(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

Morning Ladies,
How's everything feeling today? Took MC for 2 days from MS and no vomitting issues. Today first day back at work and vomitting again entire breakfast. Really sad lah.

Hi Mich,
When I vomit, I feel like my stomach is bloated and something is stuck midway, vomiting will clear the obstacles that sort of feeling. U?

morning ladies,
how is everyone feeling today?
cheer up, it's friday!!! but... it's friday the 13th lor.

i felt ok today, just a little lethargic. my nausea timing is around the same so i am sort of used to it now.

interesting edd you have.
my hb felt sorry for me when he saw me vomiting. he once said that he is very touched that i am going thru all this for him but that was the last pregnancy lah. this time round, nothing said yet other than a sympathic expression.

hope u feel better after vomitting. i find that it makes us feel less congested although the after feeling of vomit can be yucky. i feel the whole throat very acidic. i also feel weird taste after i eat anything. i tried to flush away the taste but without success again.
Morning ladies,
How's everyone? Last night was a bad one...I vomited all my dinner out, vomitted 3x somemore. So xingku. I thot my MS stop le, but no leh.

Today feeling very nausea.
Hi Ezann,
Yes. Felt better for an hour or two and now feel like coming again.. aiiiii hope MS go away asap for me
right... u get the feeling of something is blocking midway...
sometimes i feel to induce vomit is better for me, cos agreed with Ezann, after vomitting out, u'll feel less congestion.
if i can't handle anymore, i actually induce myself to vomit. dun learn fr me, i know it's no good, but can't help it. need to feel better.

maybe try having some sweets in mouth to stop the feeling, hope it help : )
morning ladies,

wah....so many of u vomitted. me only feel acidic in my stomach/gastric.....then feel nausea. last night every 2 hr eat something all the way till i sleep else feel so terrible leh.....like something churning in my stomach. but when i burp, it feel better abit for a while.

ya...gynae say the EDD will change with the fetal development...so will keep changing...

how at drinking something sour to curb the vomitting? will it be better>?
Hi Mich,
I always put sweets in mouth but also cannot. This congestion feeling still there and vomit out does make me feel better.

Hi cheezel,
At least eating does make you feel better and it's good. Keep eating.

sometime will feel better la....but at times will also put off with the food...i just force myself to eat so that stomach not so much of gastric juice.....i wonder if i got gastric problem anot....keep feeling hungry all the time
Gastric will not feel hungry. It is like those bloated and full feeling right? Could it be just indigestion cause food takes longer to be processed by our body now comparing to before?

dunno le...initially i feel bloated and full feeling....now is abit diff....keep feeling got lots of acid inside and when nausea will feel like the acid juice going to come out of my mouth lo.....like when hungry, something is churning inside....
I heard hunger might trigger MS. So for your case if you do eat something, you won't feel nausea?
Do you actually feel more relief after eating? I tried eating soemthing whenever I feel MS is coming but still vomit.
the thing is after eating something, will get hungry very fast leh....then the acid will make me feel so sick again like now....haiz....wll feel relief for a while nia after eating....but i no vomit la....

hopefully will get better SOON....

Yes. where is everyone? Friday maybe everyone go shopping or long lunch to enjoy liao.

I hope I can reover soon too. haiz.. You are week 11 already right?
hi hi,

yesterday dinner i ate a plate of chicken rice...then felt very very bloated........so i went to rest on bed till 10pm still bloated....then i took a piece of the orange peel, i think it sort of helps my bloatness after that....then half hour later i ate an apple, and i dun feel the bloatness liao. i think fruits may help us to digest whatever in the stomach faster?

i think 1st trimester and 3rd trimester we will feel bloated most of the time? as come 3rd trimester my gynae says baby very big inside so the food we eat digest more slowly so will feel bloated too.....

guess only 2nd trimester we have to take this chance to eat as much as we can
Hi knottsy,
Orange peel are those sour/sweet ones right?

