(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

Well, it’s always easier to advise & assure others…but when the “problem”, even if it might be a minor one, happens on your own child, as mummy you can’t help to get worry (like you were quite worried when Josh have yet to start walking) …you agree? 
Anyway, hopefully school will help my boy improve alittle…also still contemplating to bring him see a speech therapist.

Your gal likes Barney huh? Think there’s a Barney show coming up…tickets selling at Sistic.

Yup my family came back from Aussie holidays recently and now we are broke! Hahahah…. By the way, I have the photos in FB.

Oh…chocolate…Javen likes right? Kekeek… by the way, I think you really is a very capable mummy…can manage 2 kids, work full time and still plan for birthday party for No. 1 at chalet. 
By the way, I finally received my $100bucks from Grace Kids…it was ready like 2 weeks back but they thought I’ll go down to collect so didn’t post out…I already emailed Ann to post the cheque out when ready a long time ago….guess she totally forgot.

I also prefer to start school for the kiddo at 3years old… but since my boy is shy and kinda slow in development and has nothing much to do at home everyday…I thought of trying him out at flexi-hrs childcare for fun and maybe “push” him a little. Is Cookie talking yet?

How are you doing? It’s been a long while since we chatted…I recalled Sophie was with quite a reputable CC…schoolhouse by the bay? Didn’t expect this school to have cases of HFMD too…so Sop is currently doing SM classes only? You working part-time still?

I really like cos easily washable. with my 2 kids doing crafts together, though i lay majong paper/newspaper but somtx they wld still mess up on d floor, hands even hair w drips of colours/paints. af tat, off to shower they go. n it dun stain my floor, just a quick wipe w wet wipe or cloth or tissue n all gone.

when d kids nap, i share w u what crafts we do okie. u so busy, take care ah. guess as a sahm, i try to delay sendg cher to school cos of d virus, most likely next yr. but school is fun (ash loves) n they learn lots of thgs.

yes toysrus, hope d 20% still on.
you are not taking offense with what i said are you? I was just trying to encourage you. Of course I agree it's worrying at times, but I think it has helped me a lot to focus on the positives. Comparatively i think Josh is a lot slower than many of the kiddos here. I worry but I tell myself also that regardless whether he'll be a prodigy or a total retard, i'll still do my best to love him and be proud of him as my child. I think that is the most important thing lor, and not whether he is on par with XX's kid in terms of speech, or with XX's kid in terms of physical development....

like your preference to send Jonas to sch at 3. It's perfectly ok. you dun have to do what the rest are doing. in fact you dun have to feel pressured to push him if you dun want to. I think many of us gave you that suggestion because you seemed pretty worried and sch is a cheaper option than going to speech therapist.

worrying is normal. but i hope you won't let it get you down. cos i think it will just hinder us from enjoying our children as they are.

hahaha do you know it's pretty sad that he can say his friends' names but not his own? like he could say "Veda, Ethan, Marco, Jun Hong" haiz....

fantastic! josh loves it! but mummies, buy the washable versions hor...to save yourself trouble...kekeke...
Oh no no no...I'm not offended in anyway. Just that I'm trying to say as parents, we cannot help to worry for our child at every stage...Think I'll still worry for my boy even when he reaches adolescence... hahah...also am not comparing him with others really but just concern if he truly has a problem rather than just being slower.

I definitely understand and appreciate the good intentions given by you and the mummies here.
Hullo mommies!

So how, any update on the mass birthday meet?

SD, Nellu
For sure we'll be worried if our kid can't do some stuff while the rest can.
But the kids all develop differently,
and for sure we as mummies,
will love them as much regardless of whether they can do this or that. That's our role as mothers

Adam can't count, though he can follow if I say 1, 2,3,4,5....
he can't talk much, he can't even say milk &
just points to it when he wants milk, then laughs in agreement when I know it's milk he wants.
But dunno ley, I don't feel pressured for now. Maybe coz I just want him to enjoy his childhood and won't start to worry for now or benchmark him against other 2 yr old babes.

Also, boys generally develop less quickly
(it's really amazing how Jboy, Javen & Josh can talk so much - our 3Js
) My colleague has a boy who's 2 too, and he's still breastfed (like Adam...sighs) and still can't talk much too.
That gives me comfort too

My Mandarin teacher told me her nephew, at 2,
can count from 1 to 100 coz the father showed him flashcards daily. I was like, whadda?!
Fascinated and at a point, felt a bit sad that Adam couldn't do it.
Then later I came to my senses, and felt happy that I've let Adam develop at his own pace.
I hope he'll enjoy learning a lot when he starts going to school, or simply when I guide him in our own time.

