(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

congrats to you.
wow, so sophie has a little silbing soon. is she excited?

jonas is same as shernise. toilet trained only at home. she can say "shishi: if she wants to pee, but going to school and outside, still on diapers. aiyo, dont know when she can fully toilet train.

yeah. agreed with you. XL diapers is more expensive.

maybe our daug will be in the same school if i decide to enroll her for PLMG

re: school
mummies, would you prefer a only girls/boys sch or mixed school?

Glad to know that B is recovering.. try not to give her iced water/beverages and refrigerated fruits.

Dun think the official website has a "promotion" page. The promo was advertised in the newspapers last week which is for the period 20 - 27 January. Thereafter, the prices will gradually shoot up. You can key in your preferred stay date in the website to find out the rate applicable... the lowest room rate will probably apply in the period which I mentioned.
Toilet trained:

Javen also not fully trained. He;s not wearing diaper anymore during the day except when napping. Go out also diaperfree but then he pee a lot at night. I have to change him before I go sleep else will surely leak. He’s wearing the huggies ultra XXL. I cant find a bigger size now……so no choice have to change him b4 I sleep. Sometime change liao also leak ….have to change his pyjamas and diaper in the mid of night. Very tired. He mention to me that he don’t want wear diaper at night but then cant le…I told him he pee don’t want say at night so cannot go without diaper.

The resort world sentosa going at half price….hmmm…is the park fully open?
pei hwa presb is at bt timah. pei chun pri is in tpy. i moving out of bt batok so both ar not near. but my hb still prefer either of d above.
c, jonas is quite similar to ash, wen i first toilet trained him, it was difficult to train poo cos he mus stand to poo. but af a while, he was ok.

u fr pei chun? me too. cld we b ex-classmates?

Toilet trained:
cher is fully trained. she undstd what i tell her so training was quite easy i shd say. for nite, she wld drk her 1 cup of water or goat's milk at 830pm then brush her teeth. i wld ask her to pee at 9pm or 930pm before she goes to bed.
at sunday sch (when i was not w her), she was able to tell her teachers if she nid to go toilet, so far so gd.

d stat declarartion sounds so serious...
cher jus got well fr cough too. B is petite too? cher's frame is most likely like mine. when i was in pri sch, i was in d 'under-nourished children' club, evyday was forced to drk a horrid nutritious oaty/milky drk, complusory, must take attendance. when i was young, i was fussy w food too. jialat, she is just like me :p but both of us are vege lovers which d pd said i shd b tkful tat my girl loves vege.
Javen always drink plenty of water b4 bedtime. think thats y so much urine. but i cant stop him from drinking le. he like very thirsty....
so you plan to do volunteer or change to grandparents' address?

Seldom give B cold stuff, except ice cream, but now cough, also didnt give already.

B also doesnt want to wear diaper at night. but i always say cannot because she still cant wake up in the middle of the night to pee

yes, maybe we were ex-classmates..haha
B's weight is always hovering around 12-12.5kg. She cant get pass this mark. When it looks like she is gaining weight, she will fall sick..and the weight will drop.

Just sent B to playgroup this morning, still crying. sign..hope she gets pass this mark soon.
So in the end, how was Ash toilet trained to poo? He just decide to sit on the potty suddenly one day?

Nope theme parks not open yet..that's why the hotel rates are discounted.

B is heavier than my boy! So dun worry about her weight dropping a little ya.

Why dun you try getting your mom send B to school instead? Maybe she is just more "sa jiao" with you...
i still cannot decide which school yet. Still have one more year to go before doing PV. I'm choosing betwen PLMG and Rosyth. one is girl sch and another is mixed sch. but my another SIL told me that Rosyth's standard is better than PLMG (his son is in Rosyth P3)
i cant remb exactly but just keep telling him n 'pian' him to sit on toilet bowl when c him 'kek'. yup, 1 day he just ok w it.

B's weight is ok. cher cant even hit 11kg mark.

gd tat he likes water. but how abt time his last water feed like no water (mayb just 1 or 2 spoonfuls) 1 hr b4 bedtx? is his dinner salty?
where is rosyth? near serangoon interchange?

My mum brings also cries. My mum said something to do with been born on mother's day...that is why made of water...always cry..:p

but B is extremely bony loh.
dun worry la. U also slim slim type. prob B takes after u.

