(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

Well Jonas was fine on the 7hrs plus flight journey (for both going and returning trip).

For going trip, we took night flight so he bascially slept most of the time. Returning is afternoon and he didn't sleep...but when plane reaching SIN, he totally KO and slept all the way till next morning..didn't wake all the way from airport till reach home. Oh ya, when he didn't sleep, we let him watch KrisWorld, play with his toy car or took turns to carry him walk up & down the plane. We were bushed!!

Think your gal should do fine on the short flight journey to KL..no worries ya.

I think Kelly will enjoy her school when it starts...she seems an outgoing & cheerful gal.

Which hotel you staying in Vietnam HCM? Got website? Me KPO...kekeke.

in e end we settled for a small small hotel call Indochine Hotel. Fren stayed there b4 and says its gd, or rather value for money. Read some gd reviews on e internet too. We are still planning a 2d1n trip to Mui Ne beach .. haven bkd the resort yet.
<font color="aa00aa">tofu,
she goes to carpe diem at punggol.

she likes sch but she is quite reluctant to let daddy leave. she will cry a while when daddy leave but ok after date.</font>
Re: cough
I give orange skin cooked with apricot seeds - buy from Chinese Med hall. must wash away the sugar on the dried orange skin first.

if possible, let bb drink until 1 yr old will be good.

now I drink a glass of red wine every night. even drunk will still wake up in the middle of night to check on kids. habit already.

re: brushing
I always told cookie: I cannot hear you brush your teeth, do it again and he will have to brush. he won't let me do it either, but the action is 20% there.

re: housing loan
how many years of housing loan are you mummies taking? I cannot imagine having to work for 30 years.
<font color="119911">jeanyard,
nw my yield is higher den #1, i oreadi start freezin BM at day 10, dats a gd news to b, if i stop pumpin at 6 mth, she might have more den a yr's supply, more den kelly.

u can top up n shorten ur loan along the way. den wun have to work 30 yrs le. hw u copin alone so far?</font>
thanks for your advice on brushing.
we took 30 yrs loan...kiasu...now is thinking of shortening by half...i leave this to my hubby. i quite stupid on this kind of things,...he is good on this kind of things, but lazy to do it...so we are still stuck with 30 yrs now.

breast milk can keep for 1 year so long ah? I thought only 3-4 months.
ya lor..now is the peak season for HFMD..thinkin of gonig to Tampines 1 Mall tomolo..think i better avoid it liao..

I cannot find u in facebook leh..can u add me?
[email protected]

I think i took 25yrs loan eh..but u can always refinance it if u had spare cash to pay up lor..
<font color="119911">janet,
chest freezer can store up to a yr, keke.

its at punggol end. u travel along punggol rd to the veri end, it next to the sea.</font>
<font color="119911">janet,
not too sure oso, when #1, i was surprised dat i had so much milk, i flood my own's n neighbour's freezer den no choice bot a chest freezer.

fish and papaya soup is definitely not the reason coz i dun like fish n i hate the fish+papaya soup, so smelly.</font>
<font color="0077aa">Jeanyard, Janet
Janet I also not quite sure in this loan thing. I only know that the longer the loan is, the more we're paying for interests right. I'll only start paying for my flat when it's ready in 2011, so I'm hoping I've got enough $ in my CPF to pay off a small chunk of the flat price before I decide on how many yrs of loan I'm taking

Hey how r you coping with yr 2 girls? Do you still have a helper?

Wonder where Wonder_Baby is. Been some time since she logged in. Hope she &amp; Chloe are fine!</font>
Good to know you have found your "ideal" lodging in Vietnam... think you must be really looking forward ya.

Meanwhile, have a fun &amp; pleasant time in Genting over the long weekend.

Just visited your blog. Kerryn has such rosy &amp; pinkish complexion...very pretty.

Is Carpe Diem resort a bungalow childcare centre? Kelly is considered very brave liao..just cry alittle on 1st day of school.

Added you in FB already.

Have u added me into your facebook?


Do u have a good and reliable part time maid to recommend and is willing to work at Lavender area?
yes, Kerryn is indeed bigger than your friend's bb. Kerryn is really beautiful.

Are you using Adrian Woolworth? IS the last name correct? is he good? the branch at compass point there is it?

did u take a package? how much was it eh?
<font color="119911">smalldreams,
my help extend her permit for 2 more yrs wif me and nw i have a CL helping me too.

u can c her rosy n pinkish complexion frm th epix, keke.

