(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

Abt finances & kids,yeah I do agree it's really not easy. My colleague, she has 4 kids (aged 8 to 18). Her kids are really smart & I really envy her - they were in RGS, etc. She said pocket money alone is about $800 monthly, that doesn't include other expenses!

Hope B's better now. Is she on soy-based formula for the time being?

sgn, Lynn, Nellu
I don't use the cane, but I tap/beat on his hands if he's doing something naughty. Of course he'll try to it again & again, this is part of boundary testing, for sure, kids being kids.

My mom has a "back scratcher" which she doubles up as a cane too. Sometimes she threatens to use it on Adam. Once, she said, "Adam, if u're notty, I'll cane you!" and Adam walked to where she hid the cane, took it out & gave it to my mom!

Re: Crayola
Have all of you gotten yr loot yet? :p
There's another brand i saw at Ogy Chinatown but I didn't buy the last time i saw it. I was at Chinatown area just now too but too bad no time to swing by Ogy.

Since your gal got diarrhea, can she take milk? Let her drink more liquids & juices to replenish the loss of body water.

I just read your blog...guess you should be fine and ok now. I know you are a strong lady but for these two weeks, better to take more nourishing foods so that you can recuperate well ya. Looking forward to Switzerland trip?
smalldreams, SD,
thanks for the concerns. yesterday diarrhoea came back again - 4 times in a day...i thought she was on the road to recovery already. because weekend reduced to twice a day...if still not well by wed, may need to go PD.

no, didnt change to soy..thought no need, coz recovering. will see how it goes. in case, she doesnt want to drink soy
Usually if Adam has diarrhoea, my PD will give a can of Isomil Advanced. But for Adam he's not choosy, any formula I give, he'll drink.

Hope he gets well soon. Maybe she just picked up something from the floor and ate it. Kids - everything also put in the mouth.
Usually if Adam has diarrhoea, my PD will give a can of Isomil Advanced. But for Adam he's not choosy, any formula I give, he'll drink.

Hope she gets well soon. Maybe she just picked up something from the floor and ate it. Kids - everything also put in the mouth.

Btw mommies
Do yr kids need to carry a toy in their hands everywhere they go? or each time they leave the house?
i'm totally blur...what are you talking about ah??

yes yes looking forward to trip and also busy cracking my head over birthday party!

is B better now?
<font color="0077aa">Nellu
I was surfing the blog of one yr links - the one who made all the party favours for her son from scratch. Have you read it? I was like, WOW! Salute her man! So much time &amp; effort! I wouldn't be able to get past 1 party hat...</font>
are you referring to the boyd blog?
ya...she's a WAHM so pretty much have the time to do that. she has a diaper cake biz btw. v nice gift hampers wor...go check it out.

hahaha for me, i'll just order and then give out...maybe if my new maid is efficient, i'll get her to help pack.
no, B is not getting better...may bring to PD again.

Getting new maid? when is your new maid coming? i guess no choice now, since #2 is coming..better train earlier rather than together with arrival of #2...head big...

yah, maybe this time i go PD, she will give me the soy powder, instead of me buying...
I oso wanted 2 kids..haiz..but its the men issue lar..i cannot do anything oso..

i give up trying to tok to hb abt #2 liao..if not sure quarrel one..

toking abt the bad weather.. Markus came down with high fever yday..think must be the trip to Changi beach on Sat nite causes it..
did u let B try lacteofort? usually pd wld give this too. oso no diary wld help d diarrhoea to subside faster. hope she gets well soon.

Smalldreams, Lynn,
i bought some crayola items fr toysrus over d wkend. is d learning mth n imaginarium educational toys n melissa n d wooden items oso on 20% there. i spent $100+ :p hb was like wah..

ash n daddy shirts fr Gap.
yeah, i think that's the one. Diaper cakes are expensive lah! Nice to see, but high price to pay. I'd rather pack the same items nicely as a gift :p

But I think huh, for her to do it with a little boy around must mean her boy is so well-behaved or she's got a helper. No way can I pull it off with Adam around. He'll want to "Help" for sure!

Ya lor, for me also, I do some online shopping or grab something while I'm out, then pack them slowly. No way will I make stuff from scratch!
where you getting from? I'll stick to the ones I've got now

Yeah, u shud just ask yr PD. Mine gives away a whole can of 400g. Can last for more than a week. After diarrhoea also, my mom con't to feed him that, hehe.

