(2007/05) May 2007 MTB


My mum is now cooking mee sua wif kidney for me now. M a mee sua fetish ! Dun noe why i crave for kidney and liver nowadays. But mux eat in moderation lor cos got toxic and vit A which is not good if excessive consumption.

Usually I bought my maternity wear at Swell & 9mois at paragon. Swell seems to hv nicer design. If tummy not too big, can buy from X2 and project shop. Personally, finds thyme maternity too ang mo. heehee...i m a vain pot!


oh u know after we spoke that day. the nest day, i cooked mee sua for dinner. will do it tonight again with liver and cai xin. it's very soothing after eating mee sua.
okie will go Swell and 9mois check out. Oh thyme maternity...i quite like leh. haha...need to buy liao coz most of my pants and skirts tight even though tummy not showing. strange horrr....
hi yoyo,

I took a blood test with my GP before my first gynae visit on wk 5, my GP told me even if i dun want to have this blood test with her, gynae will do blood test with me too....my this blood test is to check for thalassemia, HIV, hepatitis B, blood type, rubella (german mealses) and i passed the report to my gynae now, so i dun need to take this blood test again loh

Hi Jesmine,

ur next appt on 17 nov? its a friday? but i tot gynae dun see anyone on every friday? i tried to book appt with the nurse on friday, she says gynae not in???
Hello Kono, Im back from lunch!! No la, Im no counsellor but I just can understand wat u are going thru, must be stressful, tired but yet sometimes can be fulfilling lah (provided DS dun make you angry). Actually its normal to hv abit biased one, but u must really know how to hoax the other one. Cos children r v easy to hoax one. Impt thing we hv a true heart, they can feel it one mah. So, dun worry for now 1st. By the time 2nd one is out, u will know wat to do one naturally. Eh, I also enjoy talking to u leh, like u are so easy-going like that.

Hello Jane, u disppear liao and appear again! I noticed u kept eating wang-wang orh... SIgH** Nowadays I dun dare to eat these kind of stuff liao, worried bloated. U must eat some proper meals, okay? But smaller portion.

Kono/Jane, just now I had wanton noodle, but oni ate half the noodle, finished the wanton, veggie and char-siew. Now I dun feel so bloated. When back office, I drink some ribena. Felt better.

Mee Sua = until now I still havent had a chance to cook mee sua myself.
Hi Knottsy, uhmmm maybe Im also tested on the thalassemia but I dunno only?? Wat did u eat for lunch?
hello yoyo!!!
hiyoh, i never disappear lar.got work to do mah.heh, yah lazy to cook and go down to buy food.so eat wang wang lor.i know no good but LAZY.Oops...wow..everyone here is on a mee sua craze man...
Heheeee, Jane. Where are you now? At work or home? After lunch, v sleepy leh. But in office, no place to sleep. Geylang got one stall (YOU-TIAO-DA-WANG), I rem there sells mee-sua also, and its v good. But I nvr eat before leh.
Jane, I really crave for alot of fried food and titbits leh. But I forced myself to eat Wheat crackers and sometimes one or 2 choc chip cookies. Heeeheeee.... Now I lost the crave for biscuits.

Yeah...We r both from the KS club and 38 gang! haha! Yup...me quite chin chai but if someone climb to my head n shit, i will be super bitchy lor.

the you tiao da wang mee sua is very nice. It is sour cos they add vinegar, quite appetitisng. glad to know u not so bloated liao...ribena is your god send. haha!
Yoyo...u mean we cannot eat choc chip cookies ah? i eat cereals every morning. kind of sick of it liao. love to eat fried mee fen in the morning..but very oily...after eating always wanna vomit. sigh. hehe. that day, ate my dad's laksa..next day tummy like no good. sigh.
yy & jane,

Recently bought kellogs honey crunch. Finds dat it is able to curb MS leh. So now, i m like a greedy pig, holding my tupperware of honey crunch wherever i go.
As part of pregnancy, I think we'll forever be worrying abt something even if our test results indicate that the bb is fine. Whether you choose to have a 70% test or 90% test or amnio, the impt thing is to be comfortable with whichever level of assurance the test provide. I feel that having a test is better than none - 1) it's a form of reassurance and 2) not that we'll change our minds abt the baby, but we'll be more prepared should results indicate otherwise.