Sorry it's long, just my thoughts

Nellu, zhuzhu
I love crayola washable! I have some crayons & markers. when adam goes around drawing on the walls, it's so easy to clean them up. But of coz got stray marks when adam got hold of his daddy's markers. Grrr...
dats very true .. I m sure my mummy is still worried abt me some times :p

Thank u for the compliment. i find e Genting weather not so cold anymore. In the rm, we all wear tee oni. Outdoor, i let jboy wear long sleeves tee, and I am ok with bermudas n tee
Driving ah .. we din really had much stops, so it took abt 4hrs ..it really depend. JB to KL is abt 330km mah .. n fm KL i tink its abt another hr to Genting.
yah i think my mom is also worried that i'm so disorganised, not like other mummies.
and i still can't drive confidently, unlike
other mummies. haha!

I think worrying is a perennial issue for mothers. period.
ya, i agree dat at tis age, letting them enjoy their childhood is the most impt. Afterall, i still believe childhood is the happiness days of my life

Counting 1-100 is amazing !! Jboy used to go 1,2,3,4,5,6, MUM MUM, 8,9,10. Only recently, he finally gets his 'se-ven' rite. But he can oni recite la, i asked him how many of xx, he always goes 1 to 10 all over again :p

Mass gathering on 16 May? So far oni me and Janet says we r ok. SpringD? YOu ok too? Nellu is travelling and Kris is afraid of the sun .. hehe.
I tot sgn is OK too right?

Hmmm, wonder where is a good place. If I'm free, I'll join, but for sure 16 may (am) i'm working.

Ya lor, it is amazing. But i do wonder if he'll get bored when he really goes to formal schooling. after all, he'll know all that he's supposed to know for his age already..
hehehe ok, chill lah. must enjoy them now. before you know it this phase will pass...

i credit josh's progress to the sch, really. cos i'm also quite lazy... :p not like your mandarin teacher's brother...

Smalldreams, CD,
hahaha josh also count like Jboy...1,2,tee, hor, hup (cannot pronounce 5), hix, heven, 8, 9, and eh dou wanT 10!

HAHAHAHAHA! he hates endings btw...
smalldreams/ cool daugther

sorry 16th i'm working 1/2 day can't join u all for morning gathering. it's ok u all can go ahead.

ky can say 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 cos he watch Hi5. other then that he can't really count. everytime i asked him how many? he will says 1! even there's many!
Smalldreams / Nellu
Yup we should thank god that our kids are healthy & well in the first place. And very important is for them to be happy in their growing years.

Cool_D, Janet
Tentatively we are still ok for 16 May unless boss decides to ask me go back work due to work. I dun mind the sun & water ... only thing is MB abit inconvenient for us. Hmmm...got more options? Oh ya...I think cheezel could be available to meet?
I too am not too worried about the development. I always feel that these are things they would learn when finally in primary or K school. So if they pick up before school, it is a bonus..otherwise, when in school still dont know, then we can question the teacher...haha...
So I sort of let my girl does what she likes. She too cant count. can only recite 1-10.

ya, serene posted the barney thingy here. But the show is 1.5hours. timing not suitable for my girl. coincide with her nap time..better lah, can save money...hee hee. the tickets are not cheap.
will the Jap food court be too crowded on a wkend? I had met some mummies there on a wkday b4, nice, and there's a little slide. I am ok with indoor too, juz prefer outdoor coz I always love to bring jboy for some sun over the wkend.

So tentatively we hv Janet, springD, smalldreams, maybe Cheezel and me.

if we meet late afternoon says like 4pm, u ok?
i fully undstd as a mummy, we tend to wori over tis n tat. i m 1 such type of person. so i oso quite wori wen ash dun speak at 2 then. but now w 2, i learn to 'relax' more. i want them to enjoy childhood so we are alwy into, 'play play play'. only now tat ash is in K1, then my hb (he is more ks than me :p) wld ensure he does his reading n writing daily af his dinner b4 he is allowed to play.
i agree school has helped ash in his speech n social skills (interaction w others) development. looking at his active n over-frdly (happily talking to strangers) character now, somtx i do 4get he was once upon a tx so shy n afraid of strangers.

i bought this simple wooden counting toy for cher at growing fun n both she n me like it. but no pressure at all, she play n learn at her own pace. she is willing to learn to count so i guide her along. is a gd educational toy but for fun n learning lah, not to pressurise d kid. learning must b fun :p
at least you got your break. I plan not to bring my kids overseas until they are 5yrs old.
Cookie talks a lot but most of the time I don't know what he's talking about. He mimes a lot too. He has bb gestures for giraffe, elephant, alligator, dinosaur. Cabbage is more vocal than him.
Is Jonas still as shy now?