Oh yes, I went to ToysRus Utd Sq just now &amp; bot some crayola items. There was a ben&amp; jerry out side it, and the Q was crazy coz it's free cone day!
we oso tell ourselves tell not to. but for ash's age, only d cane works. but we do explain to him af tat.

did u brg Markus to the doctor? hope he gets well soon.
ya..bot him to see PD last nite..but when we were there..his fever subsides..so PD oso cannot tell much..after we go home..then his fever come again
they live with their in-laws. her hubby also work flexi hours. so can help out. so far she seems to be managing well. cos her boy's just turn one. i think when the kids get older, it's really hard to do things without them coming to bother you. and you prolly have to grow eyes at the back of your head too!
ey, PD shud be able to tell what's wrong by listening thru his stethoscope (haha is this how you spell it?), mah? even if markus didn't have a fever, but the parents have explained, somehow PD would be able to tell.

The last time Adam got fever, it was clearly viral fever. 5-7 days then go away. But we brought him to PD again as his fever didn't go down much. Turned out, that was really quite normal of viral fever. So now I've got the experience. Hopefully won't gancheong so much next time....

Do they live in a big house? If yes, so nice! The little boy can run around the place. U noe, personally for me, I find it easier now that Adam's turning 2. he started walking by 11 mths, and at that time got really excited about walking ALL the time, and was attention seeking too. Now, he can play on his own, and it's just much better. So guess every child is different. Of coz, I still have to grow eyes at the back of my head too, it's just that I can breathe easier these days...hehee
hmmm...how come ah this josh always come and bother us?! if not, then he'll start poking at the dvd player (now he wants to put in his VCD and play it for himself), or at the phone (he called my mum several times by plain poking around), or he'll take my magiclean mop and tries to clean the house, or worse still, he'll take out all my high heel shoes and wear them and walk around!!

i really can't leave him alone. even if he plays on his own, i have to sit in the same room to make sure he's not up to no good!
which melissa and doug items did you get? i saw the board puzzles but already have some of those. the square puzzles are quite bulky but think maybe easy for their hands to handle. you got the clock one?

whiich part of chinatown is ogy? sophie doesn't have to hold a toy all the time, but sometimes we bring one out in case she gets restless. but if i'm out alone then i won't cuz too heavy.
smalldreams, sanrio,
yah, just bought lacteofort yesterday. thanks to lynn's help.
will see whether B gets better.

B also like josh lei...last time she didnt mind playing alone...nowadays, kept on seeking for attention and always need people to play with her...dont know why...aiyah...
my colleague ordered from amazon, will be here in 2 wks time. i will be changing to BPA bottles soon as my current stock are the only normal avent bottles.
he is okie already..fever subsides liao..up to his mischief..

my boy oso leh..he likes to take the phone..then start babbling in his language..or take my magic mop..n mop here n there lor..if i leave my heels outside the shop cabinet..he will start wearing them...boyz...
we hv quite a number of those wood puzzles n some alphabet blocks etc.

cant remb whether i reply u :p ash n daddy shirt is fr Gap. yes, nowady cher demand attn too. want me to sit down n play w her, watch tv with her. i just std up n walk to kitchen, she wld follow behind me n evy minute, mummy, mummy, mummy...
you replied me abt the shirts le...thanks.

cher really follow you all over the plc ah?! she doesn't want to play on her own? she wants company...
josh doesn't really follow us all around. he will do that only when he wants us to read. he can do his own things but you know his own things are rather cheeky lor. hahahaha....

marcus v 'good' can dial 999. josh doesn't. he only managed to call my mum by pressing the redial button.

marcus wears your shoes only if you leave them outside right? josh is worse. he'll go and take my shoes out, almost always he will take out that red pair of high heel shoes. the other shoes he won't bother.
buy lactefort from Watson. no need prescription.

re: useful med to keep
Besides stocking up lactefort, I am going to buy suppository paracetamol from pharmacy. Found out it's very useful esp when Cookie refused to take his med orally and fever hit 40degC at night!!
also ventolin to clear lungs for phlegm.

Cookie and Cabbage are finally recovering from their viral fever after 2 days of sleepless nights (me only, they slept like logs)
if cher follows you so closely, how do you do your daily grocery? do you push her in stroller along to market? wet martket or supermarket?

so what happened when Markus called 999?

do you still give lacteofort even after recovered? you know another day more, just to be save. LActeofort is not really a medicine right?

I am thinking of changing to Dumex milk powder (the latest version with probiotics inside). I remember Jboy is drinking that right? does it help? does Jboy has diarrhoea before?
Haben been coming in n so many postins. Me haben been that well recently. Keep falling sick. Now down with cough n running nose. Javen just recover fr his cough too. N last night, slight sore eyes (both side) n quickly bring him see doc. Now recover liao cos its viral infection so clear up quite fast. Haiz...me and Javen so unlucky this yr…keep falling sick n seeing doc.