CD resort is an ld British bungalow n its near the sea, they got thier own swimming pool too, the environment is reli gdas compared to those normal bungalow.

kerryn is 7days younger den dat fren's bb, but she looks so much bigger.

adrian woodworth is my gynae, i tink hes gd coz he dun tok a lot, if u r the type who needs gynae to chat wif u n reassure u, den he is not the type. he got a clinic at CP n CCK. i took the package, was $500+, nw still abt the same. u intend to have a #2 soon??</font>
<font color="119911">serene,
im so tempted to bring kelly, since in june, can leave bb kerryn wif maid for a while. u bringing shernise? i chk wif hb lata n if he ok, we go 2gether k, keke.</font>
Saw ur aussie pics..saw Jonas feeding the kangaroo..he looks so excited..told hb maybe next round we should consider going to Aussie..
it's really a good thing I'm not breastfeeding now, else definitely will go bonkers esp with the engorgement. 2nd time I don't have engorgment problems, just keep pumping like cow. now can cope alright, except when the time of the month, i'll get really crazy.
If I feel an urge to scold Cookie, i'll just pull him into a corner and speak to him very softly. surprisely, it's more effective than raising my voice.
Now Cabbage is in the West and Cookie is with me in the East.
you are leaving bb with maid? safe or not? I saw the latest maid abusing child video, so heart pain.

sometimes I wish my hb is the very very rich type so I don't even have to think about housing loan. but must be contented with life since everyone is going through this.

I pass by Tampines 1 everyday after work and have never stepped in!! maybe we should all meet up at Bakerzin.

Re: learning
heh, managed to trick Cookie into learning how to wear pants on his own. now he insists on doing it himself but still doesn't know how to pull up from the back.
not ready to toilet train him cos I don't want to clear his mess if he can't control. will wait a while more.
<font color="119911">jeanyard,
hw come no engorgement?? so gd. i pump every 3hr n my engorgement is quite bad lor. cant drag for a while oso. im trying to drag next mth le.

kelly oso grew up wif my maid, if i take care of her full time den i got no time to go out shopping n gai gai le. but most of the time im at hm oso.

jeanyard, zhuzhu,
wow bakerzin's hot fudge cake, muz jio me if u all go k. but got to b after my confinement. tis time had csect so quite a lot if food still cant take in 2nd mth, sianz.</font>
yes, will be trying for #2 soon. will not be going back to the same gynae. so looking for another good one. Either Adrian or Dr Koh from Toa Payoh...still thinking

I always feel that the rich and famous husbands are for celebrites only. not within reach...
So how much are the fees are CD resort? Half day or full day? Since you not working..no subsidy rite?

Jonas loves the animals but not rides...so it's really a pity especially since the entrance tickets to the Worlds covers everything and hence, very expensive. Markus ok with taking the rides at HK Disneyland?

Realised you had a mini birthday surprise for hubby during your holiday. So sweet.
Morning all! enjoyed yr long weekend?

I'm thinking of taking half day leave today :p

Anyone been to marina barrage? how to get there huh? Thinking of bringing adam there this evening IF i take half day leave. TIA!
<font color="119911">SD,
its abt $400 for full day, half day less $50 onli so we signed her up for the full day program. my hb top up my CPF, so can do lots of things wif it, keke. the fees r after subsidy.

Re: Ang Ku Kueh
anyone noes of any gd ang ku kueh? wanna get for bb full mth. tink TPY got a gd one but cant recall whr issit.</font>
Hi mummies
i m back fm my lil Genting break. Overall, it was fun. Brot jboy to the outdoor themepark... tho' not alot of rides, but good enuff to last like 5hrs

i'hv been to barrage 3 times. Nice big place to run. Driving n parking is ez, but if not driving, i tink there's shuttle bus fm the Marina south mrt. There's waterplay so rmbr to bring extra clothing for adam okie. Hv fun
Wow...$400 for full day program quite cheap lei..I enquired about Pat's schoolhouse previously and the fee is like $800++ for half-day program after subsidy.

Nearby the Alexandra market got a rather famous Ang Ku Kueh shop...but might be too far for you.

Welcome back again...Jordan went on the rides by himself? Your family is always so 'gung-ho' &amp; fan-loving.
<font color="0077aa">Morning mommies!

CD, let us know when you've updated yr blog with genting trip ok!

u looking at child care now huh?
So fun! But I think I'll keep Adam at home a bit longer. Don't quite have a good feel abt letting him go to school looking at all these hfmd cases...sighs...</font>
Javen even worse. Ask him to go line up by himself to sit the kiddi rides…he dun dare liao. but keep saying he wants to sit n ask me to go with him. Told him mommy too big and only small children can sit…..at least jboy sit halfway….Javen line up halfway…hehe…I going in May again with my in laws this time n bringing Jaren along. Will see if he dare to sit that again….hehehe
Am doing some updates to my FB account...will add you when I'm ready.

Yup that's the price for Pat's..."branded" price I guess...but their timetable sure looks good &amp; interesting.

If Jonas was more independent and start to say some words, I'll probably just stick with playgroup programme for him once a week for fun...but his development is so slow and he does nothing except watch TV at home...so plan to try more "hardship training" at CC lor.

Cool_D/ Cheezel
At least your boys dun mind to sit if mommy can accompany...mine will scream if I attempt to put him in the ride with me...that's why our visits to the Worlds are really wasted...few hundred bucks and we did not take any rides! Signzzz.....
<font color="0077aa">Springdance, hey don't say like that lei... Adam also doesn't really talk as much as javen, josh &amp; cher (she's the champion, so clever, can talk so much!
) but I still don't want to put him in child care yet.