Toilet Training:
Talking abt this, last night b4 i sleep i change a new diaper for Javen at 11 plus. 5 plus he wake up with nightmare and i realise his pyjamas is wet again. need to change him and his diaper is very very full. if u squeeze the wet portion of his long pants, think the urine also can drip out. Haiz.....
Thanks! will probably move after baby is born and done some vaccinations. maybe nov. hubby will still go in may, but will be back in aug for the birth and confinement. it's not an easy decision but either way got pros and cons.

i dun thinks she knows yet. but when i point to my tummy and ask her if she want baby brother or baby sister, most of the time she will say baby brother. she's really a tomboy.

as for co-ed or single-sex school, i'm not sure. i think for girls i prefer all girls, but primary not so crucial. co-ed may be better. i think more for secondary to be single-sex. i came from all girls school till jc. don't really see much harm. i think it boils down to what we teach them from young. probably less "distractions" if single sex school.haha...
last nite, jboy woke me up at 4am and said he wanna pee. I ask him pee in his diaper. Next moment, he said he wanna poo. So got him up, sat in toilet bowl for 10mins .. no poo, pee oni. Sigh .. felt like he cannot sleep, wake me up for attention. Poo was a scam !!
Javen did that to me a few times before last yr when he didnt want to sleep. He will say want pee or poo and refuse to use the potty...want to go toilet. but when bring him there, nothing comes out and only a few drops of urine. after a few times, i know n ask him not to bluff me else his nose will grow long...i intro the pinochio story to him to let him know he cannot lie....hehehe
hi all, my boy is turning 3 soon..i have not toilet train him..felt so bad
and he have not been to childcare too..i think its also cos i cant let go..am afraid tat he will cry non stop..and also dont bear to see him cry..was thinking to enrol him maybe next year..will it be too late?
Hmm...at current seems impossible to "lure" my boy to the toilet bowl when he doing "business" lei..he will SHOO us away when he's at it and will get angry if we try to go near him or drag him elsewhere...

Just curious, so which part of Japan will you be residing?

Jordan playing the "Qi Lai Niao Niao" joke with mummy.. :p

By the way, Jboy has tried pooing in the toilet bowl b4 already? Very good lei if he has done IT.

Is your boy a May 07 baby? I would say it's not a must to start school at 3... But, why not start off by signing him up for some once or twice a week playgroup or enrichment short classes to give him the chance to try interacting with other kids. At home, the caregiver can also play some educational toys or read books to him daily, which is in fact good enough. Have a friend who decided that she will only start her kids at primary 1 only coz she wants her kids to really enjoy their childhood.
Hi SpringDance, yea. he is a May 07 baby
currently my mother is helping me to look after him cos i'm working..i was also thinking of those few hours playgroup or classes..but my mother finds it troublesome to pick him up here and there..i do read books to him..but he dont seems interested
headache..but he's quite friendly..when i bring him out, he will say hello and bye bye to people in the lift..if there is other kids, he will talk and smile to them..oh ya..he dont really answer my questions to him in full sentence..is that very bad?
ya, he does poo/ pee in toilet bowl if he got mood:p

I oso intro the boy who cry wolf to jboy to teach him e concept of lying.. Maybe impact nt enuff hor. Hw does the story of pinnochio goes har:p I ONI rmbr he told lie, nose grow long dats all. Kaka.
ya. Lie and the nose grow long. I bought him the story book and show him. He ask me how come his nose so long and i told him cos pinnochio lie to the carpenter etc....

now when he goes out and refuse to hold hand, i will ask him if he want to be like Nemo. Cos he has been watching Finding Nemo recently and he saw the nemo refuse to listen to his daddy and end up being caught by man and put into a fish tank. heheheh....

Toilet Training:
Last night, after bath, i change Javen into his u nderwear instead of diaper. Didnt give him water if he didnt ask. he asked to pee 2 times. after which when its time to sleep, i change him to diaper and he pee the last time. Surprise to see so much urine. i give him water in a cup intsead of his usual strawcup cos i tot he prob unknowingly drink lots of water from the strawcup cos he can keep sucking. so i change to a cup and he drink half of it before sleep. when i sleep at 1030pm, i carry him and let him sleep on my arm slightly tilted so that i can open up his diaper and let him pee in the potty. this morning b4 work, i touch his diaper, its quite dry.....hopefully it works for night toilet training
your story-relating technique is good lei...what story did you tell for going to school? Because B is still crying every morning now when bringing her to school

Javen reading snow white and the 7 dwarfs and he likes it very much cos of the witch and the dark forest where he says there are many tree monsters in the forest. And he knows the Queen always ask the mirror who’s the fairest lady etc. So I told him the witch will also ask the mirror ” mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the boy who always cry when going to school” and say if he keep crying, the mirror will show his face. And then I took a mirror out and show him his face. Now he no cry anymore. And told him if he goes sch, he will learnt many things and then become a clever boy which he very happy abt it cos he say he dun want to be stupid. :p

Not sure if it’s a good way but at least he didn’t cry now la.
In that case, you can bring your boy for a class on sat or sun instead..just to have a feel of mixing with other kids in the classroom environment.

As for speech, my standards is not high coz my boy is kinda delayed in speech..he only started saying more words recently..long way to even a phrase, much less a sentence.

