(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

oh dear, she cries the whole 3 hrs? It's a 3 hr playgroup rite? I agree, if other kids cry, somehow some kids will cry too, they get affected as well.

But the teachers should be able to distract B rite? Don't worry, some kids take longer to adjust. Haiz...hope her classmates stop crying.

Got 1 boy in Adam's playgroup, he had his pacifier & milk bottle too! He cried badly on first day and a few days later so last resort I think the teachers stuffed the pacifier. he's OK now already though.

My SIL's son also cried and vomitted for a long time before he stopped crying. At least B's not half as bad!

Would you know what's bothering B?
when i asked B, she said she misses me...so every day, when taking her there, she will ask me to follow her.

I attended the class with B before. The teachers cant cope with the crying children. too many children crying. At times, the teacher will just leave them to cry...which i think is not very good.
Hi mummiesssssssss,

Long time ddnt come in...its been mths!! How's everyone doin? Browse thru the thread alittle...Congrats to nellu & smalldreams (though is abit late frm me) & lynn.

Wow everyone is talking abt toilet-trgn & Pri sch?? So stressful hor in SG, but I guess tats our lifestyle here.. too relac wif the kids, scare they lose out. too hard on them, afraid they'll stress out...

Abt B crying, guess hv to be hurt for quite awhile. However they'll outgrown it. My gf's gal oso cry everyday non-stop for 3hrs. But the teacher assure tat after 1mth or so, they'll stop totally. Hv u try let B take her favourite toy or sumting she is secure wif to sch? maybe tis will help?

i remember beginning last yr when the sch term just started, i bought Javen a thomas and friends crocs shoe and ask him to show to his teacher his new shoe. And he is very happy..on the day when he goes, he proudly point to teacher his new shoe.....he never cry ofrom that day onwards...
prob can try what mom@work suggest. i even hang a mini photoframe keychain with our photo on his bag and told him if he miss mommy or daddy, can go to the bag and see......hehhee
Cheezel, Mum@work,
thanks for your advice. but the thing is that B does not have any comfort items. I think I will still ask again tonight whether she wants to bring anything to school.

Not advisable to put a key chain. Because last time when i was in teh class, I saw a boy who especialy went to bag with key chain and unziped to take out all the items in teh bag. I think he is attracted to the key chain.
B's class still has alot of kiddos crying? It's almost 1 month already, I would think that majority of the class has settled down with only a few crying kids. Juz wondering, do the teachers look fierce?

Mum at Work
Loonngg time no "see"! How are you coping with 2 kids? Is 'JieJie" attending full-day or half-day school now? Update us about your younger one too.
Heard from my mum still have 3-4 kids crying the whole time. Not that the teachers are fierce, but I think the class has no interesting activities to engage the children. The teachers seem to ask the children to just play what ever toys that are on the table. so like that loh...
Coping wif the kids r quite relax nw juz tat the boi is getting very mischeivous, juz cant leave him alone even for a sec. Hv to keep all my photoframes bcos of him. He's turning ONE nxt mth, so fast!!! bbK is nw on half-day sch, glad tat she's enjoying it.

I tink the teachers are busy wif all the crying kids tats y cant engage any activities for the rest. But the crying period will be over soon & i believed ter's gonna be activities for them. So don wori so much ya....

Does the school share with the parents a time-table of what they do daily with the kids? For example, Playground? Sound & music? Language?

Mum at Work
BbK still with Julia Gabriel or change to another child care centre? Any plans to go out to work since your kids are "older" and easier to cope with now?
the school only gives the food menu and also the topic of interest that they will be doing on weekly basis. not so detail as daily thingy loh.

But it is difficult for me to change to another school, because like u previously, this is the closest school to my mum's place.
bbK no longer wif JG, her class is oni playclub. She's attending PN nw... 3hrs. Actually I'm quite bored being a SAHM but hubby wans me to look after the kiddos lei....

was kept busy the whole time i stayed at home..cos busy spring cleaning lar..
I will be starting my new job in Mar..so i got a whole Feb off..
will be travelling sometime after CNY also..

