(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

gacc, try make meat patty for cher. mix some meat, inside add her favourite veg, add more so she can see, then steam or fry. give her avocado, supposedly got good fats..but my son eat so long already, still 11 kg.

My old school is Eunos Pri. Just a neighbourhood school :p

Saw Jonas' photos on FB - the one he was going to school. So cute!
He has such a unique chinese name - to me at least. Can you share with me which dialect group you speak? So interesting!
hello all!

the posts move v fast ah!

saw you girls talking abt eating. isn't this a contant problem? like Josh, the sch feedback to me that he doesn't like to eat egg (i tried to give him also, cannot!) and processed food like sausage, burger patties (sometimes they have these when they have special occasion celebrations). my poor boy always go hungry cos of these special days. He only wants to eat real food. Then there is another issue of feeding. In sch he's so good, eat by himself and ask for 2nd or 3rd servings. At home, die die want us to feed him and can take up to 1hour just to eat one meal! it's crazy!!

school -- kekeke even before the kids were born, their primary sch has been decided. although alma mater is a bit far for us, we still decided to go with it. cos it's a good sch (v hard to get in), it's co-ed. I'm lazy to deal with the stress of registration. so i'd rather opt to work harded with sending them to and fro the sch. Also cos my hubby isn't even a Singaporean to start with, so the choice is pretty obvious lah...kekekeke...

btw, ladies, i'm considering changing jobs le....so gotta move again. going for a lower paying job, but it's full time with less responsibilities. sounds dumb for me to do that but i think i cannot continue with my current job. it's too big for me.
....aaahh...so SpringD, last chance to meet for lunch, until end feb. aft that won't be in TP area liao.
ha, so u chk out the pri sch liao. The ones near my plc, actually there r 2. One open 2 yrs ago i tink, and the other is brand new .. opened this yr. Maybe another 2-3 yrs, i will also go chk out their results :p

my pri sch, if i m not wrong closed down liao. kaka ..
Hi mummies
long time didnt log it liao. how's everyone? our kids have started going to school. Shernise enjoyed going to school and also look forward everyday. but 1 thing, she always come home very tired and hungry and my maid told me that she can finish almost 2 bowls of rice. wow.

talking abt pri school, I thou of changing my address to my inlaw house as her house is near to paya lebar methodist girl. so most probably will let her study at PLMG.

here's pic of her 1st day in school.

My boy's chinese name is suggested by a fengshui master...that's why the writing "chim" looking...not related to our dialect at all. We are Cantonese by the way.

I'm CURIOUS..which pri school were you from eh?

So when you available for lunchie? Let's fix a date..SMS me?

Never really research into pri schools yet.. only found out what are with 2km of my home and the choices are limited.. quite a number of new estates in my area so the competition is tough I think.

You mean you wanna change your NRIC address to your in laws place? Dun think that is possible unless you sell your flat lei..anyway, you can tag the pri school registration under your in law's address but if the applicants in phase 2C is more than the vacancies, then still need to go for balloting and your registration will fall under Round 2 becoz it's under grandparents address, not parents address.
cannot huh? i thou can leh. just change address. hahaha. i see how my SIL how she register for son 1st. her son going to P1 next year. hmmm. i dont know abt this leh until you said that. maybe do voluntary work. hmmm, tired leh.
IS the church related to the primary school? maybe like what SD said, ask the church to write a letter for you to enter the primary school.

Good to know that your girl likes going to school. B has delayed action. Didnt cry for the first 3 days, even when I quietly left the classroom. But only started crying like mad from 4th day onward. So today the teacher said I can stay in teh class with her. I think she is influenced by her other classmates who kept on crying for the whole 2.5 hours

tendered already? but isnt your current job also full time like your new job. I guess we just have to make a decision..family or job first. I put family first.
Got a couple of good friends entering primary school in 1-2 yrs time so found out the info from them lar..also read on the website.

Hmmm..think you misunderstood me..when I said getting church referral to primary schools, it means that the parent is an active church member and has been going for weekly services for a few years.. I'm not 100% sure but dun think there's any affiliation between church kindergartens and methodist or catholic primary schools....

You still on leave this week to company B in school?
yes, it's quite amazing how fast this thread suddenly have become...hahaha...

Janet, Nellu
Guess at some point in life, our priorities change. Mine also, family first. No one bothers if we drop dead at work, but those affected will be our families. Woops, hope that didn't sound crude :p

Ouh, so cool. No wonder yr surname is different too. I have a colleague who's cantonese too. She is very pretty!