I also dream of giving my kids home learning like you. but now i'm getting ambitious at work again.

Re: What about 3?
wah biang, just found out that one of my colleague is preggie with #3 and her first kid is turning 2 end of this year!! so her's really one by one. said it was planned. most of us already back out after #2.
I like more kids but physically and financially strained.

like you, I would like Cookie to enjoy his childhood too but my MIL kept pressurising me.
Cannot tahan her man. that day said I Must send him to music lesson. I said ball lessons will be better then she said but music friends will be better.
MIL also says I must ensure kids all go uni blah blah blah.
Wah lao, last time my mum never say these kind of stuff to me.
and I so wanted to tell her: yah, you send your son to piano, learn until 5th grade, now still end up playing soccer. - but I kept my mouth shut cos still want free dinner. :p

you're so princess. Must take some sun. Just wear a hat and lots of sun block.
hopefully when my HB is back, we can organise sthg like our mapril gathering last time but where to get function room?
hahah your Mil's mentality is the same as my mil's. their generation is liddat. partially cos they were less privileged i guess. but there is certain truth to it lah..education does put us one foot in the door.

i think for kids' education, we should not force them too much. definitely for my style i won't make Josh learn something just because last time i didn't get to do it (which is a lot of the intentions of our mothers and mils). not v healthy. but at the same time, should not be so slack until just let them roll in the mud...you know what I mean? must have a balance...like what sanrio says learning must be fun...

abt 3 kids.
hahaha i dun think so much..now 3Xyo liao leh....so for me is see how many i can get by the time i'm 35! which ever comes first!
think i can make it for mass gathering too.
but if late afternoon then cannot.

janet, sanrio
went to toyrus. wow the range it good. but i was in a rush so just pick up my washable markers and crayons and pick up a brochure to see. sale on till may 4. so still got time.

today i tried one akk from near the railway station. my collegue bought so will ask her where she got it. but i'll only see her next tue.

ya, we should arrange something when you're fully recovered.

its not say reputable lah. but convenient for me. preschool by the park. i won't fault the school for having HFMD because some times the kids can catch it outside, esp older kids. and the incubation period is 5-7 days so symptoms dun show so fast. the kids that were infected were in K1 so not her class. and they share different toilets. I'm quite happy with the way they handled it. they informed us immediately by email, with daily updates, told us verbally when we pick her up and when they had a case in the weekend, they sms us. so at least we know beforehand. they also do thorough cleaning, and sophie keeps telling me to wash her hands when she comes back, so i know they have been doing that much more recently. after the 3 days no more cases till now which is abt a week.

sophie is only attending SM. will try to start her on last term on gug to get my deposit back but weekends always busy. i'm back to full time work already.

i think we shouldn't be too stressed up abt development, because one thing i've learnt is that you can never tell if a bright kid will be a bright adult. and some kids may count earlier, some may speak sentences earlier, some may develop fine motor skills earlier. it's just a matter of time they learn the rest. but i agree we should try to put in some effort in nurturing, as compared to our parent's time or our time when we dun have enrichment classes or even playgroup. now kids are expected to perform and parent's ideals are much harder to achieve. it's more impt to foster a bond so that they will lean on us when they need in future. i predict sophie will be rebellious kid. i see her strong character forming. am worried i am not able to communicate with her effectively and my worst fears is that we will drift when she's older. anyone has such concerns? she adores me now though, but all 2 yr olds think the world of their mother. :p
<font color="119911">jeanyard,
i oso wan 3 kids but hb say we cant afford n oso he dun wan to be tied down. he said after kerryn, we shld have our own life back, shld start travellin liaoz.</font>
I have been to the jap food court during weekends, it is not crowded. but i am also ok for both in-or outdoor gathering. If it is really hot, I will be chasing after my kid with an umbrella. So it is really a funny sight when i was the only one carrying an umbrella at the zoo's kidzworld, while my girl played in the water..

compared to me, my hubby is also the kiasu one. always saying must learn this, must learn that...

the toyrus's offer is it store-wide?

and yes, I also see that my girl is developing her strong character now. She could be quite stubbon at times. When she was 3 months old, I used to fear that we may drift apart when i get old too...maybe postnatal depression lah...but now, i feel that I shouldnt worry so much about the future...enjoy the time with her now rather than regret later. at least, when we looked back next time, we could be sure that mother and daughter have spent quality time together
Read that crayola drawn on wall also can wash away. Do you know whether it's cheaper to buy overseas or any toy rus also cheap? :_
*shakehand* my hb oso only want 1..thou i really really wanted 2...so now i can only wait for accident to happen lor..

