(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

me oso working mah :p

i was considering music sch also, but e class crashes with his nap time so decided not to. Swiming i always feel can self teach. moreover now they sure dun take instruction too well. now we go swimming, will try n teach jboy to kick kick wif his wings on
but 4-5 yrs maybe can send for proper swimming techniques.

jboy oni recognise some alphabets n numbers.
markus can recognised most alphabets and numbers...and he can tell me like M for monkey kind of thing...words he still canot read...
Javen can only recognise few alphabets only though he can say A to Z. But i dun blame him cos i seldom show him the alphabets. He can only say like A = aligator, B=bear, C=computer, D=Dinosaur etc

brand new yr...going to teach him to recognise numbers and alphabets.
Hi gals!

You made announcement for me huh? Thanks Springdance for yr well wishes

Yups, gave birth to a little girl last Monday, 28 Dec 09.
She was 3 kg at birth. 50 cm.
She's a week old now.

I sent Adam to playgroup today. He was fine at first, so I sneaked out. Got 2 toddlers already crying. Sekali he started searching for me, and began crying!! *heart break* man. But I just left him there (hubby waited outside) coz if i went in, i was afraid it would repeat the cycle all over again.

Envy you guys, you've passed this First Day of school stage.
post pics of ur gal when u have time...
dun worry lar..it gets some time to get used to sch...adam will get over it..but do prepared to give him more times...my boy took some mths b4 he finally dun cry when goin to sch..

I also sent B to her first day of school today. Parents are allowed to stay through out for the first and second day. I stayed but stood at one corner. All the other parents were bascially hugging their children. There was one girl, no parents at all and not crying at all. supper steady. B was not really bothered that I was not there for her...she only occasionally just looked at my direction to check that I am still there. I hope she will be fine by the third day, because they said no parents allowed starting from the third day.

welcome back!! hehehe

well, dun worry. Javen didnt cry the 1st 3 days when i was with him last yr. on the 4th day when parents cannot go in, he didnt cry too. but when teacher close the door and all start to cry, he also follow and cry like hell. after 10 mins, ok liao.

never sneaked out of the classroom. Its better to let them know...even till now i also always remind him that mommy or ah ma is waiting for him outside and he will sing, dance, play, read and write with teacher. and when clas end, teacher will open the door and daddy, mommy or ah ma will wait there for him.

yesterday, a brand new class for the yr. luckily he didnt cry...he do his usual stuff like put his bag and water bottle himself, take out his shoe, Q up to wash hand etc.......hope the 4th day, he will not cry
Morning ladies
Took leave last two days to company my boy at his new school..he was sticking close to me throughout, afraid I may "disappear"..I notice that on majority, it's the gals who are more steady.. correct Janet?

Today his grandma brings him to school, hopefully he'll be more independent...

You just delivered and already out & about sending Adam to school? Such is a doting mommy you are.

How many hours class is Adam attending? Is it at Apple Tree?
hard to say whether the girl or the boy more steady...because B's class only has 2 boys. So not accurate to compare...hee hee

So Jonas's school also can go into the class throughout for the week?
Morning ladies

Aiyah...yesterday mil bring Javen to sch. haben even go into the class, he start crying. When i ask him why he cry, he say dun want to play in sch. Also dunno why. this morn before he go sch, i give him a call to reassure him that its ok going to sch. Now, sometime i hate sch holiday cos after a long break, he's back to sq 1. But he is ok on the 1st day when i bring him in.
Letter from school says parent or caregiver can accompany the child for the 1st week...but today 3rd day, the teacher chase my MIL and other parents out of class after the 1st half hr. Anyway, it's not so bad like that lar, least this will "force" the kids to be independent sooner rather than "false" hopes that mama/papa will always be with me in school.

Did you still accompanied your gal in class today? How many todds are there in one class?