My baby - 2 weeks old, seem to be up so often in the afternoons. LIke never satiated like that. Sighs. Think she don't want me to nap in the afternoons.
I was from hong wen pri sch...think they have higher chinese language in this sch..not near my plc..but super near my mum's plc..so unless i wan to move to stay with my mum..otherwise the travelling time is too long..

nearby my plc..i did tot of St hilda's pri..but SUPER DUPER hard to get in lor..though it just across the street..i asked my neighbour..she said her gal oso had to ballot to get in..i probably swtich to Junyuan..must find out if i need to volunteer o not..

anyway all kindergartens in SNG are not affliated to any pri sch..i ask b4 when i was looking around for a CC for my boy..
juz curious .. anybody know what is the top pri sch in sin? and anybody know what is the top pri sch in the North East area (Hougang, Sengkang, Punggol etc etc)?

haha .. juz want to make a mental note on it since we r on tis topic
Actually my surname is very rare in Singapore...even my chinese friends and colleagues agree. :p

And I am a really ordinary looking canto girl..heheh.

Wah...St Hilda is very popular..no guarantee even if you volunteer I think. Dunnoe why our Singapore education system is such that it makes parents become so stressed and KS..signzz.

I think one of the top schools considered as near your area of stay is Rosyth Primary...at serangoon north.
hahahaha...go go..have a peek at dat link...

ya lor..dats why i dun even want to think abt PV for st hilda..n i heard dat the sch teachers are quite nasty oso..if ur kid cannot catch up..they made nasty comments...n i ever read a review from someone abt doing PV at st hilda..not a good review..so forget it lar..
Lynn, Smalldreams,
she is so tiny, cant imagine her gg to sch. if her classmates bump unto her or a light push, she wld sure fall. she takes a little chicken but only d mid wing n mayb 1 or 2. she doesnt even like chicken drumstick. very selective (fussy is d right word) right..

yes church pastor wrote us a letter but d sch tat is affiliated to our church is a very popular sch, under 2B (we are out of 2km) oso may not get in.

tried, she dislike meat pattie. hm made, outside delicious type, none she fancy. i alwy hv to hide a little fish w lots of vege n rice per spoonful.

i tink last yr straits times reported a 'case' over change of address to get into a particular school. cant remb d whole story but it was later discovered n oops cant remb d ending. if use grandparents address, must prove that grandparents are d caregivers or parents are staying w them full-time. dont know how they go abt checking thou...

i hv been tinkg of gg bk to work but still hvnt done so. i m glad i stayed at hm w ash. he is growing up so fast, cant imagine he is gg P1 next yr. not dumb lah, do what ur heart feels is d best, somtx lower pay but lesser stress, more time for family is a blessing
so my choice now is pei chun (my pri sch) or pei hwa presb (church) or just a neighbourhood sch. now stressed cos if choice 1 is phase 2A, choice 2 is phase 2B, choice 3 is phase 2C. n can only hv 1 choice. choice 1 seems d best but is so farrrrrrrrr.
aiyo....talk abt pri sch now.

i thought just some neighbourhood sch near my hse.

prob Javen and Jby can go the same sch. hehehe....let me know your choice
I briefly scan thru the kiasuparent link, looks like mee toh is the 'hottest' one in Punggol.

u coming to stay in Punggol? Hehe, my current choice, purely base on location is horizon pri sch
Pei Chun is indeed really far from Bt Batok..and this is 6 yrs of travelling for Ash!

Tell you one good news..my hubby's colliq son got into Pei Hwa Pres this year without balloting under Phase 2c (below 1km)..although this is a good & "famous" school, the population of young children within the near vicinity dun seems that high. So there might be a chance for Ash in Phase 2B..

Alternatively, I tot Keming (which is below 1km from your place), is not so bad actually.

I think Traz's boy is at MT lei..You can ask her whether got competition there or not and also the school environment. heheh...
ha .. i'll ask her in another 2yrs time maybe :p Anyway, i look at the Punggol developement footprint, there are soo many future sch sites. So maybe there will be more pri sch choices in 2-3 yrs time.

by the way, colleague just sent this to me.

Singapore International Kite Day @ Punggol and Teens’ Day 2010

Date: 30 & 31 Jan 2010 (2 days)

Time: 10 am to 9 pm

Venue: Punggol Field Walk

Above event and each is selling at S$3 with Kite Set, Goodie Bag and Lucky Draw.

