(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

hallo mummies,

so long din log in, read all the posts until i blur! :p

SD, Janet,
Pat's is quite premium. I had wanted to put Josh there but the branch that is nearest to us isn't that good. teachers not so nice also. but heard that the one at halifax road is very good.

fees -- SD, think you got it wrong leh. If i dun remember wrongly (threw away the forms liao!), it was abt 1K+ for full day before subsidy. the 800+ you mentioned is pre-subsidy price. Josh's CC (Cambridge) charges 850 for full day (pre-subsidy). And by the way, the subsidy you'll get is $300 per mth now.

adaptability -- hahaha i think if josh who takes long time to adapt to new things can adapt to CC life so quickly, most kids should be able to do it!
btw, just want to share abt this other mummy i know fr another forum. her boy is abt 2.5y now. recently she put him in playgroup. he cried for the first week. now he tells her to go home when they get to school! hahaha so i think all got hope!

heheh ash is definitely a v good influence on cher. btw, i had wanted to ask you where you got the matching polo tees for daddy and ash? I want to get for hb and josh too. kekeke now the two are BFF, inseparable buddies!

food --
Sanrio, Janet, i got strange prob here. josh doesn't like to eat leafy veggies. only wants celery and broccoli! meat wise, he'll eat. but fish depends on his mood. got any ideas to get him to eat the leafy vegs or not? in sch, teacher had to feed him the veg. if leave him to eat himself, he'll put the veg aside.

wanted to tell you too abt Everton Park ang ku kueh! my favourite! yummy!

birthday party ideas
anyone of you planning already? what are you all doing for the kiddos?

i still dunno what to do except order the cake for cc celebration. but thinking of doing another round for our family and friends.....

and again this year, we'll be out of town the week prior to his bday. so have to make all the preps before i leave! stress!
u bringing josh for geneva rite? so dat cud be considered his bday celebration too

hmm, maybe we shld do a gathering in May .. like a mini mass bday party !!
<font color="119911">SD,
realised i told u the wrong price, shld b $500 for full day. dats still consider cheap for dat kind of environment.

kelly is the opp of cher, she always ask for meat but will take a bit of veg.

sanrio, nellu,
my fren told me abt the akk at everton pk, will go get lata if possible, to compare to TPY.

ur mass bdae sounds cool. but kelly's bdae is on 22/4 which is next wk. by may, she will b overage le.</font>
I dont mind the mass bday

Kris, nellu,
maybe can like the kids try the adult veg dish every day...so that you can find out what kind of veg the kids like.
Recipe books are good too. I always follow the book to try different dishes, so also different flavour mah...
Hahha..I'll be super astonished in fact if Jonas adapts well &amp; fast.... I would take that as a one in a million miracle! Knowing my son, I would take it as very good liao if his crying &amp; perhaps nightmares are not too drastic. :p

Jonas is also very small as compared to the boys his age. In fact, I think quite a number of the April gals are 'bigger' sized than him. Wat to do..he dun like to eat rice and his meat intake is also not much.

My boy unfortunately, has totally no interests in adult food lei...so does not matter if I steam, pan-fry or terayaki....he prefers his plain porridge.

I am not 100% confirmed but I think when I enquire about half-day CC at Pat's, the fee is $900+ a little...so after subsidy of S$150 (for half-day), it about $800.

Yup...$500 for full day still consider cheap. Etonhouse charges $1000+ for full day..twice the price!

CD / Janet
Though my boy will be "overaged" in May, I dun mind joining mass b'dae celebration party in May...hahahah...for the purpose of gathering &amp; meeting up which is fun!
<font color="0077aa">Janet, you're right, falling sick makes them even stronger later. There's a chinese saying "When a child falls sick, he grows" or something is it? A friend of mine told me that, hehe.

I've been thinking abt Adam's birthday too. No ideas leh. Usually we just celebrate at my hub's monthly family gatherings.

I didn't have a special 1st birthday for him too!

And if we hold it at Macdonalds, I wonder how much it'll cost per head, and whether the older kids will end up enjoying it more than our blur 2-yr olds.

Well seems you &amp; gor gor Ash have been good teachers as Cher is developing so well!
<font color="0077aa">SD, you mean Jonas is an Apr 07 baby huh? I didn't know that! so blur of me. I've always tot he was a may baby. or was yr due date in may last time? hehe

I think Adam is less than 80 cm u noe. I always want to measure his height at the PD but he never stays still. From pictures, I think Jboy is really tall. But I've got friends' kids who are about 2+, and they're about Adam's height too...