Jordan not bad wor...confirm will be fully toilet trained very soon.

Javen is always so advanced in almost everything... mummy has definitely put in alot of time and hard work "grooming" him.
Welcome to the thread

Your son seems fine, that's normal behaviour for a 2 1/2 yr old, I think. My son would go "Hellooo!" to every passer by he sees. Until I get embarrased also. The cleaner also cannot do work, coz he keeps saying Hello to the cleaner. hehe.

Your kid can go to sch next yr, Nursery. I agree with Springdance. If you're worried, you can try out short classes first.

Same lah with Adam, there was a point of time, almost 3 -4 times in a week I have to change the bedsheet coz his diapers were too full with pee and wet his PJs

Yr technique is good I think but it depends on how much water our kids drink. Yesterday also I made Adam pee once at 8, once more at 9 plus, then go sleep. My hubby changed his diaper around 3 plus, and it was not as heavy. We've resorted to changing diaper at night to prevent leakage. Haiz...big boys, pee also increase man...

Adam got a good whack from me last week when he used that trick to avoid sleeping. I was already so tired from dealing with a newborn, and he was so mischievous. Nowadays, everytime he say he want to pee, I'll ignore, coz he just peed like 20 mins ago!!!

Do you gals feel that your boys are testing boundaries like nobody's business? For Adam, the more I say No, the more he'll do. Arrgggh... Even if I used a positive stroke (eg, Good that you're not hitting yr sister, or good that you're not kicking), he'll still kick! Dunno what to do with him....
my aim is to reduce the amt of water drank so that not much urine and at the same time home can toilet trained at night.

Javen is also like tat. The more u say dont do, he will do it. So now, i use the other approach using stories he like and link to what he do like what i mention earlier in the posting...like he always dun want to hold hand and run like monkeys ard even in crowded places...so i use the Finding Nemo movie to illustrate etc. Or if he naughty and bully his bro/ other kids, i will use Casper the friendly ghost..hehe...Casper is friendly ghost who like to make friends etc....or show him the chinese movie on jail term and show him naughty uncles go to jail etc.
Hello SpringDance and smalldreams
shall try out weekend classes..any recommendations which school should i go for?

smalldreams: yea..i get embarrased too..haha..he is over friendly at times..
that's a good way, I shall try. I used something like that on him previously too. He'll think with his eyes big big, then later, do again. Haiz!

How was Javen with Jaren last time? Did Javen do things to Jaren? Adam at first would beat his sister's head. Now he stopped but he always wants to kiss baby but dunno how to regulate strength. And he likes to shake the playpen and cot too.

And he likes to do sneak somewhere quietly as if to do something, then when we ask, he'll flash his grin and say,"Nothing!!"

There's Growing Up Gifted at United Sq. I think each trial session is abt $50. We went there only once but hubby didn't quite fancy it, though I thought it was alrite. Where do you stay? Think the mummies here are even better at this than me. My boy only started going to playgroup in Jan this yr
Some weekend enrichment classes you can consider:
- Growing Up Gifted
- Julia Gabriel
- Kidsloft
- Kindermusik
- Gymboree
- Busy Buddies (at Grace kids)
SpringDance and smalldreams
Thanks for the recommendation!
are parents allowed to accompany the kids in the weekend classes?

i see i see..did he cry alot when he started school? i stay at telok blangah.
All the toddler classes I mentioned MUST be accompanied by a parent or caregiver in fact.

By the way, we staying quite near to each other..I'm at redhill.. maybe our boys might go to the same primary school in future.
hubby has been telling B to go to school to learn things and make friends. But i dont think it works. I told her about her school schedule and the food that she will be eating at school. hopefully to reduce the uncertainity. I hope this will work. otherwise have to think of another technique
i see i see..good good..shall bring my boy to try out weekend classes soon.

izzit..haha..high possibility =) i havent start to take note of the primary schools around yet =x
hi mummies,
can i join this thread esp when i saw some posts on parent volunteer. my girl was born in june 07. she is currently attending 3hrs playgroup. i'm a FTWM.
Telok Blangah, nice area. When evening comes, it's cooling there, and can hear the grasshoppers' sounds. Hehe.

You're so positive abt having a friend staying around the same area! You know, one of my friends previously hoped I'd carry baby till Jan 2010, and not give birth in Dec 09 so that she'd have 1 less person to fight with over P1 registration! Haha, she was joking lah, but I was quite amused she could think that far.

What happens when B cries? How long will she take to settle down? I guess our hearts sure break, but I believe you can't go to her rescue since parents not allowed in rite? My SIL, who's a teacher, said just let it be, the kids will learn somehow. Don't worry lah, B will be fine pretty soon. Been 3 weeks already.
yes i think wld b gd if u can reduce d amt of water javen drk at nite. if d stomach/bladder is full, i think they can't sleep well. also both urself n javen get disturbed sleep due to wet pyjamas. mayb u cld use stories to illustrate to him since he likes stories.
for cher, af her last water feed at abt 830pm, somtx i wld make her pass urine twice. she slp well w an empty bladder. on some days when she din completely empty her bladder, she wld wake up early in d morning n tell me she wan to pee n cant fall aslp agn.