Note: In the event that ticket is not won on 1st day, the ticket will be re-drawn on the 2nd day.
you're so humble

Nellu, Sanrio
I'm thinking of taking 1 mth No pay leave after my maternity & own vacation leave of abt 18 days. Wonder if i can survive coz my savings is ultra low too recently
But this is my only chance at trying out at becoming a SAHM!

Yesterday my mom said maybe i shouldn't take NPL. Just go back to work since bonus will also be pro-rated (if got bonus in the first place... keke).

You think I shud just go ahead? Worth it or not to exhaust all my leave for only 1 mth of NPL? Or should I just go back to work after 5 mths...
Thanks. I finally understand liao. it doesnt mean that if do PV, will also get into the school. aiyo. rosyth is also my 2nd choice of school but is more than 1km less than 2km from my hse.

Taking a break now from the madness this week. Gotta work on Sunday this week. v unhappy abt it but no choice for the sake of my personal reputation in this industry.

my pri sch is NYPS. so thinking of moving near to sch sometime in the next few years so that the kids won't have to suffer the same fate like me, waking up in the wee hours in the morning to take sch bus to go to sch....but but but....expensive!!

I also want to stay home with the kids. but i know i also won't be entirely happy. I'm just not the housewife type. Remember last time i told you we employed a maid? just so that i can spend the time meaningfully with the kids. but then it's kinda dumb to stay home and have maid. v taxing on the finances.

Adding on to SD, Pei Hwa got high chance cos v few kiddos in the bt timah area. just looking at the enrolments of all the preschs in that area (josh's included) I can tell liao. kekeke...

Keming hor...dun go lah. even taxi driver can tell me that sch is super lousy. It's just right infront of my plc i also can't be bothered. and by the way, i always hear the teachers speak in broken English...oh my!!!

guess what? my E is also like that. dun like or dun nap well in the aftnn....haiz...i now no time to bother liao...sounds so bad right? but i'm really trying to stay sane.

yday i had such a bad day at work and plus hubby was in KL. Surviving on 3hours of sleep, drove like a maniac to pick the kids up, got home later than usual. then of course lost my patience with J a couple of times......sigh...can die...

must keep telling myself not to be so frus....

anyway if i were you, i won't take the NPL. the longer you are not at work, the harder it is for you to get back to it. at least that's the case for me.

smalldreams, janet, sanrio, SD,
yes yes....my priority is family. that's why i am making this career move. i tendered yday. funny thing is i dun feel a tinge of regret, unlike when i left all my previous positions... hehehehe a sign of things....
Not being humble.. stating a fact only.

Yupz...Being PV only most useful if the school does not have balloting during phase 2B. By the way, just to share with you that the "Super Popular" schools are selective with PV even..they may request for a copy of your CV first and conduct panel interview b4 decide if they wan you or not.

Travel by road from Bt Batok to King's Rd (still consider as Bt Timah district) not so far mah..since you will be taking on a less taxing job, probably can drive Josh to school first b4 going to work. As for coming back trip, then take the school bus. Can give it a thought!
give wat a thought??? kekeke....both the kiddos are definitely going to that sch. i got no time to PV and ballot and all other rubbish lah. hahaha
I am toking abt that school..it's at King's road rite? I was referring to the possible transportation mode instead of move house...read my post again properly lar...alamak :p
hahahah paiseh...i just touch and go...read quickly.
ok i understand. anyway it's in the plan to move house anyway. my hubby wants to move to a more valuable property, and since this is the case, might as well try to target for somewhere nearer the school lor. kekeke

btw, ladies,
i'm wondering if you ever think abt stuff like that, like to invest in something so that next time can leave for the kiddos.

i do think abt this a lot..cos i think i'm a bit 'under privileged'. my parents didn't do any of such legacy planning. I want to do it a little differently from my parents.

care to share your views?
i agreed..those popular schs dun anyhow accept PV..they must see wat u can contribute...not like previously..just go there n be some traffice warden can liao..

hah i tot abt it..like buyin a condo to leave for my son..but then no $$ now..
We bought a financial plan for our boy..think this is quite common. Our agent ask us to do a "Will" as well..but we have yet to seriously look into it yet...

Resort World sentosa having a promotion (50% off rack rates) for their hotel rooms from 20 - 27 Jan. Anybody interested?
nellu, zhuzhu,
ya, my hubby always planning...but also no money to make the investment. but he always says house is a good pass down, of course those freehold type lah...which requires money.

so which school is Ash going since it is next year already? I will be applying for Pei Chun too for B. Though heard could be stressful as higher chinese. but i lazy to do volunteer lei.