Anyway are you giving him Pediasure?</font>
i tink macdonald party abit too chim for our 2 yrs old. They probably do games and all, but dun tink 2 yrs old can follow :p

so any idea on venue or date for gathering? The wkend of 16/17 May?? Let's see response first okie.
Janet, Nellu, SD, Kris,
cher does eat quite a 'big' bowl of rice n we 'marvel' at d amt of vege she eats each tx. i took a pic of d vege she eats, wld upload later if hv tx. but wen being served meat, she can tell me,'i only want to eat rice, don't want the meat'. haiz... did try baked, braised, n even yummy ko lok yoke etc (so yummy fr chi zha store), but none she likes. for green/root vege any kind, i just cook in soup or simple stir fry, she likes. she likes to eat raw carrot. cher is a mini rabbit :p

tks. wld cont to try

we just went 'crazy' w her. laugh, talk, act, sing, dance, jump, do art n craft etc. i suppose she is very interested to follow whatever we do. downside: that dat ash was watching mr bean n he said mr bean looks so stupid. just 1 time n cher now kip saying, 'stupid mr bean, stupid gorgor'.. then laugh out loud. we told her no but she kip tinking is fun... chiamz...
that day we were outside n she pointed at 1 man with no hair, big eyes n shouted, 'mr bean'. i dun noe where to 'hide myself' :p
hahaha .. tink now is time we need to monitor our kids. My nephew ever asked a malay auntie in e lift, 'auntie why u so fat' and another fren shared wif me b4, met a woman wif big curly hair in e lift and commented 'auntie hair like mushroom' .. keke.
<font color="0077aa">Wow, Jboy is tall! must pay for bus / MRT fares liao. you must be tall too, that's why Jboy's so tall!

Ya lor, they can't enjoy McD's party coz won't understand how to partiipate in games.

Adam's birthday is on 15th May &amp; I've taken leave already, for fun, hehe. But on 16th morning I have to work. Bummer
Hopefully I can escape in the afternoon if I can find someone to cover my duties.

I've never met any of you though....would it be strange if I joined the gathering? :p

Re: mushroom hair??! LOL! Ya lor, the malay auntie gotta slim down then, hehehe. Not the child's fault, altho gotta teach them also what's right &amp; wrong to say

That seems like fun semi-home schooling. what paints do you use for finger painting, art &amp; craft eh? Am thinking of getting some crayola ones but quite ex... and now Adam already treat the walls at my home as canvas</font>
did they increase their fees? i dun remember it being so high. on top of the Pat's fees are same for all centres cos they are not franchise-based. Lemme ask someone for you. this person's gal is in pat's for the last 2years liao.

Josh has been eating 'adult' for a long time.

hahaha raw carrot. Josh also likes. you know when go to the supermarket his favourite section is the veg and fruit section. He sees the broccoli, celery and carrots. he'll point to the veg, then point to himself (dunno how to say his own name yet), then say "EAT!"

ha ya lah. the trip can consider lah..but doubt he'll remember anything. he's obsessed with getting the birthday candle!

hehehe your nephew v farnie. Josh only goes "eh! dou want auntie here!" in the lift... v embarrassing!

16/17May we'll be in Switzerland for my fren's wedding..
<font color="119911">sanrio, CD,
ur kids so funi, hw did the stranger respond? keke, cant imagine.

onli daddy can settle kelly at meal time, she will sit on her chair n let daddy feed, can finish a bowl of rice + soup in 10-15mins. if maid feed or she eat herself, can take as long as 1hr. faintz.

hw abt doin it on 2/5, mass bdae cum mother's day?

can reserve a plc that is kids friendly n hold a bdae party. anyone noe of any plc dat has a big playground cum restaurant? when the kids n daddy play, the mummy can catch up.</font>
Javen meat eater n dislike vege n carrot. I have to chop till very small n mix with soup or rice to feed him. If its slighter bigger, he will take out n say “no cai cai” or no carrot. For broccoli, I have to chop the “leave” part and throw away the stem….very cham. But at least I mix with rice or soup, he eats la when I feed him. If self feed I give him some rice n meat n soup…then I have a small bowl with some rice, vege n soup n then feed him while he self feed also. Hehe….

For cher, hmm….can try stuffing meat inside vege?? Like for eg carror, cut small holes n stuff the meat inside? Do spring rolls n put in lots of vege n minc meat? Mash potato with fish n meat? Protein can get fr fish too….cher like fish? Hmm…..beancurd?
02 May i will be in Vietnam. 10 May is actual mothers' day so thot of doing it e wk after.

there's always a first meeting mah

** How abt picnic at Marina Barrage??**

kekeke tall but skinny leh. waist small but legs long. hard to get pants for him!

plus pay bus and mrt fare more than other kids... :p
Hi ladies
So long never log in to chat. maybe some mummies have forgotten about me..hee.