In the beginning, Markus do cried everyday when my MIL bring him to sch..there was a period when he saw the uniform at home...he will cried...

but usually when he reached sch, the teachers will take over and tried to hush him..it takes him a while b4 he is okie..

i know the heartache..but really have to let go..

my boy sch do have the daily activies timetable..but then sometimes they also dun adhere to it..depending on the kids' moods..

I remember last yr javen’s class has abt 16 kids and most of them cried when they go into the classroom..some of them cry all the way and for weeks or dunno if months cos at times when I bring javen to sch, I still see 1 or 2 crying away. The initial phase like the 1st few months will prob be more diff to teach and follow the schedule….but after 2 weeks or so, I begin to see Javen bringing craft works and worksheets which he did in sch back home. i didn’t bother if the teacher do follow strictly the schedule although they do give a daily schedule and the timetable for the daily class like what time to what time do what etc. My aim bringing Javen to attend the class is to let him mingle, play and interact with teachers and kids. After a while, I do hear other parents saying their kids do sing song at home after sch which they never teach them b4 so I presume the kids do learn along the way…..

Javen didn’t cry much during the 1st few days or week of sch. But then he started crying 2 months after attending sch suddenly. The teacher commented that it do happen to some kids. And this happen for a few days and after which he’s ok again.

Give them sometime to adjust and adapt. Don’t Worry
Thanks zhuzhu and cheezel for sharing your experience. I can tell B is trying her best. Because every morning when I asked her not to cry, she will say 'ok' and try to stop crying by wiping away her tears. So will give her some time and more encouragement.

I feel that if B is given more activities to do in class, it will surely distract her from crying. I plan to write in the notebook for the teacher to review.

that was pretty fast to get a job at this time. job market still not very good right? u must be in those fields that are highly in demand. :p

Mum@ work,
good that your hubby let u rest at home. maybe u can learn flower arrangement like those tai-tai...:p
Mum at Work
Oh i see.. bbK is doing PN class..is it at the popular St James?

Congrats for getting a new job so soon...which line of industry will you be doing?

One thing abt church kindy, they seem to have less updates and "interesting looking" timetables, unlike childcare centres..probably CC are more profit driven so they make the classes sound attractive. It's still too early stage to tell whether the activities at B's school is interesting or not..but what you can do now is talk to the teachers and "test" water to find out what is going on and what will happen..talking might be more effective than writing on the notebook.
B is still trying to adapt, so may not take leave to talk to the teacher. Otherwise, it may have side effect to B's adapting. Writing in the notebook will get respond. The teacher responds almost immediately, which i feel that some time the teachers leave the children to play on their own while they reply on the notebooks...not so good loh.

thanks, will take one step at a time.
Actually I meant speaking to the teacher over the phone...not in person. But if writing has been working fine for you then just continue the communication and see how it goes.
haha, I've no time for myself actually. When bbK go to sch, I've to look after the lil rascal... He's really a handful. Especially wen evening time, sumtimes the 2 kiddos fight over toys, snatching stuff....& the lil rascal loves to pull the jiejie's hair!!! Sumtimes sitting at one corner & look at them, I realli wanna laugh.

bbK is attending NY Kindy. St.James is very popular, hence hv to register them once the birth cert is ready!!! They hv alot of activities & outings even for PN though. How abt Jonas? Is he coping well in sch?

st james so difficult to get in meh...wow, have to register when obtain birth cert!!
maybe their teacher to student ratio are smaller lah...so more attention.

Dont know whether the classroom has a telephone or not. because the office is at level 3 of the church, and the classroom is at level 1...
thanks for your advice anyway.
your boys seem to like the beach alot. What time do you usually go east coast? isnt it hot? my hubby hates east coast because always very crowded, and no where to park
Mum at Work
NY Kindy is also rather famous...their focus on Mandarin is strong I heard.

My boy seems to be doing alright at school...but then, I have not much of an idea what he do everyday coz he can't really speak much yet. :p

Can leave message with the office for the teacher to return call..Dun think classrooms have telephones and anyway, the teachers will be too busy to answer phone calls whilst at class. They probably will only be available to talk after 3pm or so. But do what you think is best and like Cheezel says, dun worry too much ya.
Haha, u'll be surprised by St.James intake. They've actually open a 3rd session (wich class starts at 3pm) for Yr2012 & its slots r all taken up late last yr. U'll be impressive by their sch compound, they even hv their own pool.