As for GD, I never expected it to happen to me as well, but it did during the 2nd trimester. It's super sian having to control diet cuz there're so many things I had to avoid plus using these self test strips is very leh cheh. But somehow, for the sake of the little one, you'll find the discipline somewhere to last u thru till delivery! It's not only the sweet stuff that you have to avoid, but basically anything that causes your blood sugar to shoot up (eg. rice, porridge, too much fruit, even deep fried stuff, sauces, etc). Usually the urine test at the gynae visit is the forewarning and if there is some sugar, the gynae will send you for another glucose test. I just hope and pray that this time I will not kena. otherwise, it's a few mths of suffering again :-(
Jane, Just now after meal I also feel funny, like wanna stomachache like that. Today never poo yet.

Kono, Yeah yeah, I agree wz you. Im also like that. Im more direct lah, dun like those fake pple, like those in my office. So most of the time, I ignore them. But if I open my mouth, will be sarcastic liao..
So bad hor.

Ribena! Yes! But I never poo today. Worried leh. I usually will poo everyday.
Kono, seeya later then. Have a good nap.

So good, both of you Jane and Kono can sleep... So envious. I also wanna sleep leh. Uhmmmmm, maybe take a quick nap in office, my boss not in town.
6-8 weeks that time i usually poo a lot in one day. now my poo also stop liao. my gynae gave me something like fibogel to eat..for easy poo. hmmm.... how was your check up ah?
ice queen and yoyo...
my tiredness these days..is terrible. wake up...15min later..tired again. hiyoh...and my back starts to ache liao leh. oh no.....
Jane, im opposite of u leh. Early weeks, I cant poo. Now later than then I can poo. But today like v strange leh, never poo. Later must sit in the toilet awhile liao. My check-up was ok, done the NT Scan and blood test. Gynae said will call me in 2 days time to tell me the results.

Its like that, im also getting v tired nowadays leh. Esp in the nite and every after meals. Backaches is normal. Try to hv a good sitting posture. Then will feel better. Every morning I woke up to work, dun even feel like waking up. So sian.
Jane, Im still here... Relaxing now in office, but cant sleep leh... cos like the position not comfortable.
no idea le. but my appt last week also a fri le.

mykono and chattyjane...
swell and 9mois have nice maternity wear. the SA at 9mois say there will be new dresses coming in for x'mas. I got my maternity swim wear from thymes though.

Btw, anyone experience slight cramps at the lower abdominal? me like can feel the heartbeat of my bb le. Not sure though and wonder if it is the bb moving ard that why i experience the cramps since a few days back.
yah, i also dun feel like working. no mood to think hor. oh my next appt is 25/11. will do blood test by then. so xian...ahhh.wish i can dun work until i deliver.
hi ladies,

me back from interview... being offered the job..will need to set up a new team.. however, they checked with HR, they can only give me 6 wks paid maternity leave...another 6 weeks will be unpaid. but i will get abt 2K maternity medical claims.. now waiting for final offer package.

dunno how now...shd i move?

i HATE my current job... new job the boss wonderful... i can head up a team.. location is fantastic (hb's office juz 5 mins walk away)... (but i need new offer to include free carpark lot as carpark there is $250 per month)...

will u accept offer if u are me?
Jesmine, I experienced cramps even now. Sometimes its left ovary area, then it will shift to nearer to the centre, but still abit to the left. I dun think its yr BB heartbeat, its yr own heartbeat. I also experienced like u, thot its bb's. I will massage my back and pain area. U try to massage your backbone, and backside bone and pain area. You'll feel better and its soothing.

Jane, I also hope too!! How I wish Im sleeping now. I oni left 7days of leave oni. Hahahaa, my HB asked me to take MC if I really wanna rest at hm.
yoyo..yah lor..u should rest if u need. dun over exert yourself...it's not worth it lor. do u experince gums bleeding ah? also my breathing like more intense these days. isit normal ah?
LoveDogs, is the pay ok? Actually its surprising the co. accepts you (Preggie woman). Cos usually most companies will not accept. Wats more, they gv u 2k maternity claims, not bad liao loh. I feel that you should move on and accept this offer. Cos good chances dun come by so often. Wats more, u alrdy dislike yr current job so much, you'll be unhappy - it will affect your bb. If you change environment into a better one, which you are happy with it, your bb will happy also.