Ryan opp...veg also eat. but now like to eat variety. he likes BA HU alot...haha.
I am ok for 16 May even though my girl's bday is over already. A gathering is still fun. Is it very hot at Marina Barrage in the afternoon?
I have only been there once during night time.

For the genting rides, at the moment, Jboy can still ride free right?

your idea of wrapping meat with veg is really good...worth a try.

how about getting Ash to eat meat infront of Cher, then see whether Cher will follow, since Ash is Cher's role model
outdoor themepark yes, all rides are free.

The last time I went MB was late afternoon, ard 5pm. I guess depend on the weather dat day bah. So who else Onz MB on 16 May (Sat)?
hi mummies
i would like to join u all for bday celebration for ky too, i'm fine with 2nd May cos ky's bday is on 13th. i plan to bring him to birdpark or sentosa on 10th May!
<font color="119911">CD,
errrr MB ah, im not a veri outdoor person. i hate the sun, the sweat.

Re: Mass bdae n mother's day
we can either do 2 or 16 may coz 9 may is vesak day. tink got to decide venue 1st.</font>
some days i lazy, we wld play d whole day :p go cycling, playground or play catching or hid en seek at hm. else evyday, i wld allocate some tx to teach d kids or do some crafts with them. i believe learning must b fun right :p or if d kids are bored, we go on our fours n pretend to b different animals n sing/talk like them. ash n cher hav quite fixed schedule/nap tx so not too tough to plan activities for them.
i really like crayola n faber castell. for crayola, it is easily washable. my kids like their mess free finger painting n colouring series. i also bought their crayons, small tubs of paint n markers. for faber castell, i bought d ink pad for kids to do finger printing/drawing n their magic pens. for colour pencils, lycra brand is good too.
crayola: toysrus currently having 20% discount if i m not wrong. ck tang carries a range too. each tx i see gd buys, i wld buy n keep. somtx i get gd craft materials very cheap fr daiso to.
aiyo smalldreams .. it's really ok lah. There's always the next time :p

i knw la .. u so fair
I am suggesting outdoor coz I thot our kids tis age can hardly stay indoor for long. need running space.
hihi, how ar u n ryan? is he still chubby?

yes when cher sees gorgor eatg chicken wings, she wan. but af few tiny bits, she wld ask for vege :p
Long time no see liao though everyweek will pass by ur place. Last time Javen also eat variety of food…its only past few weeks then find him become more picky and dun like to eat vege. But he still eat when I mix with rice n feed him.

Javen also apr baby.  the mass bday celebration prob will be just a gathering ba. Not too sure if want go but will see when you all have fix the date.

I’ve book a chalet for Javen at downtown east the following weekends to celebrate his bday. Didn’t invite many people. Just a mini celebration with family members and also bring Javen there to play n swim. Also take leave on his bday for his playgrp celebration…buying a cake n party sets for every kiddos there….prob I can bring him to Jurong Bird Park on my own….cos Hubby cant take leave on that day…..book a lady to help me make 3D Thomas N friend cake for him. 2Kg cost me $170…abit exp hor…but hubby says go ahead since javen likes Thomas n Friend so much.

I read an article that its good for the children to go under the sun to run ard freely rather than stay indoors. MB seems a fine place provided its evening time n no rain…else noon will be super hot.
2 May - me cant too. Pls go ahead.

Yah hor...cake likes expensive. but it is 2kg mah...so should be ok.
Javen is always so easy on food... you have seen how difficult it is to make Jonas eat...and he's still very much the same...how to put on weight like that. Signzzz...

Thomas the Train cake...hmm...what's the cake content inside? Last year, I got a 3D cake for Jonas, it's hard &amp; sweet...looks good but taste yucky. So I dun dare to do it for this year liao.

You got two cakes... One for playgroup, one for chalet?

Blue Blue
Nice to "see" you...has Ryan started school? He's still a "Zhuan Nan" I suppose?
dun feel so despaired abt Jonas lah. every kid has his/her set of probs. I'm sure Jonas also has his strengths too. Focus on the positives!

like Josh lor, he's a slow walker and slow talker. i'm sure Jonas by now is running liao. Josh still not steady walking leh. Also, he's scared of the swimming pool. And his speech leh also was slow mah. he only started to call me 2mths ago. till now cannot say his own name wor...

so worry too much...
Maybe the letter "J" a bit hard to pronounce.
Adam can only refer to himself as "Ada" sometimes it sounds like "Arthur" haha! don't know where the 'M' disappeared to.