For crayola hor..i dun think oversea price is dat much cheaper leh..cos those i bot at Isetan..i did check the oversea price..its abt the same..or somethings a few cents to a dollar cheaper leh..
afternoon mommies...me same as nellu, i'd like to have more, but my bio clock also ticking quite fast. Hopefully I can have at least 3... :p but scared of pain of child birth lah...

zhuzhu, blueblue
I also think it's easier to get locally. the savings is only a few cents... plus the hassle of transferring $, picking up the stuff when it has arrived, and the ridiculous exchange rates some spree organisers use... I'll be happier to go shop at toysrus, grab what i want &amp; use it immediately
re Crayola
There's a shop at Harbour front who carries a wide range of Crayola pdt, and it's not that ex .. maybe a little cheaper than the department store, or same.
<font color="119911">blueblue, zhuzhu,
accident can happen, hehe. actuali one part of me oso tryin to convince myself to have the 3rd one b4 i can convince hb. 1 pregnancy reli takes up almost 2yrs of our time. im not sure if i wanna spend another 2yrs on the 3rd bb. will decide next yr. if by next yr i dun get 1 more, den 2 shall be.</font>
hahaha depends on wat kind of accident lor..

u might wan to stop giving her milk 1st..but any idea wat cause the diarrhoea?
dont know why lei...my mum just called me to say, today 5 times already. So asked her to bring to doctor.
HAHAHAH your bio clock can't be ticking louder and faster than mine lah....i'm older than you leh!! aiya...just take it easy...in my scheme of things, and prob in yours too, leave it to God lah!

i dunno abt the price diff for crayola. i just shiok shiok buy...cos I also like to use them. i have my own set of crayola crayons too.

hee...josh is also a rebellious one. could see from the moment he's out from my womb. cry...no sorry shout v loudly. v assertive all throughout his life thus far. if we fight with him, we always have a really bad one. so our tactic is to give him choices (limited ones of course, hehe)eg. do you want to wear red shirt or green shirt to go to the park? so either ways have to wear a shirt to go out... hahaha stuff liddat lah...

we also try v hard to discipline him more by talking to him. got no cane in the house. so far it's been pretty ok. he's assertive, fiercely independent but v jovial and cheeky as well. so far still manageable. think if we continue to connect with him in the right way, going forward, he'll not be that rebellious in his teenage years ba...*keeping all fingers and toes crossed*

have you brought B to see doc yet? give her loads of water....
Re: Crayola
went toy r us last nite they were having 20% sale, they have very wide range of choices. brought the big ones, easy for kidos to write.

try to give rice water, just boil more water when u cooking porridge.
offer is not storewide. on crayola only but they have few other things on special price. not a big sale.

what do you want to get? i can help you get if you need. can pass to you next week. i go almost everyday cuz my mil in hospital.

how's your girl's diarrhoea? sophie had loose stools last week. but only 2-3 times. i gave her lacteofort and lots of fluids. for 2-3 times. dunno if it helped cuz she still had for another 2 times the next day and then third day one time. then stopped. maybe teething of molar. but i checked her mouth and cannot spot it. your mum brought her to doc? also check for HFMD. now hot season. diarrhoea is a symptom too.

ya i give her choices too. but i have to live with her decision even if it doesn't match. hahahah....

i'm considering a cane too, but probably cannot do it leh. heart pain. my hubby smacks her bottom by putting her on his lap. it's not so painful but the effect is humiliating so i think she gets the idea. she will look so pathetic after that. she can really tug at your heartstrings.
tks all on the info on crayola

Yes. I remembered sophie is 1 day older than ryan. how's sophie? look more like u now or daddy? ryan slims down le hor...pple said he looks like 3 yrs old boy. cos he is quite big size for his age.

Hi5! ACCIDENTS...do happen! Let's hope for it. I hv brainwashed my hb and he is little bit more positive towards 2. But see how la.