I see people putting on 10-15 kg.. wondering if they put it all in 2nd trimester?

me now 9W6D......think its jesmine who is 11 week ba. the nurse at my gynae clinic told me not to clear my bladder when i go see gynae next wk, cos she wanna take urine test for me. suppose to take this week but i clear my bladder immediately after seeing my gynae. think is to test for protein and sugar content ba. prob soon will be going for NT scan liao.

the orange peel issit the dried orange skin>??

hmm....i have a colleague, she at 6 months gain 19 Kg....she say she just eat and eat and eat like no body business...even when she is full, she still can clear all the food on the table. wonder will the appetite really be so good in 2nd trimester.

any ladies here no suffer fr constipation?? just this morning, i go toilet 3 times to "poo poo"....dunno is it i eat too much.....or i ate something wrong??
You see quite a lot so naturally should poo poo more often but one morning 3 times like a little too much.. Did u eat a lot this morning?

You are in the same week like me. I am 9 weeks 4 days.

Any idea why must test for protein?

yesterday poo poo twice...so still normal. but today 3 times leh just in the morning. i only have my breakfast (a slice of bread with egg and a kueh) then after tat lunch time liao wor......i poo poo in between my meal. hopefully noon will not poopoo anymore. i just had a lime ice cream. hehehe....

we sme week leh....how big is ur bb? my bb at 9W2D measure 2.71cm. i also no know y must test for protein leh....i read fr other thread one.

hey ladies,
any one wanna take up antenatal class at TMC during 2nd trimester? heard that the nov class will start in the week of 20th and will last till dec/jan 07. so must hurry if want......wonder if they have sun class
hmm....read fr TMC website that upon confirmation of pregnancy at ard week 20 then can book the antenatal class........
cheezel and gal
I am here...bk at work...cos too bored at home liao....din walk alot. Just do my work at my cubicle.

Yeah, it's FRI...so cool. last time like to go shopping..now feel so tired easily.

Can I ask u ladies? My MIL makes soup for me daily....usually is Hua Qi Shen or Don Chong Cao with red dates etc. Can we actually drink it during the 1st trimester? She said cant take Dang Gui but all these ok.....just wondering if it's too BU? Thanks....
I didn't scan again in week 9. My next appointment is week 10. I will update you again then

Hi Blue
Don't know how true this is but I am asked not to drink any herbs until after 1st trimester. I heard some herbs like Dang Gui affects your hormones and expand/contract your uterus. It might lead to Miscarriage.
i also no know leh.....tat time my mil also got cook "si shen dang" and Pao Shen dang.....the si shen dang i did drink cos my mom also got make for me..but the pao shen cos my mom also no know if can drink anot cos think got diff grade type and diff grade will give diff effect...so i dare not drink too much. drank abit only when my mil made.....she say ok cos that time my hubby sis preggie, she also got drink but dunno if its in the 1st trimester anot la.

did ur mil check with the chn physician at the chn medicated hall?? dang gui is definitely no no....the rest me also no know....

i ask my mil not to make herbal soup liao cos i cant tahan the taste and also i scare too bu also.....
gal(yoji) , i thnk the urine test is for diabetes ba ? last time the nurse also give me a strip to test every time i visited the clinic . so one fine day , i asked her what is it for ...
hi gal and cheezel,

yah i took the dried orange peel, it taste sour to me....but i only took 1 piece

think sour plum also helps but i dun really like so did not take

after my first appt with the gynae, the nurse also asked me to take urine test.....i just took loh but did not ask why, she saw my urine test, then says okay only. hmmm maybe my next appt if got urine test again, i go ask

yah i heard from my colleague 2nd trimester, can eat a lot and can even go shopping........now i go shopping for a while, i backache already...think our hormones still changing....

hi blueblue,

my family doctor mentioned to me before for 1st trimester better dun take any chinese herbs...so i told my MIL and mom not to cook any chinese herbs for me for the 1st trimester as my mom also planned to cook gingseng soup for me.
Just wondering as from 2nd trimester what herbs do you think of eating? Any special herbs? Any Bird Nest?

think ginseng also cannot take.....think on the safer side...better dun take any herbal stuff.

i not very sure abt all those herbs stuff... my sil and some colleagues took those concentrated bird nest everyday fr 2nd trim to delivery. i saw my mom made those herbal black chicken soup for my sil.....and also got other herbal soup but i dunno what r those.
I heard bird nest is good as bb will have smooth and fair skin but again too much of it bb will have phlegm. Now debating if I should take everyday or not in 2nd trimester.
cheezel and gal,

oh so gingseng cannot be take for the whole of pregnancy? or only 1st trimester?

