(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

celia, stay happy.
update us after your visit tomorrow. don't worry too much.

So, are there risk to GD? Will there be any harm to the bb?

I am just like you. No more water.
gal, gynae say should be able to see by week 16 or even earlier. easier to see if the baby cooperate and also if it is a boy cos you will be able to see his little birdie.
Jesmine, yy
I read from other forums.. Some actually can find out like 60-70% during week 12 scanning. Heard of that before?

shld be able to know gender by wk 16. but for my first bb, doc was able to see his little birdie at wk 12. so he said highly possible is boy.
but detail scan will best confirm it.


Ribena very glucose. better dun take too much. When I feel sthg similar, i'll take fresh orange jus or some sweet fruits as substitute. Recently, hooked on the sugar plums, sweet and sour. nice!

When i m preggy wif DS 2 yrs back, everything was a breeze. No MS, no outbreak....so dun worry too much k! U will b fine!
Yoji, I have not heard abt it leh. I think wk12 is too early liao, may not be accurate also. If its a boyboy, the birdie may not be fully developed yet mah.. I guess lah.
yoyo, ezann,
the ideal weight increase in 1st trimester is about 1kg. anything more will be consider mummy's gaining "extra" weight....

no worry. u'll meet the dr. tomorrow, right?
yy, don't know true or not.. I read in the forum, some mentioned if boy boy , they have tilted pelvis and then can see different from girlgirl but again only 60% accurate. Still have to wait for fully developed birdie (if boy) to confirmed 99%

How gynae confirmed it's boy boy for you? Judging by?
bridget... u make me sad liao. i extra 2.5kg liao. fatter than bb. sigh...


soothe it a bit. or the usual, smooth the stomach round and round. let bb noe bb love it =)

i jux find a place to sit down quickly and eat some light stuff. But normally, my giddiness appears at nite except once when i was at paragon. Scared like hell! U mean 7-11 no ribena? So lousy! Me crave for ribena now too but can only drink for another 10 wks, after GD sets in...no more liao. sob sob!

According to the dietician, if GD is not controlled, bb will be exceptionally big but not healthy cos they will hv high glucose level too. And the worst scenarion is still birth. For me, i got to adhere to all the instructions dat the dietician gave. Control food intake and self test my blood glucose level 3 times a day. My gynae will check my log book on every appt. Siong and sian! But think is worth it cos DS was born healthy wif no diabetes and weigh 3.3kg except for jaundice.
Yoji, eh, but how will we know if they hv tilted pelvis? Uhmmm, how abt girlgirl?

Littledan, got. I sayang my stomach and massage it. Now its better. Sleepy liao.
Sounds quite serious too if have GD.

It was something writing up about her experience in the forum so I don't have much information. Maybe some experience mom could help here. All it says that thru ultrasound, bb will tilted pelvis like for birdie to grow and girlgirl don't have that.
Kono, that means we cant drink ribena everyday huh? Uhmmm, maybe I drink once or twice a week lah. Sigh*** If not, later bb got prob, I worried leh. Your gynae is very detailed and nice leh, will check yr logbook every visit cos of GD. I guess some gynaes may not be so detailed.
hi gals.been reading your posting.can i check with you..how do u all know about all these tests to take?me bery blur..thanks a lot
Yoji, heee. So cute. I wonder how the U/S will be like if got birdie, must be v cute.

Whenever I visit my gynae, the nurse at recep will gv me a strip to test my urine leh. I wonder wat is it? Maybe its for testing GD? The strip got 2 coloured squares on the tip. I tink one is blue and pink colour, cannot rem.
I read up on books and then ask gynae sometimes if I could remember. If not, come to forum and start asking
Dun worry Celia. I know exactly the kind of roller coaster feelings you're having. Sometimes we just hv to be more positive and laugh more. Im sure everyone of us MTB here are also worrying all the time even if 1st Trimester is over.
Be happy, bb will be happy.

I dun think so lah...cos my frens who dun hv GD also drink ribena till delivery. Dun think GD got to do wif sweet stuff. Think got to do wif individual body's constitution. My gynae is super KIASI!!! On one hand is good but also very stress on me lor. Cos for my last preg, i conceived shortly after m/c. He saw me every 2 wks and when i called to ask him on some symptom, he will insist dat i came down to see him. Sweet thing is, he did not charge me at all for some unscheduled visits. I really feel very assured and comfy wif him. But hor..sttime i forgot to log so i told him i left the logbk at home. But he saw thru me and exposed my trick. And threaten to gif me insulin jab if i dun log. So i guai guai after dat. But really no fun man!

ya...when i heard about the consequences i was very scared. But after ahile, my greed for food gotton over me and i indulge a few times lor. but still try very hard to control.
hi gal and yy,reading thru phamplets gynae gave.do we all need to take the tests?like the alpha beta test for down syndrome and ntd?and also the blood test for thalassemia?hm..so scary.by the way,what is nt test or oscar and triple blood test?when should we take them?
actually also quite worried..dun think i am eating enough omega 3.dun feel like taking much fish.any of you taking the neurogain pb plus supplement?good?
I didn't know it's family history for GD. I thought it's sweet stuff we take all the time in first trimester so busy cutting down.. aiiii.. misread information then hehe..