Ya I think the school holidays sorta allow the kids to "slack" at home and they get lazy to go back school after a long break. Haiz...am sure this will happen to my boy too..
ya. Luckily Javen didnt cry when go into the class. but cry when he cant find my mil who is standing outside the room. But stop when the teacher talk to him and then he starts playing by himself when all the other kids are crying. phew!!
Yeah, I agree that I shouldn't have sneaked out of class w/o letting Adam know. I was in 2 minds - to tell him, or to just go. Either way, he can cry. But the good news is, he didn't cry on Tues & Wed! Yipppee!

Looked like angel when he was dismissed. I fetched him today. But only we know how notty is he the moment he is at home!

The school is super near my mom's place. Just across the road. I wouldn't want to miss his first day of school for anything! Am sure you'd do the same too

Do you have a Facebook a/c? I posted some photos there

Using my bro's mac now...not sure where he stored the pics.
Ouh, the reason why we rush out from Changi daily is coz we live there, but during working days, Adam is at my mom's place in Eunos. So of course must look for a school near my mom's lor.

There's childcare at my office, but the thing is, while i'm on maternity leave, it's hard to send him there.

My mum was also chased out of the school that yours. She said B did not cry and also not affected by other children crying.

However, this morning B sleep-talked. She actually said to ask my mum to sit and stay with her. So I think though B did not cry in school, she still has pressure...ai ya, poor girl. guess it is part of growing up
Javen is always so steady and independent..envy!

Good to know Adam is taking to school so well..think I saw you mention in your blog is a montessori..is it MMI?

B is quite brave already...not like my boy who is a cry baby...you know I ask him last night whether he like school, he said "NO"...signzzz.
jboy cried like mad when I send him to sch tis morn.. Kip asking me bring him Hm.. So poor thing like dat. Tink he not used to his new teacher. Called her juz nw. She said jboy Kip wanting to go bac to his old class rm. Hiaz..
Did I mention it was a montessori? hmm..don't think so ley... :p

It's just a little school opposite my mom's place. Run by my old teacher (who taught me religious studies I was 10 yrs old!!!). They mixed some nursery kids there too. Don't care lah...just a playgroup. Adam cried again this morning. Sighs.

Got scolded by hubby earlier on, coz I asked him to put on inner shorts, and adam thought he didnt have to go to sch and didnt want to wear uniform!! Lucky later he let me put on for him. Hubby told me not to intro something new to the routine. Ok lor Ok lor...

How's Jonas taking to the new school?

Wah... Jboy is sooo independent also can cry huh. I guess kids will be kids.
ya Lo .. My baby:p laz nite b4 sleep I told him nt to cry, explain that teacher Elsa needs to take care of the smaller kids so asked him dun go n disturb her. Muz listen to teacher Devi instead... Tis morn I asked him he cud repeat wat I said n din cry tis morn tho his face abit sad sad.. Hope he really ustands. Sun nite I will repeat again.. Keke.
Hallo hallo Mummies!!!!

Happy 2010!! I'm back at work...super stressed cos got big project running....

How's everyone and the kiddos? my J is in N1 now, enjoying himself tremendously at school. School has started a lot of new programmes (which also mean my pocket's hole getting bigger!!) and I've gotten him involved and that keeps him busy and he'll KO nicely at nite...wahahaha

As for E, she has started infantcare. Not too happy with the decision because i felt a bit upset that I couldn't give her equal treatment to gor gor...but it's the best that I can manage. It's been one week since she started. She seems to be adapting well. Hopefully my BM will power her up up up so that she won't fall sick so easily. Infantcare has got its great pros too! At the very least, the kiddos will lead a structured life.
and I'll have peace of mind to work.

abt dealing with crying and childcare
J has gone for a year now. In the past year occasionally he would throw his tantrums and would cry too, even though he was very brave and started very well. Expect that to happen ba. and just lovingly and patiently guid them i guess.