As for the carpark, as you work along, then u may negotiate with them slowly. Even if they dun include, maybe u ask if can claim carpark or at least 50%.
Jane, Yeah Yeah! I also hv gums bleeding leh. SOmetimes will hv more, sometimes less. My breathing also become heavier and sometimes I can hear my own breathing. I guess its normal. Cos if we do not take enough calcium, our bb will "take" our calcium, so sometimes gums will bleed cos more swollen. Heavy Breathing - I guess now we are more "chuan" cos of the preg hormones and our increased sense of smell as well. Urghhhh, Im feeling disgusted again, stomach all of a sudden bloated.
hi yoyo,

now waiting for HR to work out the pay package. when my ex boss saw my current package, the facial expression wasn't very good. i am worried they can't match. just hope they can match, give me the free parking lot... i think i will swallow the 6 weeks unpaid maternity leave.

as u said, i really find good opportunity doesnt come often. i was happy working there last time....
LoveDogs, thats correct. Sometimes if we miss the good opportunity, then we may hv to wait for v long for the next one. U see wat happens on your pay package. If really bo bian, at the most they may oni match and not increase. But if you're happy to go back, its not much of a prob liao. Work yr way up slowly again, no choice mah. Haz.... I still cant leave my current co., my fren offered me to join her in Banking, but its 5.5 days and damn stressful. I worried I may not be able to take it, so I forgo and wats more, they dun accept me as F/time. They will accept me as p/time oni. When I deliver then I convert to F/Time. Like that, I dun want liao.
Jane, dun be so ke-qi lah. We share and care for each other here mah. Dun worry too much yeah. You know, yesterday I saw a bazzar sale at Takashimaya after my gynae visit. I walked awhile oni, I feel so tired and I quickly took a sit 1st. So, same same. Then I realized when I eat, I also eat until v chuan like that, I rem reading sth like if we eat too fast, will also contribute bloating and nauseous later...
Hi all, I hv been MIA for a long long time....been hving really bad ms...no energy to do anything except feel sick sick sick every moment of the day

Now I'm coming to week 13, MS is finally easing off and I'm beginning to feel better. I'm so glad the worst is over. But I feel very very tired nowadays...esp after lunch and at night. By 9pm I will be sleeping like a pig liao. And I can hardly keep my eyes open in the office...

Hi lovedogs,
I think tt it is a gd opportunity, don't think many co will want to employ pregnant ladies. Since u are so unhappy in ur present job, I think u shld seriously consider the offer. 6 weeks maternity is nothing compared to ur well-being. I hate my present job too but I don't think I can find another one in my present condition so no choice...hv to endure
Jesmine, u try to lie down on bed if you're at hm. If at wk, u gotta get a small pillow to put at the back of yr chair for good support. Then u start to massage.
hi yoyo,

thanks for sharing... u also dislike ur current job huh? i think no choice must wait until after delivery coz i think not many pple will hire pregnant ladies.

5.5 days no no... think better not accept. and i think part time does not have a lot of benefits right?
Tami, same here. So sian right working in the co. which u actually hate so much. Im coming to wk12 tis weekend. So, you're a week earlier than me. Happy for u that your MS finally over.. My MS seems to get worse...
yoyo...wow..got sale ah. yah i also like u. walk a while then very tired. also no mood to spend money to buy stuff. huh..so i better eat like a snail!
Hi yoyo,
yes its such a toture to hv to come to work everyday...sigh...

I'm still hving MS, just tt not as bad as before....don worry, urs will ease off soon..hang in there
hi tami,

how r u? long time nvr see u here.. glad to hear that ur MS is easing...now 2nd trimester is the honeymoon period hor? if can fall asleep by 9pm good leh... i still sleep only abt 12 plus past midnite.

thanks for your encouragement... i really dislike my current job and really the location of the new job is ideal! and i know i will be working for a fantastic boss... i dun think this opportunity will come often. just have to save harder these few months to tide thru the 6 weeks of no pay... sigh...
Heee, Love Dogs, thats why Im considering. Cos I also need time to look after bb during the weekends. P/time no benefits at all. F/Time many many benefits. Unless I find one bank that works 5 days oni, or I work those back office one in bank, but no incentives.

My current job - I alrdy wanna quit long time liao, but cant find a suitable job yet. Now preggie liao, like alot of good offers but I cant apply. Sobs. My current superiors and all push work to me and ask me to settle shit for them. Really getting v tired. Wats more now preggie hormones taking over, I feel even more pek cek.

Jesmine, then u can start to massage your abdomen. Im also massaging now...
hi jesmine,

not sure whether u ever experienced this... even before i was pregnant..when i was suffering from gastric, i can see "heartbeat" on my stomach... its scary... but doctor said due to gastric leh..

hope u are not suffering from bad gastric... take care yah
Tami, Im like carrying my legs to work. Everyday dun feel like even lifting the pen up to write. Answer phonecalls also sound restless and dun wish to ENT customers. Jia latz liao...