Re:Mass Bday celebration
Dun think can join on that day. I like marina barrage le only when its not too sunny….4 plus is a good time

Javen previously drinking mamil. I switch to Gain IQ. That’s once he didn’t want to drink milk so I tot it’s the milk problem cos step 3 can be sweeter. So I switch Gain IQ…who know he also dun want drink so I know its not milk problem…but since I already bought Gain IQ, so now he has been drinking that.

Going to genting by plane more troublesome?> cos need to lug the luggage ard cos fr airport still need to travel to genting. Prefer by car or bus…hehe..one stop ponly..at least no need to lug luggage. Morever if drive, only abt 5-6 hrs or earlier.
duno how he go n play play..then started to dial 999..

i think the police oso know must be kids' prank call lar..so later the police call back..then tell my FIL lor..lucky now he dun anyhow press the no. he only hold the receiver and start toking to himself..

suppository can be found in pharmacy? i din know dat..tot must have doc presciptions

I got many bots of paracetamol in my fridge..oso an extra bot of nurofen
i think u are right about plane. next time will take coach...because bought that time, it was free air tickets.

Australia air tickets now very cheap...so thinking of going too.

eat cod liver oil to prevent falling sick...think it is not enough rest...me will fall sick if not eough rest...take care
yes .. jboy on mamil gold 3 .. so far so gd. I like that it has the refill pack. He has diarrheoa b4, and for that 1 wk or so, we just let him drink Isomil.
Briana still not recover from diarrhea yet?

Ya...I think Aussie air tickets got promotion ...me LUGI liao!

You leaving for Vietnam tomorrow rite? Have a pleasant and enjoyable trip! Update us about the place after you are back.
yah, B is not well yet. Started on Lacteofort today...hopefully, it is a miracle cure...haha...just bought a can of isomil too

I will not be around next week. So wishing u a safe trip before hand.
zhu zhu,
ai ya...should have read your message first before buying...indeed she didnt like. she almost puke after the first mouthful...so in the end, I have to drink that whole bottle. And while she was watching me drinking, she said she wants...then let her drink a bit from the cup...she is ok.

but still i think she prefers normal milk. To think i bought the 900g tin. i think i need to drink that myself...

isnt pedisure also milk-based?
my colleague let his son try pediasure and after drinking his son's appetite improve le.....i very tempted to try but will see how ba

Janet, oh dear, sorry that I rec Isomil as an alternative to milk. Adam didn't have a problem with it &amp; drank the whole can for almost the week.

Pediasure isn't milk based. Go read the ingredients. Sucrose is first thing on the ingredients. I'm giving Adam Pediasure now, since he's quite a fussy eater. He loves the Vanilla &amp; Golden Honey flavour - can down 200 ml of it at one shot, about 3-4 times daily. Hope it helps yr gal.
dont worry...its ok...not totally wasted. I drank yesterday, not as 'fishy' as normal milk...isomil still drinkable for me, except that very fattening loh...instead of my girl putting on weight. i think i will be the one putting on weight.

She has definitely lost weight because of this episode.

I tried pediasure for her before...she is ok. but she doesnt really like strong taste stuff, so only vanilla will work for her.

thanks all mummies for your help and advice
cos isomil like not taste lar..so alot of kids dun like..my son oso dun like..
pediasure is good..cos after drinking 1 tin..can put on some weight leh..

not sure if pediasure got improve appetite..i buy cos i see him dun eat much during normal meal..so just buy 1 tin to supplement lor..but i still give him his normal friso 3 lar..

u give pediasure as supplement on top of normal friso?? wow...now Javen only drink 3 times milk 180ml each time. Is it little?? he dun really like milk now le. but i still insist he drink lo. anyone with kiddo drinking from bottle? Javen no longer drink fr milk bottle liao...he drink fr his straw bottle n my mom says thats the reason y he dun wanna drink milk. but when i give him milk bottle, he totally reject n wanna drink fr his straw bottle.
jboy still drinks his milk fm milk bottle. actually, i neva thot of changing .. like somehow i associate milk with milk bottle. Plus, I like to see him drink fm bottle, reminds me he's still a baby afterall
my girl still drinks from milk bottle. I prefer she drinks from milk bottle...faster mah...
if she drinks from cup (her preference), it is very slow...

kids at this age still need at least 750ml of milk a day...but my girl never drinks so much. I think it is ok for javen to drink from cup lah...ultimate aim is he drinks, so if he prefers, give milk from cup loh...

my boy oso drink abt that much as javen..3x per day or so lor..

i alternate between friso n pediasure..or sometimes i will mix 1-2 scoop of pediasure into his friso milk lor..

i never let him drink milk from his straw bottle..its always the milk bottle