Cross my fingers...hope everything will go smoothly for me this year and hope the same too with all of you ladies!
Javen also cry. me will call him b4 he go sch and every night b4 he sleep that there is no need for him to cry and told him cannot cry. He will yes...cannot cry. but then when he saw my mil not going into the classroom with him, he will cry a while. When teacher pacify him then ok liao. yesterday 1st day for full session and he ate up the chocolate cake i prepare for him. guess, he prob cry only a while at the initial part when my mil left him. Haiz...kids after all kids....they prob have separation anxiety. Javen doing well last yr but then on and off also cry.

welcome back!!
Today is also B's full session. I sent her off. cannot go into the classroom with her. Teacher said to leave after taking temperature. Then Teacher sat her with all the other children. She sat down, looking down, can see from her face that she is scared, but she didnt cry. wanted to say goodbye to her, but she also didnt look up.
So I waited at the gate. Then teacher led the whole group of children to the class (a distance to walk), and she saw me at the gate. Waved good bye to her, and she looked better already. Waited for a while outside classroom...think she is ok. lets hope she will not have nightmare or sleep-talk tonight...
i just had parent teacher session at Sophie's preschool. they shared on what kids are learning at this level.

for english, they are going to teach her letterland. but i feel she is passed that stage of beginning phonics A-Z and letter recognition. and they are not teaching word blends yet. this is still ok i guess cuz her class has a range of 2-3yrs and they split into 2-3 groups for more focused learning depending on their standard.

also for math, they are teaching them numbers from 1-5 for the year. i was so shocked, cuz sophie can count to 30 but not able to quantify yet.

for the chinese i'm not so worried because she's not really exposed to, just that the material they are going to be using, she has covered at home.

hubby thinks it's ok, cuz the school will introduce it in interesting ways. they have activities which teach in a fun way rather than serious learning which he likes, afterall they are only 2-3. but i'm afraid she'll be bored and will tend to walk away if she finds that it doesn't catch her attention. wondering if i should highlight to her teachers, but i won't expect them to change syllabus so no use?

What are your kids learning in school?
Having insomia so i m here at this hr..

Lynn n mummies,
cher is not even in sch yet. plan to start her in a new term af d Mar sch holidays. me n ash are her 'teachers' at hm. but we play a lot n too much :p but i 'teach' her anytg tat i feel is appropriate. she is very receptive to new thgs so is not too tough to 'teach' her. her gorgor loves Maths n alwy recite/ sing out his addition, subtraction, division n cher just follow. we also spent our time doing art n craft, draw, doodle, cut, paste, colour, painting etc..
else i enjoy talking to her since she is so chatty n tru conversation, i get her to think or answer some questions. we also play memory games, computer games, jigsaw puzzles etc..
cher enjoys singing n dancing n even tell me, 'mummy i want to learn ballet' (after watching her fav hi-5 series).
i guess cos ur gal class has mixture of 2-3 yr old kid dat why the syllabus abit slow...my boy class are mainly kids who are going to be 3 this yr..so its rather structured..

but like ur hb said..they are afterall only 2-3 yrs old..
maybe Shichida teaches too much and faster already. B just started her playgroup. Children are still not settled yet in school. I brought her to school this morning, still kena kicked by a crying girl. So teachers also no time to arrange a meet-parents session.

When are you going to Japan? I thought this year?
Wow..your ex teacher is a "long survivor" in teaching!

Jonas has gotten used to school I think...since 5th day, he didn't cry at all already.. and he also me to put on his school uniform this morning without fuss.

If Adam wish to put on inner shorts...let him be..you can wear the school shorts over the inner one..that's what I do last week too when Jonas refuse to put on his uniform. :p

Welcome back to "reality"...quite sianzz huh? Cheer up okie...least now you got more 'freedom' since both kids are in full day school now and you know they are well taken care.

You still working in TP? If yes, let's catch up for lunch if possible on your schedule..