How i toilet train cher:
pretty mickey mouse panties! she likes mickey mouse. i told her she is a big girl n big girl dont wear diapers. i kept tellg her wearing diaper is hot n itchy, not nice. n make her agree w me, 'not nice, not nice'. told her she wears pretty mickey mouse panties and cannot wet it so if want to pass urine, must tell mummy n go to d toliet bowl. she added on herself, 'mickey mouse very upset if meimei wet it' (so funny). so i keep reminding her esp at d start but she kind of get it on d 1st day of training.
as for nite, she refuse to put on diaper so i told her is a must to pass urine b4 slp n i dun give water an hour b4 bed time. if thirsty, i give free spoonfuls n wld ask her to try to pass urine agn.

my girl is not in sch yet too. but she previously attended once a wk playgp at Kidsloft.

dont know is it d multi-vit helps? cher appretite recently is quite gd. i remb d pd mentioned somtg w vit b12 n dont know what may help. keeping my fingers crossed. but d multi-vit gummies she recommended taste so yummy, even i like it

Wonder what's wrong? Cher is still drooling at this age! Somtx her whole neck is all wet. n all her teeth are already out. I know kids with speech delay may drool due to weak muscles but cher is talking so much. She is perspiring a lot, those dripping kind so cld it b related....
jboy drool too.. Especially when he's concentrating, will be worse:s

I can ustand wat u say coz jboy is oso a water monster. Some x at nite, he can down his 180ml fm n another 250ml water!! I dunno hw to start diaperless:p
dun worry...some kids take a longer time to settle down...like i always said for my case..markus takes a couple of mths b4 he really settle down..

ur frend very funny leh..can't imagine she can actually think abt that..

any mummies started their spring cleaning already? i already started doing some..since i am not working..
planning to try baking pinapple tarts...
Hey zhuzhu
how is it like being a stay at home mom? will it be temporary, or will you be searching for new lobangs soon?

Wow, yummy pineapple tarts! CNY ones always load up on the pineapples !

I shall try yr method of toilet training. hehe. yesterday I got up to change #2's diaper & for feeding, so I changed Adam's one too. And it was DRY! For the first time ever. I was close to waking him up to get him to pee, but I told myself not to be crazy. But I do wonder why, he always poo first then tell me...

Now I have #2, it'll be great if I could toilet train adam. Diapers are sucking me dry....!
teaspoon feeding is prob another way. i have reduce the amt of water he drink from sippy cup to half to 3/4 cup of water b4 sleep. but its diff to refuse to let him drink water le...cos he very talkative....lie on bed also can talk/sing for abt 30 mins or more then quieten down to sleep. so in the meanwhile, he will keep asking for water. he is fully diaperless during the day except for nap and night time. now i make him pee b4 i change him into diaper just b4 he sleep. and b4 i sleep will make him pee again.
i will try ur teaspoon mtd once he adjusted to drinking from cup at night....cos even now he still ask for straw cup cos he know he can suck up as much water as he like ....
last night Javen drank near to 3/4 cup of water n he change into diaper near 9pm. When i make him pee b4 i sleep at 1030pm, his diaper is already 1/4 full. and then at night he keep waking up asking for water. this mornin, diaper also abit full. haiz....
zhuzhu, smalldreams,
B is still crying this morning. so heart ache. Markus took a few months to settle down? so also every day cried? like not very good for the body lei...because B can cry the whole time. Last time i peeked in, she stopped for a while, then cried again. Because there are 2-3 children still crying non-stop...so she is also kind of affected by them...
Well, I wouldn't say I'm positive about having more "primary school competitors" in the area actually, but just have to accept. My nearby residential areas have quite a number of new estates, including the newly ready Duxton at Pinnacle..so doesn't make much of a difference to know one mummy here from Telok Blangah..there's loads of 2007 babies out there I am sure, it's the popular "pig" year for Chinese.. too bad we dun have the $$$ to move to the high end housing estates like Bt Timah or River Valley where majority of the population is Expats..which we'll then have priority advantage for the school slots as Singaporeans :p

Some kids take up to one month to settle down...give B a little more time to adjust...have to bear with the heart ache part though...by the way, does she cry throughout class (3 hrs??) or just a little while only after you dropped her?
B cried for a short while, but she is easily affected by others...hence, i think i can say she basically cried the whole tiem.

think its ok ...i remember last yr, a few of Javen classmates also cry the whole time. but after a few months.....they r ok already.
