum stays so far away from me here. So, I wouldnt want her to travel to and fro also lah. Thinking if really CL too expensive, I may hv to ask my maid to help and call my mum for advice every now and then for the cooking. Sigh*****

Cheezel, Good boss means a good working environment. Your colleagues very caring also
Good mah, must treasure.
Lovedogs, yr co. v flex leh. Mine gotta take leave or MC. Nowadays my co. getting more and more ngiao, cos business no good. So, they want us to be more cost-effective. Ganasai.
hi yoyo,

off course i dun disappear the whole day... i normally make the appt late like 4.30pm.. so i will leave office at 4pm...

is your mum working? how abt your mum comes over to stay with you during the confinement period? then at least someone experience can help u or to guide your maid?
hi yoyo,

i also just back from work...going to have my dinner now.....

i maybe moving back to my mom's place after delivery, but i think i may employ CL too as my mom dunno about confinement things and food for confinement. but i still thinking how long should i stay in my mom's place after delivery, scared later MIL not happy if i stay for the whole 3 mths maternity leave....hmmmm.....
so good ah...no need take leave...so nice. my company though its MNC, but has lots of policies....

just taken dinner.....u gals?? have hand-made noodles ...the portion so big, i cant finish....hehehe...save some space for tapioca chips later....

Ya..very impt to hv a good boss esp during preggy time. Anyway, if the boss has vision, they mux treat us nicely. It is human nature to reciprocate one's kindness. Your Ms better now? good good. I not much appetite lately except in the morning. I eats little during dinner. no crave for corn flakes wif milk.

Haha..i like your ganasai..well said! But no choice lor, got to bear wif it. Cos u nvr know wat u will end up wif. My co can take unrecorded time off provided we clock minimum 4 hrs. But generally, quite pro family. So i no complain. U mux plan well for your confinement hor. Dun b like me,screw up my whole Confinement and nearly got post natal depression. My experience is: better get your mum or MIL to help cos maid r not reliable.
i plan to take 3 mths no pay leave next yr...pray dat co will approve. My previous boss was very nice...in all i took 1 mth MC and 3 mths maternity leave +3 mths no pay leave during last preggy and he fully supported my decision. Hopefully, this boss will b the same.
ya...MS getting better now....in fact didnt feel much nuaseas liao.....dun worry...i'm sure ur MS will get better soon also....which week u in liao?...me 13 weeks liao

me 12 wks now. I dun vomit but appetite not too good. Thx...i hope so too! Imagine a greedy pig cannot eat as freely. sob sob.

haha..hope so. Went for NT scan yesterday, bb measures at 5.6cm. Dr said everything is at 50th percentile. Same as DS last time. But DS now is at 97th precentile..think he inherits my greedy nature. But funny cos me not big build, hb also not big.
cheezel n mykono,

thanks for the advice....think at most i go back during weekends to MIL house after 1 mth confinement, hope i can walk around by then....scared after delivery will still feel pain....

what is percentile?
BB bigger means more percentile??

think after delivery can walk ard liao ba...tat time my sil give birth, i go visit her the same day and she was already walking ard the ward liao. so think should be ok ba
hihi, back from dinner. MIL cooked cucumber wz egg soup. She told me not to drink so much. But anyway, I also cant finish the soup. I ate not much rice, some pork, few strands of veggie wz gravy. I dun hv the appetite. Now my mouth v bland and I feel like v pukky like that...
Kono, my bb measures 5.2cm at 11wk plus. Our bbs same size. You are also at wk11 right? Urgh... so uncomfortable now.
I gotta rest awhile now. I cant chat wz u guys liao. Cheezel, I gotta see u tomorrow night liao... Cant chat wz u tonight.

Very pukky.

Yesterday went for scan. Dr said is 12 wks. My EDD is 14 May. U take care hor..


Yup..higher percentile means bigger bb.
i also back from the fetal assessment at TMC today..the lady said my probablilty is low..she said my bb very guai..never move about..so the scan took half hr, finished liao...she also showed me the bb hands, legs..even count the fingers for me..soooo funny
Be Strong.... I am in the same boat. Used up all my MC because of MS and now any more leaves taken are all unpaid.

U in week? How come can see birdie so fast? Your results are good.. BB doing very well

Tapioca chips : spicy one? Can you take spicy things? I dare not take spicy thing still....

Glad that your bb is doing well
Hi Ladies,
Anyone got pimples growing uncontrollably? I have about 5-6 pimples all growing in my scalp which I have never before. Strange.
Hi gal,

You are early! What time u wake up? In the office already? I also got pimples breakout. One at my neck behind somemore....abit strange place to have pimples. Nowsaday in the 2nd trim, I eat anything leh....spicy, tom yum, tibits....din really care anymore.
I have a few behind my neck then a lot all over my scalp. I still dare not eat spicy food, if vomitting comes out from nose then bad

I am in office already, me not in singapore and time difference