Not all the kids are so "advanced" in learning yet..Sophie had the LUXURY of Shicida and PT working mommy (or is it SAHM?) teaching her. Whereas, the pre-school has to cater for all, so need to start from basics...

Why having insomnia? All's well at home?

Cher is a clever gal...in fact, I think with kidsloft and mummy/gorgor..you may even wanna consider putting her at school only at K1..no hurry.
even if you don't send cher to cc, you're teaching her so much already. can see she's progressing well. sophie is starting to speak in sentences but barely. but we enjoy her kiddy talk. so cute.

she loves Hi-5 too!!! i don't think it's that great personally but she loves to dance and loves music. pop music. headache. :p

zhuzhu, janet, springdance
yes, they have a mixture of 2-3yr old. that's why they split them up into groups.

i'm not so worried abt her learning in school. afterall it's a childcare. and she's still young. but i'm worried that she'll be bored and lose interest in learning since she knows the stuff. when she's bored she will wander off and do her own thing. difficult for teachers too. and i definitely don't want her to lose interest in learning which is the scary thought.

shichida is definitely faster. but she only attends that once a week. and i don't do as much at home. so most of her learning is in her preschool.

i'm a FTWM for a year already since i sent her to CC.
no luxury of part time for so long. actually i don't mind that they start from basics, like phonics. but learning numbers 1-5 for a whole year is a bit slow.

anyway the teachers say they will see the progress of all the children, and if they can, they will teach more. anyway in N2, they will learn up to 50. because they are older and more settled so easier to teach faster. now spend more time encouraging them to learn at their own pace through play.

i spoke to my aunt who is teaching in a cc, and she said at N1 level, they just teach basic phonics. but numbers maybe 1-20.

i was concerned cuz in GUG, they learn basic phonics till 18mth, then the next stage has basic word blend for 3-letters words plus basic phonics so i thought cc should be abt the same. but when i checked with zoophonics school they also dun intro word blend till after 3 or 3.5yr.

poor B, hope she's alright. i'm not so worried sophie will be bullied, more like she will bully. hahah, i keep telling her in the morning that she should be gentle, hug, hold hands, and not to pinch, slap, or grab. hmm.....now must add kick in. :p teachers didn't say that she's bullying other kids, but i think prevention better first.
Wow, you girl's school is so advanced!
Adam can count to 10, but seriously I'm not counting on him learning to do beyond that. They are, after all, 2 1/2 yrs old.

Haha, yes, my teacher probably loves her job a lot.

I thought putting on inner shorts would make him feel more homely but he decided after that, he didn't want to put on uniform! Today, I just put it on for him although he was crying. A minute later, OK already.

What time do your kids go to bed? I think i've been verrry lax, letting him sleep at 10 pm. Now that he has started school, we're trying to get him to sleep earlier, by 8.30 pm.

Hey why are you having imsomnia? Hope it'll go away soon. Not easy rite, having to take care of yr kids in the day. Cher seems like a bright girl, am sure she's quietly absorbing learning. Shouldn't be a problem when she starts nursery next yr.
the school not so advanced. only going learn 1-5 for this year leh. :p well, maybe will teach to 10 if they can. they have a more fun approach, which i like. maybe i shouldn't worry so much. during the school concert, i'm very impressed with the upper levels too. more of character development. she should enjoy her childhood when she can.

We start putting Sophie to bed at 9-9.30pm. When she falls asleep depend on whether she's tired or not. :p We prefer to let her sleep earlier but since we come back from work around 8pm, then want to play with her for a while so we're ok with her sleeping at 9pm.
B sleeps real late. She will play by herself till she is dead tired before dropping. And that is usually around 11.30pm, even though her school starts at 8.30am. We will usually wake her up at 8am, coz the school is just down stairs.
but she still has her 1.5-2hours nap. as per last time, she already has dark eye rings even before school starts..maybe inheret from me.
I'm sure you have put in alot of time and efforts on your gal in some way..else how is she able to count from 1 to 30 at this age?