Yes, NY Kindy main focus is Mandarin. For N1 & N2, it is solely in Mandarin. Bilingual will kicks in oni in K1.
Don wori abt Jonas speech, he might pop u a surprise one day. Anw, I realised boys pick up things slower... my boy oso like tat compare to his jiejie.

we went inthe evening ard 4 plus and reach east coast at slightli past 5pm. play till 7 plus then wash them up and went for dinner. Not hot le. infact very windy. i bought him alone there once in the morning. Quite hot. so evening time is the best.
4 plus can find carpark?

B is getting better today. Although the first sentence when she woke up was dont want to go to school. but as we were on the way, she got better. didnt cry today and even wave goodbye. I hope this will continue.

thanks mummies for your comforting words.
B is so sweet & cute! Post a photo of her here lei

Can imagine her tiny hands trying to wipe her tears dry... quite a xiaomei!

Good to hear today she's much better. With kids, they're so unpredictable rite..but hopefully tomorrow will be good too and the rest is history!

Actually if you don't park at the crowded areas in EC, easy to find parking and can find shady areas which are not too crowded. Avoid the Mac & KFC area for sure. Go further down, or further up. It's really nice.

The last time I went to EC was abt 1 -2 weeks before Baby was born. Adam had a great time with his skate scooter there. I cant believe I could still accompany him to play with my huge belly! Miss those times with Adam alone... :S

Eh, long time no see! Wow, yr #2 is already 1 yo!! Time flies! I salute you for having kids close in age gap. I think I'll go insane if my #2 was 1. But I sure hope girls are better behaved... my #2 is a gal..

What a blessing...your timing is so just nice! Can go for short trip some more
That's so good!

That St james kindy costs a bomb every month rite? If got $ to burn can lah. If not, I'd rather stick to a neighbourhood kindy.... but of course, no pool lah.. :p

You're really very creative lah in handling yr kids... haha!
Can even think of keychain with photo!
Anyway Adam's going to dentist again next week. Will probably patch up his teeth which has slight decay

Am looking forward to the time alone with Adam though...!

This is my #2. She turns 1 month today.... 4 weeks of maternity leave zoomed by liao...

Now you can "Fang Xin" liao since B has started to accept and get used to school routine. Hooray!

You princess has "natural curls" is it?

St James fees is published on their website..around $1K plus per term...expensvie amongst church kindys but lower than branded childcare centres like Brighton, Pat's or Etonhouse.
Nah, I permed her hair...


Yups, she probably has natural curls like me too...

Looking very sleepy, drifting to sleep in this photo.

Thank goodness Adam doesn't have curly hair!

1 k per term (as in Jan to Mar)? Wow, that's like more than 3 times what I'm paying for my playgroup! Super "atas" man...
ya..job mkt still not dat good..not dat i am in high demand..just heng heng..i was telling hb yday...after that interview..i don't have any other interview fone calls..even though i sent out alot of emails...haiz..

i will be in the retail industry..used to be in travel retail..but now its domestic retail..

wow cute lil gal...i like the curly hair...she looks like adam is it?
heheh...ya might be a little weird for Asian boys having natural curl hair but alright for little "ang mo boys with goldy hair"... :p

You doing retail sales or based in head office? if sales then need to do shift correct?
will try to put a photo here another time. office cant load photo in facebook, but can load in here.
Your girl is very pretty. yah, time flies by so fast. have u made your decision whether will be taking no paid leave?

yah happy that B is alright now. Called my mum during lunch. she was saying that B came home and proudly told my dad that she didnt cry in school today.

good that you found a job after all.
Cheers to B! She's doin a great job, don u tink so? hehehe....
2day bbK suddenly cried wen I bring her to her class. (Usually I'll drop her at the driveway wer the teacher will pick her up) She hugged me as if she misses me!! hahaha....I calmed her & ask her she wanna do any art work? & she replied yes. She wiped off her tears & say bi mummie. Wad a relieve!