Nt test n oscar by week 12-13. Triple test by week 16.

maybe u can key in the terms dat u r looking for and search thru the forum. Had read many posts about them.
Kono, seems abit scary leh. Heehee, yr gynae and you are so cute. Im really KS also lah, worry this and that. Eh, Im so sleepy leh, not lunch yet BUT not hungry at all. Dunno if its the Ribena I drink, make me full, thats why? I oni ate one piece of Ham & Pork Floss Bread leh tis morning. Cham, I dunno wat to eat later. U at home? or working?
Carlton, actually u should talk to your gynae and discuss openly especially your concerns. For me, Im more KS, so I wanna go for the test which my gynae wanna me to take. But I never heard abt thalassemia leh. Kono/Yoji, u heard abt it before?

Carlton, you can opt to eat fresh cooked salmon fish for omega-3. I heard actually there is no scientific proof that fish oils will be good replenishment for omega-3 leh. So, I will eat at those hawkers where the western food stall sells. If not, I will eat Yoshinoya Salmon wz Rice. Shiok SHiok. But note only cooked salmon, not raw ones.

me at work..but no boss today so super eng. heehee. But gg to knock off soon, cos today only half day cos co make up for some OT last 2 wks. Actually, i can chat more while at work then at home. Cos mux look after DS. I also no appetite now...thot of gg to eat beef noodles but hate to travel. Maybe go home eat mee sua. Btw, where did u hv your NT & OSCAR done? Had mine yesterday at TMC by Dr TC Chang. My gynae referred me to him. First time seeing him, but finds him rather detailed and experienced. I now worried abt the blood test results.
Kono, so good, can go back home later. Eh, its hard on u leh, still hv to look after DS as you are preggie wz 2nd one liao. U must rest more whenever there is a chance leh. Lie down more often. My NT & Blood test done at my Gynae's clinic itself. She done the scan in the scan room in her clinic and took my blood in the office wz the help of the nurse. She took 3 tubes of my blood leh.. Sob Sob... Abit pain lah. She said will call me 2 days later abt the results. Im also worried leh,
Heee, we must tell ourselves not to worry huh. Be happy. That time u hv DS, did u hv these tests too?

Im thinking of having something light later leh, but seems like nothing light at the hawker. Then the weather outside like so dry like that. So bored and sleepy. Where do u need to go to if u wanna eat beef noodle?
Kono, I cant take those fish slices leh, I can smell the fish smell, and the fishy taste will make me hv goose pimples. I can oni eat Fried Fish Soup or fried salmon. But I dun crave for fish today leh. Just now, I burped; seems like my last nite porridge just digested now oni. SObs. Cant imagine.

When I had my DS did NT scan and triple test. But the irony is, either the lab or the clinic lost my tripletest results!!! So i did not receive any results at all. But gynae assured me dat the NT scan is more accurate than the test. Was worried at dat time, but looking back, think is blessing in disguise. I will definitely in a loss should the test turns out not good. Thx for your concern....but preggy wif No 2 is always siong. U feel bad when u r not accompanying him. So u mux really enjoy the life of a queen now k! Will pray dat both our tests results will turn out fine!

I love the vietnamese beef noodles at holland v. But a bit far from my workplace, me work at bt timah. U mux eat sttg k, kwey tiao soup?
Kono, DS is like a precious gift from GOD to you. Its really a blessing, everything is fine now at least. I guess just hv to do a balance between DS and the little one (like having more rest) inside you now, which I know sometimes will be hard. Try to get your HB to take turns. Heeee, Life of a Queen is indeed not bad.

Its really far leh. I think u better not walk too much, okay. Too far liao, eat sth else? My HB dun allow me to eat beef. SObs. The hawker kuaytiao soup not nice one. Haz, feel like eating fried carrot cake leh, which I know no good lah.. Heee, naughty hor.

thx thx....really enjoy "toking" to u...always so comforting! U can b a counsellor. I m trying to balance now lor..but i feel bad cos worried dat after No 2 is born, my time wif him will b lesser. Worried i bias towards DS..oops! I also crave for fried carrot cake for 3 wks liao! Great minds think alike!
Yalor jesmine, I also cannot resist the cold drink. My col always scold me say canot drink cold one....somemore cold pepsi....kekeke.... I got very bad burping also and need the gassy drink to soothes the burping abit.

I having the thalassemia test too cos I know that one of my auntie is a carrier and this is genetic. So requested my doc to do the test for me.

hello mykono,
yesterday went out with my mum to look at maternity clothes. cannot find nice one leh. sigh. nope have not taken lunch. just ate a few wang wang biscuits. what abt you? what did u have? come...entice me with your yummy lunch.