B is sick again just one month from the last sickness only. fever, cough and running nose...ai ya...maybe after this should give her flu vaccine. then also not going to playgroup, which she is happy about. she doesnt like to go to school. B always tell me she prefer Sat and Sun because no school.
yeah my mum is the fun fun type. so can play with my daughter. i'm more serious. she picks up more from my mum than me. (good and bad....P) my mum always teach her funny things. like dancing, or saying adult phrases, like "crazy", "nuisance" then sophie will laugh. but at least she's good with hygiene and order. we are such messy pple but my daughter keeps us on our toes to be neat.

dun worry too much as long as she's healthy. my friend's daughter in P1 this year and small sized too but she manages well. good thing is always get concessions when she was younger cuz they always think she's 2yrs younger than her actual age.

my girl loves to eat. she will always remind us when she's hungry. like today she was playing at my mum's neighbours house, having a lot of fun running around. then suddenly she turned to me and said she's hungry, and chased me to go home! said she want rice. hahaha. have told the teachers to cut down on her intake. she lost some weight cuz she was sick a week ago, but it's all back!

PeiChun in tpy area? We are looking for a good chinese school but looks like we have not much choice. Dunno if we should take a chance with an unknown chinese school or send to a somewhat good standard english one but far away.

legacy planning is good. but some like to let the kids work for their own keep. i guess if you have the means, then it would be good to invest in something. our girl has already innocently said our home is her home. kekek. wait till she has a sibling.
Is B feeling beta yet? Maybe you can book the room for this weekend...she should recover by then?

Pei Chun Presb is at Bt timah correct? Not too far for B?

So envy that sophie can eat well on own..my boy also like cher, fussy eater and dun eat much. He's NEVER hungry for rice.

By the way, planning for No. 2 this year?

Yupz the rates are on the website..have you booked?

Happy for you that Markus has taken his first big step to toilet training!
not yet booked..looking around 1st..

ya man..very happy cos he was the one who tell me he wans to go "shss shss"..then i just put him on the toilet bowl..cos he usually says it for fun...who know he really pees..think the sch oso trained him..
any of ur kiddo NOT toilet trained? I am really a super lazy mum. till now, toilet trained is still an ad hoc thingy. LIke sometimes will ask jboy wanna pee, or some x he himself says wanna pee/ poo in toilet, dan we bring him. Otherwise, it's still the diaper. haha.
cool daughter
me 2...my boy havent learnt to poo in toilet yet..like last nite..he wasn't on diaper..then he wans to poo..he will tell me he wans to wear diaper..then start his biz..

anyway i let him be lar..no point forcing him if he is not ready..he wans to pee in toilet is already an achievement for him..
*claps for markus*!

Me! Me! I'm also lazy, plus with being preggy last time, going to toilet with a toddler is the last thing i want to do!

Same like you, Adam can pee in toilet, can say he want to poo, but most of the times, he poo then he say! Haiyah....

I think I'll start toilet training him soon....before his 3rd birthday...

And XL diapers are so expensive rite... haizz...
yes, plans for no 2 this year. due in aug.
now still not so stable cuz of bleeding so i didn't post yet. but doing oscar next week.

me super lazy too. my kiddo not toilet trained. have told her countless times to let me know before she shit but usually when i ask her she says no, and the next moment, she has that "want to shit" look. then i have to rush and bring her to the loo. only works at home though cuz i dunno how to let her use public toilet when it's so wet and dirty. bought the potette but have not used it. leh cheh to bring out if no car.

i find it hard to be consistent with toilet training if i can enforce it outside. will have to start soon, cuz some preschools in japan dun allow if toddler is not toilet trained.
Sincerely wish you all the best for your 2nd pregnancy! By the way, when is your family going to move to Japan?

Re: Toilet training
My boy also not there yet..only can pee in toilet or potty at home..outside, he still want to do it in diapers, even in his school, teacher bring him to toilet to pee, he also refuse.

The most challenging is 'Poo'.. he MUST do it standing up one, so there's no way we can make it sit down on the potty or toilet bowl to do it. Haizzz....

lynn and SD,
yes, pei chun public in toa payoh...was also thinking of paya lebar meth. because near my mum's place...but the latter has to do volunteer, so too lazy.

B is feeling better but still cough once in awhile. B is like cher...eat but cannot grow fat. never mind lah...just assume that i help her to save money from going to slimming centre next time when she grows older...haha..