yah i heard take bird nest from 2nd trimester is good for bb complexion , dunno true anot....

some told me take "dou hua" also good for bb complexion. but i will only take after 1st trimester bah.....

my husband sis mentioned to me before, during her 3rd trimester her mil asked her to take black chicken soup too but i dunno what's the benefits for that.
hi ladies, i have not been active on this forum but i want to share with you gals not to take ginseng as it can actually cause birth defect. My gynae instructed me not to take ginseng. I actually forgot and drank some pao sheng soup, but i guess i only took alittle, so should be fine :)
4 my 1st preg, my gynae did mention no ginseng for preg mums. tink i read 'somewhere' tat it contains some form of steroid..
current preg, since day 1, gynae said avoid chinese herbs esp 1st trim. n tru'out d preg, if not sure wat herbs, then dun take.

i hate tis metallic horrid taste in my mouth too esp evening tx is worst. ribena, milo n so many types of food all taste like metal.
currently, i take golden raisins af meal to curb nausea n to 'remove' d metallic feel in d mouth. i ate 300g of raisins in almost a wk.

my update:
saw gynae on 10wks 1 day. bb is 3.59cm. gynae said is of gd size thou i hav not been eating n hav been vomiting due to bad ms. he said impt is to hav sufficinet fluid intake.
ginseng is 'ren sheng'. pao sheng, hua qi sheng all belong to the 'sheng' family. some chinese physician beileve 'i dun noe wich 'sheng'' is safe af 1st trim. but best is confirm n check w gynae.

can take those concentrated bird nest without much sugar one. not those bottled type. should be fine ba...i saw my 2 little niece all ok leh.

my mom made lots of black chicken soup for my sil when she preggie with the 1st niece...my elder niece thigh n leg veri strong....keep kicking when she baby time...now toddler....2 yrs old....like to move ard...hehe....my sil say dunno if its the black chicken soup

ginseng n pao sheng not the same ba....if u take some pao sheng should be ok ba.
ginseng n pao sheng same grp? heard fr my mom some pao sheng that r exp one....like abt $50-60 for dunno how much, notmally these kind is "bu" one. but dunno if can take anot lah.
urine test for sugar n protein. cos some preg mums develop gestational diabetes n/or pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure). both conditions nid 2 closely monitored n managed in a pregnancy.
hey sanrio,

thanks for the info!....but i didnt take any test b4 lo....gynae never say need to take....only next wk will do the urine test. after this, r we expecting NT scan at week 11-14??
will eating bbq pork meat gain more wt? this is the 1st time i heard bak kuah can curb MS....sound interesting.....

hey those 2nd time mommy to be,
just wonder how old u ladies are now when preggie with 2nd kids? and how big is the age gap??
hi cheezel,

i think since bbq pork meat is still considered meat so may gain weight i think........i also first time heard that bak kuah can curb MS but i not tried yet, only get to know today as i read from the mar 2007 mtb thread.

Although i not 2nd time mommy to be but i think nowadays seems like the kids age gap is average 2 years? from the way i seen my hubby frens whose wife got pregnant with 2nd child, their kids age gap is 2 years....even my colleague also the same, her first child is born in nov 2004 and now she just gave birth to another child in oct 2006.......my colleague now 31 years old

ya think the av age gap should prob be 2 yrs ba....have a colleague who has a 9yr old gal and get preggie. she now abt 35 ba. but another colleague who just give birth last yr, got preggie this yr...within a yr...so was just wondering the norm ba.

think the ladies here gone out to enjoy the weekends liao......its fri!!
nuchal scan abt 11wks. i last wen gyane was 10wks 4 days n he measured d bb neck thickness. he said is normal.
hi sanrio,

will be going to gynae next mon which i should be in 10W liao....gynae will measure bb? ur gynae use the normal ultrascan to measure ur bb neck thickness?? Hope my bb is doing well....cant wait to see bb next wk.

morning ladies!!

last night me merlion when i was already lying on the bed trying to sleep. couldnt get to the toilet bowl in time...merlion into the basin. in the end i choke up the basin with all the bread which i took earlier.....so gross.....in the end so hungry after the merlion.....lucky my hubby bought mac for me when he back fr his shift work......poor him....got to clear up the choked sink!