Of coz, there's a also possibility that your princess is a gifted child..
unfortunately I believe normal preschools in Singapore dun have this kind of differentiation class for the special talented group of children... nevertheless, perhaps premium pre-schools may put in some extra activities for the kids to provide more value add, I dunnoe....?

By the way, which school is Sophie at now?

So Adam OK today, no cry anymore?

Janet/ Smalldreams
I'm bad at training for early nights coz I myself is a late owl...now that my boy has started school, we have been putting him to bed about 10pm but then he just can't fall asleep at least 45min or 1 hour later... he naps 1.5 - 2 hrs on weekdays.. as for 8ish or even 9pm timings, I dun think he will be able to do unless we dun let him nap in the afternoon....but I know of friends with kids who can nap 2 or 3 hrs in the noon and still can sleep at 8.30pm! Guess they probably discipline from very young or even during pregnancy time.. :p
Hehe.. Gd to knw jboy is nt the ONI nite owl ard:p

Nowadays, if we dun off lite, he can juz stay awake wif us. Like new year's eve, we partied till 1+
counting 1-30 was taught by my mum walking up stairs. i have little time with her. on weekdays only an hour plus before she goes to bed and i'm working on some weekends.

And she's definitely not gifted. kekek.....she has her shortcomings too. her motor skills are not so good. and she can't jump or hop. i guess her athletic ability is like her parents. haha. anyway, i'm just letting her develop at her own pace. i definitely dun have time to do up materials for her. but we send her for some enrichment classes which she enjoys. now only have shichida left cuz we want a break. :p
she's still attending the same preschool. preschool-by-the-park. we don't intend to change as she's quite settled there. anyway at this age it's better to have fun.

sophie loves her sleep! when she was young she naps a lot, but was harder to put to sleep. now when she's tired she will just lie down or grab my arm and fall asleep on it. hahaha. sometimes she will ask me to put her to bed earlier when she's not feeling well. like when we're out at parties, she will play till tired, then she starts singing "it's time to go to bed...." not just a hint. hahah. or she will ask if i'm done with dinner, and put her to bed. so we have to adjust our schedules to fit her afternoon nap and sleep. she doesn't sleep as much as we would like her to, cuz my mil keep emphasizing must sleep from 7pm-7pm. well, some kids can, some cannot. mine cannot and we dun want her to as well.
Ooo...your mum is a one diligent grandma..spending time to teach her little grand dotter. And it's really good that Sophie requests on own to go to bed, less tiring and more time for the parents this way!

Talking about motor skills, my boy is one slow mo..and this also extend to oral skills..have shared with the mummies here b4..anyway, he's now still developing on his own slow pace but surely improving, so I tell myself dun worry so much about it. :p

Now that our kids are in preschool, have you started on plans for PRIMARY school? Join Alumni or clan? Move house? Like very competitive and stressful lei...
hahah i tot abt primary sch since last yr...need to decide to go back to my alma mater which is not near my plc or pick somewhere nearby..haiz..headache
SD, zhuzhu,
me going to join alumni as too lazy to do volunteer...old school 15 mins drive away...B can take the school bus lah...
Thanks mummies, i alwy hv insomia problem. tried TCM, it works but once i stop/fin d medication (which taste horrid), wld hv insomia agn. my kids slp early at abt 9pm (sometime even earlier) evy nite. n somtx if i manage to slp a little earlier, i wld wake up at 3-4am n cant fall aslp agn.