When he was about 1 plus, i waited for him to turn 18 mths, but now, I think i'll wait a bit longer. too many viruses going around lah. Plus, i feel so "ke lian" for him, so small going to school. Hehe.

Adam can say some baby language for now too:

Ush - for bus
Oto - motorbike
Ti! - MRT/ train
Ball - ball (finally!)
Shey - Shrek

see, baby language. hehe but i think otherwise, he's developing well, so i'll stick him at home for longer
Oh well, just my 2 cents worth</font>

Actually I do agree with u. if the kiddos no go sch, then they stay at home all day long also very boring. Sometimes when javen is sick n missed sch, can see he quite bored at home cos the moment I reach home, he will take his shoe n ask me to go kai kai. My mil says he stay at home, watch tv…disturb Jaren...mess ard the hse, play and throw toys only. I cant expect my mil to teach him or read him story books….no time also cos she need to look after Jaren too
SD/ smalldreams
I dunno if it's sch, but I find that ever since jboy starts sch, he becomes much much more chatty, and his vocab is definitey widen oso. Also, he has learn to self feed and to wear his shoe himself.

if u feel dat a whole day sch is too long, maybe can try 1/2 day, or those 2 hrs playgrp. But than, I guess keeping them till abit older is also ok la. am sure adam will oso learn thru' ur daily life routine.

Btw, did u manage to go Marina Barrage?

lastly, juz to share a video on family.
yes. Javen also want to self feed now and is able to wear his own shoe. but then of cos fall sick more often. haha. n his vocab widen alot n is able to sing many songs now.
<font color="0077aa">cheezel, CD
ya lor, there's always 2 sides to a coin. For sure kids will learn much more when they go to school. Plus got role/peer modelling also mah, so they're more motivated to learn.

Adam also self-feeds though he'll take longer and I wont have patience so I'll feed him instead. Hehe.

The fall sick more often is the one I can't take. Sighs. You win some, you lose some lor...

Nah, didn't manage to get to barrage yesterday as Adam napped till 5 plus! We thot of just going swimming but that didn't work out also since we got back only at 7 pm, dark liao.

That video's so touching rite? So now, must look at the bright side when i hear hub's snores. hee</font>
hehe, me oso no patience. i'll let him self feed only when we are eating at e same table. Otherwise, usually end up feeding him so he eats faster :p

u knw .. abt e fall sick part. Wat convinced me was, even if u dun send them now, says when they r 3-4 n you start sending, they will go thru' tis fall sick period too. So, its juz a matter of now or later.
Cheezel / CD
Precisely..that's what I think too...least he can do some thing "useful" in school.

Yup I would expect him to fall sick and getting thinner (although he's already quite slim to start off with) once he goes to school. I shared such worries with the mummies here before and a few experienced mums like Sanrio assured me about the process. Well, it's sooner or later like CD mentioned.

Anyway, I will probably cry my woes here again when Jonas starts school and cries badly. Hahah! :p

By the way, I must add that Adam has the good privilege of being able to interact with many relations and other kiddos because of your large family clan and this plus point, we do not have.
Pat very famous ah? ok...now i know...hee hee

SD,smalldreams, CD, cheezel
I guess falling sick also helps to build immunity. so i always try to look on the bright side, if the sickness is not too bad...
I will be sending my girl when she is 3.
hehe, maybe jonas surprised u with his great adaptability. Than u will be sharing ur happiness here ;)

hey mummies, anybody start planning ur kiddo's bday? Me have not .. still wondering wat to do :p
Hi mummies,
i suppose cher must b d only toddler still at 9.5kg. all along, my pd said ok but d very recent visit, she told me cher is a little too light weight for a 2yrs old. i m supposed to up her protein intake. but cher is a vegetarian, she takes all kinds of vege but she dislikes meat. i can chop until very fine but somehow she can spit it out if she 'detected' meat in her food. she is taking eggs but small amt n she doesnt like tofu. she is ok w beef brisket or chicken wing but vege are still her fav n d amt of meat she takes is sooooooooooo little. so now i m trying to give her goat milk since she oso din wan cow milk...

everton park has famous ang ku kueh.
cher is not in school now but i m planning to send her for pre-N next yr. yes she does get bored at hm n kip saying she wants to take gorgor schoolbag, water bottle, school bus. she wants to go to school! whenever i brg her downstr to wait for gorgor schoolbus, she gets all excited! she wld volunteer to take over gorgor school bag n water bottle (like d maid, hahahahaha) for now, mommy n gorgor are her teachers :p

u must be happy that cher loves school. u will have no problems next year. or u may want to consider sending her to school this year.

regarding meat, my girl last time also dislikes it. now she is better.

maybe you can try all ways of cooking for the egg. since she likes chicken, maybe you can give a bit more. keep trying different ways to cook meat. I am sure there will be one way that Cher will like. Dont stop trying, you know the saying, have to try at least 15 times, before a kid will like something.

I usually try steam, pan-fry, terayaki and oyster sauce. You can even try the same kind of vegetable cooking method to cook the meat, or cook meat and the vegetables together, so that they may taste the same...

good luck.