haha...tats a gd one (permed her hair). Wow ur lil princess is so adorable! Wads was her birth wgt? Im sure ur gal behaved much beta compared to boys, u'll see.
My boi is realli mischievous, few days ago he started climbing up the bench to the table! *faint*

not sales job..its at the head office..if i wan a retail working hour..i would find somewhere closer to home..
I actually went to PCF for interview..the pros is its near my plc..only thing is the salary quite low..

so proud of B...
see she will get over it..dun worry too much
I think I only have Cool_D on FB. My email is [email protected]. Do add me on FB if you're comfy

Yup, I've decided. Not taking NPL. Not worth it since a lot of stuff would be pro-rated. I'll continue to work from home for as long as my bosses allow though - twice a week as far as I can manage...

Hey good news abt B. You must be relieved

My girl was 3 kg exactly at birth. A month later, she's 4 kg.
I'm so looking forward to seeing if girls are really not as notty as boys. Haha, thanks for yr assurance. Adam is really a handful. If #2 also like that, I will faint.

So is yr office near town, or near where we stay in the east?
Guess now we know, PCF teachers not that well-paid. It's really not an easy job dealing with pre-schoolers yet salary so-so only.

Now got a poly course on early childhood. I wonder how much those graduates get paid...

Ya lor, so funny huh. Asian boys with curly hair. Adam has straight hair but can see a bit of waves. Quite easy to cut though.

My colleague told me she went for a basic hair cutting course at a CC. now I'm so tempted to go too...but dunno if there's one in CC nearby.
any of ur kiddo dun like to cut hair? jboy used to be ok when he's younger but now, he hates it. U asked him, he will st away tell u, NO, i will cry
Remember to praise B for her 'achievement' when you get home from work tonight.

With a young child, I think we would all prefer a job that has more stable hours..priority shift away from career.. :p

As for salaries of childcare & kindergarten teachers, think it's a known fact that the pay for this occupation is not high..quite sad hor.

Think just attending the basic hair cut course not enuf...must keep practising only then you can grasp the skills. Who can be your frequent "model"? Hehehehe.....
thanks for your comforting / encouraging words regarding B and her schooling woes.

I cut B's hair since she was born. she refuses to let other people cut. One time, my mum brought her to the hair dresser, B kept on crying throughout. My mum also didnt dare to bring again. I cut straight straight one loh, then use the special scissors to cut up and down, or different layered. so that it does not look like a bowl-pattern hair cut. dont know whether you understand the joke.

I would put B on the toilet bowl and give her a toy screw driver, and ask her to repair the toilet bowl. then she will sit down quietly 'repairing' while i cut. very easy. u can try this method too, if you want to DIY hair cut.

will send the facebook invite to you soon.

Javen used to scream the whle hair salon down. I brought him to Junior League at Suntec to cut. There is a guy called Jimmy. He is very good with kids. Javen cut few times there and never once he cry. now i bring Javen to normal salon. He didnt quite like cutting his hair but didnt cry cos he got tons of sweets from the JieJie who cut his hair. Now its Jaren's turn to scream when cut hair.
So far I oni cut bbK fringe, nv touch d rest since birth. So I was wondering will she be afraid of hair cut in time to come..... heheehe.... Maybe my nxt worry would be the boi.

i lazy leh .. I had some recommendation on kids hair stylist too, but I dun wan to set the precedent. Both daddy n mummy cuts at our neighbour, jboy cuts in town??!! :p

maybe i shld try DIY myself. So far oni my MIL tried. Perhaps he will listen to me
Juz worried my clumpsy hands will snip on his little ears .. hahaha.
my hb use those shaver kind for cutting hair to cut my boy hair..but he also attitude lar..not everytime wans to cut..
Hi mummies

long time no login liao....

congrats to smalldreams for your newborn and Lynn.

my boy ky is attending pre nursery daily 2 hrs from mon to fri and infact he loves going 'school'.

Wishes all mummies and kiddies a happy chinese new year.