How bad can the taste of the 3D cake be man...hehe
<font color="119911">CD,
tot can get a nice aircon plc, den the mummies can sit down n chat since havent meet up for so long. reli missed those days when we keep meetin for lunch n tea.</font>
jboy reminds me of my fren's son who insisted that his name was "Ethan BOY!"

ya i'm not that worried abt josh's speech. cos he showed tremendous improvement since he went to CC. imagine from only being able to say 15 words to now being able to say 4-5word sentences. how's that for progress? slowly lah...i guess he'll get it. sch really helps.

btw, he calls himself "you" (confused with me!) and/or "dada". HAHAHAHAH!
he does. Most of the time he refers to himself as 'boy boy' .. like he will say 'boy boy wear shoe', 'boy boy eat' etc. He oni says jo-den-boy when asked wat's his name.

ya, b4 jboy goes sch, he was oso like in e 15words range. Now he can also make mini sentences, count 1-10 in both english n chinese
yah, my girl also refers to herself as girl girl.

maybe #2 can call arthur. easier to pronounce...haha

my girl also confused on the word 'yours' and 'mine'. she alsways point to her bag and said, 'your bag' , 'your bag'
So now, trying to correct that...

My last year 3D cake also so-so only too. very hard, and taste so-so.

SO this year will be ordering PRima Barney cake only...
Ryan not so chubby now. Slimmer a bit but taller too. Tks for remembering him. Talking abt crayola, I only bought the crayons. Wanted to try the paint. is really easy to wash? I wan to let him try painting on big mahjong paper....think can be quite fun.

Hee. u so cute, zhuang nan! Now slimmer le. But he is still enjoy eating. sometimes he sees the food, he said WOW...as if it's v nice. how've u been? read u went for a trip. tat's v nice! sometimes need a break. I haven got a chance to go yet.

next time passby can just call me, maybe at home then u can bring ur kiddos up to my place to play! most welcome. just telling my hb that you and hb are so nice to fetch me for classes during preggie. time flies!
ya 2 cakes this yr. but the playgroup one will prob be simpler. Thomas n friends cake is chocolate flavour. The lay recommended by someone here..cant remember who. Heard good comments abt her cake but just abit too sweet. Will see how...if no nice then no more next time.

Javen aslo confuse "You" n "me"..he always say Daddy beat you....mommy carry you...

ya..at times when pass by ur hse, will tell hubby how times flies. last time always attend antenatal class together.
I pumped at 12am, 3am, 6am, 9am... like that. also very tired. first 3 weeks didn't let Cookie stay with me cos very tired. managed to drag to pump every 4hrs in the 2nd month. engorgement can be reduced by pumping every 2hrs for 15min, no need to massage at all. (ok, my masseuse was really good also, must give her credit)

spring, coolD, smalldreams
i'm intending to send Cookie to school after 3 cos really scared of those virus he will bring back to Cabbage.
but now he can wear pants and shoes, most of the time he would take out if I put on for him and insists on doing it himself.
only problem is he's still shy with strangers.

can share more of your craft ideas?
I would like to start but really so tired after work. somemore now going to change job scope soon, gotta bring homework back to study.

you've never met any of us before? maybe you can post your portrait here :p
I hope I can make it to the gathering but hb will not be around, and I don't know if i know how to drive to marina barrage. so can only bring Cookie. Poor Cabbage, never go for any parties before.
sophie's cough is much better. i've taken her out of cc as there are 3 kids with HFMD but in a different class. so far cleared for a few days but will wait at least a week to 10 days.

she's been asking for a lot of fruits. grapes, then avocado, then strawberries, apple. will try to open my fridge to check. trying to limit due to her cough but she will demand if she sees them. headache. anyone using/thinking of using fridge lock? wonder if it's useful.

ryan looks so different now. much slimmer.
i remember he's a day younger than sophie.

everton park ang ku kueh nicer than toa payoh one. think it's cheaper but smaller.

outing is a good idea.
what time are you thinking of?

i like crayola too but i can't find a good range. taka very limited for the washable range. will check out toysrus tomorrow. thanks!
Toyrus has quite a good range of the crayola.

crayola paint is washable even on clothes. Sometime, my girl got it on her own clothes...and the paint is easily washed away, so dont worry. I let her draw on drawing paper.
my boy oso cannot say his own name..had been saying dat to him everyday..he just give me a smile..

The other day isetan scotts had a trolley cart selling crayola items..think the pricing are pretty reasonable..i oso got quite a few items..haven't let my boy try it yet..
you guys looked so happy in your genting photos. Jboy is so cheerful, always smiling...

So driving up only 4 hours ah? ok, maybe next time, should consider rather than taking plane.

IS genting not that cold? I saw Jboy in short sleeve in some of your photos. sorry eh, me never been to genting

<font color="119911">lynn,
will try out everton's akk.

the mummies r gg MB, mayb u can join them coz i juz had my csect on 31/3 so dun tink i wanna go out n sweat.

mayb we can arrange for lunch sometimes in may, so long din c u liaoz, last time used to go shoppin 2gether, keke.</font>