Cane! I have not started using but think I will try to use talking first..if talk until no use, maybe I will cry..haha.
twins then twins lor..all the more better wat. ehehhe..but then what's the possibility, right? my family got history of twins. i want but still no get leh.....

lynn, sgn,
we dun use cane at all at home. in fact i dun spank josh. we use a lot of reward tactics. like just now he was fussing at bedtime and didn't want to sleep, my hubby told him "Papa will count 1-10. if you dun stop crying, papa will go out." then he said "dou want papa count 1-10". to which my hb said "then lie down and sleep". He immediately obeyed, laid down and said "dou want papa count 1-10". aft a couple of mins, he dozed off to lala-land..

in our case, i think spanking or caning really won't work one....
Brought my girl to see doc already. now from 5 times reduced to 2 times already. but still on medication.
Have been giving her water, until her diapers almost exploded...hee hee...

thanks, its ok. i usually go to the toyrus at vivo city during lunch. convenient mah...take the NEL.

If you have the flashcard sample in the office, let me know, interested to have a look. then we can proceed to make the order already.

Is the lacteofort a prescribed drug? if not, where can get?

your ways of 'educating' Josh is almost the same as mine. i also heartpain to cane lah.
You are always so encouraging &amp; reassuring...I hope Jonas will be as chatty as Ash too when he's older...by the way, he is turning TWO this Friday.

I also think some enrichment classes is fun and interesting...helps in building up interactive skills too. I think all kids will throw temper and there's always this stubborness in them.. even Jonas too...so it's not only Sophie who is rebellious.

It's not easy managing two kids ...I also would not contemplate bring two young children overseas. Even for this trip with Jonas, I find that we really didn't "accomplish" much.

He's still shy but not as bad when he was younger...at least he will wave "byes" to pretty waitresses now.

Cool_D / Janet / Sgn / Smalldreams
Actually I agree that going outdoors for our gathering is good ... but these two days the weather is hot &amp; killing...if May still like that then I think maybe "buay tahan" neh...anywhere got both aircon shade &amp; outdoors play? Then can move in &amp; out between the two...just a wild thought, dun mind me. :p ....Hmmmmmmm.....
do you use the cane every time you take it out or just the first time, and then he will be scared the next time? i dun intend to keep using the cane. but if it can be a deterrent, then i dun mind using it once.

sophie definitely looks more like me. but she's of avg height. just thinking 90cm must pay bus fare already. :p
the reward tactics dun seem to always work on sophie because she's stubbon. like when she ask for a biscuit and i ask her to say "please", she refuse and rather not eat it. but fortunately putting her to bed is easy now since she has a schedule.

i'll bring the flashcard tomorrow. lacteofort can buy from any pharmacy. not prescribed. it's like yakult but without the milk. so it's quite mild. my girl had a lot of gas too. can see she's in discomfort but she doesn't cry. just pressing her belly and no appetite. but ever since she stopped diarrhoea. her appetite is soooo good. every half hour asking for milk or food. !!
how's B now?

it's not that i'll feel heartpain to cane the boy, rather it's counter-prdtve for us. Cos we spank him, he'll hit me back! so rather not spank nor cane...cos he thinks hitting is fine.
how about wed? would you be available for lunch or we can just meet at my 7-11, and I can quickly look at the flashcard. thanks

Wow, sophie got back bone lei...very good.

thanks for asking.
yesterday, B still has 2 rounds of soft, watery stool, and on medication. hope that she can get well by this Wed. We going to Genting next week...otherwise, have to bring extra diaper...
on the whole, she is still playing and running around, just that it is watery stool loh.
i would't use cane everytime but just when after i had taugh and spoken to ky for many times he still take off his pants (example) then will use the cane and i will ask him want to do again? and he will says no! hee hee.

Quite a while not surfing since CL left. My #2 is much more difficult to handle than Shyanne. Driving me crazy..

cheezel, nellu,

Shyanne also confusing with 'you' and 'me'. Think it's quite common.

I also like kids.. but I agree w u that it's physically and FINANCIALLY straining with more kids. I yearn to be a SAHM, but now with 2 kids, financially cannot afford it. Not to say 3.

Zhuzhu, blueblue,
I always not advocate having just 1 kid. I think the only child will be v bored and we tend to spoil the kid if he's the only child.

Re: Gathering
I will join u guys for the gathering if i can make it. But gotta lug #2 along as well.. that might leave me with little time to mingle with you ladies..