Haiz, cher has alwy been quite fit, but af i weaned her off bfg at 2.5 yrs old (she self weaned off), 1 mth later, she was down w bronchitis n now is d 2nd time she is down w bronchitis agn. she hasnt been eatg for days n oso did not slp well. tdy brought her to pd n she only weighed 10.8kg w shoes on. cher hasnt been eatg enough fats n protein. she dislikes milk, she hates meat, she dislikes tofu n dun fancy fish too. she doesnt mind green vege like kailan but wld spit out meat. she basically eat fatless diet like corn, carrot, melon, vege n rice. she doesnt fancy delicious outside food too. if she takes, d amt is so little. so now she has to take multi-vit. i tried making d meat so tiny or grind it, she can even taste it n tell me 'tdy d rice not nice'. can faintz... such a 'selective' eater, totally opposite of ash who simply loves to eat. like that how to grow...
cooking for her n ensure tat she gets a balance diet is a big stress..

yes a bit stressed cos ash is registering for P1 this yr. tot of sending him to my alma mater, is a gd sch but far fr my place leh.
i alwy envy sophie eat well, slp well n so chubby n cute leh. cher does slp well but eating is a big headache..
hahaha, i just feedback to the teachers not to feed her so much. they thought i was concerned sophie not eating well, and assured me she does ask for seconds if she likes. but i told them not to give so much.

only now when she's down with flu her appetite went down, but still ask for fruits and soup. and she's learning to slurp the soup! so unladylike!!! she thinks it's funny some more. :p

this morning she asked me are you hungry? and i said no, i'm not. and she said i'm VERY hungry. and rubbing her belly. that's right after she drank her full bottle of milk! if i was not the one who gave her the milk also will believe her. kekek.....

but i can imagine how you are stressed with cher. not eating well also parents will worry. if the pd thinks it's ok, then maybe just do what we can. and supplement with multi-vits.

my alma mater will be very far away from where we live. no plans to shift nearer cuz the property there is too ex. we plan to live nearby our parents because we are dependant on them to send sophie to and from school. we will depend on the circle line in the future. want to send her to a nearer school but dun think can get in the good ones. nothing is within 1km.
Springdance, janet, Lynn,

I am also a night owl. Actually i think as parents, we really have to sacrifice TV at night to get our kids to sleep. But I'm so ill-disciplined myself altho I Know i sure knock off when I lay in bed.

Yesterday I think i slept before Adam did.

Does cher like chicken? How abt letting her drink soya bean drink etc?
Don't worry, even if she falls ill, BF babies usually get well faster.
But 10.8 is really quite light huh. Hope she beefs up soon.

You and your "dark rings"hehe...

You know, actually studies have shown that girls can be more advanced than boys, not just in studies. It seems, girls can also develop faster in the motor skills than boys. Seems like boys have a lot to catch up on! :p Don't worry lah, you girl is so smart. Guess kids develop differently, some better in some areas

Pri school?!
Haha.... I think I'll just send him to my old primary school.
My hubby wants to send him to his pri school, near my office in Novena. I told him, forget it. Crazy to get a young child to travel so far back & forth!

well if you gals want to put your kids in Rosyth pri, it's time to move to serangoon area heheeh...
Sophie is so cute. Can verbalise she's hungry.

Adam usually would say, I want to eat rice!

Or, if i ask him, Adam, do you want to eat?

He'll reply, OKAY!

But I've never heard him say he's hungry.

ZhuZhu/ Janet/ Smalldreams
So good that you girls got alma mater schools to rely on...that would be so much easier. My primary school (anyway, it's a sub standard one) has merged with another primary school.. My husband's one is no longer around...by the way, can share which schools you girls are from? :p

Is there any primary school affiliated to the church you are attending? If yes, you can try this option..get the Pastor to write a letter to refer Ash.

As for Cher, I think carbo builds up the weight too...she likes rice & noodles correct? Can give her more..other than that, maybe also eggs every two days. I recalled my PD says it alright for young children to eat more eggs, unlike adults.

Jonas also dun like meat, so I cook the minced meat into the porridge.. I think it's less "felt" than mixing into rice.

Lynn / Cool_D
Around my house within 1km, there's only one school and the PSLE results for this school has always been below national average... so I think may have to become a volunteer liao if wanna consider other schools elsewhere..which means it will "eat up" on my leave...haizzz.
